A Relaxing Day

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Today was one of those rare days in Kou where everything was a tad slow, in the sense that, there wasn't much to be done. Days like this could be either a blessing or a curse in disguise. It can be a horrid curse when one has absolutely nothing to do. Today, however, the day would be spent sparing and having fun. 

You grunted as Kouen swung his staff at your ankles, you blocked it with slight ease. "Oh, so close," you teased, retaliating by swinging the other end towards his shoulder. You cursed when he caught it with his hand. 

"So close," he mocked. 

You scowled but soon found an opening when he left himself at a disadvantage. You shoved your staff towards Kouen with full force. Kouen then lost his balance and fell down on his side, watching as you swiftly moved from where his body landed. 

You smiled down at him and placed a foot on his bare chest, "I win," you said triumphantly. 

 Kouen scowled and rolled his eyes, "get off," he simply responded. 

You placed a hand on your chin in thought for a moment. "Mmm... Nah, I think I want to enjoy this for just a moment longer." You smiled down at him. 

Not only was it just you two at the training grounds, but so was the entire royal family (excluding Gyokuen and the Emporer). Kouha was fuming as he handed Kougyoku a couple of gold coins as Koumei rolled his eyes. Hakuei was silently clapping with Hakuryuu staring with awe in his eyes. 

"En-nii should've won," he grumbled.

Kougyoku stuck her tongue out at him cheekily, "Y/N-nee is way better than him at fighting anyway," she retorted. 

At some point, even Kouen's household vessels had joined to watch. When they had first gotten there, you didn't recognize one of them, Seishuu. Turns out, he had fully assimilated with his household vessel. It was a big surprise seeing him taller and with snakes in his hair. You ignored the vessels exchanging coins from the corner of your eye. Fortunately, Kouen didn't see anything. 

"Y/N-san, that was amazing," called out Hakuei, "you truly are skilled in many weapons."

You nodded in response, "yes, but with most, I only know the basics." You shrugged, "however, my best two would most likely be a bow and arrow along with a sword." You finally removed your foot from his chest allowing him to get up. 

Hakuei's brows scrunched in what you guessed was confusion, "really? Why did you have to learn so many?" She asked. 

You leaned part of your body weight against the staff. "Well, even though I had many siblings I was the only one suited for things like this. Also, I thought it would be a smart move because I thought djinn would give many different weapons," you explained. 

Hakuei nodded in understanding, "I hope to be as well versed as you one day." 

You blushed under her praise and waved her off. "There's no need to do so, I don't really utilize most of the weapons I had learned before," you said, "I might have even forgotten how to use others." As you laughed sheepishly you noticed the same pink butterfly was there again but on your hand. Like always, when you blinked, it was gone. You brushed it off as nothing. 

Hakuei stood with a smile, "well, I still wouldn't mind learning a thing or two from you," she said, walking down to the training grounds with Hakuryuu trailing behind her. 

"Not to brag or anything but I'd like to think I'm a pretty good teacher," you smirked, "Kougyoku has been learning well." You gestured towards her causing the girl to blush under your praise.

"Sounds like a brag to me," Kouen bluntly stated. 

You scowled at him, "Oh hush."

Once Hakuei had walked to stand beside you, you instructed a servant to hand you a practice sword. Before either of you could start training Kouen had cut. "Actually I want to know something."

You turned to look at him with a raised brow, "hm?" You inquired. 

"What happened to that power you had shown me?"

You froze slightly at the question. You knew what he was referring to. Before you had gone to the dungeon you remembered showing him the power you had to summon creatures. At the time, it wasn't to its fullest potential, so, there wasn't much to see. Now, however, it was new and improved. 

You smiled and clapped your hands, "ah, you're all in for a real treat," you said, "Hakuei, Hakuryuu, step back just a little. I'd hate to scare either of you." 

"As for everyone else, come closer to see it better," you said. You waited for a moment as everyone walked down from where they stood to the ground. Once everyone was finally closer, you knelt down and placed one hand on the ground. Your eyes closed as you focused. 

"Is something going to happen or-"

Kouha was interrupted by a magic circle appearing on the ground and a bear slowly appearing. Like always, it was transparent and resembled a ghost. 

You opened your eyes when you felt that it was there. "Good to see you again," you said happily, scratching the top of its head. Meanwhile, everyone else stared in shock as you were happily petting the bear. 

You turned to everyone to see them all frozen. You stared with a brow raised, "What?" You asked. 

The first one to actually say something was Kouha. "Is that a bear?!" He exclaimed, running to hide behind Kouen. Everyone else decided to follow suit and hid behind him as well. 

You stared in shock at everyone hiding, but that shock soon turned into laughter. "There's no need to be scared," you said in between laughs, "they won't hurt you." You laid a hand on the bear's head and smiled as they snuggled their head into your hand. 

They were about to ease their way out until a mischevious smirk grew on your face. "Unless I tell them to," you added with a small glint in your eye. Then, they quickly went back to hiding.

Kouen stayed silent the entire time and then slowly walked up to the bear. You stared at him as he walked while everyone else was silently begging him to come back and continue being their shield. Finally, he stopped in front of the bear and knelt down in front of them. 

The bear turned to look at him and blew air from their nose causing Kouen to close his eyes for a moment. He held a hand up and slowly brought it down atop of the bear's head. "Does it have a name?" He asked. 

"They," you corrected. 


You nodded, "even though they seem like a spirit it'd feel odd to refer to them as an 'it'," you explained, "they just feel so real most of the time." You smiled and rubbed them behind the ear causing them to growl happily. You hummed and giggled a bit.

Kouen nodded, "do they have a name?" He corrected. 

You stopped stroking their ear for a moment to think. "Well..." You pondered on it for a moment and then shrugged, "I never had the chance to think of one." That much was true considering that everyone that had happened as of late. 

"You do now," Kouen replied simply. 

You were stunned for a moment and then nodded, "you're right." You took a moment to contemplate what name you would want to give and then, it came to you. 


You let out a small sound of shock. "How about... Rei," you said simply, looking to Rei for approval. The only response you got was a delighted little growl and wet nose nudged against your cheek. 

"I think they like it," you cheered, giving Rei a little scratch under the chin. Rei gave another delighted growl. 

You turned to everyone else who was keeping their distance. "Come on everyone," you called, waving them over to you. "I promise Rei won't hurt you." 

After a little bit of hesitation, everyone was slowly inching forward. The first one to step closest to Rei was Hakuei with Hakuryuu close behind her. She held out her hand and turned away, too scared to look. Then, you had grabbed her hand and inched it closer to Rei's snout. 

Hakuei let out a small sound of surprise and got tense, but once she felt the soft fur of your bear she slowly relaxed. Her eyes soon opened and she stared down at Rei, who was busy nuzzling themselves in her hand. 

Hakuei soon found herself smiling as she happily began to stroke her hand through their fur. Soon enough, Hakuryuu joined in as well after seeing how happy his sister looked. A smile began to grow on his face as well. Not too long after that everyone else joined in, coaxing small happy noises from Rei. 

You stood off to the side and allowed them all this small moment of happiness. You felt yourself stare off into space with a small smile. 

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