Acmetropolis, 2773...

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In Loonatics HQ, The Loonatics hadd just came back after defeating Marvin The Martian.

Ace then pulls out a small blue cube.

"Now I wonder, what on earth would Marvin would use this for?" Ace asks.

"Beats me, that little box doesn't look like it would even damage this room!" Lexi said.

Danger Duck inspects it. "You said it. This thing wouldn't hurt a fly." He says.

Slam Tasmanian just spits out jibber jabber.

"FromwhatIcanseethisissmallcubeisactuallyaboxcontainingahugeportalthatcanteleportanythingandeverythingtoanywhereandeverywhere!" Rev rapidly says.

Tech E. Coyote then takes the cube.

"Rev is right." Tech says. "The portal inside this cube, can grow immensely huge, and can swallow just about anything, and teleport it anywhere." He explains.

He then puts it on his working table, and points a laser at it.

"I'm going to make a few examinations, and find out how to properly dispose of this" Tech adds. "One wrong move, and this portal will grow!"

While Tech and the others were doing their thing, Lexi was in her room, thinking of Ace.

Ever since she joined The Loonatics, she had feelings for him. Every single day she wished he felt the same for her, but lately she's been losing hope on it.

Little did she know, a few moments later, something was gonna change everything...

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