When 2 Worlds Meet...

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Back in Acmetropolis, while Lexi was alone with her thoughts, she heard a loud noise coming from Tech's lab.

Lexi went to the room the sound was coming from, to see that the portal had opened!

"Tech! What happened!?" She asked.

"It opened by itself while I was carefully disposing it!" Tech explained.

The Loonatics soon enter the lab to see the portal growing bigger and bigger.

"Looks like we have a hole to plug, Slam!" Ace said, and on cue, Slam spins a wicked cyclone to battle the growing portal.

Unfortunately, he failed to se Lexi in front of him, and he knocked her into the portal by mistake!

After a few seconds, the portal closes.

"Well I'm glad that was done with." Ace says, but he noticed that Lexi was missing!

"Lex? Lex where are ya!?" He says looking around.

"I think I have a bad feeling about this..." Tech said.


Back in Richmond, it was the next day, at about high noon, I was sitting in the middle of a field in Garry Point Park, eating fish and chips from a nearby restaurant, listening to "My Seventh Rib".


"I... I don't know..." I said to myself. "Maybe one day the one will come."

Behind me, I didn't notice a huge portal open.



I was blasted from behind, knocking my fish and chips to the ground.


I stopped when I saw who it was.

It was a black and pink bunny, with blonde hair, wearing a green bandana tied on her ears.

*Lexi's P.O.V*

I had been falling for 30 minutes, but I'm glad I didn't hurt anyone.

I look up, and I see this guy looking at me, and he wasn't happy.

*My P.O.V*

When I saw the person (or what I thought was a person), who bumped me, I forgot what I was mad about.

"Uh... uh... I'm sorry for y-yelling at you... hehehe..." I manage to spit out.

"It's okay. Sorry for bumping into you." She says, then she held out her hand. "I'm Lexi."

"Oh! Uhmm... Melchard." I said, shaking her hand.

Lexi then sees the mess on the ground. "Oh, were you eating that?" She asks me.

I look at the mess. "Yeah. Yeah I was." I say.

It was about a minute of silence with seagulls chirping, and the waves crashing.

"I'm guessing you're not from here." I say to break the silence.

"Yeah, I'm from Acmetropolis." She says.

"Never heard of that place." I said.

"Not many people do." She replies.

"Well I guess you can stay with me for the time being."

Lexi gives me a surprised look. "Wait, we just met, and you-"

"Well in the few seconds we met I think you're a chill person, and plus you ain't from here, so you need a place to stay, makes sense when you think about it." I say.

"Well you're right about that. Where am I anyway?"

"You're in Richmond. Richmond, British Columbia, Canada."

"Um... what?" She asks confused.


"You just gave me 3 places. Which one am I in?"


"Then why did you say 2 other places?"

"Richmond is a town in the province of British Columbia, which is a province in Canada." I explained.

Lexi looks at me confused.

I roll my eyes. "I'll explain on the way to my place."

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