Fight Like a Glatorian

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Chapter Three: Fight Like a Glatorian
[Author's Note at end of chapter]

Sapphira held onto the Dune Chariot as she watched the scenery pass by of the beautiful late night sky and the desert wasteland. Sapphira looked forward before she had to double take at a volcano crater Metus was driving towards.

Driving through a small tunnel of what was apparently an entrance the three could hear the sounds of cheering and metal clanging like weapons from inside. "Oh good! We're just in time!" Metus exclaimed making Sapphira and Mata Nui look at him, "In time for what?" Mata Nui asked him, "You'll see." Metus said with a slight grin. 'Why on earth does that grin make me anxious?' Sapphira asked herself mentally as Metus continued to drive.

Sapphira looked at the scenery around her, she was surprised of a whole entire village inside the active volcanic crator, there were some families around, little kids even playing as they jumped over thin streams of hot lava while laughing.

Sapphira studied their looks, compared to Metus the tribe (at least what Sapphira could guess they were) here had a more reptilian base more so on lizards like Salamanders their tails especially giving it away, their pointed ears had the very different shapes reminiscent of flames, the armor they wore was faded varieties of red with rust and other worn to the armor, while the children's armor seemed nicer looking in comparison to the older people.

The village itself has thin lava channels that spread throughout the village some into homes for warmth against the bitter chill of the desert night and some into what Sapphira could only guess was forges.

Sapphira was interested in them if she was honest with herself.

Though the streets were pretty empty besides the occasional family Sapphira could easily guess it was whatever she was hearing up ahead the rest gathered for.

Soon Metus pulled to the more center part of the village where he slowed down the Dune Chariot to a slow halt, Sapphira could hear now more easily the sounds from within the area.

Metus got out of the drivers seat as Mata Nui got off, he held his hand out to Sapphira who looked hesitant to take it. "If you do not wish for help then I won't force you." Mata Nui said as he pulled his hand back. Sapphira gave him a thin smile, "Thanks." She quietly as she jumped off, Mata Nui smiled at that as his hand fell to his side.

The two followed after Metus down another tunnel this one more fit to walk through even with Mata Nui's seven feet height.

Metus suddenly spoke as they walked, "Back in the day the villages settled disputes the old fashioned way by destroying each other, very messy and a lot of cleanup." Sapphira cringed at that knowing well what that meant, she could easily sense Mata Nui felt the same as well. "So we came up with a better solution." He said as the three walked to where the commotion was.

The area they had walked into was a arena Sapphira could only think of the Roman coliseum in Greece, there was standa filled to the brim with Agori from at least two villages she could tell. One village that looked similar to Metus but with different looks from another and the other the Agori of this village as well, while down below in the center of the arena of the rocky terrain with lava channels and moats was a battle field where two warriors who's heights rivaled the Agori's in towering, it made Sapphira with her above average six feet height feel dwarphed in comparison to them but also felt like she fit in with their height.

The first warrior had snowy white rusted and faded armor in the similar color pallet as Metus with some rust as well but not a lot, the shoulder guards and ends of his helmet gave an icicle spike feel with tints of light blue, the rest of his armor was basic in shape wise while making sure to give an ice look, from looks outside his armor Sapphira could see from the distance he had a pitch black artic wolf tail and ears plus fur in comparison to Metus' light grey, his skin was as pale as the Agori's, Sapphira could notice his facial details from where she stood his facial structure was sharp with smaller shaped eyes that were a dark grey, thin lips but a bit large nose and he had faint stripe markings on his face along with battle scars.

The second warrior matched this village however, he was an inch shorter than his opponent and his body structure was strong and lean perfect for a warrior, he had an olive complexion with faint freckles across his nose bridge which was similar to a Greek nose shape, his lips were more plump than the other but still quite thin, his eyes were rounded and a bright blue similar to blue fire and a noticeable crinkle at the corners with faint wrinkles creasing his forehead, he had a faint reddish stubble with some grey hairs across his face that mixed of stubble and a five o'clock shadow as well, he had a square shaped face with a faint clef chin and Sapphira could notice markings a lighter shade of his complexion reminiscent of flames on his face of the skin that showed, his ears like the tribe had a flame fin shape and he a long thick salamander tail. His armor was in faded crimsons and yellow with hints of orange with more rust and gunmetal grey of the metal shown underneath the armor, the ends of his helmet resembled flames as well while his shoulder guards were in three spikes on either side.

The snow white warrior had a white snowflake shaped shield in his left hand while his right hand held a battle axe with white and icy blue, the handle of the axe had some pointed ends like ice shards while the metal holding the blade of the axe was a teal in color.

Meanwhile the red warrior had a sword where its flame resembled a flame with its two cross guards coming upwards like two smaller flames with the back blades were covered by the rain-guard almost to the top of the blade allowing one side of the blades to cut, the metal for the sword besides the blades themselves were faded yellow, meanwhile his shield was like a square sprocket in shape and red that came out of his left gauntlet.

Both weapons and shields had significant battle damage to them and looked to have seen better days even in Sapphira's untrained eye.

The red warrior jumped then kicked the white warrior back as he then charged at them making Sapphira shake her head and blink a few times from straining her eyes with the heat.

"You Agori use your best warriors, for sport?" Mata Nui asked sounding shocked, Metus shook his head as he began to walk again making Mata Nui and Sapphira follow after him. "Not sport, problem solving. Much more honorable than slaughtering each other, and honestly more profitable." Metus said as both Sapphira and Mata Nui paused at that last part as they looked at each other quickly.

"Um, not that I'm into that sort of thing." He quickly said, the two began to follow Metus again as Sapphira watched the fight while walking. 'Sure you don't, and I'm sure I'm a pickle and cousin to Pickle Rick.' Sapphira thought to herself sarcastically. "The red warrior Ackar, used to be the greatest Glatorian in all of Bara Magna, just like his father was before he died." Sapphira heard Metus say making both her and Mata Nui pause to stare at the said red Glatorian.

'Used to be? Guys still kicking major ass, unless you're talking like One Punch Man suddenly can't one hit kill guys anymore strength then that's bull of an excuse to not be that.' Sapphira thought to herself as she and Mata Nui continued after Metus.

Metus led the two of them where two village leaders were watching the fight when the red (Sapphira could only guess was the leader of this village) one of them noticed Metus. "There you are Metus look at Ackar, I'm telling you his days are numbered. I practically had to beg him to fight!" He ranted, apparently not noticing Sapphira and Mata Nui.

He had red orange ombre armor similar in shape as the other Agori of the village alongside the flame fin pointed ears and salamander tail, underneath his armor was tan colored clothes that looked a bit nicer in comparison to the other villagers, peeking underneath his helmet was light grey hair with golden strands in the mixture as well, he had an oval shaped face with a cleft chin, thin eyes that were a pale blue color and thick golden eyebrows with strands of grey in them while his complexion was darker in the African American side.

"Mata Nui, Sapphira. This is Raanu, he's the village leader. Mata Nui and Sapphira are new in town." Metus introduced them as Raanu finally noticed the two, slightly double taking on Sapphira but given she was the first human he ever saw she didn't blame him (while the Agori and Glatorian were pretty organic looking themselves Sapphira was more different in their organic). He looked back at the fight then back at Sapphira and Mata Nui. "What do you think?" He asked them, which surprised Sapphira at that a bit.

"I'm on neutral ground for that, I only fight unless it's self defense." Sapphira apologized which Raanu nodded at that. "He fights without fear, that is a rare quality." Mata Nui admitted honestly while jestering to Ackar which Raanu seemed to understand.

"While that is true, he's lost his taste for battle. And when that happens it's not long before they loose and must be exiled from their village." Raanu explained as he held his staff a bit with a slightly tighter grip than before. "I assume that's why Metus brought you two here." He said which Metus immediately waved in hands in front of himself in a panic shush manner.

Sapphira blinked in confusion as she looked at Mata Nui who looked equally confused. "Heh?" "I do not understand." Sapphira and Mata Nui said in almost perfect sync.

"Now let's not get ahead of ourselves Raanu, I'm sure there is plenty of time to find a new Glatorian in replacement of Ackar." Metus said changing the subject quickly and as smoothly as he could. "Did I mention I recruit Glatorians?" He asked the two, Sapphira only deadpanned at that before she followed Mata Nui's gaze to the battle in the arena field.

Ackar jumped to a raised ledge on the field with a flip and as Strakk, from what Sapphira could guess with some cheering with Agori that looked similar to Metus, swung his battle axe at Ackar twice before Ackar did another flip and landed on a boulder on his feet and quickly blocked the attack with his sword with ease and began to rapidly swing his sword at Strakk who dodged each swing. Suddenly he knocked Strakk's shield from his hand making the said snow white Glatorian gasp as he held his axe in both hands and quickly blocked another strike with his axe.

"This red warrior fights with the courage of a true Toa..." Mata Nui said to half himself, Metus and Raanu didn't reply but Sapphira immediately shot her head to the golden bot with the familiar word. Mata Nui looked at her, "What is it?" He asked her with a brow raised. "How do you-" Sapphira was cut off by the sounds of the fight making the two look and see as Ackar had found an opening and immediately used his shield to send Strakk flying back into a large boulder on the battle field making the snow white Glatorian fall down after the impact defeated with his axe an arms away from him.

The crowd was silent for a bit before someone yelled 'He's done it' causing the audience to break out into a large cheer. Sapphira could hear some audience members urging Strakk to get back up as Ackar approached the snow white Glatorian and aimed his sword at him while breathing heavily, obviously winded from the fight.

"Surrender." Ackar panted out when Strakk looked up at him. The faint cheering of the Agori chanting Ackar's name around the arena. "Yield to me, and this goes no further." Ackar said as he gripped his swords hilt more incase Strakk got back up to continue. Strakk huffed, "Alright, you win." He growled out, which Ackar couldn't help but smile slightly at that as he lowered his sword. "You leave here with your honor intact, and I leave with your shield in victory." He said as he turned while placing his sword on his back to grab Strakk's shield.

Strakk looked his axe before he got up while grabbing his axe and fixing his hold on it. "Honor my tail on that bastard." He growled out.

"WATCH OUT!" Some of the audience members screamed but it was too late, Strakk threw his axe at Ackar who quickly turned and blocked it with Strakk's shield which the impact sent Ackar flying back into another boulder which made him drop the two shields as his sword fell from it's holder onto the ground a few feet from him as he landed front first on the ground.

Sapphira gasped as she immediately slapped her hands over her mouth in panic while Mata Nui looked at Raanu and Metus, "You call this honor? He was clearly defeated." Mata Nui said, some anger seeping into his voice that made Metus jump a bit.

"We're just Agori, we're not going to fight a Glatorian. His village leader will decide his punishment." Raanu explained as Strakk picked his axe back up while he approached Ackar.

Mata Nui didn't seem to even slightly lighten up at that as he nodded at the Scarabax Beetle on his shoulder (who in return nodded back) before putting his battle mask up and jumped onto the railing before quickly jumping into the arena with the stinger as the Scarabax transformed into the magnificent shield making Metus and Raanu gasp in alarm.

"MATA NUI!" Sapphira yelled after him as she put her hands on the railing to look over. "Is he insane?!" The village leader of Iconix yelled to no one in particular.

Mata Nui landed super hero style on the ground and quickly rushed at Strakk. The audience exclaimed in shock and amazement at the sight with Mata Nui's entrance especially with the Scarabax Beetle turning into a shield in a flash of golden light.

"Interesting, no wonder he's so fond of that bug." Metus mused to himself making Sapphira look at him briefly before back at the arena.

Strakk raised his axe above his head as Ackar looked up, "Your finished old-" he didn't get to finish his sentence as Mata Nui tackled kicked the snow white warrior and landed on the boulder he was once on while Strakk did a roll to stop his flying and quickly stood up again as he glared at Mata Nui.

"I'll cut you down for that outsider." He snarled before he charged at Mata Nui who dodged his attacks as best as he could, but it was clear of the fighting skills the two had, Mata Nui was screwed if he didn't have help or some miracle. Sapphira let her hair down for a second before she put it up quickly into a tight bun similar to a ballerina's bun.

"If I die during this, plan my funeral for me." Sapphira told Metus and Raanu before she swung her body over the railing, using her right hand to lift her person of resting it on the railing to swing it over and jumped into the arena causing the two to gasp.

Strakk tackled Mata Nui to the ground as Sapphira landed with a roll move to break her fall and quickly take her fans out from her belt loops and rush at the two. The crowd of Agori gasped in surprise at Sapphira with it being the first time they've seen an organic like Sapphira in their lives.

With a yell Sapphira tackled Strakk off of the golden bot as she landed a bit past him, Sapphira quickly caught herself with a roll while Strakk got off the ground and went to glare at his attacker before his eyes widened slightly as Sapphira quickly got on her feet and fixed her hold on her ice fans.

There were already beads of sweat on Sapphira's face from the heat of the lava in the arena, if she had the chance to take her hoodie off it would probably help with it but unfortunately she had zero time noir didn't trust anyone enough with her hoodie.

Without a word, Strakk gave a yell as he charged at Sapphira. The bluette quickly dodged a swing of the battle axe as she immediately did a quick pirouette move to dodge more of his rapid swings of the axe. Sapphira may not have been one for fighting, but that didn't mean she didn't practice especially with her fans in case she ever did get into a fight often finding it easier to dodge with her ballet being incorporated into it.

Getting too close to the edge near a lava pool that surrounded the battle field like a moat, Sapphira gave a sharp kick to what would be Strakk's Solar Plexus, a bundle of nerves in the chest making the snow white Glatorian gave a yell in pain. It was a long enough distraction that allowed Sapphira to do a jump and front roll to get quickly away from the edge she was cornered at.

Strakk quickly recovered and whipped around and swung his axe from above at Sapphira who gasped and went to block it with her fans.

"EAT THIS SUCKA!" In an instant before Strakk could bring his axe down another Glatorian had jumped into the arena and practically football tackled Strakk to the ground and after a bit of wrestling threw them off him behind him which the newcomer landed with a handstand while holding their trident weapon and flipped backwards to land on their armored feet.

The newcomer was female and was taller than Ackar and Strakk by a couple of inches, her armor was faded by battle damaged but a deep blue with a lighter blue secondary and the gunmetal grey underneath the paint of her armor, her shoulder guards formed three fin like spikes similar to a lionfish in a way with the points facing upwards, similar spike guards were at her hips facing downwards, the tip of her helmet curled upwards slightly with a spade like fin while the front portions at her face of her helmet jutted out slightly like a shovelnose shark.

Her body physic was slightly pear shaped of a smaller torso and larger hips and thighs and a flat chest with an athletic stature as well, her complexion had a bit of a dark tan with lighter thin skin tone colored stripes that were reminiscent of ripples of waters surface being disturbed and various fish scales of different colors, poking through some downwards of her armors collar at her neck were gills on each side of her neck as her ears were longer and looked similar to a fish fin, her tail was long and thick but also in looks both of scales and pattering plus the long additional side fins along it reminded Sapphira of a butterfly koi, white scales with patches of gold, ocean blue and pale blue made it look beautiful. Her face structure was heart shaped with slight dimples at the corners of her plump rose lips, almond shaped eyes that were heterochromic with orange as the main and in the center was a perlecent pale green, she had a button nose and full ebony eyebrows.

Her weapon was a basic trident with two main points at the head on the left and right and a smaller in the center while the other end of it has a small arrow tip cap.

"KIINA ARE YOU TRYING TO GET YOURSELF KILLED KID?!" Ackar snapped at the Glatorian.

Kiina rolled her eyes at that as she twirled her trident in her hands before fixing her hold on it. "You can chew my ass out later Ackar when I'm done kicking Strakk's." She told him as she aimed her trident head at him.

Mata Nui quickly went to Sapphira's side as Strakk and Kiina faught. "Are you alright?" He asked her in concern. "Y-Yeah, I'll be fine when I don't feel like I'm melting." Sapphira admitted.

In truth, Sapphira could feel herself practically melting with the heat, for as long as she could remember the heat was like Superman with Kryptonite and a high enough body temperature could kill her. And with the heat this village had being in a volcanic crator was enough to make her begin to feel tired while fighting.

Kiina dodged Strakk's swings of his axe with ease of stepping to the side facing sideways while walking backwards to dodge each swing with practiced grace and ease.

"Damn I thought for the guy who had Malum strike at him against the Arena rules do so at his old first Glatorian would be able actually land a hit." Kiina remarked to push Strakk's buttons.

Strakk's eyes widened before he growled and gave a yell and swung his axe sideways. Kiina fell to the ground to dodge it with a yelp before rolling to the side when Strakk gave another quick swing from above embedding the blade into the rock ground nearly missing Kiina's tail.

"Get to Ackar I got her." Sapphira told Mata Nui making the golden bot look at her incrediously. "Are you sure?" He asked her. "Look Ackar looks like he's struggling to breath like he has a collapsed lung or something, she's gonna need help and I got a bit more fighting skills than you." Sapphira told him, pushing herself up to her feet. 'When did I fall to my knees?' Sapphira thought to herself for a second.

Mata Nui looked from her, to Kiina and Strakk, then Ackar then finally back at Sapphira. With a silent nod Mata Nui quickly went to Ackar's side.

Kiina continued to dodge each swing of Strakk's axe, trying to conserve her energy hoping the ice Glatorian would drain his. She knew well the ice tribe was like the jungle tribe and full of energy, but was hoping from the fight he was drained enough it would be easy but unfortunately fate was not kind to her on that regard.

Kiina nearly tripped trying to avoid another axe swing. Sapphira suddenly slammed the palms of her hands on the volcanic rock ground despite the hissing sound from the contact and the steam frost and ice traversed from her hands to Strakk covering his feet and ankles trapping him briefly making the Glatorian yell in surprise as he struggled against the frost.

Sapphira took the chance and quickly rushed at Strakk, the bluette did a upward split move making her right foot colide with Strakk's chin earning a yell in pain as he held his jaw. Sapphira quickly rammed her knee into his solar plexus then inner part of her fan that wasn't sharp into his hip.

Strakk's tail nearly hit Sapphira but the bluette quickly did a pirouette to dodge it gracefully.

Kiina was quickly at her side as the two faced back to face with their weapons aimed at Strakk. "You got his left I got his right?" Sapphira suggested to Kiina who grinned at that, "Oh fuck yes." She grinned at the bluette.

Mata Nui helped Ackar push himself to his knees. "Are you alright?" He asked the veteran Glatorian. Ackar held his chest with one hand as he wheezed, "If my back wasn't shit before already that hit definitely made it worse especially on my lungs." He wheezed out desperately trying to get air in.

Mata Nui put the stinger on his hip and rested that free hand against Ackar's chest, a faint aura of golden light coming out in waves left Mata Nui's hand as he tried to quickly heal the internal wounds to help the Glatorian breathe easier.

Kiina and Sapphira kept Strakk busy as they fought the Glatorian, dodging and blocking swings of his axe and trading blows to him, though nothing serious but enough to tire him out and hopefully get him down.

"And here I thought fighting against someone who strikes against like Malum did at your little boy toy would be scary for you Kiina." Strakk taunted making Kiina's eyes widen before her gaze hardened and she jabbed her trident at him grabbing his arm between his battle axe handle.

Kiina's eyes had a dark look in them and her lips were painted in a snarl showing the tips of pointed sharp teeth as she had a death grip on her trident. "Call Gresh a boy toy again, I fucking dare you to call my boyfriend that again right now Strakk you piece of shit bastard." She growled at him, a low rumbling growl leaving her mouth.

Sapphira mouthed a wow at Kiina's sudden anger shift.

Strakk's eyes were widened at that before he spun his wrist. Sapphira's eyes widened at that, "WATCH IT!" Kiina ducked her head down.

Suddenly Ackar, who had gotten back up and grabbed his sword again and rammed his person into Strakk knocking the Glatorian a few feet making Strakk's axe blade graze the top of Kiina's helmet earning a few sparks from it.

Ackar rolled to his side as he grabbed his sword again and extended his shield back out as he stood up while Strakk grabbed his axe again while getting up.

Sapphira threw a hand forward making a weak flurry fly at Strakk, though it was weak it blinded Strakk at the sudden bitter cold in the arena as he tried to rub the frost from his eyes.

Mata Nui used the distraction to kick at Strakk's feet making the snow-white Glatorian fall back as he swung his axe at Mata Nui, which the said golden bot fell back as he backed up from the blade hitting him only getting a nick on his shoulder guard.

Kiina slammed the head of her trident into the ground and pushed herself up into the air dodging a swing of Strakk's axe while she held herself in the air a bit then swung her body in a three sixty around her trident, ramming her knees into his person sending him back as she landed on her feet, removing her trident from the volcanic rock ground, spun it around her back then held it normally.

Sapphira fell to her knees with the heat getting the best of her as Ackar and Kiina fought Strakk to keep him away from the two. "I hate this heat weakness with a fucking passion." Sapphira snapped under her breath in annoyance as her shadow rippled across her person a bit. The sudden thing gained Mata Nui's attention as some steam left Sapphira's skin instantly lowering her tempature.

The bluette was confused but felt better being cooled down again. "Let's see if it'll be helpful in a fight like my ice." With that Sapphira brought her hand up to ball it up in a fist and quickly slam it back down to ground as her right eye shifted to a deep violet purple that glowed causing Strakk's shadow to give a malicious grin with purple eyes glowing.

At once the shadow leapt up and grabbed ahold of its owner earning a panicked yell from the snowy white Glatorian and yells of shock from the crowd.

Ackar and Kiina stepped back in surprise of Strakk shadow then looked at Sapphira and Mata Nui. While Mata Nui was in shock at Sapphira, the bluette was grinning proudly as a dark aura from before covered her hand as her right eye slowly came back to normal.

Strakk shook the shadow manipulation off resulting in his shadow returning to normal making Ackar push Kiina aside taking the hit of the handle of Strakk's axe sending him flying to a tumble across the volcanic rock ground with his sword blade tip embedding into the rock ground two arms away from him as he groaned in pain holding his chest again.

Kiina blocked the axe with the handle of her trident, struggling against pushing Strakk back. Strakk used his tail to grab the trident handle enough to give him leverage to grab Kiina by one of her arms and throw her opposite side of where Ackar was sent flying sending the female Glatorian tumbling with her trident pinning her tail down.

When Strakk charged at Sapphira and Mata Nui (the dark aura leaving Sapphira's hands when Ackar went flying) Mata Nui quickly pushed himself to the ground as he shielded Sapphira with his body while Strakk raised his axe above his head again, you didn't even need to be close to him to tell the golden bot was shaking in fear a bit.

Before Strakk could bring the axe down, "Strakk no!" Ackar yelled as he tried to push himself up, "Your fights with me!" He yelled while trying to push himself up with a struggle as his breathing strained. "Your next Ackar!" Strakk said, "These two asked for it, and now they are going to get it!" Strakk yelled as he raised his axe high again.

"BASTARD!" Kiina yelled at him, a snarl painting her lips again.

Mata Nui and Sapphira both gasped as Mata Nui shielded himself with the stinger, panic coursing through him. Then his mask and the stinger began to glow gold with a slight humming noise as Strakk brought his axe down.


Suddenly in a flash of gold light like with the Scarabax Beetle the stinger had transformed and caught Strakk's blade from hitting the two, the astonished and amazed voices in the audience rang around them causing Sapphira and Mata Nui to open their eyes which widened at the sight.

The grip, pommel and hilt were pretty basic but the real work was the blade itself. The blade had two opposing curves that met in the middle that resembled The Three Virtues perfectly, the blades also had hollow point holes going through and through and a slight beam in the middle keeping the adjoined blades more attached securely.

The blade was a flawless silver color almost like platinum with the light hitting it a certain way gave it a gold sheen and something said it wasn't the lava canals glow doing that.

"Holy shit on a stick with sprinkles." Sapphira muttered in amazement at the sword as the crowd cheered in amazement and delight, Ackar and Kiina was the same as well while Strakk was a different story of straight up dumbfounded.

"How the-" Seeing his chance, Mata Nui kicked Strakk off his feet as he quickly got on his own. The said snow white Glatorian tried to grab his axe before Sapphira knocked it from his hands with one of her fans, and Mata Nui brought the tip of the blade to Strakk's throat which the audience went silent at.

"Concede." He said, his voice slightly deepening. "Fine." Strakk muttered, before Mata Nui brought the tip of the blade closer to his trachea, "For all to hear!" He demanded, his grip on the hilt of the sword tightening more while his right eye turned yellow as Sapphira fixed her grip on her fans. "I, concede!" He yelled which Mata Nui finally retracted the blade as the crowd broke into a roaring cheer.

"Who are those strangers?" "Who's village will they fight for?" Some Agori muttered to each other in excitement. "Hell'uva team work if I'll admit." Metus mused to Rannu who hummed in agreement.

Mata Nui stepped back a bit as Kiina rushed to get her tail and trident free. Strakk went to try to grab his axe again but a galaxy print denim high top rested on the blade and a patch of ice formed on it making Strakk look to see Sapphira's eyes narrowed at him as her shadow rippled across her person.

"Don't." She warned Strakk, knowing it didn't need to go any further than it already had. Strakk let out a huff as he then turned and left the arena while rubbing where his Solar Plexus was when Sapphira had hit him there.

Sapphira placed her fans in her belt loops as she looked at Mata Nui who faced her. "Nice work." She praised him with a small smile. Mata Nui gave a beaming smile that made the sun seem dull in comparison. "You as well." He replied making a light pink blush dust Sapphira's cheeks.

"Easy Ackar." The two turned seeing Kiina helping Ackar to sit as he wheezed struggling to breath. Kiina had a look of fearful concern on her face.

Sapphira and Mata Nui quickly rushed over to them. "How bad?" She asked Kiina. "It sounds like some of his ribs broke and a few might be pushing against his lungs right now." Kiina admitted, concern soaking her words.

Mata Nui looked at his palms as he jammed the tip of his new blade into the rocks (the Scarabax Beetle turning back to normal on his shoulder earning a grimmance from Kiina at the inscet) and placed his palms against Ackar's chest.

Immediately as he did so Mata Nui's hands gave the same aura of golden light in waves that washed over Ackar. The sound of bones cracking filled the fours ears in the air.


Ackar suddenly let out a pained yell. "What the heck?!" Kiina yelled. "That would be a rib snapping back into place." Mata Nui explained too calmly. "Oh my God." Sapphira said suddenly feeling her stomach lurch a bit.

Several more snaps caused Ackar to bite his lower lip hard but when they slowed down the Glatorian could finally breathe a bit easier now.

"I believe it would be better to finish this healing process up in somewhere more private." Mata Nui said as he pulled his hands back, the aura of light fading from his hands as he did so and slowly leaving Ackar's person.

"Probably back in my area of the barracks." Ackar said as Kiina helped him up to his feet. Sapphira grabbed his sword from the ground, the blade a bit heavy in her petite hands.

Once Kiina was sure Ackar could walk she let go of his arm allowing the vet to grab Strakk's shield off the ground.

"Your victory, your shield." He said as he held the shield to Sapphira and Mata Nui. Sapphira's eyes widened at that, "I-I couldn't." Sapphira said, Mata Nui seemed to agree with her. "You won honorably, the prize of victory is yours." He told Ackar who seemed to be surprised by their words.

The red Glatorian looked at the shield in his hands that once belonged to Strakk, "Well in that case." Ackar immediately threw the shield like a large frisbee which went into the lava. "I got plenty of them." He explained to answer their shocked looks. Though it was easy to see he was still surprised they didn't take victory like he knew others would in a heartbeat.

Ackar looked at the crowd and watched as they all left the stands before he sighed. "Oh how quickly they forget," He sighed, "I'm already an outcast." He said as he shook his head. Sapphira patted his back a bit, "It's never too late to win them back." Mata Nui told him making Ackar look at the two strangers.

"Eh perhaps." He sighed, shaking his head once more before he focused back on the two. "I am in your debt strangers." He told them earning a surprised look from Mata Nui, Sapphira wasn't that surprised, given they did save his life it wasn't surprising.

"Sapphira," Ackar immediately looked down at the bluette, "My name is Sapphira." She introduced herself to the fire Glatorian while holding a hand out to him to shake.

Ackar thought on her name, to him it was probably spelled the same way as sapphire but with an a at the end instead of an e, the gem which it's color matched her hair and eyes perfectly. She looked only slightly older than a friend of his who was sixteen years old of her age.

"Nice name, I'm Ackar." He introduced himself as he shook Sapphira's hand who smiled at him. "I'm Mata Nui." The said gold bot introduced himself as he shook Ackar's hand next.

"Names Kiina." The said Glatorian introduced herself making Sapphira and Mata Nui nod.

"Let's get somewhere else, I can tell Sapphira is overheating with the arena's heat." Ackar said which Sapphira gladly agreed as the bluette and gold bot followed after Ackar to what he explained was his "home". To his explanation, it was more of a Glatorians den than a home.

Sapphira could feel the father like energy Ackar gave off and it made her feel safe, it was something she missed dearly when it came to her own dad. Sapphira normally when it came to father figures felt it was, wrong with how her father was dead to have one given how people told her of it. But with Ackar, it felt like it wasn't wrong at all, and she liked it.

While Kiina to the bluette seemed so ghostly familiar as Mata Nui did as well.

'Why is this my life?' Sapphira thought to herself in a slight why me tone.


Chapter Three: Fight Like a Glatorian

[Author's Note:

Oh hey didn't expect that did ya'?
As in Sapphira actually joining in the fight

Yeah in the OG version of the Ice Toa series Sapphira misses the fight including Mata Nui making his Vorox Stinger Blade with the Ignika entirely bc Metus pulling her aside to flirt with her

Is there an age gap between the two? Oh definitely now it is
Let's just say Metus is older than Ackar who I planned to be 34 in the first book

Yeah, long story short, there's no way in hell Metus and Sapphira are EVER going to be an item
And his obvious flirts Ackar only prays are jokes

Also for those curious on what the Solar Plexus is, this comes from Google
"The solar plexus - also called the celiac plexus - is a complex system of radiating nerves and ganglia. It's found in the pit of the stomach in front of the aorta. It's part of the sympathetic nervous system. It plays an important role in the functioning of the stomach, kidneys, liver, and adrenal glands."

The idea of Sapphira hitting that location came from a Transformers Prime Optimus X OC fic
Highly recommend I Walk a Lonely Road for those Transformers fans it's great

August 27th 2024 Update Notes;
Aaaaaaand once again the scenes have been changed
What can a girl do huh? 😂

I had the random idea from like it was either Music Toa or Mata Kids AU or even Offering AU that bloomed this of Kiina jumping into the arena to fight Strakk

I shared the idea with my friend Bio who said and I quote "Oh Strakk is dead" and I fucking wheezed at that so hard ahajshanshsj 🤣
Love ya' Bio you crazy Floridian!

Chapter four and five if not six as well are gonna take a bit to edit as well as this did so I apologize ahead of time]

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