✎...Chapter Three

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      Ivywhisper raised her head questioningly as a paw prodded her flank sharply. Her yellow eyes blinked rapidly before adjusting on the ginger tom looming above her.

      "Ivywhisper," the tom said with a lash of his tail. His long claws were unsheathed and his firey ginger pelt was prickled slightly, "we have more news on the rogues."

      Ivywhisper stretched out her forelegs, her jaws gaping in a yawn. It had been two sunrises since Ivywhisper had become a warrior and the whole clan was gossiping about the rogues that had been scented on EmberClan territory.

     "What about them, Talonblaze?" Ivywhisper mumbled, sitting up. As her eyes flicked around, she realized only her and Talonblaze were the only cats occupying the Warriors den.

      Talonblaze's green eyes rested on Ivywhisper as she groomed the scraps of moss from her ruffled black fur. "Dawnrunner's patrol scented rogues by the LightningClan border," the sharp-clawed tom reported.

      Ivywhisper writhed around in her nest in disgust. "LightningClan? Can't their warriors take care of the rogues themselves?"

      "That's what Brookstar has been wondering," Talonblaze licked his broad paw, "she insisted that Lakeshade send out more border patrols to the LightningClan border. If the matters get worse before the gathering, Brookstar, Hollyfern, and another warrior will be traveling to LightningClan's camp to speak with them about the rogues."

      Rogues are so dumb. We probably don't have anything to worry about. Ivywhisper stood up and stepped out of her nest. She glanced at Talonblaze and flicked her tail, "how's the clan reacting to the news?"

      "They don't seem to worry about it," Talonblaze stood up as well and padded over to stand beside Ivywhisper, "I just worry because of my kits. Any father would, I'm sure."

Ivywhisper shrugged. "Sure, I guess. How old are your kits now?" She asked, trying to change the subject. She didn't feel like talking about the rogues. She didn't want to waste her time talking about the unnecessary subject.

"Birdkit, Nettlekit, and Echokit are well," Talonblaze meowed, leading Ivywhisper out of the den, his broad shoulders pushing away the overhanging lichen. "They are four moons now. They're working Darkpatch to the bone, that's for sure."

Ivywhisper ducked under the lichen and blinked at all the cats gathered in the clearing. She looked back at Talonblaze, "they look like strong kits," she murmured.

Talonblaze raised his head, his big ginger ears flicking proudly. "They are," he agreed, "they are strong-willed kittens. I know my kittens will grow up to become the great warriors of EmberClan. The Clan of the bold and fearless."

Ivywhisper was staring across the clearing, nodding as if she was paying attention to the senior warrior talk. Across the clearing sat Brookstar, Dawnrunner, Hollyfern, and Lakeshade chatting quietly with their heads close together. Curiosity bubbled inside Ivywhisper's chest and she had to dig her claws into the ground to keep herself from going over to the warriors.

"Ivywhisper?" Talonblaze stared at her firmly, "what's going on with you?"

Ivywhisper jumped slightly at Talonblaze's voice. She looked back at him and noticed he was looking at her claws. Quickly sheathing them, she shook her head rapidly. "No, everything's fine."

Ivywhisper could still see the suspicion in Talonblaze's gaze but raised her chin confidently. Talonblaze just shook his head. "I'm going to visit Darkpatch and her kits," he said softly, heading away from Ivywhisper and crossing over towards the nursery.

      Ivywhisper watched him go with a huff. Sure, she appreciated that he tried to talk to her.
But he's afraid I'm going to push him away like everyone else in my life.

      Ivywhisper twitched at her thoughts, unsheathing her claws again and raking them through the grass under her.

      "Hey Ivywhisper?"

      Ivywhisper looked up from her paws at Owlpaw. Owlpaw's cream and black-splotched fur was raised uneasily. "Why are you growling?" He asked, looking a bit nervous.

      Ivywhisper's pelt bristled, snapping, "go away!"

      Owlpaw looked as if he almost jumped out of his pelt. The apprentice, his amber eyes wide, burst away across the clearing towards his sister, Flowerpaw.

      Ivywhisper watched him and Flowerpaw exchange brief words before Flowerpaw looked back up at Ivywhisper, glaring.

      Ivywhisper looked around the camp and many heads were turned to her. Ears flattening with embarrassment and a small slice of shame, Ivywhisper ducked and rushed back into the Warriors den.


      Ivywhisper was laying in her nest with her muzzle tucked between her snow-white toes. Her tail swished behind her and she looked up as the lichen at the entrance of the Warriors den parted and Stormberry trotted in with a squirrel clamped in her jaws.

Ivywhisper watched her adoptive sister as she sat down next to her nest, dropping the squirrel in front of her.

"You were in here for a while," Stormberry muttered, nudging the squirrel closer to Ivywhisper, "I assumed you'd be hungry. You haven't eaten since before our vigil."

"I'm not hungry," Ivywhisper grumbled, looking away from her and the squirrel.

"Of course you're hungry," Stormberry pressed, tapping Ivywhisper's flank sharply with her paw. "Now eat. Sunmist's hunting patrol just came back."

"Did you feed the queens and elders?" Ivywhisper looked up at the amber-eyed feline.

"You always ask that," Stormberry sighed, "yes, they're all fed. You don't have to worry about it."

Ivywhisper sniffed and looked down at the squirrel. I am hungry, Ivywhisper thought but shook her head, pushing the squirrel away from her. "I don't like squirrel," she mewed simply.

"Why are you so picky?" Stormberry grumbled, her tail lashing. Ivywhisper could see the annoyance flashing in her eyes.

Ivywhisper raised her chin stubbornly. "I'm not picky. I just think the other cats should eat before me."

Stormberry shook her head frustratedly. "Fine, Ivywhisper. You go ahead and starve."

"I will."

Stormberry just snorted and slid back out of the Warriors den. Through the parted lichen Ivywhisper could see Stormberry's dark tabby pelt head across the clearing to sit next to Lilyfrost and Sunmist. The last thing she could see before the lichen swayed back into place was Stormberry shake her head wistfully.

Ivywhisper looked down at the squirrel Stormberry had left in front of her. Sitting up, Ivywhisper hesitantly pulled the prey towards her.

"Thank you, StarClan, for this fresh-kill," Ivywhisper muttered quietly before parting the squirrel's fur and taking a bite out of it's tender flesh.

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