Beautiful Countryside.

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We had some days to explore the countryside; it is a very beautiful place with a lot of natural beauty around. Apart from a lot of beautiful ancient temples, there were dense forest nearby, home to a wide variety of flora and fauna. After taking a day to visit some nearby temples, we decided to venture into the forest and camp there for a night. We met Pankaj, who is a friend of Vineed and a resident of the village. Pankaj is familiar to the place and was a handy aide to have on such a trip. We made arrangements accordingly for the same and started off early in the morning at around 4.30 am. We traversed around 50 kilometres by Pankaj's old Gypsy which was driven by him, until we came to the outskirts of the town, Pankaj knew a couple of people in the small hamlet where we parked our vehicle. 

After having a cup of tea, then we proceeded into the forest at close to 5.45 am. The walk through the forest and viewing the sunrise was absolutely enchanting, it was a picturesque scene, and I took some snaps of the natural scenery. Once seemed like a quiet and lifeless place was soon filled with various chattering of birds and animals, we asked Pankaj, supposedly our guide, as to where we were going. He told us that he was taking us to a place which he had visited a long time ago. It was a temple built during ancient times in the middle of the forest. He did not disclose anything else as he wanted to keep it a surprise. We walked through the forest path clicking photographs and generally enjoying the pleasant weather. After a short halt at around 11 am for a quick bite we generally walked without a break, until we reached our destination at around 2.30 pm.

This journey would be a life-changing event for me and pave a way for new uncanny experience.

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