Royal Test

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A/N: Don't worry about me guys, I'm alive! 


You panted and tried catching your breath as he charged at you, you quickly raised your sword to block his next attack. You panted as your swords clashed together, he pushed his against yours and you whimpered as you were being overpowered.

You glanced down at his legs and realized you had a small chance to win this, it was a risk but one you were willing to take. In a flash you pointed your sword downward causing his to slide off of yours, you had the upper hand as you as he stumbled to try and catch himself.

You quickly rearranged your footwork to be behind him and slammed your elbow into his back. He groaned in pain and fell to the floor, once he turned over on his back he looked to see your sword at his neck along with your foot on his wrist.

He smiled, "you did well, princess. Although, your endurance can use more work," he said, gesturing to your panting and kneeling from earlier.

You sheathed your sword, "you're right..." You said, groaning in annoyance, "I can't fight alongside my sister if I don't train more." You got into your fighting stance, "charge at me, Kazue!"

He chuckled and got into his stance, "of course, princess!"


You and Kazue both froze in your spots at the sound of your sister, your grip on your sword tightened at the sound of them arguing. It happened a lot more often now, especially with how defiant she was being.

"Don't you understand anything!? Without you marrying this man our kingdom will die out!" That was your father's voice and he obviously didn't sound happy.

"Then get another daughter to do it! Not me!"

"You're the oldest, it is your duty! Why are you suddenly being so defiant?!"

".... None of your business..."

The voices soon faded, insinuating that the argument was over and done with. You sighed and looked to Kazue, "I'll be back for training in a little while," you said as he nodded in understanding.

You smiled at him and soon made your way to where your sister might be. 'Sister... Please reconsider. I don't want to lose you too...'


Your eyes snapped open and you blinked in surprise. That memory happened about eleven years ago, your fists clenched into your dress as feelings that you had forgotten came rushing back. Thanks to the wedding preparations you had forgotten, but now you had remembered you were in the same empire that led to your sister's demise.

You fought back the tears coming to your eyes and felt anger rise to your heart. You were going to give that vile Emporer a taste of your power and you are going to make everyone in this palace tremble in fear at the thought of you as their enemy.

You grabbed your sword and strapped it to your side, you'd have to guess it was time for your test given the sounds of footsteps outside your door.

You took in a deep breath and walked out to see the maid's ready to escort to wherever you would be fighting this, Entai. Along the way they all gave you looks of concern and pity, just who exactly was this Entai and why were they so concerned?

You shook it off and followed them to the training yard. When you got there what you saw almost made you fall backward.

On the other side of the training yard was a, you assumed, a man with a cloth covering his face. What surprised you was the fact that the rest of his body looked like a giant elephant.

'W-What exactly is he?' You thought to yourself as the maids began to leave you. Some of them seemed to be trembling at the mere sight of him causing fear to grip your heart.

Well, it was a bit too late to back out now. Especially since the Emporer requested it. You took a deep breath and began to take off your dress causing some of the maids to look in shock.

"P-Princess! What are you doing?!"

"That's inappropriate!"

You let the dress slid off your shoulders to reveal another outfit under it.

(A/N: It doesn't bother you guys that I post pictures of the outfits rather than explain them, right?)

The maids all looked at you surprise while you seemed unfazed, "what? You didn't seriously think I was going to fight in that baggy dress were you?" You asked, getting no response you only shrugged and walked to the training yard.

You took a deep breath and removed the necklace around your neck containing Raum. You placed at the edge of the training yard and unsheathed your sword. You kept your face neutral so your opponent couldn't feel the uncertainty and anxiety rubbing off you.

(A/N: I didn't notice that someone in Magi already captured Purson so I had to change it...)

You were getting slightly impatient as Koutoku hadn't said or done anything yet. Finally, after what seemed like forever Koutoku stood from where he was sitting, "this test will be Y/N against our dungeon monster, Entai."

Your eyes widened and you turned to Koutoku, "a-a dungeon monster?!" You exclaimed.

He only continued, ignoring your outburst. "Princess Y/N, how will you be fighting this battle?" He asked.

You shook off the shock and took a deep breath, "as you can see I've taken off my necklace containing one of my djinn. I will fight this battle without any assistance from them," you explained, trying to keep your hands from shaking, "if I so much as call out to one do not hesitate to strick me down."

You could've sworn you heard people gasp at your statement. You scanned the people looking over the battle and noticed Kougyoku sitting next to two other boys that almost looked like her along with other girls with the same red hair. There were also two others that had matching black hair.

Kougyoku waved at you once you noticed her, "good luck, Y/N-chan!" She yelled out to you.

You nodded in acknowledgment and got into your fighting stance as Koutoku seemed ready to start the match. "Start!" He called out.

It almost went by like a flash with the way he ripped the veil off to reveal a human face, his eyes seemed to be void of life as he looked at you.

"So this is who I'm fighting against?" He asked as if trying to make a mockery of your power, "not much of a challenge," he said before his face began to morph into his true form to reveal three trunks along with two tusks.

You looked with eyes at the monstrosity that formed in front of you, you almost got slammed into the ground as he swung one of his trunks at you. 'Shit!' You thought, catching yourself from falling, 'he almost got me!'

He scoffed, "I can already tell you're going to be troublesome," he said, swinging his trunks at you, "just die!"

You yelped and quickly jumped out of the way of each trunk. You gripped your sword tightly and struck, slicing at his trunks and jumping up to land on one of them as leverage to kick you up to his face.

You realized you wouldn't have much time to swing your sword as you were sure he would recover quickly after seeing where you were going and landed his face, you then front flipped from there and landed behind him. Using his slow movements to your advantage you strike his back with your sword causing him to cry out in pain.

With the adrenaline of pain shooting through his system he turned to you and charged with his trunk, you brought your sword up to block but that didn't block the whole blow.

You cried out in pain as you landed against a pillar, you flinched as you fell from it and onto the floor. You quickly pressed your sleeve against your eye as you felt blood getting in it, "damn... I have an injury already..."

You ignored the aching pain in your back and got up, you didn't have much time to adjust as you already had to do a back handspring to avoid another one of his trunks.

You stood firmly on the ground and pushed off your feet to give yourself a burst of speed to quickly land several cuts on his legs. Before he could get to you, you were already on the other side of him, striking his sides. It was almost as if he didn't know where you would strike next.

You quickly backed away from him, panting. He seemed perplexed and angry at the same time, "what kind of swordplay is that?!" He demanded.

You only smirked and held your sword in front of you, staying quiet. "Last I checked we were here test my strength not have a decent conversation!" You said, lunging at as his arm.

Everyone watching looked in shock at your skills while Kazue looked with pride. You had been working on a special swordplay only you knew of and it seemed to be working nicely.

Kougyoku gazed at you with newfound admiration while her brothers, Koumei and Kouha, looked in surprise. "Hm. Looks like I was wrong," noted Kouha, "she can fight."

Koumei nodded, "Aniue will be pleased to know this," he said, hiding his face with his fan as he analyzed your movements. He turned to his other siblings, "what do you think, Hakuei?" He asked.

A girl sitting next to him with raven hair matching that of the boy beside her nodded, "she's very skilled. I hope to learn something from her," said Hakuei with a smile.

Koumei nodded and turned his attention back to you as you fought against Entai. His eyes narrowed, 'I wonder though... How powerful is she with her metal vessels.'

Someone sitting beside the royal family leaned back in their chair with a smirk on their face, "you know, I'm almost jealous of Prince Kouen given that he gets to have such a beautiful and strong woman," commented one of the household vessel users.

Another scoffed and lightly slapped the top of his head, "keep dreaming, Seishuu," he said.

Seishuu pouted, "a man can dream, Kin."

Someone else sitting next to Kin sighed and crossed their arms, "you two are always so rowdy," he said.

Kin seemed to take slight offense to the statement, "shut it, Kokuton," he said.

Kokuton growled at him as another sighed. "That's enough you two," he said, "there's no need to pick a fight."

Kokuton only glared at him, "stay out of this, Shou."

Even if all of them seemed to be getting into a fight they all could agree on one thing, your power was something they hadn't seen before. Along with your swordplay.

The match seemed to be coming to a close as blood seeped through his wounds. You panted at the other side of the training yard, your sword was still drawn.

Entai noticed your exhaustion, "you ready to give up?" He asked in a slightly taunting tone.

You chuckled with a smirk, "you're in worse shape than me. In case you hadn't noticed you're the one with all the stab wounds," you said.

Entai scoffed, "I may not look it now, but I have the energy to squash you like a bug," he said while charging at you once more.

You braced yourself and quickly jumped in the air, you landed on the top of his head and did a back flip which placed you behind him. "Time to end this!" You yelled, stabbing your sword deep into his back.

He cried out and began to move around, trying to shake you off his back and slam you into a pillar. It was to no avail as you removed your sword and backed away, leaving blood spilling from yet another wound.

Entai felt himself fall back as the pain from the injuries were starting to get to him, not to mention he had just slammed the deep cut on his back into a pillar.

You stabbed your sword into the ground and leaned onto it, after that you were sure he was finished. You flinched and brought your sleeve back up to the cut on your eye, that was going to leave a scar.

Koutoku, seeing the obvious winner, stood from his seat. "This match is over, the winner is Princess Y/N!" He said.

You smiled and gave a small curtsy before falling to your knees as the pain of your own injuries was starting to set in.

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