The Pain

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Here is the next update. But before that let's take a look what happened before 😉

Last conversation

" Janki, I said I am sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you " said Shekhar coming behind her. "But you hurt me, Shekhar" said Janki in a pained voice. "I know and I am sorry for that. It's just that I can't think straight when it concerned Ragu " said he bending his head. " But that doesn't mean you will put finger on my love for her. " said she little angry. " It was you who hadn't accepted her as your child in the first place, it was you who took her from beside me while I was sleeping to leave her to an orphanage. It was you Shekhar, not me. How can you blame me that I don't care about her when the truth is that ...It was me only who brought her in this house when you left few months old child crying with her dead mother " shouted Janki full riled up and Shekhar bent his head ashamed.

Janki realized what all she said and about to apologize to him when they here a cracking sound. They turned towards the sound and their eyes widened to see Ragini standing there dumbfounded. " Ragu " Shekhar rushed towards her panicked. He was about to place his hand on her shoulder when she backed away looking at him with painful eyes. " baba...??? " she stepped back little. Shekhar forwarded his hand to touch her but she shouts loudly. " No.....!!!!" She took further stepped back and bumped into Mishu. " Ragu..." Mishu started to say something when she looked at her in a distraughted way. "J..Jaanu, B..baa..baba " said Ragini in cracking voice and a sob escaped from her lips. She gave a last look to Shekhar, who was looking at her with pained and ashamed eyes, and rushed towards her room with tears flowing from her eyes continuously.

Now here we go 🤗🤗

It's been two days that anyone hear Ragini's voice. She hadn't come out from her room. After very much insistence from Avi, she allowed him to her room but he too was unable to make her lips curl into a small smile. Everybody was devastated seeing their bundle of joy like this. Just like Ragini, Shekhar too refused to meet anyone. Janki's heart was cursing herself to see her husband crying like an eight year old kid,sobbing uncontrollably, feeling ashamed and guilty for his deed. Mishu was trying to pacify her Mom, who looked like she will broke down at any moment. She kept looking in between the rooms where Ragini and Shekhar locked themselves.

"Did she eat something..?? " Janki looked at Avi with hopeful eyes but he shook his head in negative. A tear tripped down from her already soaking eyes and Mishu squeezed her palm." Should I talk to her,again ..?? "asked Mishu wiping her own tears. She tried to talk to Ragini but all she got was her silence and blank stare. "It's all my fault, Mishu. It's all my fault.....!!! If I hadn't said those spiteful things to Shekhar then Ragu will never got to know anything..!! It's all my fault" Janki burst into tears collapsing on the floor. Mishu put her hand over her mouth and chocked on her sob as she looked at her mother broken.

Ragini was sitting in her room dragging her knees to her chest and encircling her arms around them. Her eyes showed no emotions as she kept looking at the picture on her wall. It was their family picture, when Avi was born. Mishu was holding Avi and Shekhar was holding Ragini in one hand and encircling another hand around Janki's shoulder. She wasn't a child that time who need the holding but Shekhar did it saying, she will always be a child to him and she agreed on this immediately. Now it feels like all the things that happened till now was a complete lie. Her father who meant the world to her, didn't want her as his child in the first place. Her eyes felt dry as she kept looking at the picture emotionless.


"Will Ragu didi never talk with us..??" Avi looked at her mother and sister painfully. His voice cracked while he utter those words. "Shh...She will be back as our Ragu Baccha soon, Avi." Mishu held her little brother in her embrace and he bit his lips to hold his cry. "I want my Ragu di back, Maa...I want my Baba back" He looked at Janki with trembling lips and red eyes and Janki encircled her arms around them with teary eyes.

"Did you talk to Mishu di..??" Sanskaar barged into Laksh's room. "Naaah...She isn't picking my call" Laksh shook his head and Sanskaar sat on his bed holding his head in his palm frustrated. "I am going to her house, I don't know why, but it's feeling like something is wrong, that she is in pain, I.. I want to see her" Sanskaar stood and turned to go when Laksh interrupted him. "Relax Sanky, Adi talked to Mishu last night and she said It's some family matter, they will be back to college soon" "But why I am feeling restless..?? As if something is not right with her. Something that she can't handle by herself... Something.... "Sanskaar paced around the room muttering the words. "O, someone is worried for someone" Laksh wiggled his brows and he glared at him. "I am in no mood, Bhai" said Sanskaar sternly. "When do you stay in mood..?? Always Sadu" muttered Laksh under his breath.

"Are you coming or not...?? " sanskaar grabbed the car keys from the table and laksh looked at him in disbelief. " Are you seriously going..?? I thought you were just kidding. "laksh chuckled but stopped himself seeing his stoic expression." Sanskaar, Did you see the time..?? It's 1'O clock in night. We will go in the morning. It's not the right time to go someone's house. "" But.... " No but... We will go tomorrow. In fact I will myself take you there without your saying" laksh assured him and he sigh. "Hope you are Okay Ragini" sanskaar whispered to himself and left his room.


Ragini was still sitting in the same position, when someone sit beside her. She didn't even give a look to the person as she kept staring at the wall aimlessly. " Ragu..." A trembling hand touched her arm and she jerked shifting few steps back. A pure look of hurt came on his face and he looked at her painfully. " I.. I am so...." before shekhar could complete his sentence Ragini stand up and asked painfully..

"Why you did this baba....Why"

"Had you really not accepted me as your child, baba..?? "

Pain was evident in her voice as she looked into his eyes. His heart broke in million pieces to see his Princess like this. He regretted what he did in the past. He regretted every bit of those moments but what he regretted the most to be the reason of her princess's tears. He can give his life just to make her smile. He can do anything what she wants, if it brings his princess back like before.

"Princess, I... " he forwards his hand but she stepped back immediately. " Noooo.... " She took few more step back and his heart crushed many times. His eyes became glassy as he held himself before he broke into a sob. " Leave me alone "She turned her back to him as tears starts flowing down from her eyes again. A tear tripped down from her eyes as he stood from the floor and turned to go.

A sob escaped from her lips as she bite her lower lip to control another sob. Her eyelids felt heavy and she blinked her eyes several times. She held the nearby table as she felt like swaying. She stumbled in her place making some books fall on the floor. Shekhar, who was about to close the door, saw Ragini holding her head and maintaining her balance. "Princess.." he called in whisper but his eyes widened as he saw her about to collapse on the floor.

"Princess "he screamed and rushed to hold Ragini who landed in his arm unconscious. Everyone rushed to her room after hearing shekhar's scream and gasped in horror to saw Ragini unconscious in shekhar's arm. He was panicking and dialing the doctor's number again and again but it is not connecting. Trio rushed inside immediately. "What happened to her...???" janki asked worried. Shekhar wasn't paying any attention to them. His panicked eyes were fixed on Ragini's unconscious face.


Sanskaar woke up from his dream panting hard. He was taking deep breaths and there was sweat all over his face. "Ragini" he whispered in horror. He grabbed his bike's key and rushed outside. Laksh saw him and called from behind. "Where are you going, Sanskaar..??" He stopped but didn't turn his side. "Are you going to meet, Ragini..??" asked Laksh mischievously. Sanskaar turned towards him and his smile faded. "What's happened, chote..??" Laksh looked at him worried. "I.. I need to see her " Laksh nodded and took keys from his hand and headed outside.

Laksh parked the bike in front of her house and frowned. Sanskaar looked at the back of the ambulance in panicked. He rushed inside her house not caring about anything and found Mishu and a little boy sitting on the couch with teary eyes. He looked here and there to find her but failed. "What's happened Mishu..??" Laksh kneeled down in front of her and Mishu looked at them startled. "Lucky, Sanskaar...??" "Where is Ragini..??? Why, Ambulance was here..?? Is something happened...??  Is she fine..?? "asked Sanskaar worriedly in a single breath. Tears started flowing again from her eyes as she remembered what doctor said.

"She is in deep shock and I think she hadn't eaten much from few days. We have to keep her under observation for a night."

"No, she is not fine. My Ragu bachha is not fine...!!! My Ragu bachha... "she broke into sobs and Laksh took her in his embrace. Avi too sobbed silently. And Sanskaar, he felt like his world collapsed." She is not fine. " he whispered to himself with glassy eyes.


No proof read. So excuse me for the typos.

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Till then
Be happy n keep smiling.

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