Step 10.75: Be Sick

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Once again I forgot this existed. I've had this written for like a year, just forgot about it... whoops.


Step 10.75: Be Sick

A few weeks later Jack woke to someone shaking his arm. Without much thought he grabbed and arm and pinned it against the person's back.

"Whoa dude! What the hell?" A voice shouted.

Jack now mostly awake quickly let go. "Sorry," he mumbled to his sister before turning back over.

"Get up idiot! Your tutor is gonna be here soon," Mckenize yelled at him.

Jack groaned and sat up with a yawn. "Alright I'm getting up..." He started getting up when Mckenzie stopped him.

"Are you okay?"

"Fine. Now do you want me to get up or not?" Jack asked her.

Mckenzie frowned and reached a hand out to touch his head.

He swatted his hand away. "What are you doing?"

"You're warm."

"I'm fine," Jack argued climbing out of bed. He instantly missed its warmth and put his arms around himself.

McKenzie frowned. "Miranda!" She yelled. "Jack's sick!"

"Stop it, I'm fine," Jack told her walking to the door so he could head to the bathroom. He was quickly cut off by his mother in the hallway. Jack didn't get to open his mouth as she held his face in her hands analyzing him.

"Go back to bed," she ordered.

"I'm fine."

"No you're not, and this is not up for debate."

Jack had protested as much as he could, but soon enough he found in his bed, glaring at the ceiling, and a fretting mother by his side.


"Miranda calm down," his father commented staring at his phone. "It's just a fever, and a cold."

"Do you not care?" She replied handing a small thing of medicine to Jack. Jack stared at the strange pink liquid for a moment, then downed it quickly and made a face at the taste.

"I care," his father told her putting his phone is his pocket. "But he's clearly fine and I have a meeting to get to. Don't smother him too much while I'm gone."


Smothering was all she did for two days.

Two days.

By the end of the second day he was ready to jump out the window for change.

Thankfully Kai and Derek arrived right before he did, shooing his over protective mother out.

"I know what will make you feel better," Kai smiled.

Jack grimaced scared to know what was going on inside her head. "Do I want to know?"

"Yes, it's good news and it has to do with getting to New York."

"Spill," Derek told her pulling his hair back.

"I am one of the five students from my school chosen to represent us at the-"

Derek raised an eyebrow. "Since when are you smart enough to be chosen for anything? Are there are only five people in this school? And what does this have to do with New York?"

Kai glared at him. "If you would let me finish I would tell you that I'm going to New York to be apart of an Model United Nations at the actual UN building. So in a week and a half we will leave on a plane. And Jack is rich. He can buy you both a ticket."

"What really?" He asked eyes wide.

"Yup. I've know this for a while but I didn't know the flight information before but now I do. I forwarded you the email." Kai smiled just as wide. "Guess you both gotta pack."

"It won't work," Jack said shaking his head.

"Why not?"

"Airport security. But a similar idea comes to mind... Derek you know if CeeCee had any pilots?"

Derek paused. "Not that I know personally but she probably knows someone who knows someone."

Jack coughed a couple times before he was able to speak. "Good."

"We don't have a plane though."

Jack smiled. "My dad has multiple private jets. I'm sure he won't miss one."

"So you plan to steal your dad's jet?"

"No more like-" Jack was cut off by a coughing fit. "More like borrowing it. Any objections?"

"Many," Kai nodded.

"Great," Derek smiled. "Lets go to New York."

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