Day of Vengeance

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*June 26th 2005*

It's about half way through the day as James pulls his car up to a restaurant and smiles a little as he looks at Amy next to him.

James: I said I'd take you out and I'm sticking to that promise.

James gets out of the car and opens the door for Amy who gets out with a smile on her face.

Amy: You know people may think that we're together.

James: Is that a bad thing?

James and Amy start to walk into the restaurant as James gets the door for Amy while smiles at him again.

Amy: I didn't say it was a bad thing.

James smiles a little as him and Amy get seated


James and Amy are finished eating and talking to each other and smiling.

James: So you want to go back to the hotel after this?

Amy: Well it is almost time for us to go to the arena. So probably we should go there. But I would need to grab my gear from my room.

James: I'll take you to the hotel and then we can go to the arena.

Amy: Thanks James for this.

James: You're welcome Amy.

James and Amy get up and leave the restaurant before going back to the hotel and Amy runs in and gets her bag from her room before coming back down to James's car and getting back in.

James: To Vengeance then.

James chuckles as he drives off as Amy laughs a little and they listen to the radio.

Amy: So what was it like in ECW? I wasn't in it that long.

James: Well it was definitely interesting. It was different then most places I've worked around the world. I mean I'm not a very social person so I usually didn't stay around that long after the events.

James turns into the arena parking lot as him and Amy start to get out.

Amy: Thanks for driving me here James.

James: No problem Amy. Also you don't need to thank me.

Amy: Well I want to.

Amy motions for James to come down and she kisses his cheek before walking off with her gear.

James smiles a little as he puts his keys in his pocket and starts to walk into the arena as he hears fans around the arena that now see him boo him.

James: Oh I applaud all of you for that. Thank you all so much!

James laughs as he gets into the arena now and starts to walk around and bro hugs Rob as he sees him.

Rob: Dude finally you're here. I thought you weren't gonna show up.

James: Rob you and me both know I'm not late. Besides what's up bro?

Rob: Not a lot my knee is starting to get better but I'm still not cleared. The doctors say I'll be cleared by Rumble. Maybe you and me might have a match at Rumble.

James: Is that some kind of a challenge?

James chuckles a little as Rob shrugs a little.

Rob: It might be. Not like I haven't beat you before.

James nods and laughs a little

James: I've beaten you before twice Rob. One for the ECW Television series and the other for the ECW World championship. I think I'm winning right now.

Rob: But who ended your first title reign as ECW World champion? I think that was me. So I think that makes us two wins for you and one win for me.

James: Well there you'd be correct Rob. But I'm still winning.

Rob: Never said you weren't just saying that if we had another match. I might win that one.

Rob and James both laugh a little and do another bro hug.

James: You keep saying that bro. Good talking to you man.

*Later that day*

Vengeance in the Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas, Nevada.

James is walking around backstage looking at the arena and then sees the set up for the pay per view as the show has already started and it's on to the third match on the card.

James: Damn this is nice.

James sits down as he watches a monitor to see what match is next.

*In the arena*

JR: Up next we have a never ending feud as Lita takes on Trish Stratus for the Womens championship!

Jerry: JR I have to tell you I have looked forward to many matches tonight and this is one of them!

JR: Just try and focus on the match King please.

Lita walks out and gets cheered as she has a smile on her face as she walks down to the ring.

Lillian: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the Womens championship! Introducing first from Sanford, North Carolina....LITA!!!

Lita slides into the ring and poses on the top rope as the crowd continues to cheer her.

JR: The fans want Lita to win the Womens championship but she is taking on some competition from this woman!

Trish Stratus walks out and does a pose while holding the Womens championship while being cheered.

Lillian: And her opponent from Toronto, Ontario, Canada she is the Womens champion Trish Stratus!!!!

Jerry: Oh my favorite womens wrestler!

JR sighs and rolls his eyes

Trish slides into the ring and poses with the womens championship as she smiles and is cheered.

JR: Both of these women amazing competitors but only one can walk out as Womens champion.

Trish hands the ref the womens championship which is shown to both women before handed off and then the bell rings.

Trish and Lita circle the ring before tieing up and Trish immediately gets Lita in a waist lock and takes her down before grabbing her in a side headlock as she stands up.

Trish goes to the ropes and Lita is able to get out of the headlock and throws Trish off the ropes and goes for a drop kick but Trish catches Litas legs and tries to put her in a sharpshooter but Lita gets out of it by rolling to the outside of the ring.

Jerry: These women are amazing! This is my already my favorite match!

Trish runs and is gonna try for a dive through the ropes but Lita hits a forearm and gets onto the apron and tries for a twist of fate through the ropes but Trish gets out of it and tries to hit a kick but Lita ducks it.

Trish tries to hit a elbow but Lita ducks that and hits Trish with a punch to the gut and then she uses the ropes to hit a sunset flip powerbomb and pins Trish.


Trish kicks out and Lita runs off the ropes and goes for a low drop kick but Trish moves out of the way and kicks Lita in the gut and grabs her head as she stands up and runs trying for stratusfaction but Lita pushes Trish over the ropes and onto the apron.

Trish holds the ropes as Lita runs sliding under Trish and grabbing her legs hitting a powerbomb on the floor.

JR: That was an amazing move by Lita!

Trish holds her head as Lita pulls her up and throws her into the ring as she gets on the apron and climbs up the ropes and goes for a Litasault but Trish rolls out of the way and as Lita hits the mat.

Lita goes to her knees as Trish grabs her head and is gonna try for a DDT but Lita gets out of it and hits Trish with a forearm to the side of the head.

JR: A brutal forearm to the Trish! I hope she's ok!

Trish backs up as Lita grabs her and tries to hit a DDT but Trish pushes her forward and hits a kick to the side of Litas head and as Lita goes to the mat Trish immediately pins her.


Lita kicks out and Trish grabs the ropes standing up still holding her head as she calls for Lita to get up and grabs her head running for a stratusfaction but Lita uses Trishs moment as she hits the ropes to hit a back suplex and then hit Trish with knees to the gut.

JR: Lita isn't done fighting! She will not lose this match easily!

Trish sits up and Lita hits a kick to Trish's gut making her stand up and Lita tries to hit a twist of fate but Trish gets out and goes for a kick but Lita ducks it.

Trish and Lita both hit clotheslines on each other knocking them both down to the mat.

JR: Both women down! Who will be the first to get up!?

Both women start to get up at the same time and Lita pushes Trish back before kicking her in the gut and climbing up the ropes trying to hit a hurricanrana but Trish makes Lita hit the mat and she puts her in a sharpshooter.

Jerry: Trish has Lita in a sharpshooter this may be it! Trishs amazing title reign mag continue!

Lita yells in pain as she tries to grab the ropes and starts to crawl to it as Trish adds more pressure causing Lita to scream in pain as she reaches for the ropes.

Trish let's the sharpshooter go and pulls Lita to the middle of the ring but Lita is able to push Trish back and as she walks forward Lita does a roll up pin.


Trish kicks out and Lita rolls to the apron as she starts to stand up and Trish grabs her from behind and Lita drops off the apron making Trish hit the ropes and back up.

Lita slides into the ring and Trish runs kneeing her in the side of the head and grabs her and tries to hit a canadian destroyer but Lita hits a sit out Alabama slam.

JR: Trish going for a move we've never seen before but Lita was able to counter it!

Lita pulls Trish up and brings her over to the ropes and climbs up them and pulls Trish up and grabs her head.

Trish starts to throw punches hitting Lita over and over again and pushes her down onto the apron but Lita kicks Trish in the side of the head and climbs up the ropes and hits an avalanche twist of fate into the ring.


Jerry: A twist of fate from the top rope!!!???

Lita throws her arm over Trish pinning her.


Lillian: Here is your winner and NEW!!!! Womens champion Lita!!!!

Lita pops up and immediately starts to smile as she grabs the championship and holds it up as the crowd cheers her.


Jerry: You know JR....Lita was my pick to win this match the whole time.

Lita poses with the belt on the top rope as the crowd continues to cheer her as she smiles before getting off the top rope and seeing Trish getting up.

Lita helps Trish up and raises her arm and hugs her.

JR: Now that's nice to see an amazing show of sportsmanship by both these women.

Lita smiles as she pulls away from the hug before hitting Trish with a twist of fate.


Jerry: Lita just laid out Trish Stratus and the fans don't know what to think!

The crowd starts to boo Lita as she continues to smile and poses with the championship as she gets out of the ring and walks up the ramp and gets to the top.

The crowd still booing Lita as she turns around and poses with the womens championship before walking backstage.


James is still watching the monitor and smiles a little as he nods.

James: That was a good heel turn.

James chuckles as he gets up and sees Amy walking around thanking everyone who's congratulating her.

James: Hey that was an awesome match and also awesome heel turn.

Amy turns to James and smiles at him.

Amy: Thanks for that. I'm glad to be champion again.

James: It's always great bein champion. Well congratulations Amy.

Amy: Thabks again James. Also I need to tell you something later.

James: Oh alright I mean you can tell me now.

Amy: I'd rather say it later when I've changed.

James nods

James: Alright I understand. Well I'll see you later.

James hugs Amy who hugs him back and smiles.

*Later in the arena*

JR: Ladies and Gentlemen the next match is something we were not expecting to see as it was just announced on Monday Night Raw. Up next we have James Fatality taking on Triple H.

Jerry: It would be a huge win if James Fatality was able to beat Triple H tonight.

Triple H walks out and looks pissed as he walks down to the ring and takes a sip of the water in his hand before throwing it on the ground.

JR: Triple H does not look happy and while the fans are giving him a mix of cheers and boos.

Lillian: The following contest is scheduled for one fall introducing first from Greenwich, Connecticut weighting in at 255 pounds. He is The Cerebral Assassin Triple H!!!

Triple H gets on the apron and looks around at the crowd before spitting his water up into the air and looks down mad as he steps through the ropes.

Triple H geta onto the top rope and poses as the crowd gives him a mixed reaction.

Jerry: Triple H looks ready for a fight tonight!

James Fatality walks out and looks around at the crowd that boo him as he chuckles.

Lillian: And his opponent from Atlanta, Georgia weighting at 335 pounds. He is the Genetic Monster.... James Fatality!!!!

James walks down to the ring and laughs at the crowd booing him.

JR: This giant of a man is not scared and he's not backing down.

James grabs the ropes as he gets onto the apron and takes off his jacket as he steps over the ropes and poses in the ring.

James looks at Triple H and taunts him as he chuckles.

Jerry: Both of these men ready for a fight. I'd hate to be the ref who will try and call this.

The bell rings

James and Triple H start to circle the ring and they tie up in the middle of the ring before James throws Triple H back making him roll backwards standing up in the corner.

JR: Triple H is extremely surprised by that show of strength by James Fatality!

Triple H and James circle the ring again and this time they tie up and James immediately goes behind Triple H and hits a release german suplex making Triple H go across the ring and roll to the outside of the ring.

Jerry: James Fatality using his strength again to this time send Triple H outside.

James slides out of the ring and Triple H immediately starts hitting him with punches to the gut and grabs James running him back first into the ring apron again and again.

Triple H backs up and runs grabbing James's head and hitting him with a face buster on his knee and James backs up.

Triple H runs forward but James back body drops him and he hits the mat outside the ring and holds his back as he grabs the barricade.

James chuckles as he rolls into the ring and then back out as he pulls Triple H up and throws him into the steps making them fall over.

JR: James Fatality is just showing his strength in the start of this match.

James rolls into the ring and then rolls back out as he sits on the apron and waits for Triple H to get up before stepping off the apron and putting Triple H in the ring.

James climbs up the ropes and goes for a moonsault but Triple H moves and James hits the mat and starts to get up as Triple H hits a face buster and throws James to the ropes and as James comes back he hits him with a spine buster.

JR: OH Spine buster by Triple H he may be going for the pedigree next!

James starts to get up and Triple H kicks him in the gut and tries to hit a pedigree but James gets out of it and grabs Triple H hitting a gut wrench suplex and stands up hitting another gut wrench suplex and stands up a third time hitting a sit out gut wrench powerbomb and smiles as he stands up.

James grabs Triple H and pulls him up before Triple H fights back and hits James with punches and kicks him into the gut and does an irish whip to the ropes and goes for a jumping knee strike but James stops himself at the ropes and runs forward hitting a big boot on Triple H sending him down to the mat.

James: Get up you son of a bitch!

James waits and as Triple H gets up he runs kicking him in the side of the head and starts elbowing him in the head over and over again busting open Triple H and laughs as he stands up and taunts the crowd who boos him.

JR: Triple H is bleeding! He's got a crimson mask!

James grabs Triple H and pulls him up as he continues to taunt the crowd and he pushes Triple H backwards before grabbing him by the throat and going for a chokeslam but as James lifts hin up Triple H punches James over and over again making James lets him go and getting kicked in the gut and hit with a pedigree by Triple H and pinned.


James kicks out and Triple H looks shocked as the camera zooms in on his face as he looks around.


Triple H stands up and hits the ropes as he does a knee drop James and he stands up and looks around as he pulls up James who looks at Triple H and laughs making him mad and he kicks James in the gut and tries for a pedigree again but James gets out of it and elbows Triple H making him step back.

James does a rolling elbow making Triple H hit the ropes and walk forward before being thrown into the air by James who catches him and hits a Fatal Bomb and pins him as he chuckles and looks around at the crowd as the ref counts the pin.


The bell rings

Lillian: Here is your winner James Fatality!

James stands up and is immediately booed by the crowd as he looks around with a smile on his face.


James rolls out of the ring and grabbing his jacket before walking up the ramp as Triple H is still on the mat in the ring.

James gets to the top of the ramp and looks around before looking at the camera next to him and smiling at it.

James: Another Way To Die!

James walks backstage and gets congratulated and he thanks everyone as he walks and sees Amy sitting on a production box and he smiles at her.

James: Hey. You wanted to tell me something?

Amy: Yea I did I was maybe wondering if....Look James I've liked you for some time now and I was wondering if you... Just lean down here.

James leans down and Amy kisses him and he smiles before kissing back as they pull back and look at each other.

James: I've felt the same way Amy.

James and Amy smile at each other as they lean forward and kiss again this one being a bit more heated.


End of the chapter

I hope that you all enjoyed it

Stay Safe, Take Care, and as Always Stay Cool Everyone.

I'll see you all on the other side

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