An Open Letter

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Dear Friends,

Hope this letter finds everybody in good health amidst this pandemic too. This letter is for the one who believes the teenage to be a difficult stuff to handle. I pen this letter to tell about the ways which could help in handling the things in a better way. When you are ridiculed or bullied by your friends for the change in voice, acne or pimples don't retaliate. Instead hold your breath, calm yourself, and tell them sweetly that the voice change, acne or pimples aren't a shame but an indicator of comprehensive development. I know and understand, more pressure is put on you. Everything goes on an auction of pressure which ultimately creates depression and anxiety. It's understood that your parents compare your score with that of your friends. At that time speak to your parents in a benign and subtle way. Tell them politely that one cannot expect an elephant to run as fast as a cheetah, ask them to channelize this courage and believe in the abilities of your own self. Tell them that you are working in a conscientious way. Also ask them not to believe anything with a premonitory thinking. Also don't underrate yourself, if you couldn't build a body along with six packs. Believe that everybody is created with a bound duty and you stay different from others. There would be anger, confusion, jealousy, non-compliant attitude, dislike towards your parents, high need of privacy, amidst you, putting up a strong fight for the rightest choice. Assure yourself that this is the period of transition and you could bounce back after giving a stiff fight. I also wanted to put forth some valuable points that could help in overcoming the problems of your teenage years. Make your parents believe that your opinions or decisions will enhance your self-confidence or self-esteem. When you are denied, it erases the bond between you and your family members. Also tell them that communication is the key to the developing rapport which makes you comfortable talking with your parents. Kindly ask them not to use phrases like, 'Too short, too thin, too fat' which wouldn't benefit in a balanced rapport. Trust is the foundation for any relationship, so forge yourself in building a strong foundation such that you could wade through your teenage sea at ease.

With regards,
Saara Khan

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