The Journey/ When I'm Older/ Wind Spirit

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They Were All Traveling On Boun's Boat As They Traveled Out Of Kumandra To The Enchanted Forest. Pengu Told Boun That They Have To Go To North.

"Who's Into Trivia?" Sisu Asked, Yelling.

Shira Raised Pengu's Paw To Make Sisu Think That He's Into Trivia While The Others Stayed Silent.

"Pengu And I Am, Okay!" Sisu Said.

"I Am So Getting You For This." Pengu Said.

"Why? You Love Trivia." Shira Stated.


"Did You Know That Water Has Memory? True Fact." Sisu Informed Them As They Went Through The River. "It's Disputed By Many, But It's True."


They Then Passed Through Fang As Shira Pointed And Everyone Followed Her Paw.

"Did You Know Men Are Six Times More Likely To Be Struck By Lightning?" Sisu Asked.


"Sis You Know Gorillas Burp When They're Happy?" Sisu Continued To Say As They Were In A Long Way.

"Oh, You Mean Like This." Jagan Said.

"Really, Jagan?" Pengu Asked.

"Yeah, Jagan. It's More Like This." Tong Stated.

"That's A Burp." Tong Said.

"Tong, That's Disgusting. I Like It." Pengu Said.

"Yeah." Boun Said.

The Females Cringed In Disgust.

"Why Do Males Have To Be So Disgusting?" Namaari Asked.

"I Wonder That All The Time." Aurora Said.

"It's Just Both In Their Nature And DNA." Pranee Stated.

"Remind To Never Fall In Love With A Boy." Raya Said.

"Only If You Do The Same For Me. They're Stupid, Overrate And A Complete Waste Of Time." Shira Stated.

"You Got It." Raya Said.

Shira And Raya Fist Bumped Each Other.


"Did You Know We Blink Four Million Times A Day?" Pengu Asked.

"Whoever Counting It Must Have Very Great Patience." Jagan Said, Sarcastically.

"I Know! Right?" Sisu Asked.


"Did You Know Wombats Poop Squares?" Sisu Asked.

"Did You Know That None Of Us Wanted To Know That?" Pranee Asked.

"Did You Know I'm Gonna Choose To Ignore That?" Sisu Asked.


"Did You Know Sleeping Quietly On Long Journeys Prevents Insanity?" Shira Asked.

"Yeah, That's Not True." Sisu Laughed.

"It Is." Amba Said.

"It's Definitely True." Namaari Said.

"She's Right." Aurora And Raya Confirmed.

"Well, That Was Unanimous, But I Will Look That Up When We Get Home." Sisu Said.


Everyone Excepted Sisu And Pengu Were Sleeping.

"They're All Asleep." Pengu Said As He Looked At Everyone.

"That's Good." Sisu Said, Not Caring.

"Hey, Are You Okay?" Pengu Asked.

"I'm Worried About Shira. I Don't Want To Lose Her Like How I Lost Yoru." Sisu Said.

"You're Not Going To Lose Her. I Mean, Remember When Shira Hatched From Her Egg?" Pengu Asked.

"Yeah." Sisu Said.


Amba, Jagan, Pranee, Pengu And Sisu Were Sleeping Through The Night.

Then, Sisu Heard A Crack.

Sisu Woke Up And Saw Her Egg Moving.

"Guys! Guys, Wake Up!" Sisu Yelled.

Pengu, Pranee, Jagan Amba Heard The Commotion And Woke Up.

"Why Are You Waking Us Up?" Pengu Asked.

"The Egg! It's Hatching!" Sisu Exclaimed.

Their Eyes Widened In Shock.

"What?!" Jagan Asked.

The Egg Shook More And The Cracks Got Bigger.

"Come One, Sweetie. You Can Do It." Pranee Encouraged.

"Your Mama's Waiting To See You." Sisu Added.

Suddenly, The Rest Of The Egg Cracked A Broke.

The Baby Dragon Was A Girl. She Had Light Blue Fur, Purple Eyes And Her Horns Are On Each Side Of Her Head.

"It's A Girl." Amba Said.

Sisu Walked To Her Baby And Looked At Her.

The Baby Dragon Saw Her Mom And Reached Out To Her While Saying, "Mama."

Sisu Carefully Picked Her Up And Held Her In Her Arms.

"I'm So Happy To Finally See You. I've Been Waiting So Long To Meet You." Sisu Said As Tears Form In Her Eyes.

"I Can't Believe We Have A Niece." Pranee Said, Tearfully.

"Sisu, Can I Hold Her?" Pengu Asked.

"Sure." Sisu Said.

She Carefully Handed Her Baby To Pengu.

"Hi, Little Fella. I'm Your Uncle Pengu." Pengu Greeted.

"We're Your Aunts, I'm Amba And She's Pranee." Amba Introduced.

"I'm Your Soon To Be Favorite Uncle, Jagan." Jagan Said.

"Really?" Pengu Asked, Raising His Eyebrow.

"Yes. Really." Jagan Said.

"So, Sisu. Are You Gonna Name The Cute Little Dear? Or We Gonna Spend The Rest Of The Night Calling It "The Baby"?" Pranee Asked.

Pengu Gently Handed His Niece Back To Sisu

"I Was Thinking... Shira." Sisu Stated.

"I Think It's Beautiful." Amba Said.

"Welcome To Kumandra, Shira." Sisu Said.


"And Ever Since Then, I Prayed That I Would Protect Her. No Matter What." Sisu Stated.

"I Know, I Prayed To Protect Her Too. Including Pranee, Jagan And Amba. But, Sometimes When You Love Someone, You Have To Let Them Live Their Lives. Even If They Don't Know What To Do With Their Life." Pengu Adviced.

"I Know Me Not Letting Snowy Grow Up Is Silly. I Mean, I Knew She Couldn't Be My Baby Girl Forever. I Just Don't Want Her To Stop Being My Baby Girl So Soon. I Guess That Time's Over." Sisu Stated.

Unknown To Them, Shira Heard Some Of It. But, She Went Back To Sleep.

Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah...

Shira Then Woke Up From The Voice.

"Stop The Boat!" Shira Exclaimed.

Pengu And Sisu Stopped The Boat At The Nearest Shore Line.

Everyone Then Started To Wake Up.

"What's Going On?" Raya Asked.

"I Heard The Voice." Shira Stated.

Everyone Got Off The Boat.

"Alright, Shira. You Take The Lead." Aurora Said.

"Why Does Shira Get To Take The Lead? Why Can't I Take The Lead?" Jagan Complained.

"Easy, Because Shira's The Only One Who Can Hear This Voice." Namaari Said.

"That And She Doesn't Leave A Trail Of Destruction Wherever She Goes." Amba Added.

Jagan Growled At His Second Little Sister.


After Of 2 Hours Of Searching, Shira Saw Something Up Ahead.

When Shira Stopped Running, She Gasped At What's In Front Of Her.

Everyone Then Gasped At The Scene In Front Of Them.

In Front Of Them Was A Wall Of Thick Mist.

"Whoa..." Aurora Gasped In Amazement.

"Wow..." Boun Said.

Shira Then Ran Quickly To The Wall. Sisu Looked At Pengu Before She And Others Rushed To Her.

Shira Stopped Just The Meters Of The Mist.

Everyone Stared At It.

"I Can't Believe It's Still Here." Pranee Said.

"Me Neither." Amba Said.

Jagan Then Walked Towards The Mist But He Got Pushed Off.

Shira Slowly Put Her Paw To The Mist And Then The Mist Parted Immediately, Showing The Four Large Stones.

She Watched It Closely And Saw The Symbols Like The Shards Engrave It.

"Promise Me, We Do This Together, Okay?" Sisu Asked.

"I Promised." Shira Vowed.

Everyone Then Entered The Forest.

Tuk Tuk Got A Little Scared.

"It's Okay, Bud." Raya Assured.

"Did You Know That The Enchanted Forest Is A Place Of Transformation? I Have No Idea What That Means, But I Can't Wait To See What It's Gonna Do To Each One If Us." Boun Said.

"Boun, We're Done With The Trivia, You Can Stop." Pranee Said.

"Oh, Thank Goodness. 'Cause Trivia Just Bores Me To Death." Boun Said.

"You And Me, Both." Shira Agreed.

Then, Something Started To Push Everyone Foward.

"What Is This?!" Pranee Asked.

"No Pushing!" Raya Scolded.

Then, Everyone Made To The Other Side.

"What Was That?" Jagan Asked.

"No. No, No, No." Sisu Said.

Shira Used Her Ice Magic, But It The Blast Got Shot Back And Shira Managed To Dodge It Before It Could Hit Her.

"And We're Locked In." Jagan Said.

"Probably Should've Seen That One Coming." Pranee Added.

Shira Turned Around And Saw The Enchanted Forest.

"This Forest Is Beautiful." Shira Commented.

The Enchanted Forest Was Filled With Autumn Leaves On Every Branch.

Raya And Aurora Walked To The Cliff, They Saw The Dam Was Still Standing.

"The Dam... It Still Stands." Aurora Said.

"And It Still Looks In Good Shape, Thank Goodness." Raya Replied.

"What Do You Mean?" Aurora Asked.

"Well, If That Dam Broke, It Would Send A Tidal Wave So Big, It Would Wash Away Everything On This Land." Raya Explained.

"Wait. Isn't Kumandra On This Land?" Aurora Asked.

"Yeah, It Is. Let's Just Make Sure That Nothing Happens." Raya Said.

"Make Sure Nothing What Happens?" Namaari Asked As She, Boun, Tong, Noi, The Ongis And The Dragons Except Pengu And Shira Walked Up To Them.

Jagan Then Noticed The Dam.

"The Dam Is Still Standing." Jagan Pointed Out.

"Huh. You'd Think After 600 Years, It Would've Gotten Broken Down By Now." Pranee Said.

"I Know. We Need To Make Sure That It's Still In Good Shape." Aurora Said.

"Why? What's Wrong?" Amba Asked.

"Because If That Dam Broke, It'd Send A Tidal Wave That Would Wash Everything In It's Path. Including Kumandra." Raya Explained.

"What?!" Everyone Exclaimed.

"This Is Bad. This Is Bad." Sisu Said As She Grabbed Her Tail.

"And To Make It Worse, We're Probably Stuck In Here Forever." Pranee Added.

"What? You Mean To Tell Me That We're Not Getting Out Here?!" Sisu Asked.

"No. That's Not What She's Saying." Amba Assured.

"Then What Is She Saying, Amba?!" Sisu Asked.

"Uh..." Amba Said.

"What They're Trying To Say Is That If We Can't Get Out Of Here, We'll Have No Choice But To Live Here." Jagan Stated.

"What?! We're Stuck In Here Forever?!" Sisu Asked.

"No, What I'm Trying Saying Is If We Might Not Make It Out Of Here Alive..." Jagan Was Then Cut Off.

"YOU THINK WE'RE GONNA DIE, JAGAN?!" Sisu Exclaimed, Panicking.

"No! No, No, No." Jagan And Boun Said.

"Where's Shira?! I Swore I Wouldn't Leave Her Side." Sisu Said.

Sisu Started To Run Off.

"Shira!" Sisu Said.

"What I'm Trying To Say Is That We'll Be Fine!" Jagan Called Out.

Everyone Looked At Jagan, Unamused.

"Really, Jagan? Really?" Namaari Asked.

"Don't Patronize Me." Jagan Said.


Pengu And Shira Were Walking In The Forest.

"Why Didn't You Tell Me The Enchanted Forest Was Beautiful When Ya'll First Told Me About It?" Shira Asked.

"Well, I Didn't Think You'd Believe It." Pengu Stated.

"Was It Always This Amazing When You, Mom, The Dragons And All Of Kumandra First Came Here?" Shira Asked.

"Yeah, It Was. I Really Wished That That Battle Never Happened. Maybe We'll Get To See The Celestial Dragons Again." Pengu Said.

"You Really Think So?" Shira Asked.

"Maybe." Pengu Said.

"What About Dad? You Think We'll Get To See Him?" Shira Asked.

"To Be Honest, I Don't Know. But, I Hope We Do. Your Mother Really Wanted You To Meet Him." Pengu Said.

"I Know. Do You Think He'd Be Happy To See Me? He Missed Out On Every Mile Stone Of My Life." Shira Said.

"Of Course He Will. He Was Really Happy When He Found Out He Was Gonna Be A Father." Pengu Assured.

Then, A Gust Of Wind Echoed As It Came Towards Them. It Was Aiming Towards Pengu And Shira. But, The Sound Faded Away As Sisu Rushed To Them.

"Shira!" Sisu Exclaimed As She Ran Down The Hill.

"Mom." Shira Said.

Sisu Hugged Her Daughter, Tightly.

"There You Are! Are You Okay?" Sisu Asked.

"I'm Fine. Why Wouldn't I?" Shira Asked.

"Nothing. I'm Just... Glad You're Okay." Sisu Said.

Pengu Noticed That Boun Is Missing.

"Where's Boun?" Pengu Asked.

"I Have No Idea..." Shira Answered.

The Others Walked Up To Them.

"Have You Guys Seen Boun?" Raya Asked.

"We Were Just Looking For Him." Sisu Responded.


"Uh..." Boun Looked As He Got Separated From The Gang.

"Raya? Aurora? Namaari? Sisu? Shira?" He Spun Around. "Noi? Tong...?" He Stopped As He Felt Dizzy.

"I Think I Need To Sit Down." Boun Said As He Sat On A Pile Of Leaves.

Then, The Wind Howled And Lifted The Leaves, Propping Boun Up As He Gasped And Yelped.

He Stunned At The Moment, He Then Shrugged And Started Walking, But The Leaves Then Landed On Him.

"That Was Weird." Boun Said.

The Rock Fell Down In Front Of Him, Making Him Tripped, The Water Sprayed, And Making Him Stood Up.

Then, Boun Gasped When He Heard A Hoot In The Wind.

"What Was That?" Boun Asked.

Boun: This Will All Make Sense When I Am Older

Boun Then Turned Around And Saw A Medium Sized Purple Flame Bounce Between The Trees.

Someday I Will See That This Makes Sense

One Day Whem I'm Old And Wise, I'll Think Back And Realize

I'll Have All The Answers When I'm Older

Like We're In This Enchanted Wood

I Know In A Couple Years, This Will Seem Like Childish Fears

So, I Know This Isn't Bad, It's Good

Growing Up Is Adapting

Puzzling At Your World And Your Place

When I'm More Mature, I'll Feel Totally Secure

Boun Then Reached A River To Look At His Reflection. Then, A Pair Of Bright Blue Eyes Appeared In The Water. That Scared Boun And Ran Away From The River. He Ducked From The Boulder, The Fire And The Water That Sprung Out Of The Water. Then, The Owl Made A Gust Of Wind That Pushed Him Down The Giant Pawprint.

See! That Will All Make Sense When I Am Older

So There's No Need To Be Terrified Or Tense

Boun Got Up And Stepped Out Of The Pawprint.

'Cause When You're Older

Absolutely Everything Makes Sense

Then, The Owl Gathered The Leaves As It Created A Tornado And Flew Off.

"This Is Not Fine." Boun Said Before The Tornado Rushed Beside And Swallowed Him.


Everyone Was Still Looking For Boun.

"Boun! Where Are You?!" Raya Called Out.

"How In The Kumandra Did We Lose Him Already?" Pranee Asked.

"I... Don't Know." Namaari Answered.

"Whoa!" A Voice Said.

Everyone Turned Around To See Boun In The Tornado.

"Boun!" Aurora Shouted.

They Race Toward The Tornado And Shielded Their Eyes From The Wind, The Tornado Then Scooped All Of Them Into It.

"Hey, Guys! I Think I Found The Wind Spirit!" Boun Stated.

"Really?! What Gave That Away?!" Namaari Asked, Sarcastically.

"Coming Through!" Tong Exclaimed As He Held Noi And The Ongis Tight.

"Ooh! I Think I'm Gonna Be Sick!" Amba Yelled As She Held Her Stomach And Covered Her Mouth To Hold The Puke In Her Mouth.

"I'd Hold Your Hair Back, But You Don't Like Us Touching Your Hair!" Jagan Exclaimed.

Pengu And Pranee Bumped Into Each Other And They Were Swicthed Positions As Pranee Was Riding On Pengu.

Pengu And Pranee Looked At Each Other In Confusion.

"Lets Never Speak Of This Again." Pranee Suggested.

"Wasn't Planning To." Pengu Said.

Shira Saw A Large Tree Branch Coming Towards Aurora And Sisu. She Then Lashed It Away With Her Magic For Hitting Sisu And Aurora, Who Just Noticed It.

The Owl Flew Up To Her As It Grabbed Her Left Paw With Her Beak.

"Hey! Stop!" Shira Called.

The Rest Was Able To Get Out Of The Tornado Except For Shira As The Wind Spirit Picks Her Up.

The Tornado Then Forme Into A Small Ball As Shira Was Trapped Inside And Tried To Keep Her Balance.

Everyone Got Up And Shield Their Eyes From The Wind.

Sisu Looked At The Tornado Ball As She Called Out To Her Only Child.

"Shira!" Sisu Exclaimed.

Shira Unleashed Her Magic Against The Wind.

"Let Her Go!" Namaari Yelled To The Tornado.

The Tornado Began To Frost By Shira's Magic And Dropped To The Ground As Shira Grunted While Using Her Magic To Push It Away.

"Sisu, Be Careful!" Pengu Yelled.

Pengu Tried To Reach For Her As She Stepped Closer To It.

"That's My Daughter!" Sisu Screamed, Still Blocking Her Eyes From The Wind.

As Shira Grunted, The Sound Of A Boy And A Girl Laughing Came. She Looked Up To See A Human Girl And A Dragon Running.

"Sisu!" The Sound Of Her Uncle Yelled. 

Sisu Looked To The Sound Before Disappearing In The Wind.

The Sound Of The Sword Unleashed And The Sword Swang Down Before A Face Appeared.

It Was Chief Fushin.

"For Kumandra." Fushin Said Before Disappearing.

"Look Out!"

"Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah."

Chief Fushin Screams Can Be Heard.

"Father!" Hikaru Exclaimed.

Shira Waved Her Paws Down In Furious, Making The Tornado Gone Destroyed.

Shira Collapsed To The Ground In The Middle While Panting As She Tries To Catch Her Breath.

Everyone Panted Lightly.

Sisu Then Rushed Towards Her Child Worriedly.

"Are You Okay?" Sisu Asked.

"I'm Fine." Shira Said As She Gets Up.

Aurora Approached A Tiger Statue With Yuki While Namaari Inspected A Clouded Leopard Statue With Midnight.

"What Are These?" Namaari Asked.

"They Look Like...Moments In Time." Aurora Stated.

Jagan Then Noticed Something.

"Guys? Does This Statue Look Like Chief Fushin To You?" Jagan Asked.

Pengu, Pranee, And Amba Looked At The Statue.

"You're Right. It Does." Pengu Confirmed.

"But Why Is It Here?" Pranee Asked.

Then, Amba Remembered Something.

"What Was That Thing You Said, Sisu?" Amba Asked.

"What Thing, Amba?" Sisu Asked.

"The Thing About Water." Pranee Said.

"Oh, Yeah. Water Has Memory. The Water That Makes Up You And Me Has Passed Through At Least 4 Humans And/Or Animals Before Us." Sisu Explained.

After Hearing That, Tuk Tuk, Mayonaka And Yuki Gagged The Water They Were Drinking Out Of Their Mouth.

The Girls Cringed At The Statement.

"And It Remembers Everything." Sisu Finished.

The Wind Spirit Then Carried The Three Animals On Air.

"The Spirit's Back." Aurora Stated.

The Snow Owl Went To Boun And Twirled Him Around.

"Awesome! I Think I'll Name You... Asumi."

Asumi Then Twirled Around Tong And Made Noi Fly In The Air.

"Whoa! Easy!" Tong Said As He Caught Her.

Asumi Then Went To Raya, Namaari And Aurora.

"Oh, Hi! Aren't You A Curious One?" Aurora Commented.

Asumi Went Around Namaari's Waist, She Then Yelped As It Threw Her Cape Over Her Head, Making Raya And Aurora Laugh.

Asumi Went To The Dragons.

"It's Nice To See You Again." Pengu Greeted.

"Are You In A Better Mood Now?" Jagan Asked.

Asumi Went To Shira And Make Her Float Off The Ground A Little And Brought Her To The Statue.

It Was A Dragon Craddling Two Dragons With The Wind And The Owl Around Them.

They Approached The Staute As They Start Inspecting It.

"That's... Sisu And Pengu." Aurora Stated.

Sisu And Pengu Looked At The Statue.

"You're Right. It Is Us." Pengu Confirmed.

"Wait A Minute. Is This When Kumandra And The Northulda Had That Battle?" Pranee Asked.

"It Is." Sisu Replied.

"But That Was A Little Over 500 Year Ago. Why Would This Voice Shira's Been Hearing Call Out To Her Now?" Namaari Asked.

"Honestly, I Don't Know." Jagan Answered.

"That Dragon..." Amba Said As She Looked At Her.

"He's Probably The One Who Saved You Guys." Pranee Added.

"He's A Celestial Dragon." Pengu Said.

"I Feel Like I Know Him." Jagan Stated.

"Celestial Dragon? What Are Those?" Raya Asked.

"They're Dragons That Brings Life To The World Like Us. But Instead Of Water, They The Day And The Night To The World." Sisu Explained.

Then, Shira Got Pushed To Another Statue By Asumi. It Was A Girl Covered In Swirls.

"Guys, Look At This." Shira Said.

Everyone Walked Towards The Other Statue.

"That Girl..." Aurora Observed.

"She's Northuldra." Tong Stated.

"What Was Happening To Her?" Boun Asked.

"I Have No Idea." Jagan Said.

Suddenly, The Blow Of A Horn And Birds' Cries Echoed Through The Forest. Making Everyone Know That Danger Was Coming.

Asumi Then Flew Away.

"What Was That?" Aurora Asked.

"Boun, Get Behond Me." Raya Said.

Boun Stayed Behind Raya, Jagan Grabbed A Ice Sword From The Statue And Moved Beside Pranee.

"What Are You GonnaDo With That?" Amba Asked, Raising Her Eyebrow.

"I Have No Idea." Jagan Responded.

The Wind Howled, Making The Leaves Shook, Then They Heard A Twig Snapped. Jagan, Raya, Aurora And Namaari Then Swinged Their Swords Towards The Bushes, Revealing A Group Of People, Who Are Prepared To Attack Them. The Others Jumped Down From The Trees.

A Girl Holding A Spear Towards Them, Glaring Sharply And Said, "Lower Your Weapons."

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