Chapter 2: Becoming a Genin again.

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AN: from this chapter, the whole story would completely rated M. There will be lemons in later chapters. Inspirations came from collections of doujinshis belongs to Kirihana Miwo. I'll support to SasuSaku shippers. To those haters and antis of this ship, get out and don't you dare flame my stories. Sorry for the threat, i'd become their biggest fan for years and i detest whoever want them apart. Here's chapter 2, team formation day.

After 6 wonderful years of things Sasuke thought would happen only in dreams, he had the life he always wanted. His clan, his family, his friends, all alive and live harmoniously, just  the way he'd hoped.

He'd done many things in those years.

He'd saved Sakura from being harassed abusively from those snotty brats, although that was Ino's job initially.

He got his approval from both of her parents, and she'll be his wife at twelve to the Sandaime's promise. Sakura gets to live with his family, as a way to get to know more the life of being an Uchiha.

His mother gushed over her the most.

He stopped Itachi from slaughtering their family by orders of the elders.

In return, they had exposed Danzo's plot of being Hokage to the Sandaime, who had expelled the council with death sentence.

But himself had thought of a better ideal. Instead of killing them, why don't put their lives to good use?

He'd asked Itachi about a forbidden Kinjutsu. The Life Reanimation Technique. And that instantly put to a test. They'd have Danzo's life exchanged with Shisui's.

And the two old council members, Koharu and Homura would be exchanged for Naruto's deceased parents. The Fourth and his wife.

After the test subjests were brought out. That was the last sight of the old geezers.

In place of the councils were once lying there, tied, was his cousin along with Naruto's parents.

Both his and Sakura's respective parents had rushed to them enveloped them into a group hug.

Itachi has hugged his best friend back, to which Shisui chuckled. And Naruto rushed up and hugged both his parents tightly, all the while crying.

Both his and Sakura's parents were also there to welcome them back.

It was truly a happy sight to see.

Sasuke had cleared the Uchiha's misunderstanding with the proof that, an outsider Uchiha had done it and not them, Uchiha Obito. That shocked the whole clan, and the ANBU force since the mentioned Uchiha was deemed to be dead long ago.

But they were wrong, when they rechecked any evidence of all the rough nins that had disturbed their lives.
There were glimspes of a man wearing an orange mask, and a long blue cloak.

And from there, the both side began the investigatement, since the Uchiha was once again, the clan who takes charge of the Police Mitilary Force.

And it may classified that a certain Hatake had known of it.

Naruto was cleared as innocent to the incident of the Nine-Tails. The Sandaime had announced to the whole village that he was in fact, the son of the Heroes, Namikaze Minato the Yondaime and Uzumaki Kushina.

Danger could still be lurking if the blond knucklehead's real identity got leaked.

But that wouldn't stop them from protecting him.

Naruto himself would stand still on his feet to fight off those against his family, friends and his loved ones.

To their shock and guilt, seeing that the blond boy had many resemblings to his once deceased parents. He had his father's colorings, and he had his mother's facial traits, even most of her personalities. The truth is they had known of it and forgotten for along time. They had given him countless gifts and all kind of treats as their appology for all the things they had done to him in his entire life.

Sakura was taken in the Uchiha clan. And the two of them living together like an early married couple, just practice.

Her parents allowed this with one condition.

For Sakura to at least visit them in the weekend. Since they aren't technically married yet.

Afterall, himself and Sakura are fiances that was bounded to get married, when they at least graduated and promoted to Chunin. That's in the deal, to his misfortune.

And as the years go by since then, his life couldn't be more perfect than that.

His best friend/rival and brother figure isn't alone anymore. He had his parents reunited back to take care of him and be there for him.

His only love was here to, besides him, never once shed a tear again whether he was the cause or not.

Everyday is a day he thought, a great sacrifice earned a great reward.

A future he had to give up with pain and grief of his own, granted him a hopeful fate. Things are better if they are sped up, and they'd go more smoothly.

Now he just had to think of ways to stop things, that would happen in the future a second time, in the next five years.

Like stopping Orochimaru and convince him to join back to the good side. Or preventing Pein from attacking the village. Obito from pursueing him by chances if they had to make a plan, to destroy the whole Five Nations. Madara from awakening the Eternal Tsukiyomi, and trapping the Shinobi world in an endless Genjutsu. And lastly Kaguya from arising and taking over the world.

His past memories are fading, but he'd inflicted himself a mental list in his mind, to ensure that he could prepare what he had predicted when they arrive. To make the right moves.

For now, he'd just enjoying life on doing casual and daily things.

Naruto still a mischiveous prankster, but it had lessened down and he'd been nice to the villagers, as so do they.

The Hyuugas had welcomed him in as their family. Since he'd accepted Hinata's feelings back and received his old, red, well-kept scarf, that the said heiress had with her in three years.

His parents accepted it since they have a close bond, after convincing them to remove the strict differences between the branch and the main family.

Her sister, her father, even her cousin Neji treated him like he was one of them. And Hiashi had promised him Hinata's hand in marriage, since her sister, Hanabi had taken the role of the heiress in her place, as long as the blond loved and cherised her.

To which Naruto swore earnestly.

Since Danzo's plan had been sabotaged, the ROOT organization had been a part of the Konoha forces. Many ANBU members were sent to escorted new arrivals.

In which one of them was Sai. As he met Ino for the first time while passing her flower shop, they'd been a couple since then.

Turns out, they getting along well. The Yamanaka had forgotten her crush since long, and til now was totally smitten with the pale, retarded, replacable version of him.

The most important is, he and Sakura were inseperatable. They spend everytime possible with each other.

Sakura has changed his view very quickly the first thing she said about Naruto back then. She no longer thought him as a menace, with or without parents.

She treats him like he was alittle brother to her.

He muses the thought that Naruto was indeed younger than her by seven months. His face twisted into a sour frown that he himself was also younger than Sakura, by four months. That doean't matter right now.

If there's a reason he automattically said he liked older women, Sakura would be his only reason. Also his only exception for most things.

What matters the most is that they'll love stronger through thick and thin.

They may not walking hand-in-hand in public, they only do so in privacy. They would spent hours in either the training grounds or the field of flowers. He'd trained her to do better in physical jutsu while she'd helped him in cooperation, like teamworks.

But still, there are times, when the two of them would still act like a pair of lovebirds.

He'd comb her short hair or lie on her thighs, looking at the sky or taking naps. And she'd play with his hair or make flower crowns for him, giving to him which he couldn't refuse.

They would occasionally bring lunches during breaks.

Sometimes, he'd bring her to the top of Hokage mounument. Their favorite place was above the Sandaime's head.

They'd take in the view of the whole village, like look over the world. Then there was occasionally the loud screaming of the blond knucklehead, who drawing peace messages on the Hokages' faces. Naruto would brought Hinata at times when she didn't have trainings to draw along with him.

Sasuke and Sakura would both watch in amusement when their close friend was alarmed of the signs of ANBU guards. He'd dragged the former Hyuuga heiress away.

Then later got caught and reported to both side of the family.

Nonetheless, the two of them enjoyed their lunch after the show.

And not surprisingly, they'd already known what favorite food they like to eat, with only wordless looks.

Sasuke would brought her anko dumplings coated in syrup, mitarashi dango sticks dipped in brown sauce with umeboshi rice. Deserts are anmitsu and green tea, to her delight.

Sakura would brought him mainly tomatoes and originis, omusubi and omelets, korokke, tempura shrimps with soy and sweet-sour sauce.

He didn't like deserts, so she brings him black tea, to his pleasure.

Occasionally, the Sandaime would invite them to have lunch with him. Either in his office or outside. There was a time Sasuke was awared that the hokage had set him and Sakura up in a private date.

He even rememebering the old man informed them to spend time together at a particular bench.

The bench near the village gate.

As if they didn't spend time everyday together. But he did sense that the Hokage was like their matchmaker if he would group them with Naruto in the future when they become Genin.

To say, he couldn't find anyone better than Sakura to spend the rest of his life with. And neither could she.

Their parents are fine with it.

As with his brother, he didn't mind Sasuke had someone to spend his time with. He had Izumi now, his girlfriend and fiance.

On June 14th, five days after his brother's birthday, Sasuke had invited his pinkette to said man's wedding. Sakura got to be the bride's Maid of Honor, at Izumi's request.

It happens when they were eleven.

And several months later, Sasuke becomes an uncle of twin babies named Itohi and Ikuri. And Sakura would later become their favorite aunt.

Sakura's parents would let her stay with his family for a day or more.

He'd insist for her to sleep in his room, and his brother would teasingly ask if he had anything in mind.

His mother would gush over her like a fussy hen, saying how Sakura would bring in colorful days to their dull life.
His father was approved of her, as he said, and to his desire, he was proud of him as his son, and apologizing to him for neglecting him unintentionally.

His mother had spoken the truth when his father only talk about him with her, in privacy. And he'd always believe in Sakura's promise of days with only happiness and love.

Sasuke can't wait for the day they became Genin.

He was still hiding his newly aqquired Rinnegan. The Uchiha feels that his former life memories were fading away and was starting to regain anew.

He may regret what happened in the first place originally. Or how things had happened before then.

He may also forget people he had met or possibly never seen again.

Or even all the powers he had.

There was a bright side. Because he'd forget all the bad things that had occured in his former life. The horrors, the tragedies, a life full of lies and decieves. Nothing left but a dark figment of imagining possibility.

There was also bad side.

He'd had yet again chosen his one-time wish for his selfish desires.

He may never remember all the good things that had happened in some of his time. The places, the people or even the memories of them.

He may eternally regreted this, but he'll never regret his second chance of renewing the Shinobi World.

Years go by, and that day has come, now he was twelve and with hitai-ate recieved. Still the same old test, Kage Bushin no Jutsu.

Our raven-haired boy passed it with flying colors, like the last time.

Sakura, she still has her touch.

Naruto with a little help from both his soon-to-be teammates, and his fiance, he didn't need opening one of the forbidden scrolls to master one of his signature ninjutsu.

He did say somthing about one of the proctors, Mizuki had something up to his sleeves.

With Iruka-sensei, they manages to expose his schemes.

And he was arrested with no harm done. Sasuke somehow had missed something about the events on the graduation day.

He just had to wait for the team formation day. He was eager to accept missions and defeat bad guys.

Great. He starts to sound like Naruto.

Finally, that day has come. The team formation day.

Sakura has changed her wardrobe to a more fitting fashion for a kunoichi. So are her ninja attires.

She still owns red quipao shirts that have the signature white looped circle of her clan symbol. That minor detail will be change soon into a certain fan. The red shirt accompanies with black shorts and red nin-sandals.

She also wears black gloves that also arm warmers that reaches her elbows.

Since Sakura had taken interest in medical ninjutsu, she has attatched a bag of several herbal medicines and first aid-kit. It linked behind the small of her back by a stretchy black belt.

She's somehow learned his art of hiding  secret weapons during their training. It appeared that she has a pair of battle axes, the sizes bigger than herself that she was able to lift hidden within her.

He'd take a stroll, hand-in-hand with Sakura down to the Academy. Naruto would be far up ahead with Hinata.

The timid Hyuuga had told a joke about her goofball of a fiance almost drank expired milk from his brought-along carton this morning. He just shook his head at the thought.

Still an Usuratonkachi.

The villagers watch Sasuke and Sakura being secretly lovey-dovey from afar.

The class was less noisy and more quiet. Since there aren't any more irritating fan girls that would bother him with their loud squealing and such. The girls that would behaved enough or seemingly not his fangirls would stay put where they should be.

As Iruka walks in, everyone settle on.

Yamanaka's with her future team, Sakura sits beside Sasuke and everyone is quiet. Naruto sat besides his fiance, to his dismay.

He could have sit with the Hyuuga, or join her in, but no. Each table only has three sits, no more.

Sai, that supposedly replace of him is moved into a special team. To Sasuke, it was the extra team of team 7. Consisted of one Chunin, or Jounin instructor, the weird looking guy who can do Wood Style techniques more so than anyone, Yamato or something. And the retard version of himself, Sai, who can do ink techniques.

The Chunin instructor reads each team, no complaining or whining to be heard. And when it comes to team 7, Sakura heaved her breath besides him. She didn't need to worry about it. Afterall it was the Sandaime's decision.

"Team 7 consists of Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura, and Uchiha Sasuke."

Naruto cheers for being with his best friends. Sakura cheers, clapping her hands for being with her boys, but he knows it's with him.

Sasuke grunts a satisfied sign. His eyes are closed, his smirk was visible behind his interlaced fingers.

When they have a lunchbreak, Naruto would hang out with Hinata. Since he's in love with her, the knucklehead looks like a lovesick puppy. They'd share their food. And he was sure the shy Hyuuga would eat anything Naruto offers her.

And Sasuke would drag Sakura somewhere else so they could have their alone time. A shared lunch for lovers, or shy kisses or hot make-out sessions with no one knowing.

When puberty hits, it's hard for the couple not to go all the way.

Especially Sasuke, since whenever he and Sakura commited in a secluded relationship, it gets uncomfortable in a good way. He just has to wait for the time he and Sakura would get marry.

For now, he'll enjoy the moments.

When they both return to class, breathless and a little worn down, someone would think they'd gone off somewhere to have a spar.

Others might think they would do those things only horny teenagers would do. Which is technically true.

As one by one, each team goes with their selected teacher. Sasuke still has a problem when it comes to patience. Well, he can wait for Sakura anytime she wants. But he can't wait for a lazy Jounin who read porn.

With a light headache, Sasuke was laying his head on Sakura thighs, while she was combing his hair gently. Both of them were still on the desk seats.
Naruto was pacing around impatiently.

The he fists his hair in his hands as he screams in expariation.

"Arg! I'm tired of waiting, it's been hours! I bet that he's a very tardy guy.

Might as well teach him a lesson."

He grabs the chalk eraser and open the classroom door and put it in between. Sakura looks at him in question.

"Naruto, don't do that. Our teacher would be mad at us."

"It's alright, Sakura-chan. I may well-behaved now, but that doesn't mean i'd let us wasting our time over such tardiness, -ttebayo."

Sasuke didn't need to open his eye to see what the dobe was doing. He didn't believe that Kakashi would fall easily for a dumb prank like that. Must be how unguarded he is around simple things that aren't dangerous.

The three of them heard faintly footsteps coming their ways, so they waited for it.

Naruto was rubbing his hands mischiveously.

Sakura was biting her lips nervously.

Sasuke didn't care much about it. He was sure that Kakashi wouldn't like them for pulling a prank on them. He closes his eyes, still lazing on his pinkette's comfy thighs.

The door was opened, and the eraser falls into the head of Kakashi.

Naruto laughs hyrestically, Sakura was trying to fending the goofball from his possibly punishment. And him, well he can't do much but wait what's the masked teacher would react.

"My first impression on you is... How should i say? I hate you all."

Silence fallen into the room, no one speaks at all. Sasuke remains his poker face. He tried hard not to yawn at such a trivial thing.

Both Naruto and Sakura sweatdropped.

Kakashi then walks out of the door after saying this.

"Gather up at the rooftop for the team 7 teammates' introduction about themselves. I'll head there first."

Both Sasuke and Sakura arise from their current postions. Then Naruto says something thing that gets on his nerves.

"Race ya to the rooftop, Teme!"

He makes a mad dash away from the class. Sasuke grits his teeth angrily.
When he turns to his fiance, she's disappeared since when he didn't know. Sasuke didn't know whether he should be impressed or disappointed

He also ran out the classroom in a fast pace, right behind Naruto before both of them stumble to the rooftop.

They saw Sakura sitting on one of the steps. Naruto was dumbfound.

"Wha-? How? What?!"

"Took you long enough. That pretty girl overthere was here before you, by walking on the wall. A faster way, too.  Now settle your seats, students."

When they settle where they sit. With Sasuke between Naruto and Sakura, Kakashi starts.

"Alright, tell us something about yourself."

"Like what exactly?" Naruto asks.

"Likes, dislikes, hobbies, dreams,..."

"Why don't you introduce yourself first? You look like a creep, -ttebayo."

"Alright, my name is Hakate Kakashi. Likes and dislikes, there are many. Hobbies, i have no intentions to tell you. Dreams, never thought about it."

The three Genin sweatdrop again. They all have the same thought.

All we know is his name.

Well, surprisingly again, Sasuke has more thoughts than his other two teammates.

It just like the last time, if i remember. You did like those R-rated novels that dobe's hermit pervert of a sensei written for, not surprised.

Kakashi smiles hidden behind his mask and says.

"Now, the blond kid start first."

"Ok, my name is Uzumaki Naruto! My likes are eating ramen, especially the ramen Iruka-sensei brought for me. And spending time with my friends, my parents, mostly with Sakura-chan..."

Sasuke shots him a deadly glare, and a low growl which Naruto cowards, trying to cover himself. Sakura giggles.

Kakashi only shakes his head, amused.

"I didn't finish, Teme. I mean training with Sakura-chan and you. I already have Hinata-chan, whom i like more than a friend.

My dislikes are the three minutes waiting for ramen to be cooked.

Teme being all arrogant, smug and full of himself with Sakura-chan. And anyone who look down at me or someone i care about.

Hobbies, pranking, i guess. Oh and watering the plants. My dream is to become the Hokage.

Even though everyone in this village had already respected me, all thanks to Teme here. I still want to though, for my Tou-chan and Kaa-chan to be proud of. And having a family of my own, with Hinata-chan, -ttebayo."

Sakura claps her hands tightly, her smile brightened visibly.

Sasuke has a proud smirk on his face.

Sensei, your son sure will follow your steps to become a great Hokage. Because he has his friends by his side to support him along the way.

Kakashi nods approvingly, then he turns to Sasuke's direction.

"You, with the weird hairdo and gothic attitude. Your turn."

Sasuke scowls, Naruto laughs boisteriously and Sakura once again giggles her cutely chime-like tone.

"Hn, my name is Uchiha Sasuke. There are a few things i like. with my brother or my friends, or taking walks. There is someone i like, or even l-love, and she's..."

The last line Sasuke whispers inaudibly.

He glances side-way with Sakura bashfully. Sakura smiles back at him.

Naruto grins his mischiveously at the tender exchange between his two teammates. Kakashi was awared of it and signed.

Ah, young love. Knowing their history, and i had paired them up as a couple. If they aren't already. Hope they'll get marry soon, so i can become an uncle to their children.

What Itachi had said is true. It's fascinating to find love blooms early in young aldolescents.

His little brother is totally smitten with his already fiance.

"There are many things i dislike.

People who are nosy and don't know their place. People who try to torment my friends and family, espicially messing with Sakura over her insecurities. And those who try to manipulate their ways in with lies and deceives.

Hobbies, the things that i like above. Also reading books, collecting rare items or playing the flute."

Naruto snickers at this.

"And my dream isn't a mere dream. Because it will become a reality.

My goals are to become an ANBU in my father's police force. Manage to surpass my brother in every field. And restore the original number of my clan with... Sakura...

My main goal, protecting and loving Sakura for the rest of my life."

Naruto gapes, his mouth hanging open.

Sakura gasps, her hands up to her cheeks, near her mouth as she blushes a bright, beet red. Her eyes widened.

She'd never thought he'd be so vocal about it.

Kakashi has this gleam in his crinkled eye. And a small inaudibly short squeal from his mouth at this piece of information.

"Ok, the girl with the pink hair, you're next."

"Oh, my name is Haruno Sakura.

I like learning new things and spending time with my friends and family. Yes, Sasuke-kun, especially with you."

The other two look at the flustered Uchiha boy. They stiffled a snicker at him from behind their mouths. Well Naruto is, earning a irritated glare from said Uchiha.

"I dislike mean people who would judge as if they have the right to.

And those who would hurt anyone for no reasons. My hobbies are reading books, and studying medical educations.

My dream is to become a medic-nin who can save lifes. Not only that, i want to assist Naruto in achieving his dream, protecting Konoha and make it proud. Along with helping Sasuke-kun in creating more... Uchiha descendants... I just want them to be happy.

Even it means sacrifice my own."

The pinkette whispers at the end of her speech. The three males were shocked.

Kakashi didn't think she would take it so seriously, afraid that her lover for Sasuke stands in her way. But now he gets fo hear the truth of it.

Sakura does show potentiality afterall.

Maybe what she said would become true in the near future.

Then suddenly Naruto errupts into a fitful of laughter, with happy tears flowing down his whiskered cheeks.

"AAAAW! Thank you very much, Sakura-chan. I'm very appreciate it, -ttebayo! No matter what it takes, i'll help you in reaching your goals, too, -ttebayo."

He has Sakura in tight bear hug. And a furious Sasuke was trying to unattacth the blond from his fiance. He didn't like Naruto being so close to his Sakura.

"Let her go, you Usuratonkachi!

You're suffocating her! And she's MINE! You're already have a fiance of your own, so let mine go!"

"Hey you b*stard, Sakura-chan isn't yours only. So learn how to share, -ttebayo!"

"Dobe!" Sasuke shouted first.

"Teme!" Naruto shouted back.

"Now, now, kids. No need to fight. Lean your ears, for i'll tell you the rules of the next exam."

Sasuke stops his banter with Naruto to look back to the masked jounin.

This time, he'll make sure their team pass right on the first try. He'd already know what the purpose of the test their sensei would throw at.

"Eh?! But i thought we had already passed the test, -ttebayo?!"

Sakura looks a little concerned.

Sasuke listens attently as Kakashi explains the reason behind the test for tomorrow. The test that will make them officially Genin.

"No, the first test was only for testing. Tomorrow will be the real one to show that if you're qualified enough to truly become a Genin. The chance of failing it is up to 66%. Out of 27 Genin in the Academy, only 9 will get to pass. In order to pass the test, gather at the training ground 3 at 5 am.

Be there early, and no breakfast. You might throw up from the test.

Good luck, little students."

Wth that Kakashi's disappeares in a cloud of smoke with a 'poof' sound.

The blond knucklehead waves his hand as he running down the stairs ehile saying.

"See you guys tomorrow, -ttebayo. I'll ask Hinata-chan to get some ramen with me at Ichiraku."

Sakura turns to her boyfriend and asks.

"What do you want to do, Sasuke-kun? Training or relaxing?"

Sasuke knows there was a small implivation of the word 'dating' behind her words. Even though he already knows what tomorrow will happen, he can't help but tease her. The reaction she has once he nailed it on the spot would be totally worth it.

"Training for now, although we can relax at night. Of course if that's what you want and not something else?"

Being caught red-handed, Sakura lowers her head down in bashfulness. Her hands were in front of her timidly. Sasuke has a small smirk of satisfaction.

"Baka Sasuke-kun. It's not something like that you pervert!"

She then sprouts a smile on her beautiful face. Sasuke knows that's the smile she reserves only for him. To endure from seeing her pain and tears caused by him in the first life, it was something the ravenette never wanted to experience again.

"Why don't we seek Itachi nii-san? He could help us with training. Maybe he was off work today. Didn't you say he was at the main house?"

Sasuke nods as they they walk off to the compound.

"Aa, Izumi nee-san was taking the twins for a visit. Maybe we could meet them there too.

Shisui-san was also there, probably goofing off like usual." Sasuke was reminded that with Shisui back, things could go embarrassingly to his side.

"Let's go then." Sakura chirped. The two of them walk off hand-in-hand.

The young prodigy has known the main purpose of the tomorrow test. He just hope that it won't take the whole day and waste away his time alone with his cherry blossom.

For now let's go see his brother, along with his nephew and niece.

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