chapter nineteen

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Adi was true to her word and paid for the tattoo. It was a small and pretty simple tattoo, so it wasn't too expensive. But still, Iris appreciated it nonetheless.

"So you mean after I get a tattoo that isn't just it? I still have to go clean it and moisturize it and stuff?" Iris asked as they walked out of the tattoo studio.

"Yes, Iris," Adi replied for what felt like the fifth time already. "There's an aftercare process and you've got to follow it so your tattoo doesn't get infected and can heal right."

Adi reached over, handing the sheet of paper containing the aftercare tattoo instructions to Iris. To which Iris groaned, as she glanced at the instructions written out on the paper.

"It's honestly not that bad," Adi said, noticing the expression on Iris' face, "and it's just for a couple of weeks."

Iris glanced at Adi then, looking at her right arm, covered in tattoos. She had never really looked at it up close and now took in the colors and intricate designs.

"Your tattoos are really cool," Iris said honestly, "I love the colors and stuff."

"Thank you," Adi replied, taking in the tattoos on her arm as well. "It took me a while to find a tattoo artist that could properly tattoo color on dark skin."

Iris nodded in understanding. Although she knew little about tattoos, she knew that finding tattoo artists that properly tattooed color on dark skin could be hell.

"What do your tattoos mean?" Iris asked as they approached Adi's car in the parking lot.

"Why do they have to mean anything? Maybe I just had money on me and nobody to stop me at the time," Adi replied, holding open the passenger seat of the car for Iris.

Iris narrowed her eyes slightly, cocking her head to the side. Adi opening the passenger seat of the car was a nice gesture. A really really nice gesture. Almost romantic, but Iris knew exactly who it was she was dealing with, and she doubted that Adi had a bone of romance in her body.

"That's true. But is that the case? Do none of your tattoos have any significance to you?"

"Are you gonna get in the car, homegirl? Or do I just stand here holding the door open like your chauffeur?"

Iris narrowed her eyes once again, but got into the car. She watched Adi as the red-haired girl closed the car door and made her way to the other side. She realized Adi was avoiding answering Iris' question, which obviously made Iris even more curious.

"Speaking of tattoos, I think we should celebrate you getting your first tattoo with some food," Adi said.

Iris was feeling euphoric at that moment. She had just gotten her first tattoo and had done so on a whim, which was so uncharacteristic of her. Iris quickly nodded her head in agreement as Adi backed out of the parking lot.

Iris hadn't forgotten the fact that Adi had avoided her question, but kept her burning questions filed away in the back of her head for now. After all, she had not told Adi the true meaning of the tattoo that she had gotten either.

The girls decided to get some food through a drive-through and eat in Adi's car, rather than actually going into a restaurant.

"I rarely eat fast food, but I guess this is a special occasion," Adi announced as they pulled up to the drive-through window.

Of course, Adi didn't eat fast food. It probably went against her whole gym-girl aesthetic. But instead of rolling her eyes, Iris found herself smiling. It was nice knowing that Adi was making exceptions for her. No matter how little it seemed.

They ordered their food through the drive-thru, and Adi paid for both her meals even after Iris' persistence not to do so. But Adi insisted as they were celebrating Iris, and after a while, Iris finally gave in.

The girls ate in silence, mostly. It was a comfortable one, and Iris didn't feel awkward or uncomfortable with it in the slightest.

"How do you feel?" Adi suddenly asked.

"Hmmm?" Iris questioned absentmindedly, taking a bite out of her chicken sandwich. "How do I feel about what?"

"So first, I would appreciate it if you didn't talk with your mouth full."

Iris rolled her eyes at Adi's statement.

"Maybe don't ask me a question while I'm still eating then, airhead."

"Did you just call me airhead?"

"Yes, I did."

"Airhead? Like the candy?"

"No, I'm not talking about the candy, Airheads. I'm saying you're an airhead, and I think you just proved my point."

"Ha-ha, very funny."

Iris shrugged at Adi's sarcasm as she drank the last bit of her coke.

"Are you done eating now?" Adi asked the second Iris swallowed the last bit of her drink.

Despite herself, Iris felt the urge to smile at the manner in which Adi had obediently waited for her to finish eating. "Yes, I am."

"Okay, so how do you feel?"

"Well, I'm pretty full," Iris began, "this was actually a quite filling meal-"

"I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about getting your first tattoo," Adi said, rolling her eyes. "Now who's the airhead now?"

"Still you," Iris instantly fired back. "But, I feel good honestly, no regrets yet." Iris paused then, scrunching her brows at Adi slightly. "And don't roll your eyes at me again, that's my thing."

Amusement clouded Adi's face. "You have some claim on eye rolling or something?"

"Yes, actually, I have a copyright claim on it, so don't you dare roll your eyes or I'm gonna sue you till your last penny," Iris replied, turning to face Adi, sending her a playful glare.

Adi was already looking at her, a playful smirk on her face.

"Or else what?" the red-haired girl asked. Her tone was light and teasing, and she leaned forward slightly in her seat.

"I'll make you regret it for the rest of your life," Iris replied, feeling a smile spreading across her own face as she unconsciously leaned closer to Adi.

"You're so full of shit, it's kind of cute."

"Shut up," Iris responded meekly. Her face was growing hotter as the seconds passed by. She couldn't help but get lost in Adi's soft brown eyes. She took in the girl's features, noticing her dark plump lips and a few curls from her afro that were falling over into her eyes.

"Make me," Adi simply said.

Those were fighting words, and they immediately sent Iris into a frenzy. Her body was reacting in ways that were out of control, and Iris was merely a victim to it. The temperature in the car seemed to have gone up a couple of degrees, and all Iris could think of was feeling Adi's soft skin against hers.

"You are pretty badass for getting that tattoo today," Adi whispered. She reached over, placing her finger gently over Iris' tattoo, which was currently covered in plastic wrap.

Just this light contact Adi had with Iris' inner thigh was driving her crazy. She swallowed hard, trying to keep her eyes fixed solely on Adi as her thoughts wandered.

"Is this a thing you do?" Iris asked, her voice teasing but low. "Seduce girls in the parking lot of fast-food restaurants?"

Adi laughed lightly. Somehow her arm found its way around Iris' waist, and Iris leaned forward still, till the only thing separating them was the center console.

"Not at all, but are you saying that I seduce you?" Adi wiggled an eyebrow, which caused Iris to smile.

"As if you could seduce me," Iris replied defiantly, even though the heartbeat between her legs begged to differ.

"Are you sure about that?" Adi asked. Her eyelids lowered slightly, and she leaned in more. Iris could feel her warm breath against her lips. Giving in to her desires, Iris reached up and brushed her fingers on Adi's cheeks.

They were soft. Extremely soft.

Adi leaned into her hand, letting out a low moan which only drove Iris crazier. She was staring at Adi's lips now. She wanted to feel them, wanted to know if they were just as soft as the rest of her.

She needed to know.

Just at that moment, there was a loud ping from Iris' phone. This seemed to shake Iris back into reality.

She pulled away from Adi, trying to clear her mind of her previous thoughts, and Adi moved backward till she was sitting completely back in her seat.

Iris looked at her phone, seeing that it was a text from Niki telling her to come over.

Iris was actually having fun with Adi, and Iris knew that if anyone else had texted, she would have turned them down to spend more time with Adi. But this wasn't anyone else. It was Niki. And when Niki called, Iris answered.

"Hey, um, I've got to go," Iris said to Adi, who was watching her with an unreadable expression on her face.

"Right now?" Adi asked, scratching the back of her head awkwardly. "Is everything okay? I was hoping we could spend more time together?"

Iris' mind tuned into the last part of what Adi had just said. But she pushed it away, ignoring how it made her feel inside.

"Yeah, I've got to go. I have, um, something I need to do," Iris said, avoiding making eye contact with the red-haired girl next to her.

Adi nodded, saying nothing else.

The mood in the air was different during the ride back. It was tense and there seemed to be something heavy hanging in the air.

A slight guilt was building inside of Iris, but it wasn't enough for her to change her mind. Because when Niki called, she answered. Without hesitation.

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