The Truth About The Past/ The Next Right Thing/ The Savoir

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The Fog Was Cleared, Shira Opened Her Eyes And It Reveales All Of Her Memories In The Past.

"And Your... People. What Are Your Names?" Sisu Asked.

Shira Looked At Her, Raya And Aurora Meeting Sisu For The First Time.

"Raya. I... I'm Raya." Raya Greeted.

"My Names Aurora." Aurora Introduced.

Shira Was In Awe As She Watched It.

"Come On, Snowy. You Can Do It. Go To Your Mommy." Pengu Encouraged.

Shira Heard That As She Turned To See It Was Her Mother Who Was Teaching Her How To Walk While Amba, Jagan, Pranee And Pengu.

"Look How Close My Butt Is To My Head." Sisu Said.

Shira Then Heard A Familiar Voice. It Was Sisu In Her Human Form For The First Time And Shaked Her Butt In Front Of Raya.

"Oh, Mom. You're So Silly." Shira Said As She Shuts Her Eyes And Placed Her Paw On Her Head.

"I Love You." Yoru Said.

Shira Heard The Sound Of Her Father. She Saw Yoru And Sisu Were Hugging Each Other.

"I Need To Tell You Something And It Can't Wait." Sisu Stated.

"I'm Listening." Yoru Said.

"I... I'm Pregnant. You're Gonna Be A Father." Sisu Admitted.

"Really? This... This Is Amazing! I Can't Wait To Meet Our Baby!" Yoru Exclaimed.

"Neither Can I!" Sisu Agreed As She Rubs Her Stomach.

Shira Heard Someone Crying As She Turned To The Other Side And Met With The Other Side.

Isinia Laid On The Ground Dead As Yoru Was Sobbing Beside Her.

The Leaders Of The Celestial Dragons Walked Up To Them.

"Asuka! Kaiyo!" Yoru Exclaimed.

"Yoru, What Happened?!" Asuka Asked.

"I Don't Know! I Found Her Like This! Kaiyo! Asuka! Is There Something We Can Do?!" Yoru Asked.

"There Is. But You May Not Like It." Kaiyo Said.

"I Don't Care! I Just Want My Best Friend Back." Yoru Stated.

Asuka And Kaiyo Concentrated All Of Their Magic And The Magic Swirled Around Isinia. The Magic Lifted Isinia Up In The Air And Transformed Her Into A Celestial Dragon.

Isinia Opened Her Eyes And Looked At Her New Self.

"Isinia! You're Okay!" Yoru Exclaimed.

"Yoru!" Isinia Shouted.

Isinia And Yoru Hugged Each Other.

Shira Walked Away And She Gasped As Her Father Carried Sisu And Pengu With The Help Of Asumi. Yoru Placed Pengu And Sisu On The Boat, Yoru Took Off His Scarf And Ties It Around Sisu's Neck.

"Chief Fushin, I'm Sorry. I... I Don't Understand." A Soldier Stated.

Shira Turned To A Voice And Regcognized The Name.

"Chief Fushin?" Shira Asked.

"We Bring Kumandra's Full Guard." Chief Fushin Ordered The Two Soldiers Beside Him.

"But They Have Given Us No Reason Not To Trust Them!" The Male Soldier Pointed Out.

"Yeah. They Haven't Done Anything To Make Us Not Trust Them. What Would The Dragons Think? They Won't Forgive You For This!" The Female Soldier Addeed.

Chief Fushin Stopped In His Tracks, Making The Two Soldiers Stopped Too.

"The Seresutia Follow Magic. Which Means We Can Never Trust Them."

"Chief Fushin?" Shira Whispered.

"Magic Makes People Too Powerful." Fushin Said.

Shira Gasped At What He Said.

"Too... Entitled. It Makes Them Think They Can Defy The Will Of A Chief." Fushin Finished.

"That's Not What Magic Does. That's Just Your Fear. Fear Is What Can't Be Trusted." Shira Said, Glaring At The Chief.

"But, That Would Be Like Not Trusting The Dragons. They Have Magic And We Still Trust Them." The Female Soldier Stated.

"I Know. That's Why We're Not Going To Tell Them." Fushin Said.

Chief Fushin And The Two Soldiers Walked Past Shira And Went Through The Wall.

Shira Narrowed Her Eyes As She Made A Hole On The Wall And Walked Down The Stairs.

"You See, The Dam Will Weaken Their Lands, So They Will Have To Turn To Me." Chief Fushin Continued.

While Fushin Was Talking, Shira Tried To Catch Up With Them.

"Dive Down Deep Into Her Sound..." Pranee's Singing Voice As She Warned Her Niece. Shira Walked But She Stepped Back As She Almost Fell Off The Ledge. "But Not Too Far Or You'll Be Drowned..."

Shira Exhaled And Steam Came Out Of Her Mouth, Meaning The Temperature's Dropping.

"I Said The Cold Never Bothered Me. But I Am Freezing." Shira Said As Her Teeth Shivered.

"They Will Come In Celebration..." Below Down, It Was A Dam And Seresutia People Who Walked Down To Celebrate. "And Then... We Will Know Their Size And Strength." 

Shira Looked Back Towards The Entrance As Pengu Spoke, Making Her Turn Her Head Back. "As You Welcomed Us, We Welcome You! Our Neighbors, Our Friends!"

Shira Took A Deep Breath Before Leaping Off The Cliff, And Falling Down To The Ground. Her Paws Pressed On The Ice, Her Body Was Shivering And Hugged Herself With Her Tail For Warmth. She Looked At Her Front Paws As The Ice Traveled To Her Fingertips. She Looked Around As She Saw Nothing. She Then Heard Laughing And Saw The People Were Watching Seresutia's Tradition. The Ice Traveled To Her Shoulder, She Hugged Her Upper Body With Her Tail And She Heard Another Voice.

"Chief Fushin... The Dam Isn't Strengthening Our Waters, It's Hurting The Forest. It's Cutting Off The North..." The Seresutia Leader Explained.

He Was Then Cut Off By Chief Fushin.

"Let... Let's Not Discuss This Here." Fushin Interrupted Him, Setting A Hand On His Shoulder. "Let's Meet On The Fjord; Have Tea, Find A Solution."

The Seresutia Leader And Chief Fushin Froze In Place As The Memories Stopped.

Shira Looked Around Once More As The Ice Went To Her Face, She Then Laid Her Eyes On The Seresutia Leader Kneeling Down To The Ground, Holding A Cup Of Tea. She Then Heard The Sound A Sword Unleashed, Which Appeared To Be Chief Fushin Charging On The Leader, Attacking Him.

"No!" Shira Shouted, Trying To Stop Him But Her Back Paws Froze In Place, She Looked At Her Right Paw As It Was Freezing, And Coming Up To Waist.

She Looked Up With Her Left Paw.

"Mom... Raya!" Shira Called Out.

Shira Used Her Magic And Sent The Truth About The Past And What Chief Fushin Tried To Do. Her Tears Fell Off As She Was Missing Her Friends And Family Before She Was Frozen Completely.


The Three Princesses And The Dragons Were Still Stuck In The Cave As They Were Finding Their Way Out.

"Which Lucky Tunnel Do We Choose?" Sisu Asked.

Then Aurora Noticed Something Up Ahead.

"Uh, Guys? I Think I Saw Something." Aurora Stated.

A Blue Light Came From One Of The Tunnels And It Flew Around Them.

They Closed Their Eyes And They Heard A Voice Echoing.

"You See, The Dam Will Weaken Their Lands, So They Will Have To Turn To Me."

"Chief Fushin, The Dam... It's Hurting The Forest!"

The Sculpture Was Formed As The Voice Has Been Cut Off.

Everyone Walked Up To The Statue As The Water Dragons Looked With Their Eyes Widened.

It Was Chief Fushin With A Sword In His Hand Attacking The Leader Of Seresutia Who Was Drinking From Behind Him.

"Shira's Found It." Amba Breathed Out.

"What Is It?" Raya Asked.

"The Truth About The Past." Isinia Said.

"That's Chief Fushin... Attacking The Seresutia Leader... Who Wields No Weapon." Pranee Explained.

"The Dam Wasn't A Gift Of Peace. It Was A Trick." Sisu Mumbled.

"But That Goes Against Everything Kumandra Stands For..." Namaari Added.

"It Does, Doesn't It?" Jagan Said.

"How Could We Not Know?" Pengu Asked.

"Probably Because He Didn't Want Anyone To Know. Even The Dragons." Isinia Stated.

"I Know How To Free The Forest. I Know What We Have To Do To Set Things Right." Pengu Said.

"Pengu, Why Are You Saying That So Sad?" Namaari Asked.

"We Have To Break The Dam." Pengu Said.

"WHAT?!" Everyone Exclaimed.

"But Kumandra Will Be Flooded!" Raya Stated.

"That's Why Everyone Was Forced Out. To Protect The From What Has To Be Done." Pengu Explained.

"Uh Oh... Oh." Amba Nodded.

"Are You Guys Going To Be Okay?" Isinia Asked.

"We Could Use A Bright Side Right Now." Pranee Admitted.

Aurora, Namaari And Raya Looked At Sisu.

"What? Why Are You Three Looking At Me Like That?" Sisu Asked.

"This Where You Say Something To Lighten The Mood." Aurora Stated.

"Oh. A Bright Side? Um... Turtles Breathe Through Their Butts?" Sisu Said In A Questioning Tone.

"Huh?" Raya Asked.

"And I See A Way Out." Sisu Said As She Pointed The Way Out.

"I Knew We Could Count On You." Raya Said.

"That's Our Sister." Jagan Smirked.

Everyone Got Up And Started Walking Towards The Exit.

"Ugh..." Aurora Touched Her Bag As She Noticed Something.

"Come On, Aurora. Snowy's Probably On Her Way Back Right Now! We Can Meet Her, And..." Sisu's Been Cut Off As Everyone Saw A Snowflake Flying In Front Of Them.

They Looked And Saw More Snowflakes Flying Past Them.

"Snowflakes?" Namaari Asked.

"Is The Statue Flurrying?" Raya Asked.

"No, It's Perfectly Fine." Jagan Stated As He Looked At The Statue.

Raya Noticed Aurora Looking In Her Bag.

"Roar, What's In Your Bag?" Raya Asked.

"I Know What's Caused The Snowflakes." Aurora Said.

"You Do? What Is It?" Namaari Asked.

Aurora Held Up Shira's Dragon Gem As The Gem's Light Is Starting To Disappear.

Everyone Gasped.

"Why Do You Have Shira's Gem?" Jagan Asked.

"She Gave It To Me Before We Left. She Said If Something Were To Happen To Her, We'll Have The Gem To Let Us Know." Aurora Explained.

"What Are You Saying?" Isinia Asked.

"Shira's Magic Is Fading." Pengu Stated.

"What?" Sisu Asked

"I Don't Think Shira's Okay..." Aurora Said, Mournful.

Everyone Eyes Widened.

"I Think That... She May Have Gone Too Far." Aurora Added.

Sisu Shook Her Head As She Refused To Hear It.

"No, No." Sisu Said.

"Sisu. Are You Okay?" Raya Asked.

"I'm Fine. Why Do You Ask?" Sisu Asked, Trying To Hide Her Emotions.

"'Cause You Have That Weird Look In Your Eye Whenever You're Upset." Amba Said.

"I'm Totally Fine. I'm Just Accepting The Fact That My Baby Girl's Dead And I Didn't Get A Chance To Say Goodbye" Sisu Said, Chuckling.

Then, Her Laughter Turns To Crying.

Pranee Hugs Her Little Sister.

"Aw, Baby. Aw, There There, Baby Sis. Pranee's Here." Pranee Assured.

"It's Okay. Let It All Out." Raya Said While Rubbing Sisu's Back.

The Snowflakes Float Out Of The Gem As The Light Goes Out Even Faster.

"Hey? I Know One Thing That Will Always Stay Permanent." Jagan Said.

"What's That?" Sisu Asked, Sniffling.

"Love." Jagan Replied.

All Of The Snowflakes Floated Away As Shira's Dragon Gem Light Faded Completely.

Everyone Continued To Cry, Amba And Sisu's Light Went Out As The Only Thing That Could Be Heard FromThe Cave Was Their Sobs.


The Snowflake Flew Out Of The Cave As Shira's Magic Disappears.

The Trail Of Snowflakes Made It's Way Out Of The Cave. Asumi And Braixen Saw The Trail. Braixen Barked Sadly As She Spinned Around And Layed Down In Sorrow, And Looking At The Cave Hole As She Thinks About How Sad Sisu Must Be.

Asumi Flew With The Snowflake Trail As She Found A Peaceful Place Behind The Waterfall, She The Set Them Down In A Pile Of Snow, Placing The Petals Of A Violet Flower Around As A Grave For Shira.


Sisu Faced Away From Everyone. The Water Was Dripping And Sisu's Sobs Were The Only Thing That Could Be Heard. Pengu Puts His Front Paw On Her Back, Sisu Turned Around And Wrapped Her Front Paws Around Her Big Brother As Pengu Wiped Away Her Tears.

"Shira... What Do We Do Now?" Sisu Asked.

Sisu: I've Seen The Dark, But Not Like This

This Is Cold, This Is Empty, This Is Numb

The Life I Knew Is Over, The Lights Are Out

Hello, Darkness. I'm Ready To Succumb

Pengu: I Follow You Around. I Always Have

But You've Gone To A Place I Cannot Find

This Grief Has A Gravity, It Pulls Me Down

Jagan: But A Tiny Voice Whispers In My Mind

'You Are Lost, Hope Is Gone, But You Most Go On

And Do The Next Right Thing'

Sisu: Can There Be A Day Beyond This Night

I Don't Know Anymore What Is True

I Can't Find My Direction, I'm All Alone

The Only Star That Guided Me Was You

Isinia: How To Rise From The Floor

When It's Not You We're Rising

Just Do The Next Right Thing

Namaari: Take A Step, Step Again

Raya And Amba: It Is All We Can To Do

Aurora And Pranee: The Next Right Thing

Everyone Got Up And Went Out Of The Cave. Then, Everyone Started To Climb Up The Hill With Sisu Leading Them.

Everyone: We Won't Look Too Far Ahead

It's Too Much For Us To Take

But Break It Down To This Next Breath

This Next Step, This Next Choice Is One That I Can Make

So I'll Walk Through This Night

Stumbling Blindly Toward The Light

And Do The Next Right Thing

And With The Dawn, What Comes Then

When It's Clear That Everything Will Never Be The Same Again

Then I'll Make The Choice

To Hear That Voice

And Do The Next Right Thing

Everyone Looked Foward Towards The Dam.

"Okay. Here's The Plan: Isinia, You Fly To The Celestial Dragons And Get Them To Safety." Sisu Instructed.

"On It." Isinia Said Before Flying Into The Air To Get Celestial Dragons.

"Raya, Namaari, Aurora, Pengu, Jagan, Amba And Pranee. You Seven Go And Find Captain Boun And The Others." Sisu Commanded.

"Got It!" Raya Nodded.

"What About You, Sisu?" Pengu Asked.

"I'm Gonna Distracted The Earth Bears!" Sisu Stated.

"What?! Sisu, You Could Get Killed." Pengu Said.

"I'll Be Fine, Pengu. I Have To Do This. For Snowy." Sisu Said.

"Okay. I Trust You, Sisu." Pengu Said.

The Three Humans And The Four Dragons Raced Away, Finding Boun And The Others.

Sisu Then Dashed Towards The River That The Earth Bears Was Sleeping At The Riverside, The Plan Was To Distract The Bears And Let Them To The Dam So The Earth Bears Would Destroy The Dam.

Sisu Slapped The Branches Out Of Her Way And Found The Earth Bears. She Inhaled Before Waking Up The Bears By Yelling Loudly At Them.


The Bear Who Was In Front Of Her Was Still Asleep, Snoring.

Sisu Groaned Before She Inhaled And Screamed Even Louder.


The Bear's Brow Frowing As He Woke Up And Shifted Himself. The Bear Rubbed His Head But He Got Tripped By The Other Bears. He Slammed His Hand On His Friend's Head, Making Him Flicked Him Away And The Wall. Then, The Bears Stopped Sisu From The Other Side.

Sisu Smirked As Everything Was Going According To Plan.

"That's It! Come And Get Me! C'mon!" Sisu Exclaimed.

Sisu Quickly Sprinted Behind The Forest As The Bear's Paw Slammed At Her Spot. The Bear Stood Up, Following His Friend Who Woke Up As Well. He Roared, Making The Trees Blew To The Sides, Revealing Sisu Who Was Running From Them.

"Over Here!" Sisu Got Blown Away By The Roar, She Laid Down Hard On The Ground. She Quickly Stood Up And Shouted To The Bear's. "That's Right! Keep Coming! Keep Coming!"

The Bear Slammed His Fist, Meant To Crush Her But Sisu Dodged It. The Other Bear Grabbed A Boulder And Threw It At Her, But The Boulder Flew Over Her Head And Smashed Inti The Dirt.

Sisu Jumped In Fear As She Nearly Got Crushed. "That'll Work... This Way, Guys!" Sisu Yelled And Breathed Out Fog, Gaining Their Attention.


Boun, Noi, The Ongis And Tong Were Walking In The Forest With Tuk Tuk, Mayonaka And Yuki When They Heard The Sound Of Loud Footsteps, They Looked Up And Saw The Earth Bears Who Didn't Notice Them While The Three Princess And The Four Dragons Spotted Them As They Ran And Called Out To Them.

"Everyone, Please! We Need To Help Sisu!" Raya Shouted.

"Okay! Come On!" Tong Shouted.

"Lets Go!" Boun Yelled.

Raya, Namaari And Aurora Got On Their Animals As Boun, Tong, Noi And The Ongis Rode On The Dragons To Sisu.


Azura Walked To The Edge Of The Cliff As She And Her Henchmen Watching The Earth Bears Were Chasing A Light Blue Dragob Who She Knew Was Sisu.

"What?" She Then Looked At The Dam As She Knew What Sisu Was Going To Do. "No, No, No! She's Leading Them Towards The Dam!"


Isinia Flew Towards The Celestial Dragons.

"Everyone, I Need Everyone To Get To Cliffs!" Isinia Exclaimed.

"Why? Is There Something Wrong?" A Celestial Dragon Asked.

"I'll Explain Everything Later! The Earth Bears Are Really Angry Right Now And I Don't Want Anyone To Get Crushed! So Go! I'll Be Back Soon!" Isinia Commanded.

Isinia Flew Off As The Celestial Dragons Ran Off To The Cliffs.


The Footsteps Were Stepping Near Sisu, Making Her Stumbled Before She Fell Down. As The Earth Bear Raising His Foot, Trying To Crush Her, Sisu Was Quickly Grabbed By Someone Before She Was Stomped By The Bear's Foot.

"Raya!" Sisu Looked Up, Appeared To Be Raya Who Grabbed Her And Puts Sisu Behind Her. "Guys, You're All Okay!"

"I'm Here! The Celestial Dragons Are Heading Towards The Cliffs! They'll Be Safe There!" Isinia Shouted As She Joined The Group.

"What Are We Gonna Do?" Boun Asked.

"We're Going To Destroy The Dam!" Namaari Answered.

"What?! But Kumandra Will Be Flooded!" Tong Shouted.

"Yeah! Wasn't The Dam A Gift Of Peace?" Boun Asked.

"That's The Problem! The Dam Was Never A Gift Of Peace!" Sisu Explained.

"It Was Never A Gift Of Peace? What Are You Talking About?" Boun Asked.

"We'll Explain Once We Get To The Dam! Come On!" Isinia Urged.

Sisu Looked Behond Her And Saw That The Earth Bear Was Throwing The Trees AndRocks At Them But They Dodged And Went Under The Trees. The Earth Bears Was Trying To Remove The Trees Out Of Their Way.


When Everyone Made It To The Cliff, They Met With Azura And The Soldiers In Front Of Them.

"Azura..." Raya Breathed Out.

"Your Highnesses... What Are You Doing?" Azura Asked.

"The Dam Must Fall, It's The Only Way To Break The Mist And Free This Forest!" Namaari Answered.

"But We Have Sworn To Protect Kumandra At All Costs!" Azura Replied, Standing Up Straight.

"Kumandra Has No Future Until We Make This Right! Chief Fushin Betrayed Everyone! That's Why He Built The Dam! To Weaken The Forest!" Sisu Explained.

Everyone Except The Three Princesses, Her Siblings And Isinia Faces Changed.

"What?" Tong Asked.

"Please, Tell Me You're Kidding." Boun Said.

"How Do You Know That?" Azura Questioned.

"My Daughter Gave Her Life For The Truth..." Sisu Said As Tears Form In Her Eyes.

"Shira's Dead?!" Tong Asked.

"She Can't Be Gone." Boun Said.

Aurora Stepped Towards Azura As She Pleaded To Her. "Please... Before We Lose Anyone Else."

Azura's Brow Frowning, Sighing Deeply Before Her Face Showed Determination. She Raised Her Shield Up And Clashed Her Sword Against The Shield, The Other Soldiers Followed Her Lead.

The Sound Of The Clashing Made The Earth Bears Notice And Spotted Them. Aurora And Sisu Ran Towards The Dam As Azura Followed Her Gaze At Her Friends.

The Bears Threw The Boulders At Them.

"Look Out!" Azura Shouted.

She Quickly Dropped Her Weapon And Dashed To The Other Soldier, Dodging The Boulder From Hitting Her.

Azura Raised Her Head Up As She Saw The Bears Were Aiming At Sisu And Aurora.

Aurora And Sisu Rushed And Stopped In The Middle Of The Dam As They Start To Shout To Get Thier Attention.

"Destroy The Dam!" Aurora Yelled.

"Come On! Throw Your Boulders!" Sisu Shouted.

The Bears Threw The Boulder As Sisu And Aurora Looked At The Boulder With A Terrified Look On Their Faces. The Boulder Smashed Right In Front Of Us, Making Them Jump Back.

"That's It." Sisu Said.

They Then Ran To The Other Side, The Boulder Then Smashed In Front Of Them Again.

"AH!" Sisu Screamed.


Sisu And Aurora Sprinted Back To The Way They, The Dam Was Gonna Collapse Because Of The Boulders.

The Earth Bears Paused With A GruntAs They Saw Sisu And Aurora Was In Danger Because Of Them. They Then Lowered Their Boulders Down, Asumi Then Rushed To The Dam Quickly.

Sisu Ran Ahead Of Aurora As The Dam Began To Crumble, Aurora And Sisu Then Leaped Off The Dam. Raya And Pengu Were Waiting For Them On The Other Side. Pengu Managed To Grab Sisu's Paw And Raya Grabbed Aurora's Hand.

"Hang On!" Raya Shouted.

"We Got You Girls!" Pengu Shouted.

Everyone Watched The Dam Breaking Apart, And The Water Was Rushing Quickly Through The Dam And Flood Was Rushing Through The Forest Outside The Dam.


The Air, Fire And Earth Spirits Looked At The Sky As A Snowflake Appeared Into The Sky.


By The Waterfall, The Snow Began To Glow Blue.


Shira Thawed Out As She Gasped, The Ground Below Her Shattered, Making Her Fall Into The Icy Cold Water. Umi Spotted As She Raced To Her And Carried Shira To The Surface To Stop The Flood.


The Flood Was Heading Towards Kumandra. The People And The Dragons Were Gasping As They Saw Tidal Waves Were Coming Towards Their Home, The Waves Have Almost Reached The Castle, Which Was In The Mountain. Shira Jumped Down, She Turned Around And Created A Large Snowflake Barrior, Blocking The Flood. Shira Lowered Her Front Legs As The Water Stopped When It Hit The Barrior.

The Dragons Watched In Shock With Chiefs And Their People As They All Looked At The Ice Dragon. 

Shira Then Raised Her Paws Up, The Magic Formed And She Swaying Her Arms Down, Making The Waves Clam Down And The Waves Dispersing.

The Crowd Sighed In Relief That Their Kingdom Stayed Safe.

Shira Turned To Look At The People And The Dragons With Smiles, The Wind Blowing Her Hair.

The Flags Were Flying Again, The Waterfall's Water Was Returning, And The Road Was Going Back To Normal As The Candlelight Lit Up Again.

The People Cheered, A Spine Warrior Hugged A Man From Talon Tightly As They All Including The Dragons Laughed And Cheered.

Chiefs Benja, Kori, Virana And The Other Chiefs Looked At Shira, Bowing With A Smile.

Shira Jumped Into The Water And Swam Back To The Enchanted Forest.


The Mist Began To Clear Off The Forest, The Sunlight Coming Through The Mist. The Earth Bears Looked Up In Awe.

Braixen Barked In Excitement As Asumi Lifting Her Up By The Wind.


Everyone Looked At The Blue Sky In Amazement, Aurora Wrapped Her Arm Around Raya As Everyone Walked To The Entrance But Sisu Wasn't Happy As The Rest Of Them.

"Pengu? Jagan?" Sisu Asked.

Jagan And Pengu Looked At Her, Curiously.

"I Just Wanted To Say I'm Sorry I Left You Two Behind. I Was So Desperate To Save My Daughter." Sisu Apologized.

"We Know, We Know." Pengu Said In A Gentle Voice.

"It's Okay. Our Love's Not Fragile. Just Wished You Guys Told Us You Were Leaving." Jagan Said.

"I Know." Sisu Said.

Luka Looked At The Clear Blue Sky Awestruck As Juleka Joined Beside Him.

"Wow. Look At The Sky...!" Luka Breathed Out.

Juleka Then Nudged Her Brother's Shoulder With Her Own As She Chuckled.

"I Just Didn't Realize There Was So Much Of It." Luka Stated.

"Six Hundred And Ninety Nine Years..." Isinia Breathed Out As She Stares At The Sky.

"Ten Months." Mizu Added As He Stares At The Sky Too.

"And Twenty Seven Days." Azura Finished.

Mizu Offered His Arm To Azura Who Took It And The Two Walked.

Everyone Then Saw Something Coming Behind Them. They Saw The Celestial Dragons Flying Towards The Entrance.

Sisu Sighed As She Still Misses Shira, Asumi Then Spun Around Her Before Showing A Snowflake. Sisu Rushed After Her, As She Neared The Edge Of The Sea, She Heard The Howling Of A Wolf Coming From The Sea Towards The Sea.

Sisu Squinted Her Eyes Because Of The Light Reflecting The Water, She Saw A Light Blue Dragon Swimming With A Wolf That Was Made Out Of Water. She Widened Her Eyes And Gasped. Sisu Rushed To The Shore Quickly.

Sisu Watched In Disbelief As Shira Made It To The Shore.

"Thank You." Shira Said.

Umi Bowed Her Head And Barked Before Disappearing Into The Water.

"Is It Really You?" Sisu Asked.

"Mommy!" Shira Opened Her Arms To Her, Sisu Released A Sob Before She Rushed To Her Daughter And Hugged Her Tightly.

"I'm Sorry For Making You And The Others Leave." Shira Said, Tearfully.

"It's Okay, Snowy. I Thought I Lost You! Like How I Lost Your Father!" Sisu Said.

"Lost Me? You Saved Me." Shira Said.

"I Did?" Sisu Questioned.

"And Mom, Kumandra Didn't Fall." Shira Said.

"It Didn't?" Sisu Asked, Crying.

"The Spirits All Agree, Kumandra Deserves To Stand... With Us." Shira Said.

Sisu Was Shocked On What Shira Said.

"Us?" Sisu Asked.

"Everyone Did What Was Right, For Everyone." Shira Stated.

"Yeah, You're Right. Did You Find The Savior?" Sisu Asked.

Shira Slightly Smirked As She Looked At Her Amulet.

Sisu Gasped In Realization As She Looked At The Amulet.

"You Are The Savior! You're The Bridge!" Sisu Exclaimed.

"Well Actually, The Bridge Has Two Sides." Shira Explained As She Held Her Mom's Front Paws. "And It Can't Connect Without The Middle, And Dad Loved Two Girls." Sisu Looked In Amazement As They Were Holding Paws Each Other. "We Did This Together, And We'll Continue To Do This Together."


The Two Dragons Turned To See Isinia, Raya's Troupe And The Kumandrian Dragons.

Shira Opened Her Front Legs To Jagan, Pranee, Amba And Pengu.

"You're Alright! You're Alright!" Pengu Exclaimed.

"You Had Us Worried Sick." Boun Said.

"You Scare Us Half To That And You Must Never Do That Again!" Jagan Scolded.

"I'm Sorry!" Shira Apologized.

"And You Risked Your Life To Save Everyone's And Kicked The Floods Butt! I Am So Proud Of You And I Am So Mad At You! I Love You So Much!" Jagan Exclaimed.

Jagan Hugged His Niece Tightly.

"Should I Be Touched Or Scared?" Shira Asked.

"Little Bit Of Both." Namaari, Raya And Aurora Stated In Unsion.

"I Never Thought I'd See Jagan Cry Like That." Amba Said.

"Me Too. It's Unsettling." Pranee Agreed.

"You Look Different. Did You Cut Your Hair Or Something?" Boun Asked As He Noticed The Amulet On Shira's Neck.

"Or Something..." Shira Said.

"Oh! I Love Happy Endings! I Mean, I Presume We're Done... Or Is This 'Putting Us In Immortal Danger Situation' Gonna Be A Regular Thing." Sisu Stated.

"Pfft. If You're In This Group, There's Always Gonna Be Danger No Matter Where We Go." Jagan Smirked.

Suddenly, The Shadow And The Footsteps Approached Them, They Looked Up To See The Earth Bears. Boun Gasped As The Others Looked Terrified Except Shira Who Smiled Before She Tugged Sisu's Paw To Approach Them. The Bear Bowed Down To Us As Sisu And Shira Placed Their Paws On His Nose.


Raya Rushed To Azura As She Told Her The Good New.

"Kumandra Is Okay." Raya Said.

"What?" Azura Gasped, Smiling With An Other Soldier.

Shira Was Walking With Mizu And Isinia As She Was Describing Kako.

"Kako Is Beautiful." Shira Said.

"You Know, You And The Rest Of Kumandra Can Come Visit Here Whenever You Like." Isinia Stated.

"She's Right. You Guys Can Come Back And Visit." Mizu Said.

Sisu Heard That Statement

"Really? Thank Goodness. I Thought Ya'll Were Going To Say That Shira Belongs Up Here And That She Has To Stay Here." Sisu Stated. 

"Mom, There's No I'm Leaving Kumandra. I Didn't Blast Away The Druun Twice In A Row And Slept For Five Hundred Years For Nothing." Shira Said As She Walks Ahead.

"Your Daughter Remind Me So Much Of Yoru." Isinia Said

"I Know." Sisu Nodded.

"I Really Wish He's Here." Isinia Said.

"Me Too. Hey, Why Don't You And The Celestial Dragons Come To Kumandra For A Visit? So That Way We Can Catch Up And That You Can Shira What Yoru Was Like?" Sisu Suggested.

"I'd Love That." Isinia Said.

Pengu Was Talking To Shira.

"So, Shira, I Know This Savior Is An Important Job. But, Are You Sure Fine With Staying In Kumandra?" Pengu Asked.

"I Swore To Myself That I Would Always Do What's Best For Kumandra And Be Helpful In Anyway That I Can. Luckily, I'll Always Have My Family To Help Me To Help Me Whenever I Need." Shira Stated As She Looks At Her Mom.

"While I Still Don't Know What 'Transformation' Means, I Feel Like The Forest Has Really Changed Us All." Jagan Stated.

Shira Wrapped Her Paws Around Sisu Tightly In The Middle Of The Symbols.


Everyone Returned To Kumandra And Celebrated Their Return.

The Crowd Was Applauding As Their Three Princesses Walked Out To Meet Their People.

"Presenting Their Majesties, Princess Raya Of Heart, Princess Namaari Of Fang And Princess Aurora Of Claw." The Announcer Presented.

Raya, Namaari And Aurora Came Out Of The Tent With Their Royal Outfits.



(Aurora/ Pretend She's Wearing A Tank Top Underneath The Cloak)

The Crowd Clapped In Celebration, The Three Princesses Looked At The Crowd With Smiles On Their Faces, As They Walked Down The Steps.

"Oh, Hello!" Raya Chuckled As She Waved To The Crowd.

"Hi!" Aurora Greeted.

"Hey There!" Namaari Said.

The Three Princesses Approached Their Animals Who Were Wearing Headwear.

"Mayonaka, Tuk Tuk, Yuki, Don't You Three Look Nice." Namaari Commented.

They Then Heard Someone Clear Her Throat As They Looked Down.

"Oh My Goodness!" Raya Said.

"Boun! Noi!" Aurora Exclaimed.

They Saw That Tong And Boun Was Wearing A Suit And Noi Wearing A Dress.

"Charmed, I'm Sure." Boun Said.

"Charming." Raya Teased.

"Your Majesties." Other Voices Gained Their Attention, Making Them Look Ahead.

They Saw Sisu, Shira, Pengu, Pranee, Jagan, Amba, The Seresutia, Isinia And The Celestial Dragons.

"Did Guys Come To See Us?" Namaari Asked.

"It Was All Sisu's Idea." Isinia Said As She Points To Sisu.

Sisu Hummed In Agreement.

"One Hour, You Get This For One Hour." Jagan Stated.

"That's Okay. We're Wearing These Things An Hour, Too." Aurora Replied.

Shira, Noi And Boun Shuddered As They Removed Their Formal While Boun And Noi Went Back Into Their Casual Clothes.

"I Shocked That You Guys Can Last An Hour." Shira Said.

"Yeah, That Was Brutal." Boun Said.

Everyone Nodded In Agreement.

"The Things We Do For Love..." Pengu Said.

Everyone Gathered To The Town Square As The Chiefs Appraoched A Covered Statue.

The Chiefs Of Kumandra Pulled The Ropes, Revealing A Statue Of Chiefs Of Kumandra And The Leader Of The Seresutia.

Then, The Kumandrian Dragons And Celestial Dragons Went Up To The Air. 

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