That's surprising

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The next morning James is in the hotel gym ending his routine with pull ups before getting down and hearing the door opening seeing Rob walk in.

Rob: Dude what's up! What are you doing up this early?

James and Rob do a fist bump

James: Man it's never too early to work out.

Rob: I doubt that. It's way to early to start working out.

James: Well to me nah. I like the gym. I can work on myself and listen to music.

Rob: That's true. You going now?

James: Yea man I was.

James looks at the clock on the wall to see it's 10:30

Rob: When did you get down here?

James: About six.

Rob: You're fucking crazy.

James: Yea I am.

James chuckles and fist bumps Rob again before walking out drinking a water as he bumps into Amy.

James: Oh sorry I wasn't looking where I was going.

Amy: No it's fine James. I wasn't looking either. You want to walk and talk?

James nods and starts to walk with Amy.

Amy: Last night was fun sorry I kind of fell asleep.

James: Don't be. I understand we got here late. Also I enjoyed last night also. Maybe we could do it again sometime.

Amy smiles and looks up at James.

Amy: I'd really like that.

James smiles a little as he looks at Amy.

James: I'm happy to know you'd like that.

Amy: Why wouldn't I? It was nice getting to know you.

James: Thanks. It was nice getting to know you also Amy. You're a very interesting person.

Amy chuckles a little while she looks at James who smiles at her.

Amy: Thank you. Well I need to go. Trish said she'd make up for leaving me last night by taking me to the event today.

James: Ok I'll see you later Amy.

Amy smiles at James before she starts to walk off and looks at him.

Amy: See you later.

Amy walks off and James smiles as he finishes his water and goes to the elevator and presses the button and sees someone step next to him.

James looks over and sees Trish.

James: Hey I'm James.

Trish: I know who you are. Amy was telling me about you.

James raises an eyebrow as the elevator door opens and they both step inside.

James: Really? She tell you that I had to take her here?

Trish: Yea she did even though I was going to last night.

James: She said you left early last night.

Trish: Nope I was there when you two left.

James: That's surprising to hear.

Trish: Yea I can believe that.

James nods and stands there quietly now as he watches the door open and Trish walk out of the elevator.

Trish: Nice meeting you James.

James: Nice meeting you Trish.

The door closes

*Later that same day*

James is at the arena that the live event is in and is sitting on a production box and watching the monitor in front of him.

James watches as people walk by and he continues to watch the monitor.

Amy: You really into that match?

James: I guess you could say that.

James chuckles a little

Amy: Cool hopefully you'll enjoy the next match even more.

James: Your match next?

Amy: Yea it is. Hope you enjoy it big guy.

Amy walks by James and chuckles a little.

James smiles and shakes his head as he watches Amy walk away and then looks at the monitor.

*In the ring*

Lita walks out and poses on the ramp way as the crowd cheers for her.

Lillian: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first from Sanford, North Carolina....LITA!!!

Lita walks down to the ring and high fives the fans as she slides into the ring and stands up on the ropes and poses.

Victoria walks out and gets booed as she poses on the top of the ramp way.

Lillian: And her opponent from Chicago, Illinois Victoria!!!!

Victoria walks down to the ring and slides in as she gets ready.

The bell rings

Lita and Victoria tie up and Victoria takes the advantage with a side headlock take over and hits Lita a few times in the head before standing up.

Lita gets up and ducks a clothesline attempt by Victoria and grabs Victoria by the waist and goes for a german suplex but Victoria elbows her in the side of the head and goes for a forearm and Lita ducks again and grabs Victoria hitting a short arm lariat and holding on before hitting a swinging neckbreaker.

Lita goes for a quick pin


Victoria kicks out and sits up and Lita runs to the ropes and does a low drop kick.

Lita hypes up the crowd and as Victoria gets up kicks her in the gut and goes for a twist of fate but Victoria gets out of it and lifts up Lita and goes for a widow's peak but Lita counters by rolling up Victoria


Victoria kicks out and stands up pissed hitting Lita with a few forearms making her go to the ropes and Victoria irish whips Lita off the ropes and goes for a lariat but Lita slides under Victoria's legs and kicks her in the back making her go through the ropes.

Lita starts to run for a tope but Victoria punches her as she comes through the ropes.

Victoria gets on the apron and runs kneeing Lita in the side of the head before grabbing her and choking her using the ropes until she let's her go and Lita goes into the ring holding her neck.

Lita starts to get up and Victoria throws her to the ropes and Lita goes for a sunset flip powerbomb as Victoria ducks down and Victoria stays up and punches Lita a few times in the head before lifting her up and going to try for another Widows peak but Lita gets out and does a kick to Victoria's back making her hit the ropes.

Lita runs to the top rope and jumps for a hurricanrana but Victoria counters it and powerbombs Lita before pinning her with her feet on the ropes.


The ref notices Victoria's feet on the ropes and stops the count as Victoria argues with the ref.

Lita gets up and uses the ropes and as Victoria walks over hits her with a few forearms before hitting an uppercut and kicking Victoria in the gut for a twist of fate but Victoria gets out of it again and headbutts Lita making her back up.

Victoria lifts Lita onto her shoulders and is gonna go for a spiders web but Lita gets down and is behind Victoria hits a reverse twist of fate and hyping up the crowd.

Victoria climbs up the ropes and hits a Litasault and pins Victoria


The bell rings

Lillian: Here is your winner Lita!!!!

Lita stands up and poses for the crowd as they cheer her some.

Lita poses on the top rope and smiles before getting down and leaving the ring and starting to go up the ramp way and high fives a few fans.

Lita poses on top of the ramp before going backstage.

James who was watching the match smiles

James: That was good.

Amy: Thanks.

James turns and sees Amy and smiles at her.

James: No problem you two are very good. Especially you Amy.

Amy blushes a little

Amy: Thanks James. You want to talk before your match?

James: Sure.

James and Amy start to walk away to catering.

*Later in the ring*

William walks out and the crowd cheers him and he looks around.

Lillian: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first from Blackpool, England weighting in at 240 pounds. William Regal!!!!

William starts to walk to the ring and steps onto the ropes and walks along the apron before stepping into the ring and doing a pose making the crowd cheer him.

James walks out and laughs under his mask as he hears the crowd boo him.

Lillian: And his opponent from Atlanta, Georgia weighting in at 335 pounds he is The Genetic Monster.....James Fatality!!!!

James starts to walk down to the ring and steps onto the apron before taking off his mask and jacket and stepping over the ropes.

James poses and the crowd boos him as he laughs.

The bell rings.

James and William circle the ring and James goes for a lariat to William who ducks it and grabs James by the head but James does a back body driver and stands up.

James tries to step on William but he moves out of the way and tries to take James down by his legs but James lifts him up and hits a sit-out gut wrench powerbomb and stands back up again.

James lifts up William and throws him into the corner and runs for a clothesline but William hits a back elbow and then a forearm and James stands there before laughing a little.

William hits James with another forearm and then a chop to his chest and tries to irish whip James to the ropes and he uses his strength to stop it and pull William into a chop making William step back holding his chest.

James grabs William and hits a vertical suplex and rolls back standing up still holding onto William and lifting him up over his head and James moves one of his hands and holds William there before William is able to get down and hits James in the back of the leg.

James goes for a back elbow but William ducks it and tries for an arm drag but James stops it and pulls William into a ripcord lariat and continues to hold on hitting a ripcord knee strike and letting William fall.

James shakes his head as he grabs William by the throat and lifts him up hitting a chokeslam.

James runs to the ropes and tries to hit a springboard but William rolls and James lands on his feet and hits a standing moonsault and pins William.


James shakes his head as he let's the pin go.

James grabs William and deadlifts him up in a gorilla press position before throwing him up into the air and letting him fall down.

James laughs and steps forward to the ropes before turning around and lifting up Willaim and hitting a Fatal Bomb and pinning him


James stands up as the bell rings and he smiles

Lillian: Here is your winner James Fatality!!!!

James looks around as the crowd boo him and he steps over the ropes and grabs his mask and jacket before walking up the ramp way and as he gets to the top he turns around.

James: Another Way To Die!

James walks backstage as the crowd continues to boo him.

Amy is smiling as she watched James's match and he walks up to her.

James: What'd you think?

Amy: It was cool!

James smiles at Amy

James: Thanks hey you maybe want to get some drinks?

Amy: Sure sounds like fun.

Later James and Amy are at the bar in their hotel talking and drinking.

James takes a sip and finishes his beer.

Amy: You're really interesting James.

James: So are you Amy.

James and Amy smile at each other and start to lean forward until......

Bartender: Bars closing in five minutes!

James and Amy both look over at the bartender and nods.

James pays the tab and walks with Amy as they leave the bar and start to go up to their rooms.

Amy: This was fun.

James: Yea it was fun. Well it's always fun hanging out with you Amy.

Amy blushes a little and smiles

Amy: Thanks

Amy kisses James on his cheek as the elevator door opens and she steps out.

Amy: I'll see you later James.

James smiles at Amy

James: See you later.

The elevator door closes and James stands there still smiling as the elevator goes to his floor and he goes to his room.


End of the chapter

I hope that you all enjoyed it

Stay Safe, Take Care, and as Always Stay Cool Everyone.

I'll see you all on the other side

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