An Isnpired Gift

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Video above does NOT belong to me. It belongs to Bryan Andree on YouTube, and the actual song starts around 0:58-1:00. CTO for the video above. If you can't see it, let me also put it down here.⬇️

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"AAAAAAAAWWWWWWOOOOOO!!" In the main room, Willy and most of the crew were howling their hearts- or souls- out. They were all wolf animatronics, but they each had a few accessories and obviously different eye colors to tell the difference.

Willy— considered to be the Alpha of the group— had green eyes and had a green and blue spinner hat, along with a tad of orange fur on his left ear. Ozzy had blue eyes, a bit of purple fur on his chest, and a light blue collar, which looked a lot like the shade of blue his eyes were, but still noticeably different. Sara had a white pattern on her back that slightly looked like a pair of fairy wings and a collar that was a regular shade of blue, and her eyes looked almost mint green. She had more fur on her head that slightly looked like hair, and it was kinda short. Arty had cream colored fur, a red collar, and dark blue eyes. Gus's fur was a dark forest green and was also without a collar, and his eyes were a lighter green than his fur, which reminded people of the color of an evergreen tree.

Knighty's fur looked like a "royal" red, especially since he made sure to keep himself clean after a long day, and his collar looked in between yellow and gold. His signature sword was laying on the table. Cammy was pink and had no collar either. Her eyes were a light purple, almost magenta, and some long fur on her head that looked almost like hair completed her look.

All of them enjoyed themselves, feeling powerful and free as they let their voices ring through the air. Well, almost everyone.

Tito was the only animatronic who wasn't a wolf, or American. He was a blue turtle with a blue and white sombrero, a yellow-ish beak, a very small mustache and beard, and didn't speak English very often. The others knew it was because he's not very used to speaking it, but that wasn't the only thing that they didn't understand about each other.

Tito was currently trying to sleep in his bed, with a comfy white pillow, a perfect mattress, and the same red, fleece blanket he's had for as long as he could remember, he should be fine. Unfortunately, there was too much howling, and it was really getting on his nerves. He had to wait until morning every night to go to sleep when the howling stopped, and was getting really tired of it.

Both figuratively, and literally.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!" He finally let all his frustration out and yelled loud enough for people outside to hear him. Probably even those inside their homes. The howling stopped and he sighed in relief. He laid his head back down on his pillow and smiled a bit, letting himself slowly grow closer and closer to the sweet release of sleep.

"TITO!! Are you okay?!"

Tito shot up and turned around. Willy was holding the doorknob and standing in the doorway while everyone else was behind him and looking inside. He groaned in annoyance and nodded."Well, then why did you yell?" Sara asked.

"Because you won't be quiet, amiga!" He replied. He felt slightly bad for being kinda rude, but he was also tired of being asked why he looks so tired. He fell back onto his bed and didn't look at them."Sorry, Tito. We'll try to keep it down." Willy said. Tito gave them a thumbs up and heard the door close.

The next night, it happened again. Tito woke up from the howling and soon got bored from laying in his bed while waiting for them to stop. He got up and decided he would go watch them instead of just laying down, so he opened the door—slightly squinting his eyes at how bright it was— and made his way to the main room while his eyes adjusted.

He walked in on them howling and they didn't notice him, so he went to the backroom behind the backstage, which was full of old stuff like boxes with tape on them and pieces of random things sprawled on the floor. He tried to turn on the light, but that didn't work. They must be broken.

"Quizás todavía esté aquí en alguna parte..." He said to himself as he looked through the boxes. He allowed the lights on him to glow. Incase you're wondering "What lights?", the white lines on his sombrero and his arms glow white while his eyes glow a light blue, and they helped him slightly. He started on a top shelf and started to go through everything there.

He continued his search until he found what he was looking for.

A guitar laid flat on the floor on the other side of the shelves, so he couldn't see it until he walked around them. He picked it up and dusted it off, slightly strumming it in the process, and smiled in slight relief when he heard the music, and also from genuine happiness that he found it. He looked at it, and back at the memories it brought. Back when he was still in Mexico. He looked back at the open door and listened to the slightly distant howling.

Trying not to be noticed, Tito walked through the room and successfully made it to the hallways without anyone asking him anything. He walked down the halls until he re-entered his room, where he adjusted and tested the strings until he found the right tones. He looked back at the closed door. They're too busy howling, so maybe they won't notice— or mind, hopefully— if he played himself a song.

Si tienes miedo a caer, ahí siempre estaré

Te ayudare
Te ayudare

Por ti yo haría lo que sea, no importa que

Por verte bien
Por verte bien

Cuando enemigos cerca estén, contigo junto luchare

Te ayudare
Te ayudare

Contigo yo esperare, si sufres te acompañare

Por verte bien
Por verte bien

Yo confío siempre en ti, pues haces lo mismo por mi...

In the main room, everyone noticed very faint music coming down the halls."What's that?" Arty asked. If they even talked, they wouldn't hear it."Let's go find out." Willy said. They headed down the hall, and for a moment, it stopped, but then it played again, except louder, and they started to hear someone singing, but no one had any idea what they were saying. The voice sounded familiar, though.

La que yo amo

Eres tú
Eres tú

Pues, anque lejos estés mi vida, siempre te amaré

Eres tú
Eres tú

Si te vas esperaré, yo te amaré aunque no estés

Te amo anque lejos estés

They ventured down all the way to where the music was coming room. Tito's room. Willy slowly opened the door and saw Tito singing and playing what had to be a guitar. He stopped singing for a moment and soon continued again. This time, he stomped his foot to a beat.

Cuando cagias te sostendré, te ayudaré a volver

Ponerte en pie

Ponerte en pie

Y si no sientes muy bien,los muros derribare


Ya no lo peando negar, tuya es mi voluntad

He stopped stomping his foot and didn't play his guitar for a moment. When he resumed, he didn't stomp.

La que yo amo

Eres tú
Eres tú

Pues, anque lejos estés mi vida, siempre te amaré

Eres tú
Eres tú

Si te vas esperaré, yo te amaré aunque no estés

Te amo anque lejos estés

He played a slightly different tune.

Mi columna, eres mi razón
La que me mantiene firme

Mi ayuda, y mi corazón
El motor que yo necesite

Corazón que tú ritmo vive

He started to slightly tap the ground with his foot.

Corazón que tú ritmo vive

It was getting slightly louder.

Corazón que tú ritmo vive

Louder. It suddenly stopped while Tito sang the next line.

Mi corazón vive al ritmo de lo que

Eres tú
Eres tú

Pues, anque lejos estés mi vida, siempre te amaré

Eres tú
Eres tú

Si te vas esperaré, yo te amaré aunque no estés

Eres tú
Eres tú

Pues, anque lejos estés mi vida, siempre te amaré

Eres tú
Eres tú

Si te vas esperaré, yo te amaré aunque no estés

Corazón que tú ritmo vive

Corazón que tú ritmo vive

Corazón que tú ritmo vive

Mi corazón vive al ritmo de lo que eres tú

He played the small tune again as he turned and sat on his bed with his eyes closed, so he still hasn't noticed them. Sounds like the song is coming to an end.

Yo, te amo anque lejos estés

Yo, te amaré anque lejos estés

Once Tito was finished, everyone clapped for him and he turned to them with wide eyes."That was awesome! You never told us you played the guitar!" Willy said as he entered the room. Tito turned a little red and grew slightly nervous, but looked down. His sombrero blocked his face, and he could still tell where he was going by paying attention to what he could see."Uh, Sí, lo jugué mucho en casa." He said. He walked across the room and put his guitar down on the small, seemingly useless desk.

"I was bored while waiting, so I went to the Backroom and found mi guitarra." He said. He sat back down on his bed and faced the wall.

"I'm going to sleep now. Buenas noches." He said. He laid down and everyone said Goodnight before leaving. Once again, there was no howling for the remainder of the night, but the next day— which was a day off— everyone tried to ask Tito to play the guitar or sing again.

He had to come up with an excuse to explain why his face turned red again.

Edit: Here's the video she made that inspired me. It's beautiful.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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