The Third Point of View

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The drive in the black van was-Mycroft admitted-extremely uncomfortable. He was used to being the most confident participant in a conversation, always knowing what to say, having the upper hand with all his assistants, but he was completely alone on this one. With only his umbrella to lean on.

Greg was there of course, but refused to look or talk to him, he was acting guilty. Staring out of the window, his skin pale and bleached looking, Mycroft suspected it had been at least forty eight hours since Greg had last slept.

"Where are we going?" Mycroft asked in order to break the silence. Usually, he'd be all for everyone shutting up, but it was an uneasy quietness. He didn't like it. He lifted his chin in order to look more intimidating as the men glanced at him, and he managed to stay sitting straight as they took yet another sharp turn. He'd attempted to keep track of where they were (as of the moment after the sharp turn, he was sure they were somewhere near Kensington.)

None of the men sitting in the back with him answered, only the driver, "The boss wishes to see you." he said flatly, in a tone that one would use before stabbing someone in the chest.

"I would have guessed," Mycroft muttered lightly, tapping on the metallic floor with his umbrella distractedly.

It was silent for a while, which gave Mycroft a good chance to assess the van and it's passengers. There were three men in the back of the van with him, each with a strong build, and each wearing baggy jeans and hoodies. Not exactly Jamen's style, though Mycroft suspected that was intentional. Confusion was key to intimidation.

The driver seemed to be well educated, appearing to be in his late thirties, he could have been one of the scientists. But why send a worker? Wouldn't it be more effective-and safe- to send someone who wasn't aware of Jamen's intentions-if something were to go wrong?

"Were here. Give me your phone." The driver ordered, pulling to the side of an unfamiliar street.

Mycroft shrugged his phone out of his pocket, tossing it at the man as he muttered, "Do try and be careful, it's fairly new."

As they exited the car, Mycroft was once again hit by the cold, humid air. His ears began to sting from the wind as he waited by Greg, watching as the men silently discussed with each other. The street was silent, the ominous dark of the night wrapped itself thickly over the tightly compacted flats. The street was old, or, older than most of London. It's roads were damaged by age, cracked by erosion, and the houses looked like they'd been through several traumatic attacks of wind and rain.

"Inside, now. And I'd better not hear any talking." The driver elbowed his way in front of Mycroft and Greg, and strode his way to a three story flat closet to the car.

Although all Mycroft wanted to do after hearing this was to talk, he kept him mouth shut. These men were likely armed, and possibly ordered to kill if any major problems were started. It seemed the most logical action to shut up and follow the men inside the disappointedly plain flat.

As much as he wanted to admit it, he'd honestly been expecting something...well, stunning. Jamen Cassius was known for his dramatic flare, which was why Mycroft was faintly surprised to walk into a normal, casual flat. It was horrendously trashed, much like his younger brothers flat. There were crumpled papers here and there, dirty clothes that hadn't been washed for at least two months plus, and all the poorly made furniture was layered in a coat of grimy dust.

The owner-who'd been in and out of the flat for the last few weeks-was a middle aged man, and he'd clearly did not have much experience in taking care of himself.

"Mycroft." It was Greg, turning to whisper into Mycroft's ear. His voice was barely a whisper, tickling Mycroft's ear as he continued, "This man, he's-he's not who you-it's not who you think."

"What do you mean?" Mycroft rarely asked questions so blindly, but in this case, he was curious.

"It's not Jamen, it's-"

"I said no talking!" Both Mycroft and Greg were forced to their knees as the men surrounding them each pulled out a gun, identical to the others, and pointed them at their heads. Mycroft watched the driver scowl at him, then leave the room. Where could he be going?

The moments seemed to trickle by, causing Mycroft's uneasiness to grow increasingly by the second. By the time the man returned, Mycroft's knees were shaking from discomfort.

"He's here. Only talk if you are talked to, and if I hear you ask a question, your inspector is dead." The man growled, striding into the room with a laptop in hand.

"I don't under-" Mycroft began, but stopped as the man positioned himself in front of them and opened the laptop.

On the screen, words began to appear, as if someone was typing.

Welcome, Mycroft Holmes. I was worried you wouldn't agree to meet. The words where in such a small font, Mycroft had to strain his eyes to read it.

Mycroft cleared his throat, "I don't believe I had a choice."

Yes, I suppose. Still, i'm flattered you came on your own terms. I was afraid I'd have to order my men to shoot your leg so you couldn't run away. The words popped up quickly, and vanished as soon as they appeared.

"Why have you brought me here? Surely you're smart enough to realize I'm not betraying my brother. As much as he irritates me, I'm not going to be bribed." Speaking as steadily as he could, Mycroft's eyes searched the room. The computer was old, and didn't have a camera on it, so it must've been somewhere in the room. Or maybe he was listening in from the other room, perhaps?

The screen was blank for several seconds, then the word flashed across the screen at immense speed, as if their life depended on typing quickly. Don't point fingers at victims, Mycroft. Jamen is the one you need to target. Not me, I am innocent in all this.

Mycroft scoffed, "Mysteriously drugging my brother so you can de-age him further-don't ask, of course I know that was you-and dragging me into an old flat just so you can type to me ominously doesn't exactly portray innocence."

Precautions must be made, Holmes. There are eyes everywhere.

"So?" Mycroft straightened his back. He was determined to take control of the sort-of conversation he was having with this computer, "I'd like to know why I've been summoned here. Unless you want to discuss innocence some more, of course."

Greg made noise in his throat, Mycroft wasn't quite sure what it was, but he didn't have time to figure it out because the man had begun typing again.

Always a man of business, but as a matter of fact, innocence is why I have called you here. I need you to do something for me, to prove my innocence.

"Have you been accused of something?" Mycroft questioned.

Yes, why else would you be here? I need you to give Sherlock to me.

Mycroft scoffed, "I'm afraid that's not going to happen. Considering all these strong men, I don't see why you couldn't do it yourself, anyways."

I do not wish to cause any....there was a pause, unneeded fatalities. All I require is Sherlock, give me this one simple thing and I will leave everyone else-including you and your inspector friend-alone.

"I may have my issues with my brother, but that doesn't mean I'm willing to just...give him away. I will not give him to you, and no amount of bribery will change my mind. Now." Mycroft gave a sly smile, "Am I allowed to know who you are? Or can I just take Greg and leave? Mind you, I haven't had dinner and I get testy when I haven't eaten."

At first, Mycroft thought the man on the other side of the computer had left. The screen flickered to black, and the man shut the laptop, before positioning himself besides the other workers. But as the stairs from up above creaked, and the outline of a man came into view, Mycroft new it wasn't over.

"I was hoping to introduce myself...except...I suppose we've already been introduced." The man drawled, his teeth glinting in the shadows as he slowly came into view.

Ta da! I am SO SORRY. My updates have been EXTREMELY slow! I hope you continue to read this-I will try to write faster-and I am so thankful for anyone who has read this far. You guys are awesome, and thank you for waiting through my slow updates!!!

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