To the Kou Empire

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A/N: Sorry for being gone so long, things were getting a bit frantic and I had planned to write on the weekend but I was having a few problems (don't worry about it now). 

I have to say I'm actually really excited for this story and if you were curious, I am going with the storyline. 


You sat in front of your father as he spoke of the upcoming events to you. Concerning the man from last night, you couldn't find out anything else much to your frustration. Not to mention your father didn't seem to care about your sister's recent death but it's not you could do anything about it.

Your father had been pacing around his desk for some time until he turned to you, "well, as the passing weeks have shown this marriage seems to look like a successful one," he said with a smirk on his face, "now, Y/N, it's time to take this a step further. For the next few weeks, you will be staying in the Kou Empire to get ready for the wedding. Do you understand?" He asked, giving you a pointed stare. 

You resisted the urge to roll your eyes, it's not like you could protest against this as it was your burden to bare as a princess. "Of course father. May I be dismissed now?" You asked. 

He nodded and you stood up with a small curtsy to your father, before you left you asked him one more thing, "will Kazue be accompanying me?" You asked, your fists clenching into your skirt in fear that he might decline. 

He turned to you with a raised brow, "I don't have time to answer idiotic questions, of course, he will," he said while rolling his eyes.

You nodded and quickly left the room, you leaned against the door and let out a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness," you breathed out. 

You took a small look around the halls and rolled your eyes at the sight of your sisters hiding behind a corner, they weren't very subtle when it came to stuff like this. It was clear that they were still jealous of your situation. You clenched your fists and held back tears that were threatening to come, 'it's not like I wanted to be sold off like cattle, damn brats.'

You quickly wiped your tears away as you heard footsteps coming by, "Princess, are you alright?" They asked.

You looked up to see Kazue looking at you. You gave him a bright smile, "I'm fine. Come on Kazue, we have to get ready for our journey to the Kou Empire," you said, walking past him to get to your room. 

He smiled, "No need to worry, everything has been taken care of. All you have to do is get on the ship tomorrow."

You let out a light chuckle, "I can always count on you, can't I Kazue?"

"Of course, Princess."


You leaned your head against your palm as the sound of rushing waves came to your ears, as of now there wasn't much to do. You had tried finding out more about Ren Kouen but nothing came up, not even a painting someone might've done.

The Emporer of Kou was a frustrating man with his tradition of the bride and groom not being able to see each other until the wedding. As bad as it sounded, you only hoped he was at least good looking and not like that scum from Balbadd. Your first encounter with him didn't end well.

You shook it off as your mind drifted off to what he might look like, rumors described him as a tall, well-built man with narrowed red eyes to compliment his red hair. As a picture came to your mind you felt a blush rise to your cheeks, 'I can't believe I'm having thoughts like this...!'

You frantically shook your head, 'that's enough! A princess of my caliber shouldn't be thinking of these things!' You thought as you tried to get rid of the blush resting on your cheeks.

The door to your room then opened causing you to fall out of your chair. "Princess! Are you alright?!" Kazue asked frantically as he put down a tray on a nearby table.

You picked yourself up and hid your face from him, "I-I'm fine, Kazue!" You stuttered, sitting back down in your chair.

He smirked and placed the tray in front of you, "of course princess," he said in a small suggestive tone.

You grumbled, "I don't like your tone Kazue," you whined as you crossed your arms.

He chuckled, "don't worry about it, princess."

You pouted and your gaze soon settled on the tray sitting in front of you. Your eyes widened as you saw the sweet Kazue had gotten you, "Kazue, where on earth did you manage to get chocolate?" You asked with a small sparkle in your eyes.

He only smiled, "don't worry, Princess. I only thought you should have something sweet to comfort you on this journey," he said, pressing a small kiss to your head.

You smiled softly and wiped tears coming to your eyes, you really would be nothing without Kazue by your side. "Kazue, what would I do without you?" You asked, taking a small bite of your treat.

"I'm sure you would still be as prosperous as you are now," he said sweetly.

You shook your head, "doubtful Kazue. Very doubtful."


You had to admit, the trip to the Kou empire hadn't been as bad as you thought. Although, the only thing making it worth it was Kazue pampering you more than usual; you had to admit it felt nice to relax for once, but the reality of it all soon came crashing down as you saw the Kou's port near your line of sight.

You sighed as you stood next to Kazue, "do you know a little about him?" You asked, referring to your betrothed.

He thought for a moment, "he has metal vessels, unfortunately, how many will be a surprise," he said.

Your gaze drifted to your sword where your second djinn, Andrealphus, rested and to your necklace where your first djinn, Purson, rested.

You shifted your gaze back to the port which was closer than you thought, the closer it came the more you wished to be back home without any troubles. Your hand reached up to your necklace to clutch it tightly, a nervous habit you had developed over the years.

'Sister, I wish you were here for support.'


You picked up the ends of your dress as you walked down the ramp of the ship they had placed. You looked around only to see guards surrounding a carriage, no doubt for you.

You scanned the guards and noticed the Emporer was nowhere to be seen, you beckoned a guard to you. He bowed down to you on one knee with his hands intertwined.

You stood your ground and glared down at him, "where is emperor Koutoku? I was told he would meet us here," you said harshly with your hands in your sleeves.

He looked to the ground in shame, "I'm sorry, Princess. He decided to allow you to meet him at the castle."

You resisted the urge to roll your eyes, "very well, take us there and-" you bowed your head- "please protect us the entire journey," you said softly causing him to perk up.

He smiled at you, "of course, princess!"

You returned the smile and made your to the carriage where the rest of the guards were, "come, Kazue," you said as he began to trail behind you.

He nodded, "of course, princess."


The carriage ride so far hadn't been eventful in the least and Kazue could tell you were yearning for some sort of action. He looked up from a scroll he was reading, "princess, you seem restless. Something wrong?" He asked.

You sighed and ran a hand through your hair, "I was just hoping that something would happen," you said, leaning your head against your hand.

He rose a brow, "why is that?"

You smirked, "well, I can't have him without at least a few rumors of my power," you said.

Kazue chuckled, "you really are something, aren't you princess?"

You smiled and shrugged, not feeling at all ashamed of your plan. Fortunately, your dream was about to come true as the carriage abruptly stopped, you felt a giddy feeling erupt in your gut as a guard came by.

"Princess, stay in your carriage! Bandits have ambushed us!"

Your eyes sparkled with excitement, "really?!" You said, way too excited for the guard's comfort.

He seemed confused and apprehensive with your behavior, "y-yes...?" He stuttered nervously.

You turned him and listened to the sounds outside, as far as you could tell there were about eight of them and from the screams, the guards weren't doing so well. You smiled and pat the guard informing you of the situation on the shoulder, "don't worry I will take care of it," you said sweetly as you climbed out of the carriage.

The guard tried stopping you but Kazue put a hand on his shoulder, the guard turned to him and smiled. "Don't worry about her," he said while turning his gaze to you, "she'll be fine."

All the guards turned to in surprise to see you walking up to the bandits with your shoulders squared and your head held high. They all shuffled out of the way at the powerful aura you were giving off. 

You held a hand out to your side, "draw back for now! I will take care of them! Anyone that is wounded make your way into the carriage and Kazue will tend to your wounds!" You said authoritatively, "anyone not wounded will help Kazue, do you understand?!"

They all looked at each other in slight confusion, having never seen a princess of your caliber do something like this. Your eye twitched in irritation, "well?!" You yelled.

They stuttered out a response, "y-yes, princess!"

You sent them a small smile and turned to the bandits, "hmm. Not very intimidating..." You said sadly as you unsheathed your sword. 

They didn't seem to appreciate the comment as they sneered at you, "what's a wimpy princess like you going to do?" One asked as he chuckled to his comrades. 

You chuckled slightly, "you underestimate me?" You asked, getting into a fighting stance. 

In a flash, the man who sneered at you was doubled down on the ground with his hands on his stomach. You were on the other side of him your sword still at your side, it didn't even look like you had moved your blade at all, "big mistake."

The bandits looked in surprise and then to you in anger, "you're gonna pay for that you pampered princess!" Another said, charging at you with full speed. 

You smirked and flipped over him as he got near you, you landed gracefully on the ground, "oh, I'm sure I will," you said as he doubled down in pain like his comrade.

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