Chapter 3: Don't Have A Name XD

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(Antvenom's P.O.V. Interesting...)

I hurried to Ian to at least help, until he muttered "Derp is coming." I remembered that's why Ian came here the first place. Derp seemed hostile, but now I'll truly know. Ian layed limp for a moment then his eyes slowly opened. I backed away to see crooked eyes. He grinned and he pushed me into the building wall. I hit it so hard that things started getting blurry. "Please don't hurt him Derp!" Sky shouted pushing the hybrid off. "Oh hey Sky. Fighting a hybrid I see?" He said. Derp looked back at me. "Now to finish you-" The hybrid lunged at Derp. Sky came and helped me up. "S-sky?" I muttered. "You'll be okay." Sky assured me. Derp then pushed the hybrid into the building wall like he did to me, but harder. The hybrid was limp. Hopefully unconscious. "Stupid rat!" Derp shouted at the hybrid. Derp looked directly at us and surprisingly he wasn't harmed at all! He was either good at fighting or healed pretty quickly. "If you want Ant, you have to get through me first!" Sky shouted ignoring the other minecraftians. "Okay fine, I never had someone challenge me. So this should be fun." He grinned.

(Sky's P.O.V. Get ready for the fight!)

I put Ant down gently and drawed my sword. (No not drawing pictures if your wondering.) Derp ran towards me and I slashed my sword at him but he dodged real quick. Before I knew it he pinned me to the wall. "It ain't your day, is it Sky?" Derp said with my sword in his hand. "Days not over yet." I kicked him in the leg and manage to throw in a punch. (Woah Sky when did you get good at fighten'?) "You little-" He kicked my stomach and I held in the pain and still standing when I just wanted to fall. "Sky!?" Oh my Notch, Team Crafted is here. "Ian!?" Ty shouted. Derp looked at them with crooked eyes and they quickly backed away. "It's not Ian, it's Derp." I manage to say falling to the ground. "Derp?" Jason asked. "Derp or not, I'm helping my friend!" Mitch said darting forward towards Derp. Derp dodged and grabbed the sword and got Mitch on the arm. Mitch ignored it and punched Derp on the cheek, and Derp took it as an advantage and grabbed Mitch's arm and snapped it back. Jerome snucked up behind Derp and lunged at his head causing him to drop Mitch. Derp pushed Jerome off and jabbed the sword in his leg and Jerome scream in pain. Jason flew towards Derp kicking him in the face and landed safely. Derp got up but Quentin squirt him with water gun. (Yep, water gun has been used XD) I think Ty realized something and punched Derp real hard to make him unconscious and he slipped on his sunglasses. Derp fell and was limp for a few moments then Ian woke up and he took a quick look to see us and everyone else around us filled with fright. "Ian?" I asked to make sure. "I- I-" Then he burst into tears.

(A/N Hiya Timepacks! I just want to say Happy Late New Years! Yeah, I know I'm a bit late on New Years. But I got this chapter done on time! So it's 2015 now and it's now a brand New Year! Plus I heard they are making hoverboards, they have finally made the technology!!! But it still can't beat the mallot! Maybe, but mallots are still kewl! So yeah, dats all I has gots to say and I hope you have a Happy New Year!!!)

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