. 𝒍𝒊𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒎𝒆 .

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What is she doing here?

"I'm sorry, I..." She stammered. "What are you doing here?" She asked once she finally realized I wasn't some random guy.

"Am I not allowed to be in my room?" I asked her back.

She looked completely shocked.
Yeah. right ...she doesn't remember.

"This is your room?" She asked. "The party downstairs is your party?"

"Well technically my parents threw the party, but yeah." I stated. Her eyes landed on my bare chest, particularly on the tattoo. She walked towards me and I could feel every bone inside my body reacting to her stare. She looks stunningly gorgeous tonight. That dress was meant for her. The first time I laid my eyes on the dress, I knew it belonged to her.

"This is a beautiful tattoo." She stated. "What is the story behind the one?" She asked, her eyes meeting mine.

This tattoo has a story related to her. This tattoo was the start of something new, something unbelievable yet beautiful.

"Okay, we are going to get inked." She screamed. She was happy tonight and I promised her, I'd do anything that she asked for. But a tattoo? She already had a few and didn't need more. But I guess the drink has played games with her head, now she is not in control of herself. She will regret this tomorrow morning.

"This is not the right time to get a tattoo." I warned her.

"Shhh." She placed her finger on my lip. "There is never the right time for anything," she looked in my eye and stated. "So you don't get to decide the right time. Whatever I say, you'll do that." She gave me an eye. I surrendered.

She trembled as she entered the tattoo shop. I had to hold her, she couldn't even walk straight. It was a terrible idea to get her drunk. She'll be fucked up tomorrow morning.

Joaquin welcomed us with a smile and called Pablo, the owner of the tattoo shop. He gave me a questioning look. She once asked me where did I get all my tattoos from, I told her about this place. Maybe she remembered it and so particularly chose this place because the artists are dope. They always have new designs for tattoos.

"She is in charge of the night. She gets to decide everything. Listen to the lady." I rolled my eyes.

"You're getting a tattoo as well." She announced.

"What, no. I already have many." I didn't want to get inked right now, not when I was under a pressure of an intoxicated girl.

"C'mon, what difference will it make? All of them are meaningless, they make no sense." She laughed. "You should get one that actually means something."

"Adding meaning to things is useless." I mumbled.

"Okay, Anti Shakespeare. We'll play a game. Think of the most important thing in your life and the first word that comes out of your mouth will be the tattoo that you'll get." She stated.

"This game is stupid." I rolled my eyes.

"Do you want to get that inked?" She asked me. "That would make one more stupid tattoo on your body."

"Why are we even getting inked?" I asked her. "You'll regret this tomorrow."

"I'll regret a lot many things in life. Let this be one of them." She passed me a smile.

"You're high." I warned her.

"Don't ruin my shine, boiiii." She sang and covered her ears. "You'll only speak now when you finally have something meaningful to say."

Pablo asked her what tattoo did she want if she has some particular design in her mind. She was trying to think of something. The way her eyes shut, her lips held together as she pouted, she really wanted this. We've come a long way in our friendship and seeing her enjoy herself is a pleasure. She has always been the one to enjoy life to the fullest. These little moments, matter the most to her. Being around her has changed a lot in me. She brings that change in me.

We decided to keep our tattoos a surprise for each other, so we got them from different artists. The one who greeted us was there to design my tattoo.

"Have you decided?" He asked.

"What should I get? She wants to play a game, the first word that comes out of my mouth will be my next tattoo. All I always say is fuck."

"Can't get that one?" He asked me.

I gave him a look. "I can't have fuck printed on my chest."

He let out a chuckle. "Play along with the girl. She'll hate you if you abandon the game. She is high as fuck and needs to be treated like a princess."

"Well, she deserves to be a princess." I mumbled, but I guess he heard that.

"You like her, don't you?"

"We are not dating, dude." I asserted.

"Who said anything about dating?" He asked me. "She likes you, you like her. So what is the problem?"

"Who said she likes me?"

"The way she is acting around you, you should know. You seem smart. You should get the signals." He winked.

"What are you even saying, dude. Just get done with this." I groaned.

"Should I write her name on your chest?" He asked.

"Do a thing..write Rest in Peace Joaquin." I hissed. "You'll need a remembrance once I kill you."

He laughed again. "Okay. We'll play the game that she said. Close your eyes and think about the most precious thing in your life. It can be a person as well."

"She asked you to say this, didn't she?" I asked him.

"Doesn't matter, lad. You asked me to listen to the lady. Now she is bossing around."

I shut my eyes. "Imagine the face of the most important person in your life." I heard him speak. All I could imagine was her face, the smiling face, laughing her heart out when she saw the video of a cat scared of cucumber, annoyed when she found out that the roller coaster ride was closed.

She is all I could think about.

"Who do you imagine?" I heard him ask.

"Her." I answered, my eyes still shut.

"Who is she?" He asked.

I know exactly the tattoo that I want. She'll be surprised to see it and maybe she gets a hint.

I explained to him how I wanted the tattoo and he seemed surprised by my idea but happy to draw it.

"Told you, man, you'll need this tattoo." He chuckled.

I scoffed and shut my eyes as he outlined my chest. I wonder what tattoo is she getting? She has had the wild idea of getting tattoos. All night, she blabbered about how she always wanted her unicorn and she found one. God knows what was she talking about. Unicorns aren't real, but the number of drinks that she had, she even had a heart to heart talk session with Jesus. She said that!

"It's done, mate." He declared. I opened my eyes and walked to the mirror. Woah. This is exactly how I wanted it.

"This is perfect, Joaquin." I shook hand with him.

"Let's see what did your girl get." He stated. My girl? I rolled my eyes and we walked to the other room.

She had her eyes shut tightly, as she held onto the edge of the chair. The lady artist, Penelope greeted us with a smile.

"Is that him?" She asked Penelope. The artist nodded. "Stay out, you don't get to see me right now."

How did she know I was there?

I stood near the door, while Joaquin walked to her and as he looked at her tattoo, he let out a chuckle. I gave him a look. He walked to me and whispered. "She is indeed amazing."

I smiled. I'm sure she must have gotten something weird. She likes odd, awkward things.

I paid Joaquin for our tattoos and wore my shirt.

Penelope declared that the tattoo was done and she asked me to shut my eyes so that she could have a look at the tattoo first. I did as she said. I heard her scream. "Oh my lovely gods, this is beautiful." Then she said she loves Penelope with all her heart at least ten times, might as well have kissed her hands.

I felt a hand on my wrist as I was dragged out of the room. "Don't open your eyes yet. This is a surprise."

"This is ridiculous, Maeve. I'll fall." I stated. Running on the sands without even looking will get us injured. "Don't get too close to the edge."

"Stop whining, Silly." I heard her scream. We finally stopped, somewhere. Her hand was no longer on mine. "Open your eyes now." She declared.

I opened my eyes and she stood in front of me, her eyes heavy and with a playful smile on her lips. She was tired, she had been drinking all evening and now she needs rest. Yet, under the light of the moon, she looked beautiful.

"Okay, now we'll show our tattoos. Are you ready?" She asked me. I nodded, my eyes still on her.

Something about her tonight is different, she is different. She is carefree, not that she wasn't before, but tonight - she really doesn't care about anything but fun. She needed this break, she deserved this break.

I took off my shirt and her eyes went wide. "Holy God, why are you blessed with such a sexy body?" She mumbled to herself as I laughed. "It makes everything hard for me. You're so hot, I can't concentrate." She shut her eyes and opened them again. "Ugh, this headache." She groaned. I held her arm to keep her steady. "I really like you, Arthur." Then she passed out in my arm.

"It is not virtuous to keep a girl waiting."

Her words brought me back from the memory. She had her eyes on me, waiting for an answer.

"It means nothing." I wore my shirt. Her being so close to me is making things hard. She shouldn't be here.

"It does mean something. Inks on the chest, they always have a meaning." She stated. She always had to find meaning to things, give them some status, some recognition.

"Inks on the chest are always a mistake," I answered, giving her a cold stare. "They remind of a memory of your life that you want to erase, but is printed in your heart, forever."

She didn't say anything, only looked in my eyes like she was trying to find an answer. "At least you remember your memories. Not everyone is blessed with that." She scoffed.

"If you remembered everything, it wouldn't bring any good to you."

"At least I would've known that you've been lying about your name."

I gave her a confusing look, what does she mean? Lying about my name?

"I thought you were the only person who was being his true self with me. Ever since I've woken up, everybody has been lying about something, keeping their secrets from me. But when I talked to you, I thought I knew you. At first, you stayed away from me, but when we talked in the church, I could finally relax that maybe you could help me with my past, I thought of you as a good person. But all this time, you lied to me." She hissed at me. Why the fuck is she angry? "You said your name was Kyle, I believed you. Well, who would lie about his name, right? But you did. Why did you lie?"

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I asked her. "I never told you my name was Kyle."

I did. I told her my story.
She knew my name was Kyle.

"You did. How else was I supposed to call you by that name?" She asked me. Does she remember that day?

"I did not lie to you. You have my book, you saw the name on the book. You implied it was my name."

I always write Kyle on the books, so she thought it was my name. There is no chance that she remembers if I ever told her my story behind the name.

"You never said the truth, you could've told me that Kyle wasn't your name."

"Why are you making a big deal out of this?" I was annoyed, she cannot blame me for something that she thought was true.

"Not knowing the name of the boy I was about to kiss when my brother found out is kind of a big deal for me." She raised her voice at me. "I made a fool out of myself."

"It is not my fault on what you imply, Alyssa. Your brain works on your command."

She rolled her eyes and huffed in annoyance. Without even looking at me, she walked out of the room. I sighed. Why have I been an asshole?

I wore my blazer and walked out of the room. I didn't stop her from calling me Kyle was because I loved the way she called me by that name. It felt like she was back to me. I thought she would remember something if she called me by the name.

"Hey, where have you been?" Jordan walked to me and asked. "Your dad is looking for you. Said you've to be there for the final dance."

"What dance?" I asked as we walked towards the hall.

"The final dance." He stated. "Your mother wants you to have this dance with Danielle."

"I'm not dancing with her." I snapped. I'm done with the shit I've received in one night. I can't deal with any more drama. I want to be alone, I need my time. Mom can't force me to dance with Danielle, I don't want to dance at all.

We walked into the hall and were called by dad. "Where have you been, son?" He asked.

"Here and around." I answered, looking for her. She must've walked back here. Why was she even in my room?

"Sir, Miss Pearson needed to go to the bathroom. I sent her to your room." Peter walked to us and stated.

"Next time you send someone in my room, you better ask me first. You don't fucking get to send any person in my room." I hissed at him.

"Son, you need to calm down. What is the matter?" Dad asked me and motioned Peter to leave. I shut my eyes and inhaled.

"Nothing dad, it's nothing."

I was about to walk away when the lights went low. What the fuck. Someone announced that we were supposed to form a line, one for the ladies and the other for the men. Then when the lights would be back on, we'll have to dance with the person who is right in front of us. What is this, a Stupid Ball Party?

I did not agree to be a part of this dance but dad forced me, he said everybody was watching us, this was our party, we had to be a part of it. These social gatherings will kill me. I finally agreed and stood next to Jordan in line. I guess I had some old man on my right because I could hear him breathe lightly.

The soft music of the song played through the halls. The light was slowly coming back, falling on each one of us, as the opposites saw their partners. I was in no mood of dancing, so whoever got to be my partner will be bored tonight.

The light fell on Jordan and his partner. It was Jamie, Alyssa's best friend. Jamie is one of the town council's daughter and she had to be here. I didn't see her until now. They got close and started dancing through the rhythm. It was that song by James Arthur, something about stars. I'm sure this would've been on the list of her favourite songs.

The light fell on me and I was blinded for a second, my eyes landed on my partner and fuck.

She stood there, not moving. I didn't move from my place as well. Jordan gestured me to walk to her, but I felt numb. This can't be happening. The old man next to me pushed me and I took a step forward. Everybody watched us, all eyes were on us. We had to take some action, make a move. Slowly, I walked to her and held my hand out for her to hold. She looked at me, then my hand, then back at me and without any emotion on her face, she placed her hand on mine.

"Oh, the prince himself." She murmured. I placed a hand on her back and she placed her hand on my shoulder. This feels like we were re-living the old days when the dance was her thing, our thing. She loved to dance, groove around to the beats of the music. She never cared if people watched her, I did care though. I didn't want her to be people's attention, not the way they watched her. She deserved appreciation, some of them watched her with pure lust. I never liked it, but she used to ignore it at times.

"What if we rewrite the stars?
Say you were made to be mine."

"My brain is not in my command. I don't know what is the truth anymore." She whispered. "So when Landon told me your real name, I felt betrayed. Not by you, but by myself. Because right now anything that I see or hear, becomes the truth for me. I don't know if this is real or not, but I want to be real, I don't want to live in a fake world created by people around me."

The music meant nothing to me, I was just listening to her. She needed to talk, she needed someone to listen. I didn't care about anything else at the moment, I only care about her.

"The world is not fake, this place is real. You're living in your imaginary world for now, because that is the only cure for you." I stated. I don't want to say anything that annoys her. I want this dance to be ours, I want this moment to be ours.

"I want the real world now, the truth. Even if it is harsh, even if the reality is bad for me, I want to know." She looked in my eyes as well as continued dancing. I touched the tattoo on her wrist. It was lily with "Aura" written in a cursive font. I remember she got this tattoo in Bali with Aurora. They had matching tattoos, just the nicknames were different.

"This tattoo is my favourite. Aurora loved the design. She loves lilies and so I got them." She explained. She thinks I don't know about this, but I do. I know everything about her and Aurora.

I twirled her and she moved to the next person on the line. He was the same old man who pushed me to dance with her. She passed him a smile and they started dancing. I felt a hand on mine, a lady smiling at me. I placed my hand on her back and as we danced my eyes landed back on her, dancing with the old man, as if she was enjoying her time.

"A beautiful girl like her should be dancing with a handsome man like you." The lady stated. I passed a smile. "She was my partner in the beginning."

"I watched you both dance. You remind me so much of your parents from their young days." She asserted. "Such a beautiful couple, so in love, they deserved to be with each other."

I smiled. I had nothing to say. Maybe they deserved to be together, but I don't know what is my story with Alyssa. We are a mess and messed up people don't compliment each other.

You're going to wake up and see that it was hopeless after all.

Whatever I had with her, cannot be hopeless. We had things in common, we were so much alike, yet such different personalities from each other. I might wake up and not be with her, but it cannot be hopeless. What if we get to rewrite everything? What if the stars align and be in our favour? But that can't happen, not after everything that we've been through. I can not say the truth, I don't want to lie though. Nothing is in my hand, I'm in fact hopeless.

Why don't we rewrite the stars?
Changing the world to be ours.

I looked at her yet again, she had her eyes on me as well. When our eyes met, she passed me a smile.

"She adores you." The lady stated.

"She doesn't know me."

"You're wrong, son. She doesn't remember you." She reminded me. I gave her a confused look.

"You thought I don't know about her?" She asked me. "I loved the girl and her sister. Such sweethearts. Too bad Aurora.."

"Alyssa doesn't remember, let it be that way. It is for her good health." I declared.

"I know child, I know. I want Alyssa to be happy, to be normal. I know the truth and I will keep it a secret, just like the rest of the town."

I nodded. Alyssa doesn't have to know. She can never cope with the truth, it will kill her.

The song ended and another started playing. I twirled the lady this time and now I had Danielle as my partner. Ugh. She passed the fakest smile and I rolled my eyes. She placed her hands around my shoulder and leaned onto me. She was desperate.

"Why are you here, Danielle?" I asked her, as she enjoyed dancing with me but every second with her was torture.

"Why would you even ask that. Our parents are friends. This is an official party..."

"Cut the crap. I know that stuff." I hissed.

"I'm here because..." She buried her face under my neck, and then pulled back. "Your mother is looking for a companion for you."

"I'll never let that happen. I don't need a partner, especially not you." I sighed. "I don't understand why would mum even choose you. I mean.."

"I'm not her choice." She muttered, trying to adjust her hair in order to avoid an eye contact with me. I gave her a confused look. If not her, then who? I mean, all this evening mum wanted me to spend time with Danielle. That could only mean one thing, mom's plan.

Why the fuck would I even consider finding a partner. I'm just twenty years old and I don't need to get settled. She cannot force me into marriage.

"It's Josephine."

Fuck. What.

"Well according to your mother, Josie is the best-suited girl for you." She rolled her eyes. "I don't know what she sees in her and not in me. I should be the one, not her." She groaned. "Josie is not even here. She knows nothing about this arrangement. I'm here, we've had a past. You never even liked Josephine."

"We are just good friends. I cannot be with her." Words came out as a lost statement. I haven't seen Josephine since two years. She left the town when we graduated from high school. Why would mom even consider her as my partner? We were just friends, never more. She knows about my past with Danielle. Did she agree to this?

"Josie doesn't know about this. She would never agree to this. You guys were only friends. You and I, we were together. I'm supposed to be your partner, we had a history."

"Exactly, Danielle." I pulled out her hand from my neck and stepped a foot back from her. "We had a history. It can't be done again. We both know your secret, I don't even like you." I stated. "Well, at least mom made the right choice. She chose the better sibling."

"Shut up. Josie and you can never be together." She hissed. The anger in her eyes was clearly the frustration of her situation.

"She is your sister, Danielle. You should be happy for her." I winked. She rolled her eyes.

"You're being a dick. How will you spend your whole life with my sister, when you don't even have feelings for her?"

"At least she is my friend," I expressed. "And straight." I let out a chuckle. "It would be easier than being with you." I stepped back and left the dance area. She just stood there, cursing me for whatever her reasons were.

I walked to the bar area and asked for a Lime Soda. I need to get my mind cleared off everything. How could mom even consider my relationship with Josephine? This cannot happen, I'd never let this happen.

The music stopped and everybody paused at their places. The lights were back to normal and now everybody could see each other.

"Miss Pearson?" We heard a call. Sheriff Reynolds walked in the hall, dressed in his formal attire. I thought he was on official leave for investigating some case, that was why he did not come to the formal party. What is he doing here, then?

He walked to her and she was confused. What would a sheriff need from me? She must've thought. Her father walked to her and so did her best friend.

"You will have to come with us to the police station." He declared. She was shocked, completely stunned.

Her dad tried to talk, to amend things so that she doesn't have to know. "What is the matter, Sheriff?"

"You and I, we both know what is this all about, Mr. Pearson. I'd ask you to co-operate with us." The sheriff warned her father. She held his arm.

"What is happening, dad?" She asked. Everybody was in complete shock. Some knew exactly why she was called to the station, some were as clueless as her.

I walked to them and before I could say anything, mum held my hand and asked me to remain quiet.

"We have a warrant against Miss. Pearson. This is an official matter of discussion now." Sheriff stated. The whole hall went dead silent.

What the actual fuck.
How is this even possible.

No, no.
This can't be happening.

"You're not taking my daughter anywhere. This is not a valid case. We've told you everything. You know about her health. This warrant cannot be issued."

"You don't get to teach us the laws, Mr. Pearson. We know our duty and we understand the situation of Miss. Pearson, but the official rules have to be followed. We're only taking her for initial interrogation."

"What do you mean by initial interrogation. She is not going anywhere." Jamie stated, standing up for her best friend.

"Sheriff, we can settle this situation down. Let's talk about this first." Mr. Adkins, member of town council spoke.

"We have an Interrogation warrant. We are only asking Miss. Pearson to join us to the station for some questioning." The officer stated. "We had court orders to wait until Miss. Pearson wakes up and is in a healthy state of mind. Now that she is back at attending parties, I'm sure she is well enough to answer some questions."

Sheriff Reynolds cannot be sarcastic at this moment. Why is he even here? How is there any official case?

"You're not taking her anywhere." Mr. Pearson declared. "I'm her father and I won't let you interrogate her. This warrant is a lie. This is a plot against us."

"She will have to come to the police station. If not today, tomorrow seems perfectly fine for the interrogation. You've received the warrant, you cannot act against the law." Sheriff Reynolds stated.

"Sir, please. This is not the right time to take her to the station. Please understand." Jamie begged the officer. "We will follow the court orders, but let us have our time with her. She has just woken up from an accident and all of this is too much for her to handle. She doesn't know a thing. Please, Sir."

"All Right. We'll let you have the night. She'll have to remain present in the station tomorrow." He gave his final words. Jamie and her father nodded. Sheriff Reynolds left the hall.

Mr. Pearson took her hand and started walking towards the exit of the hall. "You've broken my trust, Jay." Was the only thing that he could say. There was defeat in his eyes, he was about to give up, but he remained strong for his daughter.

She was not even in the condition to understand anything. Everything was a shock to her. What was she even supposed to know? She remembers nothing. This official statement, the warrant, everything was kept a secret from her and now all of the sudden, she was asked to be present in the station, there was a warrant against her and she knows nothing about it.

"Alyssa..." I called out, as she left the hall with her dad. I pulled my hand from mum's grip and rushed to follow her.

"Don't." Her best friend stood in front of me, warning me to stop. "Stay away from her." Neil hissed, every word coming out as a warning, a threat. He walked out along with Jamie and her mother. The other guests started leaving at well, knowing the situation right now.

"You did this." I turned to mom and snapped. "I know you fucking did this." All the anger in me took the charge and started blaming the one's who actually were responsible for this.

"What the fuck is wrong with you. Why did you do this? Why tonight, why in front of everyone." I need my answers, I want to know why mum pulled out this stunt.

"Don't you dare talk to me in that manner." Mom warned me.

"You fucked this up. We promised them we won't press charges against her."

"I did not promise anything. You and your father made amends with them. I was firm since that night. I want justice for what happened and that girl will have to pay for the crime."

"Mom..." I felt defeated, once again. How do I make her understand that whatever happened was not in Alyssa's hand to act upon? "She did not commit any crime. It was an accident."

"It was a case of her reckless behaviour. It was not an accident. A life was taken that night. We've endured so much pain, we have lost our dear one. I will take her to the court and get justice."

"Rebekah, we agreed that we would think about this. Why did you do that?" Dad asked her.

"You knew about this?" I asked him. He placed his hand on my shoulder. "Son, this had to be done legally. We cannot work against the laws."

"You promised me, you fucking gave your word. We talked about this, dad." I dropped his hand from my shoulder and took a step back.

"Aunt Rebekah is right. Whatever happened, a crime was committed and the responsible person will have to pay for it."

"Shut the fuck up Zoey. I don't want to hear a word from you." I warned her. "You stay the fuck out of this."

"Stop it." Aunt Camille shouted. "Shut up, all of you. Do you have any idea what have we done?"

"Camille, whatever Rebekah did was the right thing to do." Uncle Joseph stood up with mom. I was sure he would do that. They've always agreed to the same things.

"Now was not the right time. The girl herself has been through a lot. She doesn't even remember anything. What was she going to answer in the interrogation." Aunt Camille stated. She has always liked Alyssa, but even after everything, I thought she'd be on mom's side. "Yeah, I agree that this has to work according to the laws, but we should give them the benefit of doubt for the time being. Let the girl recover. This will only weaken our case. They'll prove that the girl is going through trauma and remembers nothing. We'll have nothing to argue."

I was wrong, she is on mom's side. Everybody wants her to suffer, but nobody is ready to find the actual truth. I'm sure something more happened that night at that place. I have to find out.

"That girl is lying. She is completely using this opportunity to save herself from the crime." Mom howled.

I picked up a chair and threw it on the floor. I was angered on myself. I should've known my parents would do something like this. I should've known better.

I stormed out of the hall and tried calling Alyssa. I have to talk to her. She'll need me right now. But I cannot be around her, her dad would never let me. Neil would never let me be with her. Her friends already hate me, her brother was never a fan of mine. I'm fucked up.

I wish I had known about their plan, I would've saved her at any cost. She doesn't need to go through all of this. The interrogation, the set up against her is of no use. How will she even co-operate when she knows nothing about what is going on.

I ran to my backyard house and shut the door. I breathed heavily. What have I done. I've fucked up. I broke my promise, I fucking messed up.

I need her right now, I need her with me. She needs me too. She has always wanted me to be with her at times of difficulty.

Not after what you've done to her.
My subconscious warned me.

I walked to the study room and tried to search for anything that could help me solve the mystery of that night. There must be something, I need to find a clue.

This is not my fault. I never wanted this. I needed the truth, but I didn't want to hurt her.

You hate her, you want her to pay for her sins.

No, I don't.

You want her to suffer the same way that you did. You want her to feel the pain.



Hello everyone.
I hope you all are doing fine.

So, "DIL BECHARA" released on OTT platform "Hotstar". I request you all to watch the movie, for SUSHANT SINGH RAJPUT. This movie was his last movie, we have to show the love towards the movie. It is a Bollywood version of The Fault in our Stars. His acting is top-notch, all the cute little moments will make you cry. Support his movie for one last time. Even IMBD shows it as the highest-ranked movie of all times.

Show your love and support to DIL BECHARA.

Also, dedicating the chapter to Bhuvee_xoxo for being such amazing reader and for all the votes and the comments. Love you. ❤


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