•~Back to India?~•

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~~~ Shivaay's POV~~~

I enter the car where my angry wife is sitting dressed in a beautiful royal blue gown looking breathtakingly beautiful. Yes, We're going to a party and that's our own party and we're late because I had to make some important call.

"Sorry" I mouthed and switching on the car we get on the road.

"Shivaay he'll be hurt. Why don't you just wind up your work beforehand only?" She angrily asked and I looked straight at the road. After all, she's looking like a tigress right now, who'll look at her? Not Me!

"Don't act now. I need an answer right now!" She snapped her fingers and I looked at her with a small smile.

"Sorry. I got an important call at the last minute. I'll apologize to Om. " I looked back at the road.

"Really It's his special day and you're acting as if it's some small party" She angrily spoke and rolled her eyes.

Oh God my wife and her pregnancy hormones. Later she'll be crying and saying sorry for shouting at me.

"You know I love you! " I smile and immediately pecked the side of her mouth and she went silent.

Perfect! She will blush like a teen girl now and that's why she's different and I LOVE ONLY HER.

I applied the brakes as we reached the venue where Oms success party has been held.

I came out of my seat and marched toward her side to get her. I opened the door and she's still blushing.

"Can I get the honour of holding your hand princess" " I smile and she blushing placed her hand in mine and I walk in the hall with her passing the keys to the guard.

As soon as we step in all the media turns their cameras toward us and asks their yuck questions.

"Why are you so late Mr Oberoi? Didn't you like that your brother is getting successful? " Ahh! Their questions are as lame as their faces!

"Don't you have anything other than assuming? Well, I've my own works and My brother understands it very well. So now please excuse us? " I made my way to Om and Gauri and congratulated him with a hug.

"Why are you, late man? ", Om whines like a child in my ear " You know very well it's my first time at a party like this then why you didn't arrive on time? " I chuckle and hug him again

"Sorry I got an important call at the last minute so had to stop there and attend it. But, You've handled everything very well I guess. " I complimented and he sighed.

"Yeah, Dad supported me and Gauri was here too so it went fine. " He smiled and I nodded.

I had some friends there so I went to greet them making sure anika and Gauri sits at a safe place.

"Shivaay You didn't inform me of Anikas Pregnancy? " Malhotra uncle complained and I looked at pari narrowing my eyes

"Didn't you inform them? " I ask pari holding her ear and she whines "Who said I didn't inform them? I informed them that's why they're questioning you otherwise how would they even know? " She does logic sign which mostly Rudy does. I smiled and left her ear.

"Sorry Uncle was too busy in things got no time to personally come to you and tell and I didn't want to tell this on Call. " I held my ears and Uncle hugged me.

"It's not convincing You were busy for 3 Months? Hmm. Are you lying? " He frankly asked and I nodded in no.

"No, I'm not lying. Was really busy first house changing and then Anika's health then family arrived and they rudy had to go and from last month was helping Om getting settled. " I honestly explained him and he laughed.

"Oh, my son! You're the only sweet person in my life" He hugged me again and blessed me.

Well, I'm really very busy from last One and a half month. Rudy suddenly asked the permission to go to America and I wanted to make sure they stay well there so a half month passed there and after that Om requested me to help him get settled as he wanted to work and finally after a month he is settled and now he's Number One artist in the world.

Oh and not to forget my pregnant wifey who has become a child herself. Most of the time her hormones are all I've to deal with. Her cravings and mood swings. God hardest part is when she starts crying without any reason.

I smile remembering the time I had to cry with her as she felt I don't understand her. The fun part is, She was crying watching the serial.

"Idiot, why are you smiling alone? " Pari smacked my head and I glared her for disturbing my moment.

"Nothing" I roll my eyes and she laughs

" Don't tell me you were lost in carrying three babies? Raj was right you're power-" I smacked her head.

"Have some shame dumb girl" And walks away from her as she has become a dumbo staying with Rudy.

They spent a half month in America before I sent him there permanently but It was my biggest mistake as intelligent pari became a DUMBO.

"Shivaay" I look at anika who just came to me with a puppy face

She definitely needs something which she knows I will not allow that's why puppy weapon beforehand only!

"Whats that? " I smiled and she side hugged me locking her arm with mine

"It's dance time. Let's dance! " She excitedly chirped.

"NO WAY! " I moved aside and she started doing her emotional blackmailing. Uff this emotional atayachar of hers

"Okay Don't I know you don't like to dance with me because I'm fat now" She sobbed and I smile hugging her

"No baby Not at all" I kissed her forehead and wiped her tears "You want to dance? Let's dance! " I held her hand and walked to the place where couples were dancing on the light music but as soon as we started dancing the music changed to song TUM HI HO.

This is all planned. I should've known it.

We danced to the beats and lyrics matched with our dance as she danced like a professional dancer. I never knew she could dance so much good. 

"You never told me that you're a dancer?" I asked amused and she smiled

"Same here Even I don't know." Woah? Good, maybe its all her pregnancy to be blamed. She was never so bold to dance in front of everyone so definitely its all her pregnancy hormones.

I blinked my eyes looking at her and the next moment she was breathing unevenly.

"Anika" I called out.

"S--Shivaay" She struggled to breath.

"STOP THE MUSIC" I shouted and next minute there was complete silence in the hall.

"Anika breathe slowly and deeply" I commanded making her sit on the chair and she did as I said but her oxygen level dropped further and she struggled more.

"Get the oxygen from the car Om" I shouted out of panic and He ran out.

Shit! The car must be parked a little far. I looked at anika who was struggling more and more to breathe by each passing minute. I remember uncle's word when he said she can die due to loss of oxygen.

I didn't think more and gently placed my mouth on hers and started giving her rescue breaths. Our eyes met and tears rolled down my cheeks seeing her tear and pain filled eyes.

I never felt so scared before. I gave 30 compression and she was able to breathe little and in the meantime Om arrived with the oxygen cylinder and attaching it to her mouth I hugged her tightly once she was breathing normally.

Tears didn't listened to me and kept on falling down till Om patter my shoulder that anika is fine.

"I hate you for doing this to yourself" I looked down holding her hands and she smiled.

"We should take her to doctor" Gauri suggested and I nodded.

"You too come with us. You need a check-up too. You were also dancing and is pregnant too." I strictly told Gauri and she looked at om who smiled and  I took both the ladies with me to the car while om bid bye to everyone and joined us.

"I spoilt the party" Anika spoke removing the mask as her breathing became fine.

"No, it was anyways over," Om spoke.

"No. Indeed she didn't ruin the party but she had broken my heart" I angrily looked at her and she averted her gaze. "Don't be a coward now. Why don't you understand? I do what is good for you but you always object it and emotionally blackmails me. It's the last time." I breathe out and she mouths a "SORRY" I calm down as others were with us. 

Soon we reached the hospital and sending them with the doctor I entered the lift and pressing the VIP button I reached the VIP floor. The lift stopped and the door opened revealing the batch of the special guards standing. Seeing me they smiled and smiling to them I entered the floor and walked to the room where Michael was laying with many machines attached to him. I reached him taking slow steps and my heart pricked seeing him like this.

I sat on the nearby stool and held his hand.

"Thank you so much, Michael. Today once again you saved her life. Thank you for putting those cylinders in all the cars." I thanked him and walked out. 

Yes, It was him who placed those cylinders in each and every car against my wish and later I forgot and today they saved her life. I can't thank him enough for everything.

"Shivaay doctor has called you," Om informs and I reach the last floor and walk to her cabin where she is sitting with reports.

"Yes?" I asked and she asked us to sit.

"Shivaay nothing is wrong with her now. But, It could get dangerous if you don't take proper care of her. She isn't able to get adjusted with the weather here. Most people have asthma here due to desserty place. I suggest you take her back." She completed and I looked at her shocked.

"No, I cant take her back there. Can I take her to another country? Like Switzerland? America? London?"  I asked and she smiled with a slight nod.

"No Shivaay you can't. Well, In one case you can take here there." She paused.

"What's that?" I asked with a hope.

"If you don't want her"  She gave me a serious look and I frowned.


"Yes, It's not the time to test which place suits her. She's not strong enough to handle weather changes so frequently so better take her to India where she is used to staying. After delivery you can bring her back or take her to any other country and settle there before next pregnancy" She smiled.

"As soon as possible. Take her there." She left the cabin and we sat there all baffled.

"BACK TO INDIA?" I dropped my head back.


Precap: Scared shivaay?

Thanks, everyone for voting and commenting. Keep loving me.

Love ~ Annie...

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