》Chapter 6 | Marriage

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Sarah's POV
The restaurant was very crowded with customers yet my colleagues and I properly managed it. While I was busy bringing the food and beverges to one of the customer, someone who was in a hurry accidentally came and knocked with me. I screamed and lost my balance as the food which I was carrying was hot. My hands got burnt and suddenly Roberto stepped in and helped me. I was so grateful to him,it was the second time he saved me.

"Sarah, you should be more careful! What if something happened to you,I would have......",he stopped.

"You would have what?",I enquired.

"Nothing",he said.

"Alright! I am so happy to see you again Roberto!Where had you been?",I asked with a huge smile.

"My cousin,who lives in Sãn Diagõ got married so I went there to attend it.",he replied.

"Sarah....", he uttered.

"Yes?", I answered.

"I have something to tell you",he said.

"Sure! What is it?",I asked.

He took my hand and bowed on his knees and stated those few words which I could never imagine.

"Sarah....I love you! Would you like to marry me? Would like to be my wife?"

I was astonished to what Roberto said. I've never thought that love would form in our friendship.

"Well....I have to think...",I said.

"Take your time!",he replied.

I left Roberto to get back to work but his proposal still stunned me.

Atkinson's POV
I heard their conversation and I had no idea why I was feeling bad,it was like something was fishy and I could smell it yet I didn't know what it was.

In the meantime,I got a call and it was from Estella. I picked it up.

Estella: Hello bro!

Me: Hello Estella!How are you?

Estella: I'm good and you?

Me: No you're not. I know you're crying Estella,I miss her too!

Estella: *cries* Yes! I miss mother so much...I keep on wondering about her! *cries* please bring her back! *cries*

Me: I wish I could Estella! I wish I could!

Estella: Bro, I talked with Harper and we're ready to come back.

Me: That's great news! I won't feel alone.

Estella: Okay! Bye for now and sorry if I disturbed you!

Me: *laughts* No cutie pie, you didn't do anything of that sort. Bye!

Estella: Bye! I will call you once we reach at the airport. You will come to fetch us right?

Me: Off course I will.

Estella: Thank you so much and bye! *laughs*

She hung up the phone! What a crazy girl!

Sarah's POV
Although I didn't like Mr.Arrogant, I felt inside of me a ray of despair whenever I used to pass by his office. I could see his loneliness and the other side of him which I have never witnessed before. He needed someone to whom he could talk but he wasn't one of those who let go out their feelings. I was feeling awkward that he even stopped displaying the hatred which he had towards me. I know this sounds very stupid but he needed help.

On the other hand, there was Roberto. Even if he didn't pressurise me,I felt embarrassed to refuse him as he helped me so much in the past and that was the only way I could return back his favour. I didn't know what to do,there was something unusual bothering me.

I was in some kind of place no one has ever perceived. A magic place,full of wonders, I could see yellow daffodils all round my way,leading me somewhere. I had no idea where was the destination but I just loved how everything seemed so perfect,so shinny.Silence also prevailed.As I walked, I reached to a bridge and I found a waterfall. It was drizzling onto the rocks. Suddenly,I heard a rambling sound beside me, I couldn't believe it, it was my mother, it was her! I couldn't believe it and tears started to roll down my cheeks.She had a sad facial expression as if she was trying to convey to me some important message. Unfortunately for me, I gain conscious that it was just a beautiful and surreal dream. I just had laid my back and I fell asleep on the couch.

I wondered what did all these meant. Ugh. I was so exhausted thinking. Perhaps, I was just over thinking and I had to stop. I took my phone and was about to message Renda when I saw Roberto's message. It said:-

"I'm so sorry to disturb you Sarah but I want to meet today at the nearby cafeteria of the the town. I love you. See you soon!"

Oh my God! What the hell was wrong with me!! Although Roberto was a nice guy, my entire body was rejecting him and whenever I thought of it,I just felt like to cry endlessly. Why couldn't I make to Roberto!!! Just why!!!!*cries*

Now, I had to reply him and I did. I simply told me that I will come to meet him. For a moment, I just remained motionless and thought about my response that I would give to Roberto. I felt so different,I just couldn't explain myself. It was like an agony,I just felt like I was being forced and the truth is that I couldn't love him back. I didn't even had or felt anything for him but I couldn't betray him. I preferred to be honest and I was about to do what my heart told me to because I didn't want to give false hope to Roberto neither did I ever wish to hurt his feelings. He was so sweet,so nice and so gentle to be hurt.

I'm waiting for your feedback💝😇

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