Chapter 1: What!?

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(A quick A/N. ~~ <-- When derp is talking. My bold and, I forgot what they are called are not working on my kindle XD and if you wondering why I'm using a kindle? Because freaking wi-fi won't connect to my laptop, so yeah. So read on!)

(Ssundee's P.O.V.)

I came in the Team Crafted house where Jerome and Mitch were talking about the hunger games. While Ty, Jason, Quentin, Seto and Sky were fighting over which item was the best in all of Minecraftia, which Sky kept yelling 'budder!' everytime someone said something. It made me laugh when they have fights like that, but everytime they had a winner. By the looks of it, the arguing is not going to end. "Budder!" Sky shouted. "Can-" "Budder!" "But-" "Budder!" "I-" "Budder!". The arguing went on and on until I went to my room. I just plopped myself onto my bed and stared at the ceiling for a bit. "Fine! Budder is the best!" I heard Ty say. "Yay!" Sky shouted with the satisfaction of winning the argument. I guess he just annoyed them to death by just shouting budder to interrupt everyone. I heard Sky come upstairs and bust through my door. "Hey Ian! Guess what?" I was about to answer, but- "Budder is the best!" He said throwing his arms in the air. "I wouldn't say that, Sky." I said. "Well, it can kill squids!" "You have a point." Suddenly Sky pulled out his budder ingot and kissed it. "How-?" "I carry budder with me always!" Sky said. "Catch!" Sky suddenly said throwing budder at me. Oh no. It hit my glasses off and knocked me off my bed. "Sky! What did you do?" I.shouted trying to search for the sunglasses that helped keep Derp in. "Dude, they're just sunglasses-" "No they are not!" My head started aching. No, no, no, no, no! "Hardly." I said Sky staring. Oh great! Did I say that out loud!? ~Yea you did-~ "Shut up!" I shouted. "Uh, Ian? You okay?" Sky asked. "I'm perfectly fine!" I felt the pain getting stronger. I gripped my head in pain and yelped. ~Good-night, Ssundee!~ "No-". And I blacked out.

(Sky's P.O.V.)

Ian yelped. What's going on? Ian went limp for a second. I went up to him to see if he was okay, then he moved and looked at me. I jumped back to see that Ian's eyes were crooked. "Ian?" I said. "So you must be the 'famous' Sky Ssundee talks about." His voice was hoarse and had a bit of sarcasm in it. "What did you do with Ian!?" I asked. "Oh, don't worry about poor Ian. He's in a safer place." I saw an iron sword on Ian's dresser. I leapt for it, but to find 'Ian' pushing me before I reached the sword. "Ah, ah, ah. I think this belongs to me." I tried pulling myself up when I finally stood the thing pushed me against the wall and had the sword to my neck. I tried screaming for help, but the only thing that came out was a squeak. "So, any regrets you want to take back?" He asked. He drew the sword closer. Then he fell to the floor. "Ssundee, you little-" He yelped. Again gripping his head. I saw Ian's glasses on the floor only a block away. I reached for it. "Oh no you don't!" He kicked me in the side and I fell on the floor. "Now where were we?" He eyed the sword and grabbed it. "Oh yeah..." I was pinned to the ground this time with the sword pointed to my heart this time. He cut my side when he was interrupted by yelping again which came from him. He gripped his head, but dropped the sword. This time he blacked out. I was bleeding helplessly on the floor with my voice muted and Ian passed out.

(Ssundee P.O.V.)

I opened my eyes to find me on the ground with Sky bleeding out on the ground. I quickly saw my sunglasses and slipped them on as fast as I could. I then helped Sky up who passed out because maybe of blood loss. I ran downstairs to find Seto to help heal Sky's wound. Everyone was wide-eyed when they saw Sky bleeding out all over me. "What happened!?" Ty asked. I thought of something fast "He knocked into my shelf and knocked off the sword that fell on his side. Seto, can you heal him?" He nodded. He took a quick look at the gash that Derp caused. "That's a pretty deep wound! Are you sure it was just a sword falling?" I nodded. Seto muttered a few words and a dark purple surrounded Sky's side. When Seto was finished he was sweating like waterfall. "Ssundee, whatever was in that sword was pretty strong." With that he fell on the couch exhausted. Sky woke up and screamed when he opened his eyes. "What? How? What!?" Sky started to freak out. "Dude, just chill." Mitch said. "What happened?" Jason asked. "Ian-" I'm pretty sure Sky saw the look at my face and said. "I don't know?" I smiled and Sky smiled back. I know after this I have a lot of explaining to do-. ~Hey Ssundee! I just woke up! And you won't believe how fun Sky is-"~ Just shut up I thought. ~Look who's thinking now~ I ignored him after that when everyone was starting a conversation. I joined them, yet I know I have a lot of explaining to do.

(A month later in Ssundee's P.O.V.)

Derp has been annoying me so much today so much! ~Can I just-?~ "No!" I shouted. Sky and I were the only ones home while everyone else went to go get food. "Talking to Derp?" Sky asked, I nodded. "All day!" I said banging my head onto the table. ~Boy, someone is going to have a headache.~ I hit myself on the table and said "Shut- Ow! Up- Ow! Derp- Ow!" Sky just laughed, I stopped and groaned. "Why don't you go to Antvenoms Therapy Help?" I looked at him. "That place?" He nodded. "That place is for people with serious problems." I said. "And you are one of them!" Sky said. "What about you? With budder." "Uh, yeah your right." Sky said. "Wait you go there?" I asked. "No..." Sky hesitated. I bursted out laughing out. "Sky, I did not know your problems were that serious, dude." I said wiping a year from my face. "Well, you should try it!" Sky said. "Okay, if I do. How do I sign up?" "Just make an appointment there. They'll probably just tell you they can fit you in now or they'll give you an appointment time thing-" That's when I realized Sky was dribbling. I saw what he was looking at was the poster of budder that Sky put up. I burst out laughing again. Sky shook his head. "What happened?" He saw me burst into tears of laughter. "Not funny!" Sky said. "Kinda is-" I was trying to catch my breath. Sky sighed "So you'll try it?" "Sure I'll try it." I said wiping tears from my face again. "Okay, but they'll have to see what level of craziness it is. So they might do some strange test at first. And they are near Brotato's Potatoes." I went to the door. "Okay, thanks." I said shutting the door behind me. I can't believe I'm doing this. ~Well wake up Ssundee, your craziness lead you to therapy~ I rolled my eyes. And I headed to Antvenoms Therapy Help.

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