Chapter 27: K

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

*Stand user: Kira Yoshikage

Stand: Killer Queen's Sheer Heart Attack: -Power A

-Speed C

-Range A

-Durability A

-Precision E

-Potential A

Killer Queen's hand's tank's heat-seeking's explosives's's's's.*

Koichi: H- How can you say it's a blessing ?! We're under attack !!

"Thank you, I noticed. What I meant, is that we finally forced the killer to reveal himself."

Koichi: He's trying to take the evidence !!

Jotaro: Wait ! Don't charge in blindly... He's pulling the jacket way too slowly, it's probably a trap. He's trying to lure us closer.

"This Stand... Looks like it'll be quite the piece of work. Watch out !"

Koichi: It exploded ! It's some kind of guided bomb ! Is... Is this how Shigechi died ? Then... No matter how much we search for the body, we'll never find it... Because of this Bomber Stand !!

"Exactly, although... I don't think that was the killer's Stand right now, or at least not all of it. When Shigechi died, there was nothing like it in the vicinity, instead, I'm positive he died while turning the doorknob. So right now there's two possibilities. The killer's Stand might have several abilities, including this tank, or what we see here is actually a 'Sub-Stand'..."

Koichi: He's... He's getting away !!

Jotaro: Don't chase him, Koichi.

Koichi: Huh ? Don't chase him ? What are you saying ?! But if we chase him we'll be find out the killer's true identity !!

Jotaro: "Carefully observe the situation, then act." That's how we work, Koichi.

Koichi: Wh... What do you mean ?

"Even if we missed the name tag, that jacket gave us everything we needed to know, and even more. It confirmed that the killer's effectively around 175 cm tall, for example. Not only that, but he's probably a bachelor too, or else I'm pretty sure his wife would be able to handle such a simple repair."

Jotaro: He's pretty well-off, too. Probably around 30-35 years old, like expected... The material and design of the jacket are definitely from a high-class brand.

"But most importantly, this jacket... I've already seen it ! It really pisses me off, but the killer... I bumped onto him right after our meeting with Reimi ! I remember his face very well !"

Koichi: I... I see... No, wait ! That's why we shouldn't go after him ?! We're talking about the monster who killed Reimi !

Jotaro: More importantly, I don't think we can chase him. That Bomber Stand is still nearby.

"If it really is a Sub-Stand, then it means the main thing is still with the killer... So either I go after him, but I'll need my Stand to fight, leaving you two defenseless... Or we work on taking out the tank, leaving the killer escape."

Koichi: It's- Did you see it ?

Jotaro: No, I didn't. But it should be nearby. let's take our time and leave through the front.

Koichi: Should ? Should ?! Now, hold on a minute here ! You say you didn't see it but it "Should" be nearby ?

Jotaro: If the killer was the kind of person to just get rid of the shop proprietor and escape, he would've been caught 15 years ago. Instead, he's carefully evaded detection and taken care to erase all the evidence. In other words, he plans to erase us too. By observe the situation, I mean... Don't just look, scan. Don't just hear, listen. Or else, we won't make it out alive.

"Activate Act II ?"

Jotaro: You do that.

Koichi: 'Come on, you can't even see that Stand's around... Aren't you being a bit too cautious ? You tried to sound all cool by saying "carefully observe the situation", but if the Stand isn't here you're just letting the killer get away with the only evidence we have ! Plus, it's not like my Echoes is useless. It's gotten a lot stronger as of late. Aren't you taking me too lightly ?' Is it really still here ? 'Cause I'll feel really dumb if it's not...

Tank: OVER HERE !!

Koichi: AAAAAAAAAAH !!! 'It- It really was still here ! If I touch it, it'll explode !!'

Tank: OVER... HERE... ... ...

Koichi: ... Huh ?

"Funny... I'd expect it to disappear, but it only stopped moving. This really isn't your normal Stand... Wait, let me rephrase that-"


"Wait, wha-"



Koichi: W- WHAT JUST HAPPENED ?! I'm sure it was in his Stand's range, but it still exploded !!

"S- Sub-Stand... Even though it cannot move... Since the main Stand is out of range, its ability is still fully working ! It exploded as soon as I touched it !"

Koichi: Y- Your hands...

"It's only burnt... Thankfully the blast itself is negated, but I can't do anything about the heat..."

Jotaro: No choice then, I guess. [STAR PLATINUM] THE WORLD !! Time has stopped !

Jotaro: I don't like uncooperative people. I suppose I'll just have to beat it to dust.

Koichi: H- Huh ? You... You did it ! You stopped time, right ? That way you could fight it without it exploding !

"This is seriously starting to make me worried... It's the first time I've seen something withstand Star Platinum's attack power like that ! This is one hell of a tough Stand !"

Jotaro: We need to get out of here and fast.

Yoshikage: You ants really think you can find Kira Yoshikage ? I'll destroy you. My Stand Killer Queen's Sheer Heart Attack will kill anything it aims for, guaranteed.

Koichi: It wasn't destroyed ! Even though Star Platinum stopped time and rushed it ! It's just getting more and more powerful !

"It's completely unscathed... And it hasn't slowed down a bit !"

Jotaro: Get away.

Koichi: But... You hit it so many times and it's still undamaged !

Jotaro: I said get away ! Far, far away !

Koichi: What are you doing ?! If you touch it, it's going to go off ! Throw it, quick !!


Jotaro: Good grief... What a tough Stand. First time I've seen one like it. It looks like my ego is the one taking a beating here.

Koichi: It's going to explode at any moment !!

Jotaro: Just get away while you can. I'm going to tear it to shreds.

Koichi: Just... Listen to me for a second, ok ? Stands that operate over long range usually don't have much power... But this one's bomb attack is pretty powerful... So it must require the user to be somewhere nearby. Probably outside of 15- no, 10 meters, its Stand power would drop considerably !

"So ? We already know that."

Koichi: So ?! That means the user's somewhere within 10 meters ! he's probably hiding somewhere inside the building ! I can use Echoes to search within 50 meters !

Jotaro: I thought I told you, Koichi. Don't chase after him. Just think about how to use echoes to protect yourself. Don't do anything stupid.

Koichi: But... Why ?! Do you have another way to defeat that bomber Stand ?! Can't we just take out the user ?

"This Stand works independently. The killer is long gone. Trust me, this one's movements are too simple to be controlled from nearby. All it does is spin around and then charge."

"What ?! It changed target instantly ! it's coming for Koichi !!"

Jotaro: Body temperature... It chases the hottest thing in the vicinity ! Koichi, your agitation caused your temperature to spike, so now it's after you ! It's got nothing to do with the user's commands.

"It's on automatic ! That's why its attacks are still so powerful ! Quick, use Echoes to shield yourself !"

Koichi: Oh, crap...

"What's wrong ?! Hurry up !!"

Koichi: E- Echoes won't make it in time ! I sent it to find the killer... It's 50 meters away ! Sorry... !

Jotaro: Good grief...

"ACT II !!"


"I've learned my lesson this time. Two meters is a good distance to keep. 'If only I still had that picture of Aizen... It chases the hottest thing in the room'."

Jotaro: It still doesn't solve the situation...

"A Stand that follows heat.. The shopkeeper was attacked first, because he was drinking hot tea. It went after the teacup first... Jotaro, you know what will happen as soon as you resume time, right ? The second it's able to move, it'll rush over to that fire."

Jotaro: We still don't know if the heat triggers the detonation yet... Time resume.

"Just as expected, it charges toward the hottest thing around. But if the heat triggers the explosion... Jotaro, get out of here ! It's still working !"

Jotaro: S- Such power !!

Koichi: J- JOTAROOOOO !!!

SHA: That explosion wasn't a human ! Over here !

Koichi: It's my fault ! I didn't listen to you and tried to follow the killer ! It's way too strong ! We're going to die !!

"Stay calm, Koichi ! If you lose your composure, then you're sure to get killed. Remember what Jotaro said, carefully observe the situation, and then act ! Think about it, find the flaw ! There must be a way to fully incapacitate it !

Koichi: Observe, then act... Of course ! It's got a fatal flaw ! Now I'm pissed ! Why was I afraid of some shit-eating serial killer anyway ? It follows heat and attacks relentlessly... Simple but effective ! But that plan has a fatal flaw ! The flaw is exactly that ! It's "relentless" !!

Yoshikage: Sheer heart attack... I'm sure it's fine... But it sure is taking its sweet time to erase those three. I wonder if something happened... ? It's been three minutes... I don't know what's happening at the shoe store, but there's one thing I'm certain of more than anything else in this world. Sheer Heart Attack has no weaknesses. Anything it targets, it will kill.

"Jotaro's condition is stable, he's not in danger, just unconscious. Once we're done here, we better call Josuke. He should be home by now."

Koichi: Like this, it's effectively blind. It'll just keep chasing that "Heat" I wrote forever. It's like a donkey that thinks if it runs just a little faster it'll be able to catch up to the dangling carrot. And that stupidity is its weakness.

Phone: 'Sup ? Higashikata house.

Koichi: Oh ! Josuke ! It's Koichi... Listen ! We're in big trouble ! Jotaro got injured and it's kind of my fault but please hurry !

Josuke: ... What was that ? Slow down ! You ain't making any sense, man !

Koichi: Just get over here ! As quick as you can ! We found the serial killer and captured his Stand !

Josuke: What got captured ? Come on, man ! Say it straight ! Where you at anyway ?

"... Did we remember to put out the fire in the other room... ?"


Koichi: The fire spread to this room and became hotter than Echoes' words ?! It's ignoring the words and heading for it !!



Koichi: Aargh ! The words come from Echoes' tail... So it injured my back !

SHA: That wasn't a human...

Koichi: It's... It's still coming... But I can't use the words anymore ! How can I attack ?! ECHOES ACT II !!

... ... ...

Koichi: What's wrong ?! Echoes Act II !!

.. ... ...

Koichi: Huh ? Where is it ? Act II isn't responding...

Koichi: What ?! No !! ACT II !! It died in the explosion !! It was split in half !! Wait... that's not right. If it died, I'd be dead too. Now I remember ! This has happened before ! It looked like Echoes was dead then, too ! IT CAN'T BE !!

Koichi: [ECHOES], ACT 3 !! It's humanoid ? I should be polite... Umm... Excuse me... Could it be that... perhaps...

3: What is your command ?

Koichi: Wow ! It's really Echoes Act 3 !! Does that mean I got stronger again ?!

3: What is your command ?

*Stand user: Koichi Hirose

Stand: Echoes Act 3: -Power B

-Speed B

-Range C

-Durability B

-Precision C

-Potential A

These heavy rhymes a-gonna make you bleeeeeeeeeeeee-*

"Out of all kind of pains... Being burned alive is definitely amongst the worst..."

Yoshikage: YOU LITTLE BRAT !!!

Yoshikage: Why does it feels like I lost to this little shit ! That fucking shithole kid really pisses me off ! I have less than a minute until Josuke and Okuyasu arrive. And here I thought it'd be good for my mental health if I bled off some frustration by picking on this brat... I've got not time left. Thankfully, Killer Queen can completely erase my target, leaving nothing behind.

"So... It's the same type of Stand as Dark Void, isn't it ?"

Yoshikage: WHA-

"ACT II, NULL !!!"

Yoshikage: BUGUAAAH !!

"Koichi... It was thanks to you that both me and Jotaro survived... If it weren't for you, maybe we'd both be dead..."

Yoshikage: Oh... I recognize you now. You're that teacher that almost found me back there. You've been burned off pretty badly, haven't you ? I'm sorry, but I don't have time for idle chit-chat. i'm on a tight schedule, you see, I only have about 20 seconds.

"20 seconds ? That's more than enough... To stick your head up your ass so far it'll pop up from your mouth !"

Yoshikage: He. You seem rather amusing... But right now, you seem rather weak, to be honest. No matter the Stand you have, do you really think you can beat my Killer Queen in your condition ? [KILLER QUEE-]


"Thinking about it again... It wouldn't work. But don't worry, once I'm done with you it'll still look like shit. Your face, that is."

Yoshikage: U- Uh... ?


Yoshikage: 'I... I didn't even see a Stand... This feeling... It's like I've got sunburns all over...'

"Agh, shit... I knew I shouldn't push myself too much in my current state... Dammit."

Josuke: Hey, Koichi, Y/n ! Where you at ?!

Okuyasu: What the hell ? What happened ? Oh man ! Check it out !

Josuke: KOICHI !! JOTARO !! Y/N !! Be careful, Okuyasu...

Okuyasu: What the hell happened ?

Josuke: Don't panic ! Check to see if Koichi's still alive ! If he is, Crazy Diamond can fix him up. Jotaro and Y/n are still alive ! Just barely, though...

Okuyasu: Koichi is too ! But he's not breathing... ! Hurry up and use Crazy Diamond, Josuke !

Yoshikage: 'i can't believe it... Josuke and Okuyasu have arrived... This is the worst day of my life. That man called Y/n... That wasn't his Stand, that was his own strength... Even with such wounds, I almost died... I've got to get away. Up 'til now, Kira Yoshikage has always been able to get out of any situation, no matter how tough. I'll sneak away while they're not paying attention. I have to escape !'

Josuke: And where do you think you're going ?

Okuyasu: This one's... Still conscious.

Josuke: Stay where you are, asshole. You thought you could get away ?

Okuyasu: Turn over. Nice and easy now.

Yoshikage: AAAAH !! Be careful ! Don't go into that shoes store ! There was some huge explosion ! it's not safe ! We need to get to shelter... I was just shopping when the store suddenly blew up ! I don't know what happened, but the shopkeeper was hurt too ! And those three ! Aaahh !!

Josuke: hey... Calm down, man. You say you weren't involved ?

Okuyasu: There was an explosion ?

Yoshikage: i'm just a company employee... And now I'm going to die... i'm bleeding so bad... It hurts... I feel like I'm going to break apart !

Josuke: hey, calm down ! Everything's okay now. Don't worry, I can help you.

Yoshikage: P- Please, hurry ! Fix me up too !

Josuke: Fix you ? Hurry up and fix you ? Why would some random passerby ask something so weird ? Do I look like a paramedic to you ? As anybody with eyes can see, I'm a high school student. How the hell am I supposed to fix you ? I can't even play pachinko dressed like this, which is a fucking pain. Do I look like a licensed medical practitioner to you ? Huh ? Or maybe... You can see Crazy Diamond.

Yoshikage: Ah ! 'Dammit ! I was too impatient...'

Josuke: Which means, you're the enemy. And both sides lost the battle !

Okuyasu: So this guy is... The murderer ?!

"Ugh... Uh..."

Jotaro: Uhh... Uhh...

Koichi: Ahhh...

Yoshikage: Looks like... I lose. That's right, I'm the one you've been looking for. And now you know what I look like... My name... Even my Stand. It looks like I'll lose sleep over this... But only for tonight ! [KILLER QUEEN] !!

Josuke: W- WHAT THE HELL ?!!

Yoshikage: As you can see... I cut off my hand. It hurts so much, i'm crying. For me, it's not really about winning or losing. I just want to survive. I want a peaceful life. It's just in my nature to kill... I will have my happy life !!

Yoshikage: [SHEER HEART ATTACK] You're free now. I won't be able to hold back your attacks, no matter how heavy or damaged you get ! I'll leave them to you ! Cover my escape !

Josuke: What's with this weak looking thing ?!

"Josuke, that's a heat-seeking bomber Stand ! Even Jotaro's Star platinum wasn't able to make a dent on it ! Not only that, but it explodes on contact !!"

*DORA !!*

Josuke: Destroy it ? I wasn't trying to destroy it... Just the opposite. I fixed it. He cut off his hand, right ?

Jotaro: The Stand. It's going to rejoin the body ?!

Josuke: It's kinda gross, but... We can follow the left hand back to the source. Don't think you can get away so easily, you bastard ! Follow that hand ! It leads straight to the killer !

"All of this... It took quite the hectic turn... But that's okay."

Jotaro: Why are you so calm ?

"Have you already forgot, Jotaro ?"

Yoshikage: Haa... Haa... I can't believe... That Kira Yoshikage was cornered like that. Uwahh-

"After all..."

Yoshikage: I tripped... What is that ? It looks like a green thread...

???: Oh ? So you can see it ? You're covered in wounds, and match the information I was given...

"We have... One more ally."

???: So you're him, the serial killer... if you can see it...


"Hide your mom, Josuke. 'Cause Mr.K is back in town."

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