chapter seven

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Iris woke up from her nap to a notification ping from her phone.

Sitting up groggily, she saw ‌it was an Instagram notification.



It took Iris a few moments to realize that Niki had finally responded to the direct message she sent her the previous day.

Iris sat up straighter. She was wide awake now.


Iris sent the message, hoping her reply sounded casual and nonchalant. She didn't want Niki to know she had been anxiously waiting for a response to her text. It took Niki over 24 hours to respond to Iris' text, even though she was still active on Instagram, but Iris responded in a manner of seconds.

The next text from Niki came a couple minutes later.


You smoke?

Iris didn't really smoke. She had tried it a few times but never liked how tired and heavy it made her feel. However, she would not let Niki know that. This was the perfect opening she needed.




Come over

In a second, Iris had flown off from her bed and was now standing with her closet door wide open, trying to decide what to wear. She wanted to appear like she wasn't trying too hard, but‌ wanted to look good.

Iris finally decided on a cropped black tank top and matching black shorts. She reapplied her makeup that had smudged during her nap, as well as deodorant, and a few spritzes of her body spray.

Iris headed out of her room and was just about to open up her apartment door when it flew open, revealing Korra standing there.

"Oh? Where are you off to?" Korra asked as her eyes roamed over Iris' outfit, "or rather... who are you off to?"

"Does it look like I'm trying too hard?" Iris asked, second-guessing her outfit of choice.

"Nope, this is your 'look like I'm not trying too hard outfit', I know it is, but Niki doesn't know it is, so it's good."

"How did you know I'm going to see Niki?"

"Who else would you be going to see dressed like this?" Korra wiggled her eyebrows teasingly.

Iris rolled her eyes, holding back her laugh. "Damn, you make it sound like I'm naked or something."

"I'm sure you'll be in a few minutes-"

"Alright," Iris said, squeezing past Korra in the doorway, "I'm leaving now. I don't have time for your cheeky remarks right now."

Iris could hear Korra laughing behind her as she made her way out of the doorway, but there was a smile on her face. She was excited to be meeting Niki again, and after the past few days that she had, God knew she needed it.

Anxiety crept onto Iris once she arrived at Niki's apartment. She texted Niki that she was outside and stood there shuffling anxiously.

The last time she was with Niki, she was drunk, which boosted her confidence. What if her sober self was too awkward and weird? What if Niki was turned off by her? What if-

"Hey." Niki appeared in the doorway with her locs packed in a bun at the top of her head. "Hope I didn't keep you waiting too long."

"No, not at all," Iris said. She was so nervous that her voice came out in a weird squeal.

"Alright," Niki simply said before turning on her heels. Iris took the hint and followed behind as Niki led her straight into her bedroom.

It was the second time Iris was in here, and a brief nervousness and excitement shot through her.

She watched as Niki sat cross-legged on her carpet. Iris imitated her actions, sitting opposite her. Iris fidgeted awkwardly, racking her brain for something to say.

"How was your week?" Iris asked as Niki produced a pre-rolled blunt and began lighting it.

"It was alright," Niki responded. She said nothing else.

"My week was okay, too," Iris contributed, even though Niki hadn't asked her. Honestly, Iris's week had been far from okay, but there was no point getting into that now.

"Word," was Niki's simple reply. It was clear she wasn't really interested in what Iris was saying, but Iris didn't take any of that to heart. She brushed it off, assuming that Niki was just tired. 

Niki took a hit of the now-lit blunt, inhaling deeply before passing it over to Iris.

Truth be told, Iris had no idea how to smoke a blunt. It was something she had never mastered in the few times she had tried smoking. The last thing Iris wanted to do was to look like a fool in front of Niki. That would be really embarrassing. 

Iris tried to imitate what Niki had done, but immediately started coughing. She tried her hardest to suppress it and keep her coughs under control, but she just kept coughing against her will.

"Need some water?" Niki asked.

Iris nodded, unable to form words. She took the bottle of water that Niki handed to her, quickly drinking from it to soothe her throat which felt like it was on fire.

"Feel better?" Niki asked, looking at her with an expression that Iris translated to be concern.

"Yes, much better, thanks," Iris managed to croak out.

Niki nodded and took another hint of the blunt, releasing the smoke slowly in small circles.

Iris just watched her, entranced by the scene before her.

Niki passed her the blunt again, and Iris took a hit, this time coughing less than she had the previous time. She saw this as progress, which led her to feel more confident and take a couple more hits of the blunt.

That is, till the high hit her all at once.

Suddenly, Iris' heart was racing, her palms were shaking, and it had become hard to breathe. She didn't like how she was feeling, not one bit, and instantly remembered why she had never gotten into marijuana‌. She was way too anxious for this.

Niki held the blunt out to her, but Iris shook her head, declining.

"Wanna watch something?" Niki asked instead, taking a final hit of the blunt before putting it out.

"Anything, I don't care," was Iris' response. She was too busy trying to silence the voices in her head to focus on the conversation going on.

Niki put on Adventure Time on her TV, which only seemed to make the anxiety that Iris was already feeling ten times worse. The sounds from the TV were all merging‌, and the colors seemed to swim into each other.

Happy thoughts, Iris, think happy thoughts, Iris thought to herself repeatedly. No way in hell was she going to freak out right in front of Niki.

Niki, on the other hand, seemed fine. Her tolerance was a lot higher than Iris', so she didn't seem bothered or on edge in the slightest.

"You good?" Niki asked.

"Yeah," Iris lied, "you?"

"I could be better," was Niki's response, as she reached out, grabbing hold of Iris by her elbow and lightly pulling her towards her.

Iris complied until she was seated on Niki's lap. She instantly felt a lot calmer.

Niki initiated the kiss this time, and Iris kissed back, wrapping her arms around Niki's neck. She was too high to really feel Niki's lips against hers, but she didn't mind. Iris knew Niki was there, and that was enough for her.

They made their way on top of Niki's bed, while Adventure Time still played in the background. But Iris knew Niki had not just invited her over here to smoke and watch cartoons. This was what she was really here for.

Still kissing and groping, the girls got more comfortable on Niki's bed. Iris was feeling less paranoid, but a lot calmer. She was simplifying enjoying Niki's feel beneath her and the sounds they were both making.

They both started stripping, and it wasn't long before they were stark naked, with their bodies pressed against each other's.

The sex was rushed, but still enjoyable. Iris wished they could take their time with it. She didn't want Niki to stop touching her, and didn't want to stop hearing the sounds Niki made in her ears.

Several times, Iris tried to slow down the pace a little. She tried to make the experience more sensual as opposed to just sexual with neck kisses and light touches, but each time Niki would grunt disapprovingly and pull her against her roughly, signifying she didn't want any part of that.

Afterward, Niki got up without a word and headed for the bathroom.

The lack of Niki's touch reminded Iris of how high she still was and she lay on the bed, trying to keep her mind from spinning and quiet the thoughts inside of her head.

Niki reappeared a few minutes later and instantly began dressing up. She dragged her sports bra from underneath Iris, putting it on, which hinted to Iris it was time for her to get up and get dressed.

Iris cleared her throat before speaking. "Are you doing anything later on?"

"Going out with some friends," Niki simply replied, pulling her shirt over her head.

Iris nodded, taking the hint that it was time for her to get out, and she would not be spending the night like she did last time.

"Guess I'll see you later," Iris said once she was fully dressed.

"Yeah, later bro," Niki responded with a weak hand wave.

Iris was still too high to ponder on the fact that Niki had referred to her as "bro". Instead, she convinced herself that she had probably just misheard Niki. After all, who just casually fucks their "bro".

So, with her panties stuffed in the back pocket of her shorts, Iris made her way out of Niki's bedroom and headed home, where she crashed the moment her head hit the pillow.

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