Chapter 16

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hey guys... it's been a long time... i was busy with uni and exams... i finally finish my exams... so lets get to the update... hope u enjoy it...

it was a bright morning... there was noise everywhere... when hardik and misha came down to the dining table to see both their famillies were debating on something... the couple apporach them to know what was their family debating about...

Misha: stoppp... what are u guys debating on??? (look at everyone confused and then turns to her brothers) bhai please tell me...

karan: actually we were discussing about the sangeet preparations... and while talking to each other, somehow the conversation turned to which side will win the competition...

krunal: obviously, the  grooms side will win...

rudra: no... the bride side will win...

like this all were arguing with each other... both hardik and misha got enough of their bickering and decide to put an end to this...

hardik & misha: stop... (scream loudly)

all stop their bickering and looked at them...

misha: why are u guys fighting about this??? no matter who win or lose, we all are a big family... (look at hardik)

hardik: yes she is correct... we are are winners... but still if you guys want to have a competition than let it be a friendly one... (thinks for a while) in fact,  misha and I will be the judge... in that case there will not be any favours in the competition... what do u guys think??? (looks at everyone)

after a while all agree to the idea...

sakshi: ok now that the issue is sorted... lets get back to work... we have a lot of things to do before the sangeet... lets get to work...

with this all left to their respective works...

skip to evening...

it was the time of the sangeet... the guest were coming and the families were at the entrance greeting and welcoming the guest... the younger clan were running around for last minute checks...

sakshi: sameer... go get all your brothers and go to see if misha is ready... it is almost time...

sameer: ok ma...

sameer when and get all the brothers and went to misha room... when they enter only to get emotional to see their sister leaving them soon and going to a new home... while they were in their own world... misha saw them and brought them out from their reverie...

misha: bhai... how am i looking?

misha outfit:

misha make up:

sameer: beautiful as always... in fact u are looking like a queen...

arjun: of course... after all she is going to be the queen of hardik's heart...

hearing this misha starts to blush...

karan: misha are u ready??? we have to go now...

misha: yes bhai...

misha entry to sangeet planed  by her brothers:

when they get to the hall to see all of them is waiting for them... misha get down of the bike only to see hardik is waiting for at their special seat... they both have a mini eye lock which was broken soon...

hardik outfit:

the sangeet decorations:

the sofa misha and hardik is sitting:

sameer: good evening everyone... as you all know this is the sangeet ceremony of our princess misha with India's all rounder hardik... as you all know, just like any normal sangeet there will be the bride's family VS. the groom's family competition... the couple of the night will be the judge of the competition... but this time there is a twist... that twist is they will not give any comments after the performance... its kind of like being the silent judge... they will only tell their results when all the performances are done... please take your seats... the competition is starting now... the first performance is actually by the groom himself...

sameer: that was a nice performance by the groom... so let's welcome the bride herself for the next performance...

krunal: ok so let me take the hosting from here on... the next performance is actually from team india...

krunal: the next performance is by the brothers of the bride...

sameer: i hope all of you are enjoying the performances so far...

krunal: but there is a special performance for you guys by our parents... hope you enjoy it... (looking at mish and hardik)

sameer: the next performance is by the groom's bhai and bhabhi...

hope you are enjoying so far... but there is a very special performance from everyone to the bride and groom...

sameer: we are done with the performances... now it is the bride and groom to decide which side's performance they like the most...

hardik: actually... not all the performance is done yet... i know all of you guys will be confused... since you guys have put a lot of effort to make the sangeet rocking...

misha: we decided to give a good finish to the sangeet with our performance together... so take your seats... after this performance the results will be announced...

hardik: so now is the time to announce the winner... 

both hardik and misha: and the winner is... both of them...

misha: actually we liked all of your performances... we could not decide who is the best...

hardik: all we could see is the love you guys have for us... and the love and blessings is everything we want from all of you...

listening to this all of them were  touched and some of them were in tears... sameer came out of his emotional state to handle the guest...

sameer: thank you... ladies and getlemen, the food is being served... pls make way to the dining room...

finally done updating... i don't think this chapter is one of my best... that is because i have never attended a sangeet ceremony before and in my culture there is no sangeet ceremony... anyways,  i really hope you guys like the update... pls vote and comment... try to upload again soon...

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