More Practice and More Cold

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"Please update."

That one comment most you post has become the vain of my existence. Please do yourselves a favor and understand how to comment so I have some actual motivation to update, don't give me any excuse or apologize if you've commented this before, just give me actual compliments on this story. NONE OF SAID COMPLIMENTS NEED TO INVOLVE ME UPDATING.

Keep in mind fanfic writers do this stuff for FREE and my life doesn't revolve around updating fanfiction on Wattpad, don't assume I'm being lazy and that my life is absolutely perfect and that I have no worries. I've been having problems that shouldn't concern any of you in the first place, but thanks to those comments about updating I have to at least mention it. 

Yeah because obviously I'm gonna feel for you when your precious fanfiction isn't updated soon enough *note the sarcasm there* and if you think I'm rude for putting it like this then honestly I don't give three shits. I've been debating getting rid of my whole wattpad account and all the stories along with it anyway, so, the ones that will really affect are you guys and especially the ones giving actual good comments. 

So, do those people along with yourselves a favor and stop requesting me to update, putting a please in front doesn't make it any sweeter. You guys are lucky I was nice enough to give an update along with this message.


The next thing you felt when you woke up was, surprisingly enough, warmth. You peeled your eyes opened with slight difficulty and looked around to see white. Seeing all this white you quickly sat up only to close your eyes in pain from the sudden movement you did. You gripped your head and laid back down on whatever you were on.

Once you felt ready you opened your eyes to see you were still in the dungeon. You looked around to see snow falling to the ground in what was a forest right next to the lake you appeared in. You sighed and laid back again, but your eyes widened again to look back at what you were resting on. 

Resting next to one of the trees was the same creature that caused the entire mess. The white bear that looked similar to a spirit, one thing that was surprising, however, was the fact that it felt as if it had a physical body. Not to mention, it radiated warmth. 

You couldn't bring yourself to say any words as you were too shocked. Meanwhile, the bear only stared at you, as if waiting for you to lay back down against it. You only stayed put, as frozen as the air around you. 

You soon found staying still was not fairing well as you felt the cold seeping through your dress, especially your legs. You glanced down to see the skirt of your dress was ripped, revealing your calves to the bitter cold. 

"W... What...?" You trailed off, still not being able to find your words. 

You took a deep breath, "did... Did I summon you here?" You asked, "Again...?"

The bear didn't respond, honestly, you didn't know why it would. You sighed as it just stared at you, "why are you helping me now?!" You asked, "you already ruined me twice!" You screamed in frustration. 

Once again, it said nothing. You groaned in frustration and ran a hand through your hair. Honestly, you didn't even know what to do next, you were in a stump. The last times you were in dungeons you had Kazue...

Suddenly, you heard a roar and turned around in fear to see a large animal with its teeth bared at you. You tried backing away only to feel your back hit the bear that just didn't seem to want to disappear. You looked around for weapon only to see the hair stick. You knew it wouldn't do much but you held it up anyway. 

Getting a closer look you noticed the animal seemed to look like a fox covered in ice, but you guessed that was a normal look for it as it didn't seem to be in pain from the cold. Your grip tightened on the hair stick as it was your last line of defense. When the fox leaped at you, you closed your eyes in fear. 

You slowly opened your eyes and looked down at yourself to see you were okay. You were confused and heard a growl, you glanced up to see your bear with teeth sunk deep into the fox's neck. Your eyes widened as the fox stopped struggling and went limp, the bear let it go and went back to your side. 

You hesitantly reached a hand up to pet the bear's head. "Good thing you're on my side," you said with a small chuckle. The bear seemed to enjoy the petting as it laid its head in your lap. You smiled and let it stay there. 

"You deserve to rest for a bit."


Kouen realized he had been staring way longer than necessary at all the ancient scrolls littering his desk. He was pretty sure he had been reading the same sentence for a couple of hours now. It didn't show, however, as far as Koumei was concerned Kouen was just too concentrated on what he was reading. 

 He tried his best to hide what he had been feeling the entire time, sure, he was upset, but he couldn't show his siblings how he was feeling. Kouen knew he had to be strong for them and help them try not to think of the worst. As these thoughts swirled in his head he felt the room getting stuffy. 

Kouen soon got up and left, in the corner of his eye he was pretty sure he saw Koumei look up at him for a small moment. He tried not to pay attention to Koumei's side eye and went outside to try to calm down.


You hadn't realized you had dozed off as well when you opened your eyes and saw the bear was gone. Your brows scrunched together as you wondered to yourself, could that have been a dream? Maybe you were just so scared of this dungeon when you were sleeping you dreamt that the bear came back. You made a face as you hoped you couldn't be that insane. 

You felt a chill on your legs and sighed to see the dress was wet and ripped. You wondered if you could something else to where and stood up. "It seems like the djinn of this dungeon might have ice powers," you mumbled to yourself.

You got up from under the tree and walked deeper into the forest, hoping for no enemies to pop out at you. As you walked you also finally realized you lost your shoes as well, this really wasn't going well. You took a moment to breathe and think about your options at the moment, that being said you looked around and realized there were probably tons of paths to take. You put a hand to your chin for a moment to think. 

Concerning the guess you made earlier, the one about the djinn's power being ice, you made another guess and suspected the djinn would be in the coldest room in the dungeon. Then again, what if that's what it wanted you to think? You shook off those thoughts, this definitely wasn't the time to contradict yourself. 

"Let's hope I don't get frostbite anytime soon," you muttered, feeling the air to see where it was coldest. Oddly enough, it seemed to be north. 

The longer you walked the more you felt your feet freezing from the cold ground. You took a few breaks while walking and started rubbing your feet warm, it wasn't very effective given that even your hands were freezing. You cast a small glance at your hand to see if you could summon your little friend again. 

Taking a deep breath you held out your hand and closed your eyes in concentration. You took a few moments to keep your eyes closed and soon opened to see your progress. Looking down, much progress hadn't been made. Just like when you showed Kouen, the only thing poking out was its snout. 

You groaned lightly and stopped, you decided it would be a good idea to continue practicing whenever you took a break for your feet. Those breaks would soon come more periodically as it would get colder and colder the more you would walk. 

One thing that felt a tad peculiar was that there weren't as many monsters as there usually was. You felt worry creep into your gut as you looked around and realized it was dead silent in this forest, you hoped it would stay this way even if it was suspicious. In the meantime, you decided to rub your feet in hopes to make them feel warmer. 

After feeling warm enough you got up and continued walking. While walking you took another look you noticed a skeleton slumped against one of the trees, you felt your heartache at the sight. You grabbed the sword it had laying at their side and said a small prayer for whoever this poor soul was. The sword seemed pretty worn out by the looks of it, chipped in some places and dirty. The gold it was made from was fading and it had a red tassel hanging from the end of the handle. 

When you continued walking you almost passed out at what you saw, hundreds of skeletons were littering the path. Some with weapons through their chests and other's with weapons clutched in their bony fingers. It was eerie and sent a small chill down your spine. Nonetheless, you continued to walk and you come to realize the chill down your spine was from something else entirely. 

You looked around in hopes to see where exactly it was coming from. You felt something nudge your foot and glanced down to see a clump of snow there, your brows furrowed but they raised when you noticed dozens of clumps were rolling towards the middle of where all the skeletons were. 

The snow came together to be what looked like some sort of creature which was steadily growing in size. You fell back on your butt as you watched it finished growing and begin to made spikes of ice appear on its back. When it was done forming you just continued staring, even after it caught sight of you and roared in your face. 

"Oh no..."


Just in case some of you decided to skip this message from the beginning of the story.

"Please update."

That one comment most you post has become the vain of my existence. Please do yourselves a favor and understand how to comment so I have some actual motivation to update, don't give me any excuse or apologize if you've commented this before, just give me actual compliments on this story. NONE OF SAID COMPLIMENTS NEED TO INVOLVE ME UPDATING.

Keep in mind fanfic writers do this stuff for FREE and my life doesn't revolve around updating fanfiction on Wattpad, don't assume I'm being lazy and that my life is absolutely perfect and that I have no worries. I've been having problems that shouldn't concern any of you in the first place, but thanks to those comments about updating I have to at least mention it.

Yeah because obviously I'm gonna feel for you when your precious fanfiction isn't updated soon enough *note the sarcasm there* and if you think I'm rude for putting it like this then honestly I don't give three shits. I've been debating getting rid of my whole wattpad account and all the stories along with it anyway, so, the ones that will really affect are you guys and especially the ones giving actual good comments.

So, do those people along with yourselves a favor and stop requesting me to update, putting a please in front doesn't make it any sweeter. You guys are lucky I was nice enough to give an update along with this message.

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