Chapter : 28

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Aashna's pov:

It was the day of Kriya's and Ruan's wedding and I was busy preparing for the same. No doubt Kriya was the happiest bride I have ever seen. Her face glowed every time someone teased her with Ruan's name. Because of different religions they thought of marrying with both rituals but Kriya being Kriya cancelled it saying that she only want Christian wedding and will keep reception for other guests. So their wedding was today and reception was after two days.

Kriya's bridesmaids, her sisters were busy with her makeup whereas I was busy with mine.

"Someone is finally doing her makeup on her own." Kriya teased me.

"Is Aarav coming today?" One of her sister asked.

"Of course he is. Ruan won't get married if Aarav won't come." She said and giggled.

"I literally begged Aarav to be here, I just can't imagine my boyfriend ditching me on my wedding because his best friend didn't came." She said and giggled again. Man, she is really very much happy.

"No wonder, even Aarav agreed to it. In fact, last night he came to meet me." She said and I looked at her with a shock. I don't know why but kriya never talked with me anything related to him. We talked a lot on different things but never about him. I was happy that he is finally back. As what I came to know from her that he didn't returned his home after the incident happened at my office and now knowing that he is back actually gave me relief.

"So I have someone to look at, during your wedding." her sister said with a wink, for which Kriya just rolled her eyes and looked at me. Oh no! I quickly looked sideways but deep inside I knew that she already saw me.

"Haha, Sanjana will be with him." She said giving more emphasis on the word Sanjana, as if she was saying it for me and me being the most stupid creature again looked at her direction, which made her smirk.

After we all were ready we went to the church. Kriya was getting her makeup retouched, whereas I went inside the church and saw Ruan standing at the aisle, looking more handsome and confident. I smiled at him and he did the same. I looked behind him towards his best man's but Aarav was no where to be seen.

I went further and sat beside a girl who was probably of my age but was holding a very cute baby girl with her. She looked too young to be a mother of 1-2 years old baby, but she was one of the prettiest girl I have ever seen. She looked like a princess with the gown she was wearing and her long black hair were left open on her back. Her husband might be the happiest to have such a beautiful wife. When I sat next to her there was a shock on her face but it quickly turned into a smile.

"Your daughter is so cute." I complimented.

"Thank you." she said politely.

" What's her name?" I asked.

"Isha and my name is Misha." She said kissing the hands of her baby.

"Oh. Rhyming." I said.

"By the way, I'm.." Before I could introduce myself, she did it.

"Aashna, right?" She asked and this time I was shocked. How does she know me? I'm pretty sure I have never meet her before. And when I was going to ask her, she again answered my unasked question.

"Aarav told me. I must say that you are exactly the way he described, just that you are more prettier in person." She replied. How does she know Aarav? And why would he tell her about me?

"Your Mom wants to talk with you. Call her." Varun, whom I met in meeting with the Deshmukh's said to her. Is she Varun's wife?

"Oh ok." She replied.

"Daddy." The little girl giggled looking at him, to which he returned a flying kiss towards her, which made her giggle more. Ok! So she is Varun's wife. Forget about being the happiest husband, he don't even value his wife. I know he was forced to married but that doesn't mean that he will treat the girl, the way he wants. He is very brave and nice person to talk with but when I came to know about his relation with his wife, I was pretty much upset.

"Hi Aashna. Nice to see you again." He said.

"Hi. Yes, Same here." I replied.

"Call me, if you need something." He said to his wife and went away. I looked at her wanting to ask her so many questions but then again, we just met, how can I ask her something personal? So I decided to keep quiet.

"He changed a bit. At least far better than what he used to be before." Misha replied still looking at the direction where varun was standing.

"If you don't mind, should I tell you something?" she asked and I nodded.

"Don't marry someone just to make your parents happy, if you will not be able to love the person you married, it won't be fair on part of them."

"Varun married me just because his parents said him to do so and I guess you know what happened after that." She said with a sigh. Meanwhile her baby started crying, so she got up from her seat.

"You are smart enough to understand What I mean." She said resting her hand on my shoulder and then went away as the baby started crying more.

I looked at the aisle and this time saw Aarav standing there, fixing Ruan's tie. Wow, was the only word left my mouth when I saw him. The black tuxedo he was wearing looked like as if it was made just for him. The aura around him screamed 'confidence'. And by confidence I remembered the groom who was so confident when I entered was now looking hell nervous.

Soon the music started playing and Kriya entered the church. All the while I was busy looking at Ruan, I badly wanted to his reaction and it was exactly the way I expected and on the other hand Kriya's condition was the same. She went towards the aisle and Ruan extended his hand for her.

The priest started with the rituals and soon they both were declared as married couple. God bless them both!


Do check out Varun's story, 'Loving the nightmare'.

"If you truly love me, then you would have never agreed to marry me." Varun's sentence made me totally shocked. What does he mean?

Varun was Misha's highschool crush. The crush eventually turned into love but she never confessed her feelings as she was very well known to his undying love for Tanvi. She kept her feelings to herself until she saw them getting married.

But circumstances changed and their marriage didn't last because of the death of Tanvi. Misha married Varun and was very happy until Varun promised her something.

"You will never be happy of this marriage and I promise you that."

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