Chapter 15: You're trying to trick me !

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Agent: Mr Kujo, Mr L/n, I presume ? i'm from the Speedwagon foundation... I've come here to directly relay a message to you. You've informed me that conversing in an area with power cables, as well as talking over the phone or by telegram was "dangerous"... So here is the message.

Agent: "I will be arriving at the Morioh harbor tomorrow afternoon". From Joseph Joestar.

"How is that old clown doing... ?"

Agent: We also were finally able to identify the fingerprints on the glass panel you retrieved.

"You were faster than I expected."

Agent: Mr.Kakyoin really put his back into it. Also, your order finally arrived.

Okuyasu: What'd you want to talk about, Josuke , Calling us up to meet in the middle of nowhere, jeez... Can't we talk at the "Cafe deux maggots" or at Tonio's place ? I got bitten by a bug already ! Bugs always come to me first, did you know that ?

Josuke: I didn't ask you guys to meet me here... It was them...

Koichi: Jotaro and Y/n... ? I wonder why ?

Josuke: It's probably about "Red Hot Chili Peppers"...

Koichi: HUH ?! R- Red Hot Chili Peppers... You mean, that Stand ?!


Okuyasu: ... Did he show himself?

Josuke: Yeah, I saw him... Two nights ago, at my place.

Okuyasu: Why the hell didn't you tell me about this ?!!

Koichi: 'Whenever we talk about Red Hot Chili peppers, Okuyasu always seems like a different person... It's hard to talk about this subject because it always gets so tense. Even if it was his own fault, his brother was killed... It's no wonder that he gets so angry, but... I'm worried... I hope Okuyasu won't do something stupid because of his hate...'

Jotaro: Everywhere in town where electricity is available... It would have been too dangerous to talk about him, that's why I told Josuke to keep quiet.

"The reason we called you here is so he won't overhear us..."

Josuke: Okuyasu, you know... i'm just as pissed off at Red Hot Chili Peppers as you are ! He's been going in and out of houses secretly... he can spy on people and sneak into their houses freely... I bet he's been stealing from other people, too !

Koichi: Come to think of it... A few days ago... My homework, that I finished perfectly, was gone from my desk when I woke up in the next morning... ! I thought my mom threw it away by mistake, but...

"I told you already, that poor excuse won't work. The point is, if he hasn't attacked yet, is because of our presence here if he wanted, he could kill anyone just by dragging them into a power line, just as simply as making a phone call. Not to mention the arrow's still in his possession.

Josuke: I know from experience that he's gotten stronger ! We have to find the Stand user, and fast ! We're here to figure that out, right ?

"Not exactly. We already figured his identity, all that's left is where he is. And that's why... the one who can find it is going to arrive at Morioh harbor at noon !"

Koichi: Huh ?! Noon ? That's in about 20 or 30 minutes !

Okuyasu: the one who can find him ?! The one who can find Red Hot Chili pepper's user, you mean ?!

Josuke: Is he a Stand user ?!

"That's right, his Stand is called "Hermit Purple", and it can track down the user."

Koichi: A Stand user !

"However, the man who's coming is extremely old. He doesn't have enough strength or Stand power to fight."

Josuke: Extremely old ? How old is this dude ? Is he someone you know ?

Jotaro: Yeah... Someone we know too well. He used to be well-built, but he's not even a shadow of what he used to be. He's 80... no, 79, I think.

Josuke: 79 ?! He's just a damn old fart !


Jotaro: His ankles are weak so he has to use a walking stick. He got a gallstone removed 2 years ago... He also has a cataract... When he got his dentures, he lamented that he couldn't eat T-bone steaks anymore... And plus, he's going senile.

"You forgot that he's going deaf too."

Josuke: Whoa, whoa... Don't tell me he'll start talking to inanimate objects while he's here ! Give me a break ! Wait, "T-bone steak" ? Is he a foreigner ?

"Yeah. We told him not to come to Japan, but when we told him about the arrow, he decided to come to Morioh on his own."

Jotaro: Good grief. We gathered you here to tell you to protect the old man ! If Red Hot Chili Peppers finds out about him, he'll try to kill him for sure ! For him, the biggest threat is someone finding out his localization !

Koichi: W- Wait a second... That old man who's going to be at Morioh's harbor at noon, he can't be... ! N- No way ! Josuke ! A 79 year old foreign Stand user can only mean... !

Josuke: Huh ? What ? What are you talking about ?


"I don't like that sound"

Chili: I... heard everything...

Jotaro: Impossible ! How did he get to these fields ?

Koichi: H- How could he have ?! There are no power lines here !

"The motorcycle's battery... He was hiding in the battery so that he could follow us here !"

Okuyasu: On my motorcycle ?!

Josuke: Damn it, he heard everything !!

Chili: "The harbor, at noon" ?! An old Stand user that can find where I am, huh ?! That geezer, once he arrives at the harbor, I'll kill him !

Jotaro: he found out about Gramps ! About Josuke's father !

"This isn't good... If he manages to escape, he'll reach the old man before we do ! Someone throw a rock at him and destroy the motorcycle !!

Okuyasu: Wait a second ! That bastard and me... We have a past history. I think I should be the one to kill the fucker !

Koichi: he erased the space between them...

"And once the space is filled again..."

Chili: Agh ! What ?!

Okuyasu: You... You're mine !

*Stand user: Akira Otoishi

Stand: Red Hot Chili Pepper: -Power A

-Speed A

-Range A

-Durability A

-Precision C

-Potential A

Motorbikes runs on electricity too, you know ?*

Chili: You... KEICHO'S BROTHER !!

Okuyasu: i'm gonna shave this shit in half !!

Chili: I guess I'll praise you... For being able to get on this bike using your Stand ability. But, The Hand's swiping motion... It can't possibly match red Hot Chili Peppers' superior speed ! You're way too slow ! It's because you have to keep on making an arch!

Okuyasu: Look more closely, dumbass ! When I said I was going to "shave it in half"... I meant my damn motorcycle !

Chili: AH ! The front tire of the motorcycle... !

Okuyasu: Looks like you can't get away now ! Goddammit, now my bike is trashed... Well, at least it was secondhand.

"Well, looks like he used his head for once."

Josuke: Nice, Okuyasu !! That fucker can't go too far away from the motorcycle... Look ! He's at least 100 meters away from the nearest power line, which means we've definitely got him !

Koichi: Th- That was close ! Especially because he heard about Mr.Joseph Joestar !

Jotaro: No... We haven't caught him yet. The motorcycle battery is still intact...

"Meaning he'll fight to keep it that way, and try to kill Okuyasu before we get there."

Chili: You think you've got me cornered ? Revenge for Keicho, huh ?!

Okuyasu: That's not it... My bro, he deserved to die. I always knew that he'd be killed one day, sinning and shit like that... When you do bad things, it'll come back to bit you in the ass. Even I know that. So, tell me your real name and where you live ! I'll at least spare your damn life.

Chili: If I tell you... You won't kill me, is that it ? Heh, you're calmer than I thought ! I thought you'd be shitting yourself with anger !

Okuyasu: Tobe honest, I'm actually hoping that you won't answer me ! I'm just dying to erase your goddamn existence, motherfucker !

"He's on the ropes just leave him alone !"

Chili: Thought so... But, erase me ? Heh, with that slow Hand of yours ? Should I laugh ? Should I yawn ? I'm torn ! I'll show you, just how slow your Stand really is !

Okuyasu: Take thi-

Chili: Do you get it ? You're that slow !

Jotaro: Okuyasu !

Chili: Shit... They're coming... I can't waste anymore time- AH ?!

Chili: What ?! he's behind me ?!

Okuyasu: Did you forget that I can "teleport", Red Hot Chili Peppers ?! Even if I miss, I'm still erasin' space ! I've got you now !! BASTARD !!

Koichi: H- He did it !!

"Come to think of it, his Stand is pretty scary..."

Josuke: Sorry for making fun of you all the time !

Okuyasu: Looks like you're getting a lot slower, huh ? You think you'll be able to dodge my next attack ?

Okuyasu: Huh ?

Koichi: L- Look ! Red Hot Chili Peppers isn't glowing anymore ! He looks all rusty now !

"He's gotten weaker... His power runs on electricity, so it's dwindling now ! Okuyasu, you crazy bastard, you really did it !"

Jotaro: Don't finish him off, wait until we get there ! You've won, now we have to find out where he's hiding the bow and arrow !

Chili: he's right... i'm weak right now. Hahh, hahh... Your Stand's right hand... It might not be fast, but it has incredible power... Hahh, hahh... But... Are you sure you don't want to finish me off ? Maybe... maybe I'm just pretending to be weak, Okuyasu... hahh, hahh... Maybe I'm just pretending to be weakened so Jotaro will come... hahh, hahh... So I can slit his damn throat when he gets close... With my speed, as long as Jotaro doesn't stop time, I'm confident that I can beast him... Maybe that's what I'm thinking...

Okuyasu: What the hell are you talking about ?

Chili: Nothing... So, what is it gonna be ? Are you going to finish me off ? Or are you going to wait for Jotaro ?

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