Chapter 29: You're trying to trick me 2: Ghost father boogaloo

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

*Stand user: Yoshihiro Kira

Stand: Atom heart Father: -Power E

-Speed E

-Range 0

-Durability A

-Precision E

-Potential E

Banana fairy camera.*

"Damage to the photo... Will be reflected to us !"

Yoshihiro: Kill... Kill... Kill... I'll kill all of you... I'll kill anyone who harms my beloved son !

Josuke: Shut up ! Are you a parrot or something ?! All you do is say the same stupid shit over and over ! You don't even know how our powers work yet ! Hey Okuyasu ! You're up ! Use The Hand and erase this old fart from the photo, OK ? Just make sure not to erase us ! Just this part, OK ?

Okuyasu: Yeah. Leave it to me, Josuke !!

Okuyasu: Buh ? Ow ! Wh- What the hell ?! How the hell did I start over there and end up by the fucking window ?!

Kakyoin: ... I'll try something. EMERALD SPLASH !!


"Once again... The projectiles teleported from one side of the room to another... Like they skipped it and leaped past it..."

Koichi: We can't get into the room from here ! Anything that goes in this end comes out over there !

Yoshihiro: Heh heh heh... Heh heh heh heh heh...

Josuke: No way ! The room...

Josuke: It's... It's a wall !! It's like there's an invisible wall right here ! And it's too tough to break !

"We're stuck here..."

Yoshihiro: You finally figured it out... Hehehe. You're trapped !! It's impossible for you to leave ! That invisible wall is the photo's frame ! It may look like you're in the room, but in actuality... You're in the photograph ! And I am a ghost who lives on in photographs !! Your spirit has been sealed by the camera... I have absolute control of the space within my photograph ! This is my ability !!! That's why any damage to the photo will damage your spirit as well !

Josuke: Inside the photo ?

Okuyasu: Bullshit ! They ain't in any photo ! I can see them right there !

Yoshihiro: If it's too hard for your feeble mind to comprehend, forget it. Just patiently await your turn... Once I kill these three, you'll be next ! Heh heh heh... Kill... Kill... Kill...

Josuke: Hey ! Quit that !

Jotaro: Hey Y/n, think your Stand still can counter this in some way ?

"Let me think..."

Josuke: What are you doing ?! He's about to knife us ! Jotaro, can't you do something with your invincible Star Platinum ?!

Jotaro: Josuke... I've given up. If even Dark Void can't defend against the old man's attacks, then even if Star Platinum stopped time we still couldn't evade.

"I suppose my Stand could temporarily prevent the damage to be reflected on us... Only as long as it's active, though."

Josuke: What are you saying ? Just what the hell do you think you're saying ?!

Josuke: It's the knife... ! The knife ! He really did have one !!

Yoshihiro: I've already slit your throats.

Josuke: WHAT ?!! I can't touch the knife ! It's just like with the phone !! It's going to hit me... Oh nevermind, it stopped in midair...

"Jotaro, I hope you've got an idea. If not, you have about two hours to think of one before I exhaust myself."

Jotaro: Looks like we can't definitely stop his attacks. But I can get him out of the photo.

Jotaro: If he has "Absolute control over the space within his photographs", and I take one of just him, then he can't control anything else."

Yoshihiro: What ?!!

"So much for something absolute... Now we've got all time we need to search whatever he doesn't want us to find. Hey Josuke, say something cool. Let him have it."

Josuke: H- Hey ! You weren't scary at all, you big dummy ! 'Shit, I sound like a 10 year-old.'

Yoshihiro: I can't believe you escaped my attack ! Damn you ! You ! With the uniform ! No... All of you ! You must have lots of experience ! You must have encountered dozens of people with abilities ! You must have defeated them by the score ! You... DAMN YOU !!

Josuke: hey ! That ghost bastard wan reach out of the photo !

Jotaro: I'd better do something so you can't escape... There's something inconvenient for Kira in this house... That's why you attacked..

"With you out of the way, we can now search freely."

Yoshihiro: No ! Noooooooooo !!

Yoshihiro: NOO !!

Okuyasu: Oh, I get it. You folded it so the frame touches the frame without a gap. Now he can't escape

"This 'something inconvenient' should be further inside. Koichi, Okuyasu, Josuke, you three search here."

Yoshihiro: 'NOOOO !! NOOO !!! Now I won't be able to protect my son ! Dammit !! If they find that then I'll never be able to protect him !!

"Really wonder what we might find..."

Kakyoin: Whatever it is, he definitely doesn't want us to.

Jotaro: What's all that noise about ?

Koichi: Guys ! He got away !!

Okuyasu: It's... It's all my fault !! It's because I put in all these tacks !!

Kakyoin: Wait, don't- !

Okuyasu: Shit !!

Yoshihiro: Ha ha ! You fool ! I tricked you ! I knew I could escape if I got you to open it ! That's applied psychology !

Okuyasu: Wh- What the hell ?!

Josuke: He's escaped !!

"I can't believe it.."

"Another arrow !! It's the third one !! Guys !"

Jotaro: We've got bigger problems right now ! Kira's father has escaped !

"What ?!"

Yoshihiro: Yesssss !! Give it to me !! I'll never let you have this arrow ! I don't know where my son is now... But with this arrow I can still protect him !! This arrow drew out my son Yoshikage's Killer Queen ! And it's due to this arrow that I can enter photographs as well ! The arrow is absolutely vital ! Ever since I took the arrowhead from that old woman in Egypt all those years ago...

"Because you think I'll let you have it ?!"



Kakyoin: Wait, the arrow !!

"... SHIT !!!"

Josuke: the bow and arrow... Why is it here ?! How did it get into Kira's house ?! Are there two of them ?!

Yoshihiro: HA HA HA HA HA HA !!

Josuke: That bastard...

"Kakyoin !!"

Kakyoin: No need to tell me ! [HIEROPHANT GREEN] EMERALD SPLASH !!!

Crow: CAWW !!

Yoshihiro: I may not be able to beat you with my power... But I can still keep this arrow from you ! I'll use the arrow to make dozens of enemies for you !

Jotaro: The arrow...

Okuyasu: D...Dammit ! It's all my fault... If only I hadn't pulled the tape off the photo... !!

"Don't beat yourself over it. He simply outsmarted you, like father, like son. Both of them are very good at surviving, they never give up. It's just like what happened at Cinderella, we thought we'd cornered Yoshikage Kira but thanks to his sheer tenacity he got away."

Josuke: But why ?! Why did Kira's dad have the bow and arrow ?

"Because there's multiple ones in the world. There isn't an unique Stand arrow, but 6 of them, as far as I know."

Josuke: How can you be so sure ?!

"Because I have one of them as well. And by the looks of it, both Kira's dad and your brother got it the same way, Okuyasu. From Enya."

Jotaro: The problem isn't that there are several of them, it's that, to protect his son, that old man won't hesitate to use the arrow he has. That's the only thing to be afraid of...

"We need to be extra careful from now on, the enemy could be anywhere... Inform everyone of the situation, and try as much as possible to never travel alone."

Kakyoin: Remind me of that time we finally arrived in Egypt...

"I know what you mean... Who knows what kind of evil deeds can Yoshikage Kira be committing as we speak... ?"

Yoshihiro: Yoshikage, my son... Where are you now ? Ever since you were young, you needed to murder women... And nobody could stop you. But since it made you happy, I decided to help you. And now I need to find you before those people can... ! I need to protect my beautiful boy... You are my only child !!

Shinobu: 'Humph ! He's back. What a worthless bastard. I can hear the cheap creaky door of this crappy rental house from here. That sound fits him just fine. I guess I have to spend another night with that insensitive ass... The only words he ever says between getting home from work and leaving the next morning are "Food", "bath", and "sleep".'

'Kowasu': I'm home...

Shinobu: 'Humph ! It's too much trouble to turn and greet him. I'll just pretend I didn't notice. I have no interest in you at all. It's be better if you never came home, you cheap bastard.'

'Kowasu': is dinner ready, yet ?

Shinobu: Oh, you're home already ? I left it on the cart. I was so busy today I didn't have time for anything big. But I made your favorite anyway.

Shinobu: 'Did I get to him ? But I bet he's too chickenshit to even get mad over this. He'll probably just sit there with some stupid look on his face and scarf it down.'

Shinobu: What are you doing ? What came over you ? Since when do you cook ? Since when can you cook ? 'What are you playing at ? You're too dumb to have learned that fast...'

Shinobu: What ? Two plates ? Is this one for me ? You want me to eat your cooking ? Are you stupid or something ?

Shinobu: Hey ! If you're going to clip your nails, do it after dinner ! And didn't you just clip them yesterday ? They're sure growing fast...

Shinobu: 'Wow ! This is really good !!'

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