Step 2.5: Lie

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Step 2.5: Lie

"What the hell?"

Jack spun around to see Matthew had entered his room. Jack's widened as he quickly pulled on his shirt. But Matthew wasn't looking at the scars which littered his brother's body.

Matthew was staring at where Jack had haphazardly placed the gun on his bed while he changed for bed. Jack cursed his luck. He finally crosses off the step and he's caught. Well, he lasted a whole three hours with the gun.

"Don't you knock?! Get out!" he ordered.

Matthew closed the door and walked closer to Jack though only a bit. "Where the hell did you get that?"

"I took it off a mugger," Jack said honestly.

"No seriously. Where did you get it? And why do you have it?"

Jack sighed and stared at his brother coming up with a lie, thankfully he was certainly good at that. So, it only took him a moment.

He looked down at his feet. "You wouldn't understand," he said quietly so Matthew would have to strain to hear him.

"You're right. I don't. So... tell me."

Jack didn't respond. He continued to stare at the floor. He heard Matthew walk forward. "Jack?" He asked. Jack still stayed silent. Matthew placed a hand on Jack's shoulder but Jack quickly stepped back.

Jack crossed the room and sat under the window. He pulled his knees to his chest hanging his head. "I lied," he said quietly. "I remember some stuff. None of it good. Having it... I feel like I can- I can finally protect myself for once..." He trailed off as he started to make himself tremble as if he was crying.

Thankfully, Matthew bought it. "Shit no- are-are you crying?... Umm...don't cry, uh... Look I'm sorry. Really sorry. Okay? And I um- I won't tell anyone alright? Just please stop crying."

"Really?" Jack sniffed trying to hold in a laugh at how easy that was.

"Yeah," Matthew sighed. "I just don't want to ever see it or know you did something drastic and I didn't stop it."

"Drastic? What do you think I'm gonna do?" Jack asked still keeping his head down.

"Well um... I thought you were gonna... You know..."

Jack looked up, his eyes now wet with fake tears. "Commit suicide? How unstable do you think I am?" He asked his voice cracking. Jack looked back down taking a breath as unwanted memories surfaced.

"Don't you think it's wrong? Blake, we kill people without even batting an eye. And, what for?"

"They'll kill us if we don't," Blake answered.

"So I can take the lives of over a hundred to save myself and that's okay?"

"I admit you got a point but, if you don't they'll just get someone else to do it."

"It- it just isn't right."

"I know dude. I've known that for years. But despite the times its crossed my mind, I'm too much of a coward to do anything. I'll save my own skin before others in a heart beat. That's how it works around here. We are all "friends" for now. But if it comes down  to it, its every man for himself. I've accepted that."

"How can you say that so calmly? How... How can you even talk to me after what I did to you?" Charlie asked quietly.

Blake ignored the questions. "Just don't go and do anything g stupid. You're the only person I got on my side at the moment." Blake checked his watch and stood. "I gotta go take my patrol shift I'll see you tomorrow."

"I'm-I'm... not a coward," Charlie whispered.

"That's nice," Blake said walking out only half listening. He wished he had listened.

"You're not unstable," Matthew said pulling Jack from his memories. "I just don't want anything to happen. We just got you back. Plus Miranda would kill me if anything happened to you... So I'll go... But the reason I came in here was that I was wondering if you knew where-.... Never mind, I'll just ask Kenzie..."

Jack heard Matthew's steps retreat and the door open close.

He slowly lifted his head. If I don't get killed or go to prison after all this, I should be an actor. He gave a small snort of laughter at the thought. He knew what was in store:

A) A Cell


B) Either A Nice Coffin.

But that didn't bother him. Not one bit.

He stood silently as he pulled out his drawer to get to the compartment. He picked up the gun off his bed, as he felt the familiar weight in his hands he couldn't stop himself from remembering the first time he had held one.

"Shoot it."

Jack looked up from the heavy gun in his shaking hands to see a man pointing one in his face. Behind the man were eight people watching intensely.

"Shoot it," one man in the back repeated. Jack looked forward to see a target standing a good ways away.

"Shoot it!"

Jack jumped a bit in surprise. He held the gun toward the target in trembling hands. Finally he pulled the trigger. He shouted in surprise as it caused him to jerk back a few feet, his hands hit him in the forehead and he fell back on his butt.

He looked at the target to see the bullet had missed by a mile landing a good lengths away from the low left of the target's outer ring.

He could hear people murmuring behind him. The man with the gun took the one from Jack's hand before lowering his own.

"I'll take him," a guy in the corner said. Jack hadn't even noticed him before.

A man in a suit looked at the man in the corner. "Are you sure? You normally take ones with more... potential."

The guy in the corner nodded walking up to Jack looking him over scanning every detail. Jack looked back him unsure of what else to do. The guy in had blonde hair and green eyes behind blue glasses. He was young looking. The youngest in the room besides Jack. Jack thought he looked about the age of the people who worked in his Dad's house.

"I'm sure," the guy said finally. "I like a challenge."

"He's yours then."

The guy nodded and motioned for Jack to follow him. Jack didn't have much of a choice and followed the guy out room and down the hall.

"My name is Tristan," he told Jack. "But you will call me Sir. Understand?"

Jack nodded.


"Y-yes Sir," Jack said quietly.

"Good," Tristan nodded. "I shall call you... Blake. You're name is Blake."

"My name is Karson. But everyone calls Ja-" Jack was unable to finish is sentence as a hand slapped him across the face.

Tears welled in the now six year old's eyes.

"Do you remember the rules?" Tristan growled. Jack nodded as tears began to flow down his face. He knew them. They had locked him in a room and only given him food once he had stopped asking for his mommy and learned the rules.

"Say the rules."

Jack sniffled but did as he was told. "Rule One: Only speak when spoken to. Rule Two: Follow orders. Rule Three: Do exactly as you're told."

"Exactly," Tristan said. "Do as you're told. I'm telling you your name is Blake understand."

"Yes Sir."

"Wonderful... And Blake? I'm adding another rule for you to remember: No crying. It makes you look like the weak pathetic thing you are."

Jack- Blake instantly wiped the tears from his face. Tristan smiled standing up straight. "Come on then. I think we're gonna have fun together."



I hope you enjoyed Step 2.1 and hated Tristan!

And if you didn't understand the "2.5" bit, Jack wrote out the steps beforehand but when something unplanned happens it becomes .5 or .75 etc.

Also I didn't finish the middle but I just wrote the epilogue cuz... why not? I'm excited.

Now for a character much later I can't decide the name. So can you please pick one of the three names below? Or give a suggestion?

I'll give you his description: tan skin, hazel eyes, and black hair down to his shoulders but normally in a short ponytail.






Something else?



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