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K, so this is kinda old I'm just posting it now

In the small populated city named Beach city, likely for it's beautiful oceans and it's welcoming citizens.  A small boy by the name of Steven Universe sat on the sandy beach that, of course was the pinnacle of the small town; while the soft sounds of water met the shore. It was peaceful, but Steven wasn't really paying attention to the lovely scenery around him, instead he kept his attention on a book his friend Connie had given to him, to him it was interesting to say the least. Something about it just grabbed his attention, it was about four kids on their own adventures, that were similar to his own. Well, except for the perplexing gems that he was mostly raised by, but other then that the stories felt ominously  real..

"Steven." A voice spoke out from behind him, causing a slight jolt to run through the curly haired brunette, due to instincts, he whipped around while summoning his mother's shield, assuming that he'd find a foe behind him, what he found quickly calmed his nerves, it was none other then one of his three caretakers, Pearl of the crystal gems.

The dimwitted boy relaxed once he saw his caretaker, "Oh, uh, Hi Pearl!-" Steven said as he scratched his head, putting away his shield. "Steven, it's getting rather late, remember it's Amethyst's turn to tuck you in"
"Oh, right, sorry!  I was reading a book Connie told me about!  It's really cool it's about-"
"How about you tell me all about it in the morning? Even Gems need their rest, it's no different for a human."  Pearl said as she lead the boy to the set of stairs of the temple, that was considered to be home to the Gems, the scene was breathtaking for what it was. There stood a statue with two fused faces and four pairs of arms, that Steven has seen ever since he first met the gems. Well, consciously of course.

Once they passed the threshold into the little tidy home, Steven bookmarked his page quickly,before setting it on the table, running up the steps to the landing where most of his belongings sat somewhere on said platform that he spent most of his night, due to not having walls,technically the whole house was his ‘room’. Darting to his dresser to pick some clothes out, once he finally picked a pair he wanted, he quickly closed the dresser, rushed down the stairs to the bathroom in the small hall to change. While Pearl stayed in the living room of the house, trying to wake up a snoozing Amethyst so she could fulfill her promise to tuck Steven in.


Once the young brunette exited the bathroom, he ran up to the platform, throwing his dirty clothes in the small pile in the corner, the purple gem got up from the stool she sat on, grabbing the stool she had been sitting in for hours, just asleep, and brought it up to the platform, setting it to Steven's bedside

"So, Ste-man, any requests?" Amethyst asked, sounding rather groggy and ready to go back to her dreams, even though gems didn't need sleep, as Steven got in his rather small bed with cushy pillows and a rather fluffy white blanket.

"HOMESTUCK!" he said rather chipper as always, slightly shaking the covers. Amethyst just stared at the happy boy with a look that showed confusion, while Amethyst just sat there, honestly confused about the young boy's request before Steven pointed to the book on the coffee table, Amethyst sighed ,honestly, she wanted to be lazy and nap on the counter, but now she's here, she sat there for a bit, trying to encourage herself to get up again, slowly but surely, she descended down the stairs, with her gaze fixed on the book, quickly snatching it up then went back up the stairs, returning to her chair and Steven's side. Amethyst opened the book, flipping through the pages of the novel, before she started reading out loud.

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