Chapter Two

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Sneasel and Jolteon flew out of the smoke, hitting the ground and tumbling backwards to a stop in front of their trainers. Jolteon got up, Sneasel struggling to get to his feet. Sneasel fell over, Sorrels eyes widening as he ran over. "Sneasel is unable to battle, Marvens wins..."Sorrel says. Marven chuckled, walking over to Alisha. "Sneasels PokeBall. Now"Marven smirked. Something punched Marven in the stomach, sending him flying down. Clobbopus glared at him, startling the trainer. "I think he's telling you 'not so fast' buddy!"Cross laughed. "S-STAY AWAY!"Marven yelled. Clobbopus came closer, Alisha staring in shock. Jolteon lunged at Clobbopus, only to earn an ice punch to the face, knocking the eeveelution unconscious.

"That's some power!"Lillie gasped. "Guess he's not as weak as you say he is huh!"Zoey grinned. "I see you have two choices, either get beat up by Clobbopus or you let Alisha keep her Sneasel and continue her journey to be a Pokemon Performer"Sorrel says walking over. Marven looked at the angry Clobbopus in front of him, looking afraid then sighed. "FINE! I NEVER WANTED A WEAK SNEASEL ANYWAY!"Marven spat. "Jolteon return!"Marven commanded. "Clob, Clobbo!"Clobbopus beamed going over to Alisha. Sneasel stared at the little Pokemon, Alisha holding him in her arms. "I think he wants to join you Alisha"Lillie beamed. "Even after all that"Alisha stared stunned. Clobbopus nodded, beaming at her. "Alright"Alisha smiled. Sorrel handed her a PokeBall, Clobbopus coming closer.

Alisha gently tapped his head with the ball, watching as he was engulfed inside, a click following. "Welcome Clobbopus"Alisha smiled releasing the pokemon. Clobbopus leaped into her arms, Sneasel grumbling a small smile on his face. Alisha laughed, hugging both pokemon a wide smile on her face. She stared at the pokemon center, looking a little afraid. "I'll take them inside"Cross insists holding his arms out. "Thanks Cross"Alisha says quietly. She passed her pokemon to him, watching Cross walk away. "You don't gotta force yourself to go steps remember"Sorrel sighed placing his hand on her shoulder. "Right, baby steps!"Alisha nodded. She stepped closer to the pokemon center, staring at it silently, before sighing and cautiously stepping inside, holding Sorrels hand.

Cross looked at her, and chuckled looking proud that she came inside. Alisha trembled, looking around silently, her eyes wide. She quickly took a seat, gently tapping her feet on the ground. Wigglytuff pushed the bed with Sneasel and Clobbopus on it away, Nurse Joy following. "They'll be fine"Sorrel promised. Alisha nodded nervously, then sighed, calming herself. She sat in the waiting room, gently patting her knees, trainers coming in with their pokemon. "Alisha Justice!"Nurse Joy smiled. Clobbopus and Sneasel ran over to Alisha, leaping into her arms. "They're as good as new and happy to see you"Nurse Joy smiled. "Thank you ma'am"Alisha says bowing her head. "Now shall we get to traveling?"Sorrel asked. "Yeah!"Alisha nodded. She perked up a Pidove landing, and handing her a note.

"I saw your battle, you did great despite loosing, practice more and you'll be a natural at it and maybe next time you'll defeat Marven"

Alisha looked around silently, blinking twice, searching for the mystery male among the people but could not spot him. "Come on Ali, we gotta get going!"Cross called beckoning to her. She hurried after them, Sneasel and Clobbopus following her. The mystery figure watched from beside the Pokemon Center, a small smile on his face before vanishing into the crowd. Alisha cheered, running into the next route, her hands in the air. "Coumarine City Showcase! Here we come!"Alisha laughed. She looked at her friends, walking through the woods, before staring to look around silently. "Hm?"Alisha blinked looking around. She returned Sneasel and Clobbopus to their pokeballs, storing them away in her backpack next to the mysterious person's hat.

"Why don't you practice when we're more towards the city, practice makes perfect right!"Lillie suggests. "Yeah, it does! I'll practice when the city is in our sights, I want everyone to see how well my pokemon perform no matter what"Alisha beamed nodding. "Ali...only she can bring out the best in people and pokemon, because that's just the way she is"Sorrel chuckled. He took a picture of Alisha's smile, his expression softening. "That's why I love her...."Sorrel mumbles continuing to follow. "Sorrel, how have your picture collecting been, what kind of Pokemon have you seen!"Alisha smiled. "I've seen all kinds of Pokemon"Sorrel responded showing her the photos. "Wow!"Alisha gasped beaming, her eyes sparkling at the sight.

Alisha looked skyward, noticing how night was falling upon them. "Lets set up camp here!"Zoey suggests stopping. "Sounds good"Cross nodded stopping as well. Alisha released her pokemon, Sneasel and Clobbopus helping set the tents up, Cross insisting on sleeping outside underneath a tree. "You sure?"Alisha asked. "It's gonna get cold, you should sleep in one of the tents"Sorrel frowned. "Fine..."Cross sighed rubbing the back of his head. The girls crawled into their tent, smiles on their faces as they quietly chatted away until they fell asleep. Alisha stayed awake, a small frown on her face. She crawled out of the tent, Sneasel and Clobbopus following behind her. She sat underneath a tree, fiddling with her fingers silently. "You alright?"

The voice made her jump, looking up to find the mystery male there, a small smile on his face. "It's you!"Alisha says. "Shhh"The male says putting a finger to his lips. She nodded, the male sitting next to her. "I'm Alisha..."Alisha says. "I'm N"The male smiled. "N?"Alisha blinked looking surprised. "I know my name is weird"N chuckled rubbing the back of his neck. "Were you the aura that I felt?"Alisha asked. "I should be asking you that question, I felt your aura waving off to me"N blinked. "Really?"Alisha blinked surprised. N stared at her, then chuckled. "You're really gullible and naive"N says looking away. "Is that an insult?"Alisha frowned. "....Is that how you see it?"N asked looking back at her. Clobbopus beamed at N, earning a welcoming smile from him.

Alisha stared at him, petting her Sneasel. "What you said about your Sneasel not hating you is true, I can feel the genuine care and protectiveness from this pokemon"N smiled. Sneasels eyes widened in alarm, N grinning at him. "Sne!"Sneasel glared as N patted him on the head. "Your pokemon love you a lot, Alisha"N comments. "I love my pokemon as well, they're like family to me"Alisha says petting Clobbopus as well now. N stared at her, then smiled warmly. He got up, getting a curious look from her. "I see you again soon"N says. "Good luck on your Showcase Performance when you reach Coumarine City"N adds walking away. "Oh, wait your hat!"Alisha gasped. She stared, N vanishing into thin air shocking her. "Where'd he go"Alisha mumbled.

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