》Chapter 4 |Again?

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Playlist - Oh wonder - All we do

2 months later...
Sarah's P.O.V

The sky was an expanse of sapphire blue,dotted with feathery white and large clouds as the radiant rays of the sun shining magnificently in the azure blue sky.....I glanced at this stunning scenery as I stood on the edge of my balcony. Everything seemed so calm and a stillness in the atmosphere could be felt. Birds chirping made a valuable melody along with the serene breeze....everything seemed so perfect and I just loved this fascinating feeling.

Since I got this job, everything was fine, I was happy so was my family. All our debts were cleared off and the problems which we were facing in the daily household too were all solved. This morning, I got ready and went to work. I was planning to come back home early today as it was Solange's birthday.

I arrived at the restaurant and I could feel that something was strange...all the employees including Mr. Robinson,the manager were standing in order as if something very terrible had just happened...

"Hi Mr. Robinson", I greeted.

Unexpectedly,he hugged me,he was crying and I was all lost. What could have happened? I kept on wondering.
I hugged him back and tried to ask him what happened. He was unable to talk as he was in deep pain.

"S...saa...rah....I've....lost..MY.....RESTAURANT...!!!!!" he said in tears.

I was stunned. Utterly surprised.

"But,,,when....how....how...how's...th...t...that....po...ssible?????" I stammered.

"It is Sarah! IT IS!!!!!!!!!!"he replied.

"But how did...this...happened...Mr.Robinson?And whose the new owner?"I asked.

"ASR", someone besides me said.

I've already heard this voice before but I couldn't remember where. I turned around to see who it was and I was all astonished when I saw that it was this brute Rhodes.

"What the!" he exclaimed on seeing me.

I remained silent and thought about what just happened! How could this basard take away the restaurant of Mr.Robinson! What does he think of himself! That he can buy the whole world with his money and power! Well NO! If he thinks so, it's his great misunderstanding! By the way! What the hell is wrong with me!!! Why am I talking to myself when I should have been blurted it all into this basard's face.

I was filled with anger! As he was coming forward, I was moving forward too.

Finally, we both were facing each other.

I angrily grabbed him by his collar! But he did something I never thought he would do!

He brutally placed his hand on my mouth and twisted my wrists trying to stop me from talking. It was so painful and it's then that I realised that I was talking to a heartless yet arrogant man. Tears were filled up in my eyes. He pushed me closer to him and whispered a few words to me.

"Don't you dare talk to me in that tone again! You've forget that I am the boss here! I won't tolerate this kind of behaviour! Is that clear?"

To be honest I wanted to continuously punch this basard in his face but I quietly nooded.

"Good."he said.

He let go of me and headed to his cabin. I was so in pain that I hurriedly ran to the washroom in tears.Never had someone grabbed me like that. This basard was so heartless, whenever he pressed me like that, my skin becomes red and stains are left. I took my jacket and put it on me. I did not wanted anyone to see those stains.
I was just so embarrassed after what happened, all the staff were gossiping about this incident. I just felt so weak,worthless and useless at that moment. I wanted to go and hide somewhere;very far away from here!

I just did not wanted to see this man while working! I would not say the contrary, he actually gets on my nerves and yes,I felt so weak in front of him. After all,he was a rich man and I was only a woman,struggling for my life!

It was already 4p.m and it was time to go home. I was so excited as it was Solange's birthday and I had to buy a gift for her on my way home.I packed everything to go home but unfortunately, Anna, the receptionist, came to me and told me to go to fetch some important documents. I promptly went to bring those. When I reached in the room,I looked for them but to no avail. There was such an enormous amount of files present that I was unable to distinguish them. Eventually, I managed to do so. I moved towards the exit and I saw that the door was closed. I tried to open it but it appeared as like it was locked. I started to panic. I yelled,hoping that someone will be here to save me tough I knew that it was impossible for someone to hear me from the outside.

"Calm down!"

As I heard this, my throat became dry and my eyes were widely opened. I was so scared to turn around.

"I...is..this...you?" I stammered.

"Me who?" he replied.

"Ba...basar....I mean.....M.Mr....Rh"

"Yes it's me and what were you saying ba....what?",he asked.

I was more than crazy! I wasn't far saying basard.

"No...nothing",I replied.

"Turn around", he said.

"No,,,no,I...I can't"I replied.

"Let me tell you one thing,I don't like to repeat myself"he said.



I was so afraid, I started to shudder! I just wanted to go home. I still didn't wanted to turn around and suddenly I heard his footsteps;oh my Lord, he was coming towards me. I wondered what he was going to do. He placed both his hands on the door,encircling me. I could felt his scent, it smelt so good.

"Turn around",he whispered.

Right now, I really had to do it because I feared for the worst. I closed my eyes and I slowly turned around. I squeezed both of my hands in nervousness.

"Open your eyes",he said softly.

I opened my eyes slowly. As I opened my eyes, I saw him gazing at me and I didn't had any choice but to rather looked at him back. I never saw him in this way...his eyes weaken me and I just could stare at them for all time. They were so beautiful of pale brown colour. All of a sudden, he abruptly took off his hands off the walls and turn around in a full-tilt.

"Damn it!",he yelled making me trembling like a leaf.

I was worried now. I instantly tried to open that door.

"It's of no use",he said.

"Wait I'll try to call someone",he added.

He took his mobile phone out of his pocket and tried to.

"It's of no use",I said.

"Network is unavailable in this room",I added.


I was so offended by what he said. He was such a mannerless basard. How dare he calling me ugly! I...am...tears started to form in my eyes but I had to be strong.

I went in a corner and sit down lonely.
I was somehow sad as my family somewhere,I know will be very worried for me, and it was Solange birthday too. Oh God, I wish I could call them once to tell them about my situation.

On the other hand, I was so scared...I was locked with a brute in a room and I couldn't do anything about it.

"So now I get it!! It's you who locked this door right because you're such a greedy girl and I know you would do everything to get what you want! You want to trap me right! Then I won't get into it",he said.

How could he accused me like that! I will never do something like this...I wasn't a greedy girl...
I thought as my eyes were filled up with tears.

"Oh please! Don't start with your drama!",he said.

"Listen you!!! You have no right to judge me! You don't have any right to", I replied plucking my courage in both my hands.

He was speechless after what I said.

I was shocked too, I succeed in defending myself.

I looked at my watch,it was nearly 22.00pm. I was feeling sleepy and cold.
I leaned my body against the wall and tried to get some sleep. I kept on shuddering. Suddenly, I could felt something on me. As I opened my eyes, I saw that it was a blanket. It was surely the brute who.........oh! I wondered in disbelief. As I look at my right, I saw him,he was a distance far away from me,sleeping. He looked so innocent. None would say that he could at a time be a brute.

It was 7am. At this hour,I was sure that some members of the staff were already here. Suddenly the door opened, oh my God, I was so happy to see that it was Anna!

"Anna", I yelled.

"Sarah! Where had you been??",she asked astonished.

"I remained locked in this while searching for those files", I replied.

"Oh my God,SIR!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE???",Anna exlaimed.

Without giving any explanation, he went straight to his cabin.

"Hm...the monster is finally up",I mumbled.

"What did you said, Sarah?" Anna asked.

"Uh...um...nothing", I replied.

Hey guys how are you all doing? I am sorry for the late update. Actually, I don't think that I will be able to update frequently as I have my final exams but I will do as soon as it ends. Thank you for your kind understanding.

And did you like this chapter? ^^

See you!♡

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