Chapter 4: Funny rock

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Angelo: Heh heh heh... Dead end eh ? Heh... Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh... Heh heh heh...

'There's steam everywhere... At least it's not steamrollers...'

Jotaro: Shit... His stand may be weak but we can't underestimate it... He can use the ability to blend into liquid so well...

"Man, all of this brings us back 10 years ago, when we were fighting that water stand in the desert."

Josuke: How can you be so calm at a time like this ?!!

"You will see. I highly recommend the two of you to stay close to me at all time."

Jotaro: He's trying to get into our mouths... Josuke, what do you think...We should do to get out of here ?

Josuke; Get out of here ? ... ... ... My escape plan is a little different !

Josuke: It is called destroy ! Hurry up ! The wall's going to fix itself !

"Alright, this should block the steam for now-"

"... Shit."

Josuke: The heating machine !! It's already in your mouth !!

Aqua Necklace: I won !! I knew that you should destroy the wall to get to this side ! Heh heh heh... Horse races, exams, I'm always right !! I'm feeling really lucky now ! It feels so good to be in your body... Heh heh heh...


Jotaro: ... It's over.

"Took more time than expected, heh ?"


"It's you who is too worked up, Josuke. All this time I wanted him to try and enter my body, so I could trap it without any risks. I knew he would go straight for me, thinking I wasn't a Stand User."

Josuke: Wait... You are...

"Just because I'm not constantly bragging about it doesn't mean I don't have one. Although mine... Is a little special. It is not suited for combat at all, after all."

"Angelo may be a genius, but he cannot plan something he doesn't know anything about. [DARK VOID] !!"

Aqua Necklace: *Muffled* I CAN'T MOVE !!! WHAT'S HAPPENING ?!!

"Why would I answer you, when you're already done for ? HAMON OVERDRIVE !!!"


"I think we just found our man. Josuke, if you may ?"

Jotaro: he was over there all this time.

*Stand user: Y/n L/n

Stand: Dark Void: -Power E

-Speed D

-Range E

-Durability A

-Precision C

-Potential A*

Angelo: Haa... Haa... Haa... Goddammit !! Oh shit !!


Josuke: ... You must be...

Jotaro: ... Angelo.

Angelo: Ha... DAMN !!

"Running away now ? I don't think so. Hamon..."

Angelo: UWAAH !! SHIIIIT !!!

Angelo: Hey, you ! Heh... Heh... Are you thinking about killing me ? Even though I' am Japan's worst criminal in history, only Japanese law can find me guilty ! You guys don't have the right to judge me ! Josuke ! Even though I tried to kill your Grandpa, you still don't have the right to kill me !! If you kill me, then you'll be just like me ! Ha ha ha...

"Very poor choice of words."

Angelo: Wha-

*DORA !!!*

Josuke: Don't you know it's rude to point ?

Angelo: Fuuuuck !! Wha... ? My hand and this stone... They've fused together !! THEY'VE BECOME ONE !!

Josuke: Nobody will kill you... Not us, not the japanese government... You don't even have to go to prison !

"Josuke... he's all yours."

Angelo: AH ! What are you gonna do ?!

Josuke: We'll be seeing you forever ! As revenge for the people you killed or attempted to kill, including my grandpa !!


Josuke: Your body and the stone are now one. You'll live like this forever in this town !

Angelo : NO !! NO !!! NOOOOOO !!

*Morioh Town landmark: Angelo stone.

The stone of Angelo. No one really knows when it appeared in the first place. Although it looks scary and grim, it's a popular dating location for lovers.*

Jotaro: Since you can still talk, I'm gonna ask you something... How did you turn into a Stand user all of a sudden in that prison ?

"I think I have an even better question. WHO made you a Stand user back then ?"

Angelo: AAAH ! Fuck this shit ! What do you guys want ? Why are you asking me this ?!

"It's quite obvious by now that you aren't a born stand user, so I'm gonna repeat myself one last time... Who gave you that Stand ?"

Angelo: Heh heh heh... Ha ha ha ! Fine ! I'll tell you ! He'll kill you later anyway !!

Jotaro: Who ?

Angelo: The man with a highschool uniform ! He's the one who changed me !!

Jotaro: ...

"No need to look at me like that, it wasn't me."

Angelo: *last year, half a year before my execution. That day, I couldn't sleep, I was staring at the cracks in the ceiling. The guy in the cell next to me smuggled a porn magazine, I was considering borrowing it. It was a quiet night, moonlight was blocked by the clouds...*

"We're not here for your sick poetry, so spit it out."

Angelo: *Suddenly, I felt like someone was watching me. At first, I thought it was some stupid prison guard, but I was wrong. It was a weird guy, standing in front of my bed, staring at me... he was wearing a school uniform... I couldn't see his face so I couldn't tell if he was a kid or an old guy, but before I could realize what was going on... *

Angelo: Hey ! When did you get in here ? HOW did you get in ?

Angelo: *All of a sudden, at that time... I saw him pick up a bow and arrow... A very old looking pair of bow and arrow, looked like it was hundreds of years old ! And he started aiming at me !*

Angelo: Wha... What the hell are you doing ?!

Angelo: *I was so shocked back then, I didn't call for help or even yell !*

Angelo: You're probably thinking that I was dreaming, or gone crazy !

"I hate repeating myself, so get to the point already. We'll decide whether it's true or not."

Angelo: *The arrow went straight through my head, but I wasn't dead for some reason !*

Angelo: Ack... Hurgh...

???: You're still alive. Congratulations... You've get the gift. Otherwise, you'd be dead by now. But if you got shot by the arrow and lived... then you have a certain gift, a gift called Stand. Named by a man called Dio.

'Dio... Of course...'

???: The Stand is a spiritual gift, its power comes from your mind. The more evil a criminal is, the more likely he is to awaken this ability.

???: Even if they hang you, you still won't die. You can escape now. When you get out, you can do anything you want. Kill people, burn down buildings, anything at all..

Angelo: Who... Who are you ?

???: Don't ask... I'm your friend. I just want a friend... Your destination is the town of Morioh. I am over there, go there if you want to meet me... It's a nice little town...

Angelo: *i didn't know how he got out without a key.*

Angelo: That was how I got my stand. I don't know who he is, where he is and what he wants me for... Who cares, he wants me to do anything I please...

Jotaro: is that so ?

Josuke: Hmph ! Who believes this shit ?

"Yes, it's bullshit... But I believe it. Without a doubt, that was... One of the Stand arrows !"

Jotaro: DIO was alive 10 years ago. He received the power to wield a Stand, now we really know how.

"Looks like the guy with the bow and arrow is another new enemy stand user... Urg..."

Jotaro: What ?

Angelo: Idiots ! While you were listening to my story, you forgot all about my Stand !! Even though it's trapped inside your stomach, I can still make it move ! I've already pierced a hole through it !!

"You... using your stand again..."

Angelo: JOSUKE !! get me the hell out of here !

Josuke: In my mind... I still have some resentment towards you.

Angelo: You still have time to comb that chicken cock hairstyle of yours ?! If you don't get me outta here, i'm gonna kill him !!

"... Jotaro, I advise we step back a little. Things are about to get crazy around here."

Josuke: You said my hair... looks like what ?

Jotaro: Stay cool, Josuke ! Otherwise...


Josuke: I wasn't mad enough just now. Bad guys like you... Should be embedded in stone.

Jotaro: Such speed... But... Something even deadlier then that...

"His personality."

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