Chapter 9: The Dream

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     Mercy opened her eyes to find herself in a cold pitch black room. She could feel her chilled body lying on a hard, uncomfortable, wooden surface. It's so dark. Mercy felt a twinge of fear rapidly consuming her rational, calm thoughts. She suddenly began to envision things in the room that could harm her- like a rabid animal or another human.

     Mercy slowly sat up, then glanced around in an attempt to see anything. To her dismay, she could not see anything, due to the room being so dark. Where am I? She thought as she remained still and listened. Her heart was still rapidly pounding within the depths of her chest. Mercy heaved a quiet sigh, but swiftly fell silent as she suddenly heard the faint murmurings of quiet voices. Mercy strained to hear what was being said, but was greatly struggling to do so.

One of the voices suddenly became louder as whomever was speaking raised their voice. "I want to leave! Let me go, please!" Someone from within the room sobbed. The echoes were transmitted over to where Mercy was. Mercy could distinguish the voice as a feminine one, and it sounded vaguely familiar to her. "Please! Let me out! Someone help me!" The woman's sobbing continued to engulf the silence of the dark room. "No one can hear you. Don't bother calling for help." A man's voice growled. Heavy, thundering footsteps gradually faded away as the intimidating, frightening man left. Mercy soon heard a door loudly slam closed. She remained completely still and silent until she was sure that the man was gone. "Hello?" Mercy tentatively called out, silently praying that the man hadn't heard her.

"Who's there?" The woman from before timidly responded. Mercy almost didn't hear her speak, since the woman had been so quiet. "Um— I'm Mercy. Are you okay?" Mercy quietly asked, so as not to alert the man from wherever he was. Before the woman could even respond, Mercy suddenly opened her eyes to find herself back in her bedroom. She was currently lying on her back, in her bed, underneath the soft, warm covers. I was just dreaming. Mercy thought with a soft sigh of relief. With her cyan blue gaze, Mercy stared up at her bedroom's ceiling as she pondered about her strange dream. That was odd. I don't normally have dreams like that. I suppose it happens to everyone. Besides, it was just a dream. Mercy eventually dismissed her peculiar dream as she began to think about what she should do today.

Mercy sat up as she stretched, her jaws parting in a silent yawn. She got out of bed when she heard Clara calling her downstairs for breakfast, her disturbing, odd dream long forgotten.

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