Black Trailer

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The opening quote is shown: "Your hopes have become my burden. I will find my own liberation."

Blake Belladonna sits on a rock outcropping watching red leaves drift down in the Forest.

Adam Taurus walks up to her

Adam: Blake, it's time.

She slowly turns toward him.

Blake: Okay.

The camera drifts down to show a train rushing through the forest.

Adam and Blake slide down the hill onto the top of the train. Upon boarding it, they enter a car full of AK-130 Androids.

Adam: Looks like we're gonna be doing this the hard way.

The Androids activate and circle the duo.

Blake: Don't be so dramatic.

An Android activates the guns on its arms.

Android: Intruder, identify yourself.

Adam responds by cutting the Android in two and he and Blake proceed to completely annihilate the Androids in the car. Eventually, they burst out of the freight car onto a flatcar and encounter a horde of Androids running towards them.

Adam: Let's do this.

They decimate the horde and enter into a second freight car.

Adam opens a box and examines the contents inside.

Adam: Perfect. Move up to the next car.

He closes the trunk.

Adam: I'll set the charges.

Blake: What about the crew members?

Adam: What about them?

Adam turns his head around and sees a Spider Droid climbing down from the ceiling of the car. Adam moves to fight it.

Blake (anxiously): Adam.

Adam and Blake try to fight it, but it doesn't go so well. Adam grabs Blake before she is about to be crushed by the droid's legs.

Blake: We need to get out of here.

Eventually the fight moves out of the car onto another flatcar.

Adam: Buy me some time!

Blake: Are you sure?

Adam: Do it!

Blake distracts the droid while Adam readies his next attack. As she jumps back to Adam some time later...

Adam: Move!

The droid fires a powerful beam. Adam catches the beam with Wilt. As his body starts to glow, the droid jumps toward him. Adam then slashes out with his sword, but it doesn't destroy the robot. Suddenly an Assasin appears. The robot charges at Blake. Adam tries to save her but doesn't get there in time. Blake closes her eyes preparing for death. But it never comes. A loud gun shot is heard. Blake opens her eyes and sees the Assassin with a single pistol pointed at the robot. The robot falls destroyed. Adam goes to thank the Assasin when the Assasin turns on him and draws his sword. The Assassin attacks Adam and easily disarms him. The Assassin goes to strike the final blow when Blake calls out.

Blake: Don't kill him! Please!

The Assasin moves forward but a bullet from out of nowhere lands between the two. Adam looks to see where the shot came from. The Assassin sees a Pink-haired girl with a large gun way off in the distance.

Adam: What are you going to do, human?

The Assassin shakes his head, throws a smoke bomb and then vanishes. As Adam walks back towards Blake, he finds her on a separate train car standing near the connector between the cars. As he reaches out to her...

Blake: Goodbye.

She severs the connection and lets the released carts slow down as she lets the rest of the train continue en-route. As she leaves, the background becomes completely red with a black silhouete of Blake in the middle, with black leaves falling down. Off in the distance, the Assassin approaches the Pink Haired girl who fired the shot.

Assassin: That was my kill. Why did you interfere, Mine?

Mine: Orders from Najenda. She doesn't think you're thinking straight. Killing Adam would cause a giant war. The White Fang would attack and that would bring Esdeath here.

Assassin: Also cutting off the head of the snake ends wars.

The Assassin turns to walk away.

Assassin: Don't get in my way again. Do so, and I'll come after Night Raid myself.

The Assassin than vanishes.

Mine: A simple 'thank you' would've worked.

Mine walks away.

Then the camera zooms out from the RWBY title card and the silhouettes of Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee and Blake Belladonna becoming defined. The screen changes red background with black leaves and an announcement to "COMING TO WATTPAD" appears before the screen fades to black.

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