Chapter 9

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Hey guys... hope you like the previous chapter... so let's get into the chapter....

The team went to give some autographs and photo session with the fans... while hardik and misha came towards misha's family...

Ram: congrats beta...

Hardik: thank you papa...

Sameer: so are you going to party?

Hardik: yes... actually I wanted to ask your permission if misha could come... the team and I want her be there for the celebrations...

Sakshi: sure beta... what say ram?

Ram: yes...

Hardik: thank you... (turn to the brothers) even you three should join...

Arjun: no... its ok...

Hardik: no... I insist... if you think the team will mind... then don't worry... they will be happy to have more people to join in the celebrations...

Karan: ok... we will join... then we will leave tomorrow for delhi... and the wedding is in the corner as well...

Hardik: yes... only one last match before I get a break for the wedding... (see the team boarding the bus) ok uncle I have to leave now... i will pick you all up and we will go to the club together....

All: ok... bye (see misha)

Misha: bye...

Soon the team reach the hotel they were staying and went to rest for a while before getting ready for the party... the team has decided to go to a famous club named Gatsby 2000 in Chennai (google it) hardik got ready and went to picked misha and her brothers...

Hardik was waiting in for them when he saw the luthra brothers coming... he tries looking behind the luthra brothers to see if mish is coming behind them... he was desperate to see misha... he went towards them...

Hardik: hi...

All: hi...

Hardik (can't control his desperation): where's misha???

Sameer: woah... someone's desperate... (teasing tone)

Hardik: nothing like that... I w..was just asking... (stuttering tone)

Arjun: hardik... you don't have to lie... it is clearly written on your face that you desperately want to see misha...

Hardik just rubs his neck in embrassment...

Karan: ok... stop with the teasing... actually misha got a work call regarding a patient... so she is answering it... and it may take a while...

Hardik: oh ok... if you want... you may go to the party first... when misha finishes her work call I will bring her to the party...

Sameer: desperate for alone time... (teasing tone)

Hardik: bhai... please stop with the teasing...

Sameer: ok... ok... fine... we shall go to the party first... you bring misha there...

Hardik: ok...

Soon after the luthra brothers left for the party... while hardik took a seat to wait for misha... he was using his phone and going through social media and messaging his family and friends... 10 minutes has past and hardik look up when he hears a melodious voice calling his name...

Misha: hardik...

Hardik was just lost looking at her... they had an eye lock which was soon broken by misha... she was just blushing...

Hardik outfit

misha outfit


misha: erm... sorry for making you wait for so long...

hardik: its ok... I can understand... it must be an important call...

misha: where are bhai?

Hardik: I ask them to go to the part first... anyways you are looking beautiful...

Misha: thank you... even you are looking handsome as well...

Hardik: thank you... I think we should also leave to the party... we are already late... (forwarding his hand)

Misha: yeah (accepting his hand)

Soon they reach the party... only to see the media were there...

Hardik: urgh... wonder how the media knows where we will be everytime... (irritated tone and turns to misha) I am sorry... you may feel uncomfortable...

Misha: no... its ok... anyway the media is doing their job... don't spoil your mood... (makes a cute face)

Hardik (melts seeing her cute face): anyways... it will be our first appearance together after our engagement...

Soon they were out of the car and walking towards the club... the media was trying to get near the couple but was blocked by the bodyguards... all this way... hardik has hold misha and was being protective for her... finally after the media chaos they entered the club... they locate where the team was and went towards them...

Virat: you are late men...

Hardik: sorry... anyway lets enjoy...

Soon all the couples went towards the dance floor to dance... even hardik and misha went towards the dance floor... after dancing their hearts out... they came back towards the seating area to rest for a while...

Hardik: you want a drink???

Misha: no... you order... I will just use the washroom and come...

Hardik: do you want me to follow???

Misha: no... I will be back soon...

Its been almost 10 minutes... and misha is not back yet... hardik got worried for her and went towards the washroom area only to see a horrible sight...

A drunk man was manhandling misha and trying to kiss her... whereas misha was crying and trying to get out of the men grip... hardik immediately run towards them and pull the man from the neck... misha relex a little seeing hardik... but she slides down and started crying... seeing her tears he started beating the men... the men was unconscious with the punches and kicks but hardik did not stop... seeing this misha try to stop him but he did not listen... so she went to search her brothers so they can stop him... she finally found them standing with the team... she immediately rush towards them...

Misha: bhai... (huffing and hiccupping due to crying)

Karan (concern and worried tone): misha... what happen why are you crying???

Misha: bhai... hardik... just come with me... (saying this... she rushed towards the place)

Seeing her like this... all of them rush towards the place... to see a angry hardik beating the unconscious person... seeing this... some of the teammates pull him away from the man...

Hardik (angry tone): leave me... (still trying to kick him)

Virat: for god sake... stop and tell me what happen... atleast stop for misha... see her condition...

Hardik (took a deep breath to control his angry): this bastard was forcing himself on misha... luckily I came before something happens...

Karan: what... (turns to misha) you are ok right...

Misha just hugs karan and starts crying... seeing their only sister crying arjun and karan was trying to console her... whereas Sameer was moving towards the unconscious man...

Sameer: you... bastard... (punches his face) I will not leave you...

And saying this he started to beat him... but the rest pull him away... the guys carry the unconscious man leaving the luthra sibling and hardik there...

Yuvi: I have call the police... they will be here soon... we will hand him towards the police... (saying this they left the 4 alone)

Misha was in her brother's embrace while they were consoling her... hardik seeing that she is not clam yet move towards them...

Hardik: misha... I am sorry... I am not able to protect you...

Misha: no... please don't apologise... if you never come on time... then I don't know what would have happened... (cry again)

Arjun: misha... shhh... bacha... see even you say he came on time and save you... then why are you crying...

Misha: I am just scared...

Hardik: I think we should leave... she needs rest...

Karan: yes...

Soon they leave to the hotel and made misha sleep... all the 4 men were in the room taking care of her needs... they did not sleep a little thinking she might have a nightmare due to the incident... the next morning misha was better... the 4 men were by her side... and she got to knew they were here the whole night... she forced them to freshen up... she saw hardik was still there... she just went and hug him... he too reciprocated to the hug and tighten it... after a long good 10 mins they broke the hug...

Misha: thank you... if you did not come on time... I would not know what will happen... (was gonna cry again)

Hardik: shhh... don't cry... we are gonna be life partners... it is my duty to protect you...

Misha just smile...

Hardik: and I don't like your sad face... I like your smile more... so please smile...

hearing this misha gave a small smile...

hardik: a little bigger... (misha follows his instruction) a little more... (misha follows his instruction) ahh... that's better... (he gives her a forhead kiss) I think I am falling in love with you...

misha (blush and say): even I think I am falling in love with you...

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