Chapter 1: The Marine

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(Hitman: For Plot Convenience IQ Is younger so she's 28.)

Location: Germany

"Nik Em." A quick voice was heard quietly as two White Masks were suddenly grabbed from behind knives were seen being jabbed into the side of their necks as the black-gloved hands made sure they made less noise as they can. Small quick but quiet footsteps were heard as Four men in tactical gear can be seen stacking up on the door.

"TOC, This is Night Eagle, Two X-Rays Down. We're prepping for entry, Break, all clear, mission is still quiet. Over." A Man says as he waits for a response quietly with his M4 Shouldered. "Night Eagle, This is TOC, Wilco, you're clear to proceed, Nearby White Masks Patrol are confirmed unaware by IRS, over." A voice was heard in return as the man nods as he raises his left arm as he flips open a small datapad on his arm. "Night Eagle Copies, Out." The Man says as he types a few things before two small drones were seen exiting a compartment on his bag the Drones enter a nearby air vent.

The Man looks down at his screen as he silently looks through the drone's camera, he spotted two White Masks talking to each other, one asleep on a chair, and one on a distant Computer typing something, possibly the intel they were looking for.

After confirming the second floor was empty the Man looks back at his team, motioning a few hand signals as they all respond with a nod. One of them approaches the lock and takes out a device, attaching it to the lock while the man Navigates his drones carefully behind the man on the Laptop and the one asleep, both drones directly behind their necks, I'm an enough to not be noticed easily and it's plenty of blades making it quiet. Another man comes to the other side of the door, shouldering his rifle as the man removes the device and quickly stacks up once again.

"...Breach." The Man quickly says as the Drones quickly stuck themselves into the back of the necks, a small explosion erupting as they scream in pain. They quickly open the door as the Man turns to his right and Fires four rounds into the two startled white masks, two rounds each hitting them into their heads as they drop dead while on the right, another enters as he quickly silences the two screaming masks with one shot to the head.

"Clear." The man says as he approaches the slouched-over body as pushed it off the crate he was using as a chair he wipes the blood off the screen of the Computer. The Man begins typing on the keyboard as he inserts a Drive Into the Computer and begins downloading the files on the Computer.

"Night Eagle, this is TOC, Be Advised you need to hoof it. We got Five Rainbow Operators inbound to your position, ETA 7 Mikes." His radio suddenly went off as the man answered. "Copy, I'm extracting the Files right now, download is almost done, we'll hoof it to LZ Sparrow soon, Over." The Man says as the download was finished he takes out the Drive Then Smashes the Monitor then the other electronics on the table that already gave their value. "Night Eagle this is TOC, Copy That, Stalker Six is inbound to LZ Sparrow. TOC Out."

The Man pockets the USB As he motions his team to begin moving out of the AO.


IQ, Caverta, Thatcher, Fuze, and Valkyrie we're seen carefully walking through the woods as they approach the target building. IQ Held her Aug Tightly as she was ahead, she looks down her sight and scanned the building up ahead as she notices the bodies of the dead guards. "The Guards are dead, did Six say anything about additional support?" IQ Asks Thatcher as he shooked his head. "No...Something ain't right, move up." Thatcher says as they begin to approach the building, unknowingly passing by a motion sensor.

Back to the team, one of the operators had a beep from his datapad as he checks it and then looks up. "Five R-O Inbound." He quickly says as he motions for his men to stand down. The man then walks out of the building as the Rainbow Operators quickly stop and aim their weapons at the man. The man simply raised his arms, "Calm down Rainbow, Stalker One, CIA." The man says as already command as Thatcher walks up, confused as he lowered his rifle. "We didn't get word of any Yankees operating in this area," Thatcher says as the man reaches for his pocket and pulled out a Drive Containing fake information and intel than the real one and offers it to Thatcher.

"Did the work for you, everything should be in this drive. Tell Six we did him a favor." The Man says as Thatcher looks him up and down carefully before taking the chip. "...Six, do we have any CIA Units in the area?" Thatcher asks through his radio, carefully staring at The Man. "Negative...wait...I got a Message from Langley, confirmed." Six says to Thatcher as the Cyber Warfare Department of this secretive Force sent out a fake message from the CIA HQ In Langley, Virginia as Thatcher slowly places the drive into his pocket. "...Pleasure Lad," Thatcher says, still suspicious as the other men exit the building carrying anything sensitive that wasn't destroyed, after all, Rainbow was only here for the Intel.

As the man walks forward, shouldering his rifle, he accidentally bumps into IQ's Shoulder as both of them quickly look at each other. There was a pause for both of them, as the man's eyes squinted...the eyes were...familiar to him. The same thing goes for IQ as she looks at the eyes for a moment, before she could look further the man quickly breaks out of the trance and begins walking away as IQ Stares.

Location: Camp Najavo, US Marine Base, United Kingdom.

Ever since the White Mask's first attacks, most countries put aside their differences and united against a common foe. Join operations and Training conducted after the Attack on the Red Square, Harvard Terrorist Attack, and The Halloween Festival attack, America has been coordinating with Allies and Former Adversaries. The power of the White Masks remains unknown as half of the attacks were conducted on high-value structures. This caused a change of policy, an example is US Bases being built in the UK.

A young Marine Captain can be seen laying down on his bunk while staring at the TV on the wall as the news played. "After Rainbow, Six Operatives have managed to shut down mask Operations in a Campus, they were hailed as heroes after preventing further damage. As we continue, there have been unconfirmed rumors of another Special Forces group after a viral video of a Teacher shows the moment we're Masks we're Killed by men in black clothing-" The Captain shuts off the TV as he yawns, sitting up as he checked his phone for notifications. While scrolling through a knock came from his door as he perks up. "Who?" He asks loudly as a muffled voice was heard. "Captain, I am from Rainbow, I have an offer." The voice of an Indian man was heard as the captain stood up and opened the door to see the Director of Rainbow, Six. "Greetings, Captain...Your nameplate and file never said anything about your first name. Captain Hunter, may I come in?" He asks as the Captain confused, let him in as Six nods his thanks. Six Enters the room as he begins looking through the framed photos. "Captain Hunter...United States Marine Corps, served for Seven Years, still serving...Third Battalion, First Marines, and now part of Force Recon. Was in College at the age of Fifteen, you're a smart guy." Six days Captain Hunter looks at him with confusion. "What do you want?" The Captain asks Six as he only turns to Hunter. "An offer, join Rainbow-" "No."

The captain cuts Six Off as He places his hands in his pockets. "I got the email, the paper, the contract, I reject joining rainbow." The Captain says as Six approaches the captain. "Why?" He asks as the Captain looks down. "I'm a Tier Three Operative, I got everything in the Marines. Call it Marine Mentality, Semper Fi." The Captain says as Six sighs.

"I see...Well, Captain, if you change your mind, here's my card." Six gave The Captain a card as he looks at it to see a number written on it along with the Rainbow Six Logo. But unknown Six, this was all going to plan for the Captain and the Unknown Task Force. "...When's the next ride to Hereford?"

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