. 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒚 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒖𝒔 .

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Have you ever spent each second of your life in heartbreaks? Every moment passing brought you another death. Your soul's nothing but a walking corpse?

Alyssa was feeling it.
Arthur was dealing with the same.
Zoey was fighting her demons.
Landon had a lot to lose.

The four of them felt the same feelings - all varied as per their emotions. All had a lot to lose, most - Alyssa and Arthur. Because everything that Zoey and Landon had lost, could never return. They only had their grief to deal with.

It was Christmas eve. The world was celebrating the birthday of Jesus, the holidays brought happiness and joy in the lives of people. But the four of them had nothing to celebrate. Landon had the memories and the present trauma to fight, Zoey was fighting hard against the world, to prove her stand. Arthur had already lost so much that he did not care about anything that was left. Alyssa - well, she was just a body now - with no soul. She had no energy to fight, to stand up for the truth, to even consider looking around her and wondering what her life was now.

"You don't come back in our lives and fuck it up with your ideas, mom." Landon sneered at his mother, who decided to pay a visit after hearing about Alyssa's accident. Keith wasn't bothered about her arrival, he was only worried if she would do something to hurt Alyssa.

"This is the only way, Miles."

"Stop calling me that. You don't fucking get to call me Miles." Landon was angered at her. She wasn't here when Alyssa needed a mother, why would she come back tonight as if she cared about her daughter the most in the world.

Nicole's eyes narrowed, she knew she had lost a lot by playing the villain in her children's lives, but she wanted to amend things.

"Landon, I think you should hear your mother." Keith declared. Karen stood by the kitchen door.

"And do what, exactly?" Landon turned to his father. "Did she ever listen to what we had to say? Where was she these five years? Why is she returning now like all these years never happened?" He wasn't even looking at his mother. She had tears in her eyes.

"She is your mother, Landon."

He rolled his eyes. "Yeah, right. If only labels gave meaning to the emotions. Mothers don't leave their children. Alyssa was right, all she ever cared was about Aurora and only her. She never even tried to understand me or Alyssa. We both were nothing."

His dad placed a hand on his shoulder. Deep down he knew his son was right. Nicole opened her mouth to protest, but he stopped her.

"You know what - you prove it tonight as well. You've returned only because Aurora used to call you on Christmas. It is only because she loved this holiday. Do you not remember how we spent our last Christmas?" He questioned her. "Where were you last year, mom?"

"You know it was hard -"

"Hard?" He scoffed. "What was exactly hard for you? Huh?"

"Don't you dare -"

"No, you don't fucking dare give me that eye, mother." The anger in his eyes was evident that he wasn't in the mood to even talk shit about anything. "It was hard for me, for dad, for Alyssa. Do you have any idea what she was going through?" He walked to his mother and looked her in the eyes. "Where were you when Alyssa needed you?"

"Landon, that's enough -"

"You stay out of this." Nicole warned Karen with teary eyes.

"No, she fucking won't. Karen has all the rights to be a part of this conversation."

"She is not your mother." Nicole wiped away her tears and warned Landon.

"She is the only woman in our life who understands the meaning of being a mother." Landon stood up for Karen. Alyssa would've done the same. "Karen was there for Alyssa when she woke up from the coma. She was there when Alyssa had those sleepless nights. Karen is the one who loves Alyssa as a mother would."

Nicole's eyes went wide. She hated Karen at the moment. She knew how much Karen has helped Alyssa, but taking her place - Nicole would never let that happen.

"Karen hasn't lost anything."

"Have you though?" Landon asked. "You only showed up one day, mom. Yes, Karen wasn't there in the past, but ever since Alyssa woke up, she has been there. So stop blaming others while you failed to be a good mother."

Keith grabbed Nicole by her arm before she could do or say something that would lead to more misunderstanding. Alyssa had always asked her brother why would he deal with his mother's crap and he had no answer. Just like Alyssa, he longed for his mother's love as well. He already decided to give up on Nicole when she left Alyssa that night but in these four years, he could never go back to being his mother's son.

"I think you should leave, Nicole."

"I'm not going anywhere." She pulled her arm back from her ex-husband's grip. "You've poisoned their thoughts, you've made them go against me." She was ready to push him away from her. "Yes, I cheated on you, because I stopped loving you, Keith. You knew that too. Alyssa wasn't supposed to be there that night. None of it would've happened if she hadn't seen anything. You ruined it all for me."

"What the fuck."

The four turned back to find Alyssa standing by the staircase, her hand holding the wooden stair to stand still as a tear dropped down her eyes. She took a step forward and there was horror in her eyes.

"So, according to you - if I hadn't seen anything that night, you would've continued to cheat on dad?" She asked, not being able to understand a word that her mother said. "You would've continued to fuck us up?"

Nicole shook her head, shocked. "No baby. I -"

"SHUT UP." Alyssa shut her eyes and yelled. "You fucked up our family and yet you stand here blaming me and dad?"

"Alyssa -"

"No Landon, we've had enough of this woman. She might've given birth to three kids, but she only had one child. Two of us, we meant nothing to her. Yet, she stands here - ready to fuck our lives yet again."

Karen grabbed Alyssa's arm.

"Why is she here?" Alyssa asked her. Karen couldn't say anything. "Oh right, Christmas. The favourite festival of her precious daughter. You've come to celebrate, right?" Alyssa walked towards her mother, leaving no space between them. "You think we have anything left to celebrate this year? Don't you know mom, I killed a person. I fucking murdered someone and all you want is to have a family dinner together?"

Landon stood there, his eyes teary as he heard the pain in his sister's voice.

"Where is your family huh?" She grabbed her mother's arm. She didn't care if she hurt her, the sudden urge to confront her mother gave her the energy. "Your new husband, his son - most importantly, where is your daughter?"

Landon and Keith looked at each other, worried. Karen walked to her to stop her, but Alyssa warned her to stay out of it.

"Where the fuck is Aurora, huh?" The confusion, the anger in her eyes worried everyone present in the room. She dropped her mother's arm and took a step back. "I always knew she would go after you. You left us and never returned and look - she took off to study abroad and never came back. Not even when her sister was on her death bed, not when her sister needed her the most."

Alyssa's vision blurred with all the tears in her eyes. She trembled when Karen held her. She looked at Karen and let out a cry. "And the worst part is - she is a liar, just like her mother. She fucking lied, she is living a fake life somewhere and all this time I believed she was in Australia."

"What -"

"Remember this, dad?" Alyssa showed him the paper that was in her hand. "This came in that day, right?"

Keith walked to her to take the paper away from her hand, but she pulled her hand back.

"She is not in Australia. She lied. The university says she left last year and all her belongings have been sent back to you. So where is she exactly?" She asked her father and brother. "It clearly says they are saddened Aurora cannot graduate this year. Why the fuck would she lie? What about those emails that she sent me? Those letters and postcards, where the fuck is she?" She yelled, not particularly on anyone. This morning, she remembered she took an envelope that night. It was in her purse and while she read it, she couldn't believe her eyes. Aurora had lied to them. Maybe that was why her father didn't want her to read the letter. The University said they've done the procedure of repayment of her last year and they were saddened that a bright student like Aurora would leave them.

What is all this?
Where is Aurora?
Did dad and Landon know before this envelope arrived?
Why is she lying?
Why isn't she coming home then?

All these thoughts made her believe that her sister might've abandoned her family and fled away. Alyssa was trying so hard to recall something, anything that could back her with the theory that something must've happened between Aurora and her family that made Aurora leave and not communicate.

"She - Aurora, she promised me she would never leave me. She promised that after what mom did to us. Then why did she break her promise? Do I not mean anything to her? Can she not see what I'm going through?"

Karen ruffled her hair as she took Alyssa in her arms. Karen's heart was breaking as well, she didn't want Alyssa to be like that.

"I hate her, I fucking hate her. She doesn't care about anyone, not me - not Landon, not even dad. She is just like her mother, a selfish woman. I hate her and I promise, I will never see her face ever again. Even now if she returns, I wouldn't give two fucks about it. I'm done with Aurora. I don't fucking care about her anymore."

"Shut the fuck up." Nicole hissed at Alyssa. The whole room went dead silent. The anger in Nicole's eyes alerted Landon and Keith. "FUCKING SHUT UP."

Keith begged Nicole to calm down, but she only gave him a dead eye. Tears rolled down her eyes as she wiped them away and looked straight into Alyssa's eyes.

"You think you met with an accident, ao it gives you the privilege to talk shit about others?" At the moment, Nicole didn't care if her words hurt her daughter. "Wake up Alyssa, open your god damn eyes. When was the last time that you saw Aurora, huh?"

Her question baffled Alyssa.

"Stop it, Nicole."

Keith's warning did not stop her.

"You don't remember, right?" She asked, walking back to her daughter who stood there shocked by her mother's sudden change in behaviour. It was like Alyssa had awakened some emotions in Nicole that she was trying hard to control. "Let me tell you when was the last time you saw her."

"Mom, no -"

"Nicole, stop it."

"Please, don't."

Landon, Keith and Karen begged her to shut her mouth before it was too late, but Nicole was in no mood to take any more anger or confusion of Alyssa. She wanted her to know what the real world around her was.

"You all - for how long are you going to keep her in the dark, huh?" She asked them. Alyssa looked at them confused.

"What is going on?"

"Alyssa, go to your room." Keith declared.

"She is not going anywhere." Nicole grabbed her wrist and warned Keith. "This newfound hatred that she has for her sister, does she have any idea how fucked we are right now?"

Then she turned back to Alyssa who still had her eyes on Nicole's hand tightened around her wrist. Then Nicole dragged Alyssa upstairs, she didn't resist or protest, she was in no state to understand anything. The other three followed her, asking her to stop before it was too late.

Nicole dragged her towards that one room that was always shut. Alyssa never cared of peeking into it, because she assumed it was filled with her father's work files. Opening the door of the room, they both coughed as dirt escaped from the entrance. It wasn't a storage of files room. It was one whole room with a bed and cupboards. Alyssa never knew about it. The whole room was covered in dirt like it wasn't cleaned for months.

Nicole entered the room and so did Alyssa. She let go of her daughter's hand and walked towards the cupboard. Opening it, she took out a huge box and placed it on the bed.

The other three entered the room and Landon rushed to his mother to stop her. He placed his hand on her arm and tried to drag her out of the room, but she pushed him away.

Nicole took out a file and shoved it in front of Alyssa. Before Keith could take the file away, Alyssa grabbed it in her hand and looked at the cover.

Pinevale Medical Centre

As she opened the file, the name of the patient shook her to the core, she stumbled and blinked, as she couldn't believe her eyes.

Aurora Sylvie Pearson

Before she could understand anything, Nicole took the file away from her hand and placed another paper.

As soon as Alyssa read the title of the document, it fell on the floor from her hand and she stood there, not moving at all. She didn't blink her eyes, she stopped breathing. Everything around her moved in slow motion, as she tried taking a hold of her life. With every passing second, her head ached, as she was unable to process whatever she read.

She collapsed on the floor with a loud thud, worrying everyone in the room. Landon rushed to her to hold her, she pushed him away. A tear rolled down her eye, she refused to blink as her eyes were still on the document. She let out a loud cry that pierced through the room, shocking the rest of the four, as she screamed.


Taking the document in her hand again, she tried concentrating on the words to check if whatever she read was just an illusion. Tears made her vision hazy.

Certificate of Death

Her hand trembled, heart pounded loud enough to alert the other four. Landon again tried holding her, tears ran down his eyes as well. The worst nightmare of his life was right in front of his eyes and he was unable to process it. Keith tried holding both his children, as he was cried along with them. Nicole's hysterical cries filled the dead silence of the room, she still had her eyes on her daughter who had no senses left in her.

"You wanted to know where Aurora is, right?" The pain in Nicole's voice filled the void of the silence in the room. "You had it all to blame your elder sister, not even knowing that Aurora - my baby -"

Then she let out a cry, Karen walking to hold her as she was falling weak on her knees. Nicole did not push Karen away this time.

Alyssa shut her eyes, not wanting to see the face of her mother who just left the words unsaid for a hundred pieces to break from Alyssa's heart.

"NO." She screamed and opened her eyes again, gasping as she struggled to accept the truth of her life. Landon made a tight hold on his sister as she tried breaking through. "No, Aurora." Every scream broke Landon and Keith's hearts. The only thing that they did not want was happening right in front of them.

After a minute, Landon could not feel her moving. When he opened his teary eyes, he found her passed out in his arm. Panicked, he tried waking her up. "Ally. Ally, open your eyes, Ally." This alerted the other three. Landon checked her pulse and his breath hitched.

"There's no pulse."

Keith tried taking measurements of her pulse through her neck and his eyes widened. "Fuck, call 911."

Nicole's cries came out louder and Karen dropped Nicole's hand when she heard those words.

"Karen, call 911. She's not breathing."

Landon didn't want to wait for the paramedics to arrive. Instead, he picked her up carefully and rushed out of the room. The elders walked after him. Keith rushed out of the house first and opened the car's door for Landon to place Alyssa's unconscious body in the back. Karen took the seat next to her, placing Alyssa's head on her lap while she rubbed her palm.

"Please sweetheart, don't do this to us. Stay with us."

Nicole stepped in from the other side while Landon and Keith took the front seats. Landon's hand trembled while he started driving. Keith called Brett and asked him to rush to the hospital.

As Landon couldn't concentrate on the road, Keith placed a hand on his son's shoulder. "Focus, son. It will be all right."

Landon did not respond as he was in no state to understand anything. The only thing that mattered at the moment was his sister's health and even the thought of losing her scared him.

They arrived at the hospital which was decorated with a few lights in the celebration of Christmas and Brett was already there. The four of them stepped out of the car and Landon rushes to pick up Alyssa. They even left the car unattended and rushed towards the entry. The receptionist saw them and immediately called out for a stretcher.

"Call the doctor. She is not breathing. Call someone."


"Do something."

All the narratives were yelled at and screamed in the hallway while she was taken to the ICU. The doctor arrived within a minute and asked them all to wait outside. Whatever was going inside, the five of them in the hallway were experiencing heartaches in various forms.

Landon clenched his fist and threw a punch at the wall, letting out a silent cry. Brett tried controlling him but it was of no use. Landon's emotions were all over the place.

"If anything happens to Alyssa, it'll on you." He looked straight into his mother's eyes and declared it without hesitation. "You brought this on her, you'll be liable for it."

She started crying again. Karen paced back and forth, praying for Alyssa. Keith was seated on the metal chair, not even blinking his eyes.

After what felt like forever, the doctor walked out of the ICU. He took off his gloves and met the family. They all looked at him with some hope and more fear.

"The patient is okay now. It was an episode of Seizure. Did not look like the first time."

"She has experienced Seizures in the past as well." Brett declared. "But it never led to this."

"The pressure on her brain was severe, it led to tightness in her chest and due to shortness in inhaling due to any caused panic attack, she lost her ability to breathe." The doctor explained. "But she is out of danger. Any delay in arriving here would've caused a lot more damage. For now, I've kept her on watch as glucose is transmitted to her. Till then, I'll need to check on her medical history."

All of them gave each other a confused look.

"This wasn't a normal seizure. If this has happened today, it might occur in the future as well. There is a possibility of weakening her heart and nervous system. I'll have to take a deeper look into her case. Only then can I suggest any further assistance."

"She is suffering from Retrograde Amnesia. Almost a year ago, she met with an accident and lost her memories from the past four years. She was in a coma for three months and after she woke up, she had only two seizures, but none serious as this one." Landon explained.

"Whatever caused it today, must've put a lot of pressure on her nerve system." Doctor answered. "Anyway, bring me all the necessary medical reports and let me guide you only after that."

He patted Landon's shoulder and passed an assuring smile to the family.

"When will she wake up?" Karen asked.

"Once the effect of the medicines descends." He stated. "This is a holiday evening, I ask all of you to go home and come back once she wakes up. One of you can stay."

They nodded and the doctor left. Keith walked to the door of the room and unlocked it. Inside was his daughter, sleeping on the bed, with an IV attached to her hand. A tear escaped his eyes as she shut the door behind him and took a deep breath.

"We almost lost her today." He mumbled under his breath. Those five words send shivers down the spines of the rest. "I almost lost my daughter." The realisation hit him and before he could collapse on the floor, Brett held him up.

Landon asked Brett to take everyone home and come back later with her medical reports. Once they left, Landon ran his hand through his hair. Whatever happened in the past few hours had changed everything for them from now on. Alyssa's thoughts sickened him as he was unable to bear the thought of anything happening to her.

The image of her crying in his chest played in his head as his heart ached with every passing second. He felt like his sister was not with him, he felt alone at the moment.


On the other side of the town, one lone boy was suffering in isolation as well. There was nothing left for him to celebrate. After what he had learnt two days back, he did not have a single second of relief. When he returned home, he was in so much terror, that he failed to understand his feelings and shattered the glass pieces placed in the entrance of the house. Being alone in the house gave him the privacy to take out his emotions and react upon the same. Collapsing on the floor, he let out a loud cry.

He didn't even realize when night turned into another morning and he just continued sitting there, staring at the white walls of his house.

It's been two days and he hasn't left the house. His parents visited him, but he refused to meet them. He only allowed his maid to enter the house and leave once the work was done. She did prepare food for him, which was left untouched. He hadn't eaten in two days. Even Jordan tried visiting him, but he shut his friend out as well. Zoey tried contacting him. No one dared to tell her the truth about what Danielle did that night. Everyone knew what effect this might bring on Zoey and so they wanted to keep her away from the drama, they were also indirectly trying to save Alyssa.

It was Christmas Eve and like every year, his family was supposed to have dinner together. Every year, no matter whatever business work or however busy one was, they would always come back home for Christmas. He wasn't much hyped about Holidays and Festivals, but he enjoyed the time with his family. This year, none of it was happening. His parents did organize a small gathering but he refused to be a part of it. He did not care at this point what people might assume or think about him. He did not care anymore.

There was a knock on the door. It was evening time and the knocks continued. Leaving his room, he walked to the door. Opening it, he found his friend standing at the door, his emotions visible on his face, he was worried.

"The cops found something." He declared. This alerted him. Jordan walked inside the house and ran his hand through his hair. "A clue or something. It's important."

"What is it?" He could not contain his impatient heart.

"Some clips from the original CCTV footage are missing. The cops think someone is trying to manipulate the case."

"What. Who would do that?"

"I heard through a grapevine that the cops think it's someone from the Pearson family." Jordan claimed.

"What the fuck, no." He couldn't believe a word that his friend said. "Why would someone from the family do that?"

Jordan shrugged. "Think about it. What if Uncle Keith or Landon tried to erase some clips to save Alyssa?"

"Fuck it, Jordan. It was an accident. If the Pearsons tried that, it would only make things harder for Alyssa. They would never do that. I know she is innocent."

"Arthur," Jordan placed a hand on his worried friend's shoulder. "Do you really believe whatever happened that night was a mere accident?"

He gave his friend a confused look.

"Think about it. The cops have repeatedly failed to find any clue. It's been more than ten months now. Is there any progress in the case? NO. What if the Pearsons are manipulating the case? That is why they still haven't taken any action against Alyssa."

"That is because of her health." He tried saving her.

"Which works best as an excuse."

"But why would the Pearson's do that?" He could not understand a thing.

"Okay listen, let's believe that the night was an accident, but what if they're doing this to save Alyssa? You know all about the past of the family. You know what they are capable of."

"No, don't you fucking dare, Jordan." He warned him. "Don't go there. It was a different case. That had nothing to do with Alyssa's accident. They aren't capable of any such actions."

Jordan sighed. He knew his friend wouldn't believe a thing.

"Since when are you against Alyssa?" Arthur was confused.

"I've nothing against her, Arth. She is my friend. But don't forget what happened that night. She knows the truth now. The only problem is that she doesn't remember it. We can take her to the place and maybe that might bring some memories back from that night?"

"Are you fucking kidding me?" The anger in his voice was evident. "Haven't we all caused her enough trauma? Hasn't she already been through a lot? Taking her to that place will not help with anything."

"When will you stop trying to save her?" Jordan asked. "It has been enough, Arthur. In her worries and problems, you fail to acknowledge your problems, your issues. Are they not related to her?"

"Exactly. She is related to me, Jordan. If anything happens to her, you know I'll not be able to bear it."

"Enough of this shit, Asshole." Jordan raised his voice. "Zoey is right, I believe. You've shut your emotions out. You don't feel anything for anyone else. If anyone matters to you the most, it's Alyssa. Even after everything that you've been I'm through, you still fail to see your pain." He sighed. "You're my best friend, I can't see you like this, Arth."

"Where is that friend who stood by me in all my decisions? Where is that friend who till yesterday, did not doubt on Alyssa? Where is that friend who knows what I'm going through and why I'm dealing with all of this?"

Jordan opened his mouth to speak, but words failed to fall out.

"I don't ask you to stick with me. You can leave, anytime. But please, just leave me alone. I've had enough with life and I don't fucking care to entertain it anymore. Let me be as I'm." He stepped away from Jordan and picking the vase placed next to the couch, threw it on the floor, shattering it into hundred pieces and worrying Jordan.

"I don't fucking care about the case anymore, Jordan." He collapsed on the floor. Jordan rushed to him and tried calming him. "I'm so done with everything. I just want this all to end. Everyone is so busy blaming one another, that we fail to see how much have we lost in the last year." He took a breath. "I want this pain to wash away, it has been on me for a long time and I've no strength left in me anymore."


"You're here, finally."

In front of her stood her elder sister in a white gown, his skin shining brighter under the sun. It wasn't her normal skin, something was different. She was glowing. It wasn't a human form. The surrounding was heavenly. It felt like she was standing on clouds. She felt cold there.

Her sister ran to her and embraced her in a long hug, the one she never wanted to let go of.

"I missed you, baby." She planted a hundred kisses on her.


Her name came out as a lost word from the ancient world. She couldn't believe her eyes. She touched her again to check if she wasn't dreaming.

"Where am I? What is this place, where are we? What are you doing here?"

Everything confused her.

"We've finally re-united, Alyssa. I've missed you so bad. I've been waiting for you. It's been so long. This place is nothing like earth, baby. This place is heaven. We can finally be happy here. No more pain and sorrow, no more heartbreaks and everything. We can be at peace."

Alyssa looked around. Everything was either white or silver. There was no one around, but it felt good to be here. She felt she could finally breathe. It felt fresh. She was experiencing joy like being re-born.

She took Aurora's hand in her and a tear escaped her eyes, falling on their intertwined hands.

"There is no place for tears here, Alora. We can finally be happy. Just take a deep breath, see how calm it is here. This is what you needed right?"

She nodded. She couldn't feel her body. It felt like a huge weight had been taken off.

"You can finally be your soul, nothing can hurt you here. This place is our home now."

"I missed you, Aura." She took her elder sister in her arms and shut her eyes, crying. As she opened her eyes, they went wide with what she saw in front of her. There stood Hope Coleman, in a white dress, covered with blood, looking directly at Alyssa with no expression on her face.

Panicked, she pulled back from the hug and stepped away from Aurora.

"What - she - Hope." She couldn't believe her eyes. She looked at her palms and they were covered with blood as well. Her breath hitched and she shut her eyes.

With heavy breaths, she opened her eyes again, only to find Hope so close to her that she almost trembled and fell on the floor. A smirk appeared on Hope's lips and Alyssa let out a scream as she started falling from the sky. She couldn't feel the ground under her feet and it felt like she was taken to a different dimension. She landed on a hot surface, lava type. When she looked around, everything was red and grey. Flames emerged from everywhere and it boiled her skin. She tried getting up when she saw a car speeding towards her and in fear, she shut her eyes.

Gasping, she opened her eyes. Adjusting to the light, her heartbeats were fast. She looked around and realized it wasn't either cold heavenly clouds or hell-like hot surfaces. She tried getting up and winched as the IV drip hurt her. As the realization hit her, she panicked and screamed.

The nurse entered the room confused and was followed by a worried brother. He rushed to her and once she saw him, she tried getting into his arms. He pulled her in a hug once he saw how troubled she was. It alarmed him that she might act upon whatever happened at the house. He wasn't ready to face her alone.

"Landon - I, I, Hope - Hell, Car." She was unable to form words. The nurse gave her some water and asked her to take a deep breath. She checked her hands and they were clean, there was no blood. She sighed. "She was there, Landon. Hope - her dress was covered in blood, she scared me. Her blood was on my hands. I fell in the fire. I'm scared, Landon. I'm scared. She was there."

Landon took her back in his arms as she became reckless. He couldn't understand a word she said but made out that she saw a bad dream. It was her unconscious mind that was playing games with her head. He rested a kiss on her forehead.

"You're safe here. See, there is no fire around. Your hands are clean. There is no one here, Ally. You're safe with me." He assured her. She still was in his arms. He stood there, comforting his sister.

She was shaken to her core. She had never seen a dream like that.

"I'm safe here. I have you, I have dad, I have Aurora. I'll be fine. Aurora is finally back."

Landon was confused. How could she say that?

"She said it will be all right now. Everything will be at peace. She looked so different, Landon. She looked so beautiful, so heavenly, like an angel. Where is she, where did she go?"

Lando turned to the nurse and indicated she had to call the doctor. She nodded and rushed out of the room.

Landon didn't let go of her. He was worried, confused and shocked. Nothing made sense to him. First Hope then Aurora. What was she dreaming about? The smile on her face took away a little pain from his chest. He didn't even remember when was the last time he saw her smile like that, so pure, so beautiful. Whatever she saw in her dream, he was relieved, that it brought peace to her.

"She has returned home. Now everything will be all right. She will save me, she will help me with everything. I'm safe now. I have you, I have her. I have everything now."


Hello guys.
It's been more than a month.
I was busy as I visited my grandmother back at in hometown. I've also applied for the Judicial exam (for being a judge) and final semester of my masters is killing me. So I had limited time with me to update.

Since the start of the book, I knew exactly who would tell her the truth, it was just different scenario. But this fits better. Christmas Eve and the truth coming out. It's a lot to take it.

Alyssa knows about Hope, she found the truth about Aurora (but is that true? What happened after she woke up?) Any idea if Aurora is dead, what happened to her?

The chapters further will get more intense and I'm not ready for that. Still, a lot is left - Arthur and Alyssa's story is left. I think I might write a prequel kinda book on their story. It will only then bring justice to their characters.

Right now, I've a lot in plate, but I'll try to update as much as I can. I'm excited about the next chapters.

How are y'all? How is life treating you? I'd love to interact with you guys. As a reader, you're the most important part of the book. So if you have any questions related to the book or otherwise, don't hesitate to ask. I'm always up for a good conversation. 

Stay tuned.
Stay safe.
Keep praying for the people of Ukraine and Palestine. 🧡💙

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