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The seven were driving off in the Dune Chariot to the next village, Gresh's home the Twin Villages of Tesara, as it was now dark. Everyones weapons had been upgraded, everyone except Mata Nui, Berix, and Sapphira.

Reasons? Mata Nui didn't need his weapon upgraded, Berix had no weapon, and Sapphira, well, she didn't know why, Mata Nui didn't, but he wouldn't tell her or anyone else, yet he said.

"This is not fair!" Gresh complained, gaining Sapphira's attention as Berix was driving the Dune Chariot despite his young age-he was a pretty good driver though-. "I get these awesome new blades, Mata Nui says I'm a Toa and none of you won't let me try any of them out!" he finished.

"You mean like, THIS!" Kiina said as she jumped from the side of the Dune Chariot, flipped in the air and shot Water from her upgraded trident at a bolder making it fly into the air. The bolder landed in front of the path of the buggy which, thankfully, it didn't hit it as it came to a stop when Berix hit the breaks.

Kiina landed on the ground and leaned with her trident. Gresh and Berix were amazed and so was Sapphira as well.

"Come on! Just a little test?" Gresh begged Ackar. "Pacients, is the first key on becoming a Great Glatorian." Ackar told him  "OH I THINK THIS IS PRETTY GREAT!" she yelled to Ackar as she shot Water out of her Trident once more.

Ackar then suddenly jumped from the buggy, in front of Kiina's Water blast and shot Fire from his sword at the endless Water Kiina was creating. The two elements collided and created a steam in the middle as they fought.

Berix and Gresh were impressed even more. Sapphira wondered even more why Mata Nui didn't upgrade her weapons, she wanted to do cool powers.

"GUESS THIS IS A STAND OFF!" Kiina yelled at Ackar. Then suddenly a gust of a swirling Wind blew the two elements away from battle, making Ackar and Kiina loose focus from their stand off.

They all looked seeing Gresh had his weapon pointed at them. He laughed lightly as he put his blade away after making the Wind stop from it. "Looks like I can blow you both away." he said with a smirk clear on his face. "Better yet, why not combine them?" Kiina suggested with a light smirk on her face.

"ENOUGH!" Ackar yelled getting everyones attention to him. "Being a Glatorian isn't about fancy weapons." he said. "And believe me. Mata Nui here isn't the only only one who could use a few tips." he finished.

Berix started to laugh his head off as Gresh got embarrassed at that call out. Till Kiina shut him up by hitting upside his head with her weapon.

Sapphira laughed lightly at all of this. "That goes for you too Sapphira!" Ackar told the organic woman. She let out a huff as she crossed her arms over her chest. "How rude." she said with a annoyed look on her face.

"Focus, all of you. And you might actually learn something." Ackar said, "Like, THS!" he yelled as he brought his sword down about to strike Mata Nui. Mata Nui pulled his blade out a bit to late and tripped a bit making Kiina fall as he bummed into her.

"Predict your enemies next move, before, it happens." Ackar said as Sapphira helped Mata Nui up off the ground and off of Kiina.

Kiina sat up seeing Click had fallen off of Mata Nui and had landed on her. Click began to yell at her. "I'm warning you," She began. "I'll bite back." she warned the Scarabax Beetle.

Ackar picked up Click with his thumb and index finger. "Find your enemies weakness." he said. "And use it against them." he finished as he threw Click back to Mata Nui. Click landed in Mata Nui's palm and climbed back onto his shoulder. Click then yelled at Ackar angirly. "If you can!" Ackar yelled hearing what Click said, Sapphira laughing lightly at that.

Kiina looked at Sapphira. "How come you didn't get your weapons upgraded Sapphira?" she asked the organic woman as she gained her attention. "Wait, Sapphira has weapons?" Gresh asked. Sapphira sighed at this.

She crossed her arms over her face, she opened her palms to where it looked like how you would hold a Japanese fan, she flicked her wrists a bit making her fans appear from the bottom up almost in an instant as frost/snow fell from it to the ground and disappeared as they did.

"Woah." Gresh and Berix said in sync at their amazement. "I still can't get over how awesome that is!" Kiina said happily in her excitement.

Sapphira brought her arms down and looked at her ice fans. "It's like you already gave awesome Toa powers!" Gresh exclaimed.

Sapphira was about to say something, till. "That's because she does..." Mata Nui said. Everyone shot their heads to the said Great Spirit.

"How does she? You didn't even upgrade her weapons." Kiina asked him in disbelief. "It's her bracelet, it's giving her these powers she had long had dormant." he told them, "At least that is my theory." Mata Nui added as an after thought.

Sapphira looked at the bracelet on her wrist. "I have these powers, cause of it." she muttered to herself. "Wait, what element is she?" Berix asked, gaining Sapphira's attention from her thoughts.

"Ice, her element is Ice." Mata Nui told them all. "That would explain when it came to the Skopio, Sapphira managed to trap on of it's claws in ice twice." Ackar said as he brought his hand to his chin.

"Sapphira!" Kiina said getting said organic's attention as she hummed in response. "Try to do something with your powers!" she exclaimed exited.."Yeah! Lets see what a Toa of Ice can do!" Gresh said.

Sapphira sighed, "Alright." she said, She looked at her wrist to the bracelet upon it. "How do I do this?" she asked it. "Easy my child, imagine what you want to happen." the bracelet told her.

Sapphira sighed once again, "Alright. Easier said then done I guess." she said then closed her eyes trying to imagine something in her head.

"Why was she talking to her bracelet?" Berix asked the others. "Yeah, I was wondering the same thing." Gresh said. "It's able to talk to her mentally and it's been guiding her powers and fighting since she came here." Mata Nui explained to them which they nodded in response, not asking any further

Sapphira thought of something she wanted to see in a long time. She put her right foot on her left legs knee, balancing perfectly, she held one fan to her chest, and the other in the air.

The others were confused of why she had to do this. She started to fan the air with the fan that was in the air and snow started to come from it and fly into air and fall to the ground, slowly melting from the desert heat as it did so.

Everyone was shocked and amazed at this. Sapphira opened her eyes as she continued to summon snow, and a bright smile like at the canyon appeared on her face once again.

She hasn't seen snow up close in so long. Every time it snowed back at her home, her grandmother made her stay indoors and do seemingly endless choirs to keep her from going outside.

"What is this?" Kiina asked as she held her hands out and snow landed on them melting from the heat off of Kiina's body temperature. Sapphira laughed softly at that. "Back on my planet, it's called snow. It's basically frozen water." she told Kiina. "So cool!" Gresh said amazed. "LITERALLY!" Berix said excitedly.

Sapphira giggled at the two. She watched as the snow came from her fan, fly into the air, and hit the ground, but melting before they did so from the heat that radiated off the mesa like ground from the hours of blazing heat and sunlight absorbed into it.

Her smile was still bright at this. She stood normal and stopped fanning the air, making the snow stop and disappear fully. "Awe man!" Berix and Gresh said sadly in sync.

"We don't have a lot of time guys. We gotta get to the next village before the Bone Hunters and the Skrall do." Sapphira told the two the task at hand. "Sapphira is right." Ackar said agreeing with the organic woman. "We need to get there fast." he finished.

Everyone nodded in agreement at that. They all got back in the buggy and went back to going to their destination.

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