Chapter 7: Daddy issues

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

*Stand user: Keicho Nijimura

Stand: Bad Company: -Power B

-Speed B

-Range C

-Durability B

-Precision C

-Potential C*

Keicho: You beating the shit out of me ? Say that after you've approached me. Josuke ! Come on and teach this little pumpkin how to use his stand !!

"... You asked for this."

Josuke: Well said. If his stand could help me beat your ass, that'd be great !

Koichi: ... ... ...

Josuke: Koichi, it's really easy to use a Stand. Just think think that you want to protect yourself, or beat the shit out of this guy. Then it's all up to your natural instincts. Now, your own Stand should come out.

Koichi: Wha- What ?! You're saying all of this, but I don't know what you're talking about !!

Keicho: You don't know ? Then I'll help you understand.

Keicho: You just need a nudge in the right direction ! Navy seal attack !!

Koichi: AHHRRGH !!!

Josuke: This is...

"Koichi... Did you... Did you lay that egg ?"

Koichi: Ah... What ?? This... This is my Stand ?

Josuke: Okay. I don't know what this thing can do, but it looks like an egg.

Koichi: It doesn't move at all... This is it ! It doesn't move... I'm sorry to disappoint you !

Keicho: ... I've seen enough !! Everyone, take aim !!


Keicho: GUAH ! 'F- fast...'

"Let me guess what you're thinking 'This guy's Stand isn't even offense-based, how can he pack such a punch ?!'"

Keicho: Ugh...

"Such innocence. You don't really understand that kind of things unless you've lived through many battles. I don't need a Stand to shatter kneecaps. SUNLIGHT YELLOW OVERDRIVE !!"

"He was a dangerous fellow."

Josuke: Why is he smoking ?

"Sunburns. Let's get out of here."

Koichi: Wait, what about the bow and arrow ? Shouldn't we go and look for it ?

"I'll go look. Okuyasu's still lurking around, and that guy mentioned a father. You two stay here.

Koichi: No, we can't !! Josuke healed me, so I can live for now... But what if other peoples were shot by the arrow ? They could die ! And... If his father was here, we would have seen him already. So I'll go look !

"... He can be brave when the moment's critical, in the end. Wait, Koichi."

Koichi: D- Don't try to stop me !

"Who said anything about stopping you ? Let's get these quickly and then hotfoot out of here."

Koichi: Oh ! there's a room on the top floor, maybe it's in there.

"Well, whether it is or it isn't here, there is at least something in here."

Koichi: Wh- We found it ! The bow and arrow, they're right here on the wall, over there !

Josuke: But what is making that noise ? A dog ?

Koichi: This is scary ! What are we gonna do ?

Josuke: Don't ask me, I just wanted to leave...

"Whatever is in here, it doesn't sounds too dangerous, if they leave the door open... On the count of three, I'll kick the door and we'll barge in, grab what we came for and leave.

Josuke: Ready whenever you are.

"Good. 1, 2... And..."

Koichi: Uhh... AHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!

"Mh. May I express an intense feeling of disgust right now ?"

Josuke: I don't think anyone would mind if you do...

"Good. Hrm hm... WHAT THE F-ING IS THAT THING ?! Josuke, little help !"

"Alright, maximum Ew."

Josuke: I didn't want to cut it off...

Josuke: So, what level is that thing on the "Ew" scale ?

"Right between a pedo orangutan and a tongue-cutting beetle... Hard to believe that kind of thing was actually living here."

Koichi: Ugh...

Keicho: So, you've found him. He is a monster unfit for the light of day.

Josuke: You !!

Keicho: The one over there... Is my father !!

"You better leave that arrow alone, if you don't want a reminder of last time."

Keicho: No... These are my father's most treasured possessions ! We've been trying to find a Stand user to save him ! So, I can't give these to anyone, or let them be damaged !!

Josuke: Your father, is he sick ?

Keicho: Sick ? Not at all. He is in very good health, and eats a lot. And about that, don't ask where did the hand just cut off went. As his son, I can't let him remain in this condition.

"So you're looking for a Stand user with the ability to cure him ?"

Keicho: Cure him ? No... Not at all. I'm looking for the one Stand user that can kill him. I've tried so many times, but in the end, he always regenerates... This all happened because my father was implanted with DIO's cells 10 years ago ! He became a puppet for DIO to control !!

Keicho: My only wish is for my father to die like a normal human being. When I was a child, I swore that... I would end his misery, and because of that, I have to protect this bow and arrow

Keicho: let mle tell you a story. You should listen, it has something to do with you.

Josuke: DIO... Is he the same DIO you already mentioned ?

"... Proceed."

Keicho: It was 11 years ago, the year 1988. I was 8, and Okuyasu was only 5.

*We were living in Tokyo, during the economic down turn, and our mother had died due to an illness two years earlier. The company my father worked for took out a lot of loans because they were facing bankruptcy. We were often beaten, with little provocation My father could be called a worthless loser.*

(A/n: Neglected/Abused character DONE RIGHT.)

*Then, one day, we started getting mail containing a lot of cash, sometimes even precious gems. Our family's economic situation turned around instantly.*

Keicho: Not 'till later did I find out, my father sold his heart to DIO. He sold his own soul for money.

*At that time, DIO was searching the world for Stand users, and my father seemed to have the potential. To this day, I still don't know what kind of Stand he was searching for.*

*I still remember that day very clearly, even though it was 10 years ago... It was around 2 P.M. I had just gotten home from school, and I saw Okuyasu crying. I thought that father had been beating Okuyasu again, but it wasn't like that at all. I saw that my father had collapsed on the kitchen floor. He was covered in boils, and it looked like he had been badly burned.*

*I told him to call an ambulance. He said it wasn't any use, and that DIO must be dead, because the implant was growing like crazy.*

Keicho: When DIO doesn't trust someone he implants his cells into their brains, my father was one of those people. It took me 10 years to find out about Stands, the old lady with the bow and arrow, DIO... And the ones who killed him. When I reached the truth, I knew my father could never recover. DIO's undead cells had already merged with his own. After the first year he could no longer recognize us, and became a pile of rotting flesh.

Keicho: He's been doing the same thing, everyday, for the past 10 years. He takes everything out of the chest, and then cries for a few days. Everytime I see him, I am angered by his mere existence. I told you not to make a mess, what are you, deaf ?!

Father: Urrgh.

Keicho: I tell you what to do, you have to listen !! Stop messing with the box !!

"Stop it. He's still your father."

Keicho: While he is my father, by blood relation, this thing is not my father anymore ! He sold his soul to DIO, he did this to himself !! I hate him ! Because he is my father, I feel even worse ! I just want to give him a normal, peaceful death ! Only after I kill him, can I begin my own life !!

Keicho: Damn it !! I told you to stop, can't you hear me ?!

Josuke: Wait !!

Keicho: Josuke ! I told you, I won't give you the bow and arrow ! I never will !

Josuke: You misunderstood me. What I want, IS THAT BOX !!

Koichi: Why the box ?

"A... A picture ? There was a picture in the box ?"

Josuke: I saw him holding pieces of paper, and trying to put them together. It was that picture.

Father: Ooohhh ! Rrrgh ! Rrrrgh ! RRRRRGH !!

Koichi: It's a picture of your family ! His actions over 10 years, have just been, for this !

"All along, he's been looking for a picture of his sons. he's been trying to remember the past, we just didn't realize it until now."

Josuke: Hey, instead of trying to kill him... Why not find a Stand user to heal him ? We could help.

"Yep. But no more shooting criminals, it leaves quite the mess."

Keicho: ... ...

So, I better say it now, but a few arcs will be skipped, be it partially or entirely. Like, the Cheap trick fight, the rat hunting, or, and I'm sorry, most of Echoes.

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