*Story Illustration *

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You try to be faithful

And sometimes you're cruel.
You are mine. Then, you leave.
Without you, I can't cope.

And when you take the lead,
I become your footstep.
Your absence leaves a void.
Without you, I can't cope.

You have disturbed my sleep,
You have wrecked my image.
You have set me apart.
Without you, I can't cope."¬ rumi





She was a girl just like an endearing  pendant ,strong enough to shine around the world but only close to the people she loved...

He was the hero of every heart..turning out to.be someone he thought he would never be ..

Being tough was his trait...And impatience  her title..

but they had one attribute in common they loved being carefree .. both a center of attraction due to their quirky comebacks and being the smallest came with its own perks

though it's said life has a unique way of changing your traits but only if you let it..

will they be able to hide the sadness behind their chirping talks if something  hard struck them 

As she was a girl  brought up in a coat of fantasy by her elder siblings who covered  her from every hardship that could come her way unknown to her she had been inside a shield just because of them..

Now when her sister was married, she had started to have a   glimpse of numerous  things ,which she thought she had already learned  going by her past mistake of insecurity which lead to a bigger disaster in her siste'rs life ... but there is never enough!! 

Follow their journey of attaining their dream of love..But with completely different desires.....

Marriage.is known to be a bond of care and sacrifice

where pure love connects and binds the strings of two hearts
and if involved in it is friendship it becomes an exquisite relation .. overlapping any differences that could make any issue

Lack in any one aspect could destroy the remaining in a swift...

and related is the story of them

Two carefree persons united by a sacred bond yet veiled by the feelings of It's bliss..

"Ameera" he paused gauging her reaction, he couldn't keep it in much longer than he already had especially when a certain picture was there residing in her hand .

his hands raved his already enough touslled hairs ..

"Ameera , I am sorry but my heart contains no feelings for you" he murmured whilst peering at her questioning gaze...cladded in a doll like dress ,her stance faltered,gazing at the person before him with pure rage!!. the beads of her dress dimming after each second as her heart

if you want to completely shatter a girl , these words would be more than enough to destroy her especially if said on the very day of  NIKKAH 

where  expectations are at the peaks of imagination

All her innocent dreams ...every flutters of  feeling and most of all the first trust she did,giving away  rest of her life to a person who doesn't love her and makes no promises to do so 

 And efficiently he missed the clatters of expectations those words caused  in her eyes which depicted the scenario of her heart

undoubtedly words tend to be more  powerful than a sword ..enough to torture you yet never kill you..

Despite of a painfully  storming heart she composed herself rather prompt,her glistening eyes not meeting his.

"Than why did you ruin me daniyal,? What was my fault? Why were you silent ?"her questions were striked towards the very person responsible of ruining one of the most important day of her life yet the way her eyes demanded answers after a swift composure not giving him any satisfaction of what just actually transpired inside her only a strong enough girl could do it

her questions burying him in piles of guilt  yet no words came out of this mouth ..

all this time,!..she heaved staring at the ceiling to stop her tears she heaved closing them for a second..she refuse to breakdown in front of him 

completely foregoing importance of her feelings! how could he do this she thought

WHYY?? Daniyal .? Why" she whispered asking  from a person who seemed blinded with something other..his feelings over shadowed by another girl, her face never forgotten by his heart

A person who had a strong title of her spouse ...could be selfish enough to play with her feelings it was a shock to her sanity ..

but the question was why? she wasn't the one to persuade him

she wasn't the one to love him and she knew no one would pressurize him for this

she didn't even love him !!! but if someone is chosen to be your partner infatuation with its being is natural which was now a tarnished thought 

"Answer me daniyal why?" she stepped close meeting his eyes

"Because you wanted to study at your dream university and the only way you could go was with me" came his weak claim immobilizing her while he opened the  suit button his shoulders flexing with an unknown ache

it was true though in a way!

  Unexpected but  they had  same university in their minds ,no one was ready to send her there alone but when daniyal put forth his desire to do the same . their parents presented there wish to them which they both didn't denied yet no one was forced it was completely up to them

hence,within in days it was decided that they will be bonded in the sacred veil of nikkah and rukhsati will only take place after they complete their studies...

it was a small ceremony,no one outside the family knew of the deed ..it was to be kept secret until they return

She felt like her hands would betray her if she stepped further....having no patience was a very prominent trait of hers ..But she controlled ..,why ? She had no idea when the person in front of her  deserved it

"i could have made them concede by any other way daniyal but by doing this i can't see  any halo ring on your head !"she clipped with enrage ,her being trembling with pure anger 

"They would have ever let you Ameera" he pointed inching towards her but her glare made him halt with a clenched jaw

"And why were you worried about that it was my life ,you weren't the one stopped to go" she stated making him uncomfortable as he had no reply 

"It's better we discuss it another time Ameera" he turned around with a frown not liking where this has come to but he was helpless by the feelings and he never wanted to keep her in the shadow ..but its was impossible to let go the girl in his mind

his first love was someone else ,he cant betray her, she was his beloved 

but you can do this to your wife his heart scolded to which he had no answers

its said love is blind especially when you prefer to  stay in its illusion...which isn't love rather an infatuation but its to hard to differentiate sometimes 

"you cant leave daniyal i am not one of those girls who will sacrifice their lives for nothing  .. i know i have my rights" 

"But Before we take this to elders"she added confidence taking a deep breath she gazed deep into those eyes with such intensity even his heart faltered scolding his doings

"Divorce me !! "Her tone wavered

"Whatt?" he shouted enraged and he didn't knew why but those words striked straight at  his heart 

he could not let her go!

" I wouldn't compromise no matter what" !she gulped away the fear looking directly at his fierce eyes.

"Right now you are completely out of your senses ameera" he scolded glaring at her his heart beating without pace 

"daniyal i said ...

"Never !!" He gritted interrupting her and slamming the door behind him yet the feelings of a broken girl stayed shatter crumbling her from all sides taking her in the abyss of sadness..But she was Ameera and patience was one thing she lacked ...

Though the only thing she wanted to do was curl up and break down ...thrashing every glass within the room yet...........,

she followed after him not knowing whether she was headed towards her destruction or freedom....

After a visible fairy tale of umar and Areesha it was difficult for both of them to cope with their destiny which turned out completely different for what they desired ..

forgetting every fairy tale has storms ,each has its own sets of thorns and enemies but only with patience one can complete it which sadly both lacked ..

 beautiful tales only take place if you have heaps of patience and taqwa

Not recognizing that sometimes whom you think you love isn't your true love instead faith brings the pure one to bind with your name ..... and many many have done the mistake of not recognizing it and have lived a life of regret never getting a hint of peace

it wasn't a broken relation it was a relation which had yet to go through many phases... and in the end the decision will itself stand ahead either to make them or falter them away to the persons there hearts are destined to ......

daniyal just like your heart denied to accept me i promise i would never let my heart welcome yours......

and this line itself could be the destruction of whatever was left but as they say in the sites of destruction's sometimes marvelous things bloom

Each of her spilled tears invoked his heart with a strike ., the reason unknown to him

Every word of his eventually losing there meaning but she had the absolute idea why 

will she stay faraway with him to accomplish her dream 

or will break away two most important things at the Same time her dream and  marriage 

because one thing she could never do is compromise, and will not  let him play with her feelings when there is another girl he loves so much 

a hard decision it is but ...worth of the conclusion will be a story unfolded with time

  now read that quote at the top once again :-)  

A story of jealousy ,friendship.lessons fun and most importantly trust 

which would be hard to gain if that  girl returns in their life 


so this is the sequel and yes there will umreesha and glimpses of their married life but the story revolves around ameera and daniyal 

though she is Areesha's sister but everyone has a different personality sure there will have some similar traits but she is going to give a very very hard time to daniyal if she does go along with him ! 

and well as you all know daniyal he is quirky but

 he wouldn't compromise if something comes in the way of his self respect.

tell me your thoughts regarding these two 

and the next description will be posted soon as well .. so you will be the one to decide which one should i take it further 

until than take care ;-)

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