The request in the morgue

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"Molly, I'm not going to invest all my money in organ bins." John sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as he watched Molly messily mix various chemicals into various Petri dishes. 

Molly sighed, "It was just a suggestion, I'm getting tired of Ms. Hudson calling me in the middle of the night to come remove some random limb. Did you know last week she found an ear attached to her earbuds? And you're avoiding my question, again."

"I'm not avoiding anything! Did that actually happen with the ear?"

John rolled his eyes as Molly raised an eyebrow, "Fine. I'm just worried...I don't know, it doesn't feel real. None of it feels real. It's not everyday your best friend is de-aged into a child."

"Talking about it will make you feel better," Molly insisted, though she was busily peering into a microscope.

John sighed, running his hands through his short, sandy blond hair, "I don't know who the man was, all I know is he injected Sherlock with something and-"

"Injected? Is he alright?" Molly interrupted, tearing her eyes off the microscope as she searched John's face.

"I'm not sure. He was trying to get me to bargain with him, he offered the antidote,"


John nodded stiffly. He explained to Molly everything the man had said, he even added in the conversation between Sherlock and the cabby-which quite unhelpfully made Molly giggle and swoon.

Once he was done, however, her expression was deep in thought, "Why do you think he wants access to Mycroft's security?"

"Why wouldn't he? He's practically got surveillance of all of London." John muttered, more harshly than he intended to.

"And why does he just magically happen to have an antidote? Where did he get the serum to de-age Sherlock more? Why didn't he just call you?" Molly wondered out loud.

"Yes, thank you. For once I'd like the serial killers or bank robbers to give a simple, hey, instead of kidnapping you, why don't we just talk on the phone like civilized men?"

Molly shrugged, "I guess serial killers and bank robbers aren't necessarily civilized men..."

John shot Molly a now-is-not-the-time-to-test-my-logic look and pulled out his phone, "Ms. Hudson said she left Sherlock with Mycroft. I should probably make sure they haven't murdered each other."

"Wait," Molly said as John dialed Mycroft's cell, "You let Mycroft babysit Sherlock and not me?"

"I'm sorry," John answered, slight sarcasm etching his tone, "Next time Sherlock passes out by being injected with a serum that de-ages him, I'll call you. Besides, I came to see if you've discovered anything with the antidote yet."

Molly looked like she wanted to say something, but John held up a hand as Mycroft's voice exploded through his phone, screaming indecipherable curses and words John didn't understand.

"Mycroft? Mycroft! Shut up! What's going on?" John screamed into the phone. He had never wanted the ability to punch someone from a phone before so much.

It was silent for a second, and then Mycroft's shouting died down, fading away as a young, familiar voice snapped, "Bring some machete knives and an shot gun immediately! Ms. Hudson took mine."

"Sherlock? Is that you? Are you okay?" John asked, smiling ever so slightly. Sherlock sounded more younger than he had been before, which only made it more funny listening to Sherlock's violence related requests.

Sherlock's scoffed, "Of course I am."

"And Mycroft? What did you do?"

"It wasn't me," Sherlock's young voice giggled slightly, "He makes a fabulous human shield, by the way. His obsession of cake helps to shield me."

John furrowed his brow, "What's going on, Sherlock?"

He listened to Sherlock's heavy breathing, and after a few high pitched insult to Mycroft, Sherlock said, "Why don't we have machete's? What about brass knuckles? John, listen, I'm visiting Lucy and Ludovic, I would appreciate it if you took care of the two men I've handcuffed to your bed post. Don't ask."

"I'm sorry, what did you just say?" John asked blankly, but Sherlock had hung up, leaving John rubbing the bridge of his nose, as if saying why me?

Molly cleared her throat, " he okay?"

"He is. But if he handcuffs one more intruder to my bed post he's not going to be. Come on, we're going to Ludovic and Lucy, and would you please call Lestrade and request him to send over some police to my bedroom?"

As John shrugged on his jacket, Molly shook her head, giving her lab one final look before switching off the lights, muttering, "I don't understand you two..."

Hey! sorry I haven't updated in a LOOONG time, but I hope you enjoyed this!!!!! If you're not sure who Ludovic and Lucy, they are in my first book, it will make sense if you haven't read the first, but I would suggest reading the first so you're not confused. Thanks SO MUCH for reading!!!!!! Later, my dudes ^.^

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