Happy Bday ( final)

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He walked to her room, knocked the door.

Ta: Arnav.. ?

A: Tanu, get ready.. we should go some where...

T: where... ?

A: Only will come if you know where..

He was serious... so she doesnt compleled and followed him.

Its been 1 hr he is driving. Total scilence.

Ta: Arnav, its soo long.. where are we going..?

A: 10 mins more...

They drove for 10 more minutes.
And reached a lonely garden, beside a lake.

T: Why here ?

A: I want to spend some time with you.... I mean... ah.. after reaching here... we were fully at work.. never get out of there... so..

He tried to cover up what he slipped out. She was staring at him,without a blink.

A: What..🙄🙄

T; You are behaving very odd today .

A: Oho.. please stop Tanu.. i just wanted a break..  I took you because i thought maybe you also need one.. if dont like here, then come , we will go home..

T: No no.. I was just..ah.. leave it.

They sat on a bench,viewing the sunset.

Tanu's Pov:

I thaught he is going to give me a birthday surprise. 😒, now look at him simply looking at the sunset. And also why should I blame him, he may never know its my birthday today...hm.. but he is correct,I wanted a break... maybe with him....

Arnav's Pov

How will I start... ok.. Tanu, happy birthday... chi chi.. no.. so boring.. hm.. Happy Birthday Tanuuuuu... 😕not at all... oh god.. why I am taking this much time to say a happy birthday😒😒... ok.. maybe after sometime.. first I should make her mood good. What to do...🤔... Rudy.. will call Rudy now.. no no.. why should he have an idea always.. no.. I should try something..

A: Tanu..

T: hmm...

A: you miss anyone...??

T: hmm.

A: I know whom...

T( confused) : 🙄.. then tell me who..

A: ah.. your.. your boyfriend na..😂😂

He started to laugh. Tanu opened her mouth to his answer.

T: You...

A: Oh god...

He started to run around, being chased by her.

T: Stop there...

A: No.. catch me.. if you can...

T: Arnav...

They were playing with full fun enjoying every .moment. But soon...

T: Ahh...!!!

A: Tanu..  what happend?

He found Tanu sitting on the ground touching her leg.

T: My leg...

He rushed towards her and took her feet.

A: Get up..

He gently hold her shoulders and made her stand.
Suddenly she caught his arms and smaked his head..

T: Got you😝😝😝😝.

A: You were playing..🙅🙅??

T: oh.. sorry...

A: Now let me see how you are going to escape from my hands..

T: No.. No.. arnav...

Now he is chasing her. After long 5 mins of running, she was tired and speed reduced. He caught her from back, with arms around her waist. Both are breathing heavily, his head resting on her shoulders. Her eyes struck at the moon, just came out.

A: Happy birthday Tanu...

She shifted her head sideways,looking at him, mainting the same position.

T: Arnav....

He made her face him, hands on her shoulders.

A: I am sorry I didnt knew it was your birthday... Rudy told me in morning. I was trying to say wishes from then, but I couldnt. I want to give you a wonderful gift and surprise you, but I dont know anything about your likes. So I took you here... I know you miss your parents so badly.. especially today. I know you feel lonely now.. but Tanu... I want to say only one thing.. dont feel lonely, you are not alone.. I will be with you always..you reside in here( pointing to his heart).  i will never ever leave you... I want to see you happy always.. 

Tanu's eyes started brimming. She hugged him tightly and cried her heart loud.


fter 2 hrs, they reached home, it was night.Tanu opened the door ,


A loud scream from the whole family. Tanu was totally surprised. She smiled and looked at the man behind. He winked. She knew it was all his plan. Reshma came running and hugged her.

Re: Happy bday dearr!!!!

T: Thank you..

Rahul: Cake is ready....!!!🎂🎂🎂

She smiled and went near the cake... took the knife... and cut the cake...

Happy birthday to you... happy birthday to you... happy birthday dear Tanu.... happy biryhday toooooo youuuuuuu.....

Everyone clapped. She took the first piece and gave to Reshma, follwed by Rahul and others. And at last, she walked to Arnav, who stood in a corner, looking at her..

Her steps was slow. No one noticed as everyone enjoyed the cake.

T: ah.. Thank you...

A: Only thank u?😏

T: Then what...😐😓

A: Cakee🍰.

She smiled as she thaught of something else and gave him the cake. He took a small piece and fed her.

The small party took some long. After that they went to their respective rooms. Tanu was very happy. She entered the room and found a big packet. She uncovered it and found a big teddy bear, with a note,

Happy bday Tanu... I gave you a best friend today other than me. When I am not with you, you can talk to it, now sleep hugging it..

She knew whose gift was that. Being a teddy lover from childhood, she liked it very much. She ran to Arnav's room. When he opened, she gave him a quick hug and told...

T: It was my best birthday... only because of you.... thank you...

Saying this she ran back, without giving him a chance to react.

And that was a long chapter... enjoy guys.. and also check out my new book

Also my other books,

1. Call From the past.

2. Finding love

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