Chapter 1

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On the rooftops of Beacon Academy, Jaune Arc was lying on the floor, looking up at the stars that hung above the jet-black night. It has not been a day since the incident at the Forever Fall Forest.

Unbelievably, Jaune had somehow managed to save Cardin's life earlier when they're in the Forever Fall Forest, which Cardin was thankful for. In return, he would stop the bullying and explain the cause for it, which surprises Jaune.

But deep down, he felt that he wasn't the one who unleash the killing blow, knowing that it was Pyrrha that did this.

This made him felt stuck, almost feeling useless, knowing that he has zero skills when it comes to swordplay. However, this was compensated with his quick-thinking, strategic mind thanks to some strategy games he played when he was young.

Jaune: If only... If only I have something, just that something, that could match my skills with the other students in Beacon...

Little did he know, three higher beings of existence heard his call, now interested in what he wishes.

POV Switch: The Omniverse Hub

Inside a large room, a blonde girl in a military ensemble was looking at a snow globe, which showed a universe of Remnant in it.

???#1: Interesting... Not a variant of the Arc Clan, an Arcadian variant nor a betrayed timeline...

She muttered, taking a liking to the universe.

???#2: So, C, what has got you interested in this Jaune-centered timeline?

She turned her head to see her companion and fellow Observer, who was a knight in green armor with a light brown leather cloth underneath.

C, the woman who held the globe, replied with a hint of interest in her tone.

"C": This timeline doesn't have any instance of betrayal, nor of the Arc Clan or Arcadia for all I know, making it quite unique in it's way, Primus.

"Primus": Are you sure about that?

"C": I am, and I plan to add in a little "something" that could assist him in the future.

"Primus" immediately knew what it was, and was against this idea.

"Primus": You do know the consequences of adding that ability to his world, right?

"C": I do, but I wish to give him the edge against what would come in the future.

POV Switch

Jaune had returned to his dorm for the night to sleep when he suddenly received a call on his scroll. He knew who it was and answered the camera call immediately.

Jaune: H-Hey, Sis...

On the other side of the call was a woman with blonde hair tied into a braid and striking blue eyes, wearing a black sweater and pants with a white coat and black hat.

Rapunzel: Hey, lil-bro!! How are you doing?

Jaune: F-fine... How about the others back home?

Rapunzel: They're actually doing fine, as far as I know.

Jaune: Oh, I see...

Rapunzel noticed something wrong about her brother, which could be picked up from his facial expression.

Rapunzel: Is there something wrong, Jaune?

Jaune: W-what? No, nothing's wrong...

Rapunzel: You can't lie to me. There is something wrong, was it?

Jaune took in a deep breath, before he spoke.

Jaune: Do you think I should use firearms instead of our grandfather's sword and shield?

As soon as he said that, time seem to stand still for a second, while Jaune waited for a response. However, he soon noticed that the time on his scroll had paused as well, prompting him to look around the whole room.

Just as he got up from his bed, he was taken into a blank, white void. He looked around the whole place, before he saw "C" sitting in a luxurious chair, sipping on a cup of tea.

"C" then saw Jaune standing a few meters away, before she chuckled to herself.

"C": Oh, it seems that I must've startled you, my dear Jaune. Please, take a seat.

She proceed to materialize another chair directly opposite to her and a coffee table with a set of china. Hesitantly, he sat in the chair and took the cup of tea and stare at it blankly, wondering what her intentions are.

"C": To start off this awkward introduction, my name is simply "C", an observer, entities of high authority that are assigned to various world timelines to ensure stability and balance.

Jaune: Well hello, "C", My name is-

"C": Jaune Arc. Short, sweet, rolls off the tongue - ladies love it. Correct?

Jaune momentarily paused for a moment, before he composed himself.

Jaune: Wait, you knew?

"C": Of course, I had been watching you personally... You're actually one of my favorite characters despite the pain and hate you will receive in the future.

Jaune: Wait, what are you talking about?

"C": Well, about that... The reason why I have decided to visit you was to show you a glimpse into the future that you will experience, alongside various other miscellaneous stuff that you will see that will break your conception of this world.

She proceeded to tell Jaune about the Canon timeline: He will loose Pyrrha in the Fall of Beacon, will learn of Salem and her immortality, the mistakes and crimes that Team RWBY will cause in the future, the Fall of Atlas and his journey of suffering and pain in the Ever After and his role in the tale of "The Girl who fell through the world" as the Rusted Knight and the true story of events that followed.

After that, she proceeded to tell him of the various altered timelines that followed, which results in his betrayal from those of his closest ones, which includes his friends in Beacon and his family; the betrayal timeline. A second variant of the timeline, which she called the "Arcadia" timeline shows that he was a crown prince of a kingdom whose homelands is recovering and hunting his father down for high treason against the monarchy and his adventures in various other places that made him stronger.

And to top it all off, she also explains the sub variants of these timelines, which also shows him being a part of a dishonorable clan going by the name "Arc Clan", which she commented as being original in a sarcastic tone, where he was abandoned by them for being "Weak" followed by gaining overpowered abilities that changed the course of his timeline, which includes going down a labyrinth and changing into another person, gaining the ability of a gaming system, being a strategic smartass and joining Salem's side.

Another timeline showed him being assisted by another Observer, which gave him the ability to imitate another hunter's combat style, alongside a timeline where he was in an altered reality where he was a brutal and bloody fighter and another one where he was a content creator.

As to how Jaune reacted to all of this, he was understandably shocked, surprised and felt so small, now knowing what was meant to be in store for him alongside the knowledge of the multiverse that revolved around him.

Jaune: I noticed one thing about these timelines.

"C": And what is it?

Jaune: Most of them involved me being betrayed by my closest friends and family, followed by me being beaten up the students, but that didn't happen to me.

"C": And what is the point that you want to make?

Jaune: Am I going to experience this anytime soon?

"C": Well, let's see.... No, actually, and to simply get straight to the point, I've decided to grant you a few abilities after your plight about your ordinary weapons.

Jaune: And what would that ability include?

"C": Firearms, new armors and a bunch of other stuff that is hard to explain.

Jaune: Really? Just that?

"C": Well, not really. The firearms that you will be using will not be native to Remnant due to one factor; it doesn't use dust, and it could bypass Aura.

Jaune was taken aback at her claim, not sure whether to trust her or not. Sure, it may seems to good to be true but, following what she showed him and the proof of all that she has shown, he decided that it would be best to go with it.

Jaune: I'll take it.

"C": Are you sure?

Jaune: Yes, and if it allows me to alter the course of my world's timeline, then I'll take it.

"C": I see... Well, brace yourself for this.

"C" proceed to lift her arm, with her hand opened in the direction of Jaune, before a rush of energy flow through his body, alongside the appearance of voices in his head as he was lifted in the air like he was possessed.

When the transfer was complete, he collapsed onto the ground but was caught by "C", who helped him up.

"C": Now, with this new ability, it also came with a much greater responsibility; prevent the Fall of Beacon if possible and reduce the casualties caused.

Jaune: I see, but I can get a viewing of how the other timelines had done it?

"C": Sure, but it would take a few days or so to get it done, but for now, you'll have to learn to get used to your new weapons and abilities. Now, you'll awake...

When "C" finished, his eyelids began to feel heavy and started to drift to sleep, before the sound of his sister calling his name woke him up.

Rapunzel: Jaune!!! Are you there?!?

Jaune: Wha-where am I?

Rapunzel: Jaune, what happened? Are you okay?

Jaune: Oh, wait. Yes, I am okay, Rap. So what did you asked just now?

Rapunzel: Oh my Oum... I asked you whether if you're okay, caused you don't seem-

Jaune: I'm okay. Just doing fine though.

Rapunzel: You sure? You sounded more... okay than before... Do you want to talk about it?

Jaune: Nope, and I want to go to sleep soon, so we'll just call it for the night.

Rapunzel: Alright, Good night Jaune.

Jaune: Good night, Rap.

Rapunzel proceeded to end the call, prompting Jaune to fall asleep, whishing to test out the new ability he was given in the Emerald Forest the next day.

Timeskip: Emerald Forest (5.00 AM in the Morning)

Early in the morning, Jaune had snuck out of his dorm miraculously without waking up his teammates, knowing how explosive they could be when hey discovered that he had snuck out.

However, just before he did, he received a new set of clothes provided to him by "C", which she wrote in a note that it must be used in tandem with his new abilities.

He decided to try out the new clothes, which had a grey shirt with a black jacket, greyish-black pants and knee-length boots with a pair of black gloves, all of it has some form of armor protection. It also have a helmet, a bandolier with shotgun shells and four pouches held by two crisscrossed belts.

The set of clothes also came with a longsword that has a hollow carbon-structure blade, which made it lightweight to carry and to strike. He also noticed that it's also quite sharp, making it also deadly.

When he reached the Emerald Forest, he saw a huge swarm of Grimm nesting at the temple during the student's initiation, which shocked him as to how no one has seen the huge horde and dealt with it anyway.

So, he decided to take matters into his own hands.

A screen then popped up in front of him, showing him what firearms he had in his default loadout as shown in the following:

Unlocked firearms:

Remington ACR




Model 870


Looking over each of the firearms, he saw that the MG42 might be the only viable option to clearing out the entire horde.

So, with no other choice, he selected the weapon as it materializes into his hands. At the same time, a set of armour began to encompass around him, which takes on the style of a German WW2 soldier.

It has a dangling ammo belt coming out of the backpack, which he connected to his machine gun, and as he did, he came out of his hiding place and began to fire upon the huge horde of Grimm.


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