My last chapter ever

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I left.

I am still gone.

But I got thinking about all of the open requests and things I left behind. 

So I am going to make up for that 

right here

right now.

First off is that pfp I made for @Partymangle2016 that I was unable to post until I got my school iPad back. Here you go! I know it's looooooong overdue...

Next I want to formally apologize to everyone who actually enjoyed talking to me and listening to me ramble. I'm sorry I caught you so off guard and I had no intentions of hurting anyone's feelings, some of you I may keep in touch with! Unfortunately personal stuff and school has been very tough in me and leaving was the best option. For anyone who happened to find my still active tumblr I didn't make it to avoid you. I wanted a fresh start so my parents wouldn't get suspicious. I have a VERY small amount of time I will still be online before I have to go again.

Before I do, I wanted to wrap this up by saying every single friend I have met on this website has strongly impacted me in the most positive way possible! I love your personalities and jokes and I had the best times talking with you all! I want to make it very clear that all o& you are special and wonderful people and I'm glad I was lucky enough to get to meet you! You all mean a lot to me and I will never forget everything you all have done for me! 

Farewell! Pip out!

(Ohmygod that was a big pile of emotional rambling ack sorry for that)

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