An ordinary day

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Morning freezes,

It's so frustrating,my icy cold hands awkwardly cross together,why didn't I listen to mom?

It's rhetorical,it's my own fault that I dressed so thinly,I said while walking humbly through the school hall.

Out of the sudden,a familiar silhouette pop in my face:


He's standing there calmingly talking,oh,his voice,the kind of voice that would reminds you of jasmine tea in a Sunday afternoon and the smell of the sunlight.

It's truly delightful.

And who's he talking with?

I wonder.

It's a tall guy with groomed hair and a determined look,deadly,yet somehow heart warming,...


"What do you mean with that?" Ariff

"Like I said,please go out on a date with me!" Weslyn

"Didn't I tell you many times,I already liked someone...!" A

"Fine, do you think about him losing his scholarship?You know very well how much my family can influence." W

"Fine...a deal is a deal,I will go out with you for the extend of 1 year....After that,you have to leave  

me and him alone." W

"Sure,babe,afterall that's how much you worth my time~" W

My heart skips a beat,I don't  even care anymore about the bell ringing at the back of my ear,why would Weslyn force Ariff to go on a date with him?

And more importantly,why did he accept?

What's so special about the guy that they mention?Why is he worth Ariff sacrifices?

I couldn't let this happening,i had to do something,something...Anything....

I don't have time for these abstract nonsense,Deconstructionism is overrated,move on!Why do classes always have to be so boring on special occasions?

The bell rangs,it's lunchtime,but you know too well that I won't be eating,I have to find out the truth.

Oh,there he is,the hero of my own story,why would he betraying me now,at the most important plot of the storyline?I guess that make sense,otherwise it wouldn't be a good story.

Ariff broke the ice.

"Oh hello,long time no see,Illya..." A

"Please tell me....why would you—"

"Ariff!Hurry up!"

"Excuse me,can we talk after school instead?See you later." A

His silhouette slowly fade away with my feelings left cliffhanging.

Why would you do this to me?

The sunlight blinded my sight,the smell of rotten leaves rush onto my nasal...An ordinary day.

"Ah,here you are,Illya.I was waiting for you.What is it that you wanted to say to me earlier?"

Here it is,the moment of truth...

"Why would you go on a forced date with Weslyn?Who is so special that you have to sacrifice your free will to?"

Sike,free will doesn't exist.

He just look at me sadly, emptily through and through, like I wasn't really there.

He finally talks,quietly:

"I'm sorry" A


"I like you,Ariff,i like you so much,I couldn't confess to you earlier because I was scared.I realized that I care too much about you,so I can't let this happening."

The very own rival of mine,Weslyn,appear and take Ariff away.

Ariff turned his head my way with the same look on his face earlier,and with the same manners,quietly says:

"I'm sorry."

I stand there,paralized.I couldn't do anything,I couldn't save him,I can only look at him helplessly....The hot,salty liquid smearing all over my face is doing well its job,I feel humiliated and pathetic.

The rage inside me failed to unleash.

I'm sorry too,my dearest Ariff,I failed you.

I feel guilty for what I've done,I've never seen such disappointment in your beautiful eyes.You were crying but I couldn't comfort you....You were so brave confessing to me,I couldn't do anything but apologising.But little do you know,my dear Illya,I love you too,but I have to keep this fact as a secret otherwise your future would be in danger..,

Wait for me Illya..Wait for me.

The cold invade my body,my spine absorbs it and sent chills all over my body.The up beating music dissolve into the mysterious world of Shisha,created an image of a hazy world.Eventually all faded into darkness.

Suddenly you squeezed me into your arms and give me a passionate kiss.

Your friends were watching,giggling at the scenery you made.

All I can see in your eyes is the devilish look.You gave me a dangerously playful smile.No,a smug...Like I'm some kind of prizes that you obtained.

You don't really love me,you're just toying with my emotions,why am I doing this to myself?

I have to find him,I don't care about Weslyn's threats anymore,his dad influences are only in Germany borders,I'm sure we can find a way to get out of the situation.

I ran away in Weslyn surprises.


Where are you Illya?I have to find you,and tell you the truth,even if it's at the end of the universe.

I sit on the swing at the middle of the schoolyard.Finally finish swallowing up my emotions,I decided to go home.

Suddenly Ariff runs toward me,grabbed my hand and ran along the sidewalk of the street,toward his home?

He unlocks his house and brings me in his apartment.

While I was still confusing,he pulled me in for a tongue twist,dominant and playfully,so selfish that you didn't even let me breath.

I blushed.

When the kiss finally ends,you explain to me everything:

"I really like you too Illya,I went out with Weslyn so his dad couldn't take away your music scholarship,but I couldn't take it anymore,I love you way too much to treat myself like that.I am sure that we can find a way out of this." A

"Let's run away to America"

"Sounds good to me" A

"But for now,let's try it" A

"I  can't control myself around you" A

Like an animal,you jumped onto me,taking the dominant role.My buttons got slowly taken off,then my pant,underwear...Finally,I'm fully exposed to you.

I blushed even harder.

"You look really cute,Illya" A

I can't say anything,only look at him dearly.He processes to bite my lip.

Meanwhile his erection started to poke onto my belly.

"I can clean it for you Ariff"

I process to touch his penis,it trembles while I touch it...So cute....I began with a kiss on the top and then slowly licking it sideway.

He moans.


When his whole penis is wet,I began to suck.i used a special technique:At the beginning little to none pressure then extreme pressure.It was so good that he came prematurely.The sperm dripping excessively,slowly filling my mouth.I swallowed it as a whole.Delicious~

Then his penis erects again in my surprises.This time even bigger than before.

"Damn Ariff"

"I know,it's because you are so goddamn cute." A

"I'll penetrate it inside you,so you can enjoy it too~" A

I spread my asshole wide,awaiting for his big penis.My salivas earlier is doing a good job.We didn't even need lubes.

The whole penis fits inside me perfectly like a puzzle.

The speed gradually change as you thrust.

Every layer of my skin can feel your motions deep inside me.The warmth of your body slowly invading me....Finally,you ejaculated,finishing the final step,our souls are now bonded forever.

"I love you"

Next morning,all I can think of is our yesterday *passionate hugging*,how could I act so cringeworthy?Mannnn......I can never face him the same again *UwU*

"Hey beauty,yesterday was wild,right?"

I avoided eye contact and speak in a shy manners:


"Oh come on,.....Anyway,let's get going,it's starting to get late."

We walk to school together,on the way, you hold my hands tightly,like I was going to fade away...

"Don't worry,I'll never leave you,no matter what"

You just stand there,looking dearly at me,and finally smiled....

I'm happy.

I saw them walking together happily.....It made me finally realize my mistake,my regrets,my situation.I shouldn't be this jealous Ilya,I shouldn't have taken away your happiness,but.....

You were my happiness.No,you're still my happiness.I miss you so badly,I love you so much,I want to hold you forever....

But,that's why I'll move on.

Because I love you so much.

I ran toward you and Ariff.

Ariff hand slowly slips away from yours,but you  grip it tightly,your determined look peer deeply into my soul...

"I'm sorry for everything,and for your scholarship,I won't do a"

I turn and quickly run away.

I don't want you seeing me crying......Goodbye....




Suddenly I feel you warmth on my icy cold hands.....

I turn back and finally broke into tears.Your look is still the same like in any fraction of my memory...Cold,yet warm,mysterious,yet clear,distance,yet so close,as you gently speak:

"Never say goodbye to me again"

I smiled and awkwardly tried to be cold,my eyes are still a little bit red.


"What's with that answer.........Anyway,can we be friends?"

"Of course"

We laugh.

Thus,my ordinary day begins.

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