• Building the trust •

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~~~Anika's POV~~~

We walked back in after having a kiss. A kiss which just happened without any try. It was awkward for me if not for him. I quietly went to my room wishing him good night. He didn't even bothered to return the wish and just walked back to his room.

I laid on my bed and unlocked my cell-phone. We are going to london tomorrow morning. It's such a fantastic news, i should tell gauri. I called her but since evening she's not reachable. I'm getting worried and i can't even tell this to shivaay... i turned to other side and remembered our kiss which happened in backyard.

We fell on grass during chase and our lips brushes with eachothers... A sensual feeling filled up mine body... He tried moving back but his eyes fixed on my lips which were tempting him and i couldn't help but just stared at his pink lips... Even they're tempting me... As he tried getting up i too tried and again our face's bumped and lips brushed... I laid back as he fell on me again... I love the feeling i get when he is near me... Close to me... But, only when he's nice and lovely. And at that time he was same Loveable and Caring.
As he fell on me again he tried  stopping his body from touching mine by placing his one hand down and pushing himself up. But soon his hand slipped and he bumped on me... His body touching mine. Squeezing mine everything... He's little heavy for me... I gasped as his chest bumped on mine... Then i don't know what happened and how but he captured mine lips and all i remember is his scent and the minty flavor mouth of his... Ouch!! The kiss was wild enough as we both lost ourselves...
He started sucking my upper lips... For a moment i tried getting what happened and how but at last i couldn't help myself in thinking and responded with same passion by sucking on to his lower lip... He dominated fastly and our tongue's fought much... Nearly 10 minutes we kissed!!! Another unforgettable kiss of ours! I loved it.!

I blushed remembering the passion And buried my face in the pillow... His closeness make me fall  weak and i lose myself in front of him. since morning he's behaving all good... I'll see for few more days and then together we'll make everything fine. I had so many dreams for  my  marriage... My husband, but unfortunately i got noting like that. Atleast not marriage. And regarding husband, it's much more than i ever dreamt. He's nice but there's something forcing him to behave like a beast with me. But now, as he is behaving good i can see a loveliest  and nicest person in him. A person for whom every girl craves... A person who everyone wish to get but i got him without any pray but yeah with something I never ever expected.

I know he doesn't trust me, not even a bit. But I'll build up that trust if i want peaceful life WITH HIM!

He asked me about sid and i didn't told him much, i should tell him everything in detail. A small step toward the new building, building of trust!!!

Deciding i stepped off the bed and tip toed to his room. Knocking twice i entered as he allowed  me.

I love his room more than mine... I just saw Little portion and I'm still loving it, i so wish we shift to one room but it'll take time.

"What happened annie?" he didn't even looked at me. He was standing near the  railing of his room's terrace, staring the stary sky.

Night is a bliss to watch the sky here. Anyone can fall in love with this sky, i never saw something like this near my house in Mumbai, india.

"Nothing serious... I just wanted to tell you something in detail" i moved to his side not looking at him but the sky!

"Tell" he shifted his gaze toward me... The blue eye's holding many emotions gave me a chill, a shiver ran through my spine.

"Actually... When siddharth came... I told him I'm your wife and his bhabhi, as he tried flirting with me. I told him you're at office and I'm your wife. Soon after hearing it he was pale and then left." i didn't looked anywhere else but just his eyes... I felt some peace and breathed out!
I feel so good after telling him the complete talk and in that way i took a step toward the new building of trust... First brick?

"He's flirty type but good from heart. I don't know why he behaved such? But don't worry I'll ask him" he looked away back to the sky after giving me a small smile!

Did he really trusted  me?

"I know you don't trust me" i spoke up and he looked down at the backyard... "But i know i can build up  that" i smiled and he  too smiled hearing so.

"I hope it happen soon" his voice held so many emotions and the one which i caught is hurt! He's hurt and definitely Annika is the reason...

"If you don't mind can i tell you something?" i blinked my eyes and he nodded  "Don't call me annika. Always call me annie and koel" i sighed completing and he smiled

"Sure" he walked to the couch and sat on it... I didn't wanted to go... I'm  loving this little short warm moment. A short time we were spending together though not romantic but it soothes my heart!
I sat by his side... We are friends and i can atleast do this...

"Shivaay..." i called him out and he looked at me... I wanted to kiss him again and again! Who'll not want to? He's just like that! But jerking off all those thoughts i held his hand firmly.

"Why This sky is so different here?" i wanted to talk about naina but who knows why the hell this line slipped out.

"Because of sea" he smiled and took his hand back... He is behaving little weird again!
"I'm sorry annie, i shouldn't have kissed you without your permission" his voice having heaviness of something as if holding himself from bursting into tears... As if he'll break down anytime...

"It's not your fault shivaay! Even i didn't stopped you" i smiled and he looked at me again! But with tears brimmed.

"No! I should've controlled myself" he shrugged off the hand and looked away "I'm mad ani... I couldn't control it" his words were indicating something totally different...

"Shivaay, you're talking about..." i was cut in mid. As he continued...

"No!! I always reacts fast. I can never get control on myself... Everytime it's my fault. Everything gets ruined because of me" he shouted and tears rolled down his eye's...
Shivaay was crying but my heart was paining. His tears pierced my heart!

I didn't think twice and wiped his tears cupping his cheeks... He placed his hand on mine hand And looked in my eyes while placing other hand on my cheeks...

"annie... Don't be so good with me... I'll end up hurting you... I'm bad very bad... A monster a bast..." i didn't let him complete and sealed his lips with mine... He didn't reciprocated and i didn't even wanted him to do so, as it was to make him quite... But soon he responded and then stopped... I felt as if he's falling on me... Loose body! I parted and looked at him.. He was fast a sleep. His cute and innocent face. His Tear stained face and ruffled hairs... Little swollen lips sadness plastered but still breathtaking!

I laid him on couch properly and sat in the corner placing his head in my lap... He looks so calm while sleeping... I wish to enjoy such moment's daily where he sleeps in my lap but not this way, happy moment will be highly preferred!

Running my finger's in his hair i kissed his forehead.

I know there's something bothering him, something about which he's really very tensed. Something which is making him go vulnerable. I would never like to watch a vulnerable shivaay ever again. I saw a glimpse of it and it was heart piercing... I would never...!

I'll make everything fine and i mean it. I need to work on this relationship. I know it's hard for me to ever forget the misery's you gave me... But not impossible and forgiving you depends on the effort's made by you!!!

I need to get the information of rahul and naina completely... And even annika!

I closed my eyes resting back my head while holding on to him and caressing his face  and hairs... I don't know when sleep over-take me...


I opened my eyes as sun rays started disturbing me. My neck paining due to uncomfortable position, i slept!

I looked down to not find him? Where did he go? Like why i didn't got to know when he moved and walked away? I slowly walked into his room to go back to my room... I entered his room tiptoeing. Who knows in which mood he is???

But to my surprise he wasn't even there, where did he go?

Shit!!! We had to leave for london! Damn! I looked for my mobile and saw the time 9:00 gosh! I ran back to my room and taking a quick warm shower and jumping into a comfortable travel dress i walked to the mirror to set my hairs...

It's of Gauri's choice, i remember how much she loved it and wanted me to buy it. And i wasn't ready to she forcefully bought me this...

tying my hair in a loose braid i rushed down to hall to see if he's there or not...

And there he is sitting on couch busy with his laptop and sipping his favorite Expresso. The coffee he loves the most!

I slowed down and walked toward him.

"Good morning shivaay" i smiled and he raised his eyesbrows and glared me with his grey eyes and then turned his gaze to his watch
"I know I'm late" i shrugged my shoulders and moved to him sitting by his side.

"No, you're not late. We still have time to flight" he smiled and pointed toward the food placed on table... "Let's have breakfast, it just arrived" he placed his laptop aside and picked his plate while i picked mine...

He's behaving so normal? Doesn't he remember what happened last night or is he pretending? I looked at him while he was busy in eating... Expressions se tou normal hi ha mean he really doesn't  remember anything....?

"I've to tell you something" i lookrd at him after finishing the breakfast

"Not now, we've to go now. Go get your bag" he stood up "No summer clothes" he looked at me and i nodded and left to get the bag's... After a while i returned and he was standing with out any bag

"Shivaay don't you know we're already late? We've to leave" i crossed my arms and he looked  at me with a confused face "Where's your bag shivaay?" i added to clear his confusion and he shooked his head.

" I've my stuff there too... Let's move" he held my hand and we walked out...

He's unpredictable!!!

We got in a Red Audi SUV and soon started moving toward the airport all silent...

I have to tell him something but he's busy taking one after other calls...
Such a tough life!

"Anika" he spoke and looked at me "I mean annie... You've to wait for sometime. I got some work in office urgent." he moved his gaze to his mobile.

"can't i just accompany you?" i asked looking at him and he nodded "Of course you can, but annie work is of few minutes. I'll bring you once again so you can explore the office site..." he smiled and car stopped...

I didn't realized we were in office area only...

He smile again and stepped out of the car and still busy on cell ran to a building.

A building nearly of 4 floors...

Shivaay Builder's board hanging on the top of it...And several more buildings near that and same name with different departments? He's this much rich?

I smiled and picked my mobile to pass little time...

Gauri? She's not reachable still! I'm worried like anything now. Is she even fine??? I thought and dialled her number for the last time... And he mobile is still not reachable.

I thought to search about naina oberoi now.

But no results came up except project details...

"Back" he climbed in and smiled breathing heavily... "Mishra i sent you details make sure to clear this all by 12 here" he spoke with someone on call and drive the car... We in not much time reached airport  and got in his private jet...

Thank god! Now there'll be no signal in his phone and I'll  be able to talk with him. I smiled looking at him and he smiled back... In no time we were flying high...

"How much time will it take to reach london??" i asked him and he switched on a tv to our left side...

Details showed up and 8H to reach...

"Much more than I needed"

"You wanted to talk with me about something?" he finally asked me and i nodded "Tell?"

"Actually i wanted to tell you that last night..." I'm interrupted as the air hostess came with a PHONE! God damn phone!!!

"Sir mishra on call"

Ughhh this is so irritating... I want to talk naw!! In fact i was talking miss???

"Yes mishra don't let them get the amount... I want them to suffer"

He's looking at me... With a smile, as if happy with me?

"Say?" he placed the phone and looked at me...

"Yesterday your..."

Ughhh this phone... It rang again!

"No Amir, I'll  be there for a weak you've to handle everything"

"what?" he panicked "She didn't reported?" "Don't worry, I'll look after this once i come back"  he sighed and looked at me...

"Where's gauri?" he asked

"I don't know she's not reachable since last evening." i shrugged my shoulders and he nodded
"Continue annie" he smiled and looked at me... I nodded and I'm about to start but again his phone rang...

"Hell with it" i moved to him and threw it away...
He's looking at me with a shocking face and I'm angry!!!

"w...What was that?" he pulled me down and i sat by his side

" I'm trying to Talk with you, I'm trying to tell you something. But this idiot isn't letting me" i screamed and he chuckled...

"Now, tell me" he's not angry?

"Aren't you angry?" i asked and he smiled nodding in no...

"yesterday i talked with your family. And i told them a lie, i mean... Badi maa asked me my surname, and i told her my surname as Sharma" i paused and he blinked "I thought you hate raichand's so maybe they also hate them.  I'm sorry. I'm hiding such a big thing from your family and in this way I'm playing with your family's emotions but shivaay, you know na i can't Tell them anything yet" i breathed out and he looked away lost in thoughts...

"I could've said all the truth to them but i don't want them to be in danger because of me. Whoever will get to know this secret will automatically get in danger. You're here and no risk, that's why i told you only" i held his hand "I'm sorry"

He Smiled little and held back my hand...

"you need not to be sorry..." he muttered...

~~~Shivaay's POV~~~

She explained me all and  i smiled at her honesty on which I'm doubting since long!

"You need not to be sorry..." i muttered and she finally sighed completely...

So much sweet she's!

"Annie... It's your secret. Your life. Your wish matters. If you don't want to share it with OUR Family then it's completely your choice. I know you must've thought  properly before lying." i squeezed her hand little and she smiled...

It wasn't a normal smile. It's sarcastic!!!

"My wish never matters" she pulled her hand back... My heart ached my body stiffened... My heart ached!!!

I married her without her wish. I kissed her for the first time without her wish... I did everything without her wish!! And here I'm telling her it's her wish which matters? I'm mad to say like that... I can see the tears falling down from her eyes in her lap , in palms.

"Annie. I'm regretting marrying you, against your wish." i spoke but it came out as a whisper and she didn't hear it as she was sitting on her place now. Back to the front couch...

She cried and cried and all i did,  look at her and curse myself!

After more 20 minute's i stood up and walked to her place... Holding her hand i took her to my cabin... Closing the door! While she resisted...

"Leave  me shivaay" she finally got successful in freeing her hand

"Listen to me Anika. I mean annie..." i held her by her shoulders... I made sure not to hurt her by holding tightly...

"leave me you've no right to talk with me" she tried resisting and i pinned her to the wall... Her stubbornness caused the hold getting tightened...

"I've much more rights than you think" i looked in her eyes and she stopped moving.

"Shivaay... LET ME GO" she pushed me and i moved little back...Leaving her!
"I don't think, i would ever be able to over come the fact that you hate me and bought me" she wiped her tears and moved toward the door but i held her again and pinned her again...

"who told you i hate you?" my voice low and angry

"YOU, YOURSELF!" she looked in my eyes...

"I hate Anika"

"I'm Anika for you"

"You said you're koel"

"You don't trust me."

"I do..."

"That's because, I'm making efforts to build up that"

"It's good for us"

"Then tell me why you hate anika?"

I left her and she looked at me with a smile "You don't trust me and will never do..."

How can i tell her everything? She's little right about, me not having trust on her but it's again just little!

"Some personal enmity" i told her and she nodded...

"who's naina and rahul?"

I hate her for asking this again. Doesn't she remember, i don't want to answer about it...

"I know you'll not answer as you don't trust me... I want divorce..." she wiped off her tears and i looked at her...

She can't me mine annie... She will never say anything like this... She will never...

"I seriously want it.. So i can die easily... I want to di..." i didn't let her complete it...

I sealed up our lips... She gasped and tears rolled down our eyes... I can understand her! Her state of mind and mixture of emotions...

She responded in no time... I kissed her slowly... Soon she stopped and moved back... Breathing heavily... Uneven breaths!

"Annie" i held her and made her sit on bed...

" I'm sorry shivaay" she hugged me suddenly...

I think we never hugged this much tighter...i rubbed her back and she placed her head on my shoulder in  hug still!

"I shouldn't have behaved like this... But, i don't know what happens... I lost control on my emotions!"  she cried and i rubbed her back again.

"Don't worry annie... I know why this happens..." i made her look at me and rubbed off her tears...

"i know you're hurt and angry. I should share everything with you, i know it's your right to know. But, annie wait... I'm waiting for the right time... Everything hold it's own right and perfect time. I want to wait till that. I promise you, I'll tell you everything once time arrives..." she nodded as i completed

"But you too promise? Promise me that you'll not ask ever again... I'll tell by myself" i forwarded my hand and she smiled and placed her hand on it...

"I promise you shivaay... From now own I'll not ever ask anything about this all... I trust you. I'll wait for you!" she smiled and hugged me again "I love being with you" she whispered, literally shocking me.

"Excuse me?" i parted and looked at her raising my one eyebrow...

Just a minute ago she wanted divorce...

"You wanted divorce miss koel" i narrowed my eyes...

"but we can't deny the fact that i can't live without you" she blushed!!!!! And hugged me...

She blushed!! She want to be with me forever?

soon she parted and looked at me...

"Shivaay never ever cry again like you did in night! It hurts. I can't see you like that" she cupped my face and i just blinked...

i remember how she stopped me and kissed Me...

"hmm" i looked at her but my eyes fixed on her lips... She blushed while looking at me... I can see how  she's staring my lips...

I moved my face toward her little and she did same... She wants it too?

" I'm your wife" she muttered as if clearing my confusion... 😻

⚠️ Mature Content ahead. Back out if you're minor ⚠️

I leaned little more and captured her lips which were tempting me... While she did same...

And i think it's the first time we both kissed eachother together, With both sides wish!

She tastes so good! I love kissing her again and again. And to my good luck, it's happening again and again since yesterday. I smiled in kiss only and dam! She dominated it... After a passionate kiss we parted due to lack of oxygen... Sometime i wish it would've been so good if there was no oxygen. So we can kiss eachother as long as we want to. Isn't it good? Is it?

She is all red and i couldn't control and kissed her again.. It's my turn to dominate and best way to enter in mouth when she's not letting you is to pinch her nipples...

I did so... She gasped and hissed in pain. I entered taking chance and she smiled in kiss...

After pinching on her nipple i don't know what happened... I could feel the sensational feeling raising... I pulled out her scarf and her upper shirt... She parted away and breathes heavily... I held her face and kissed her jaw line... She hissed as i bit her near neck... Her moans making it hard for me to control more...

"No don't do this..." i said in my mind and she moaned more...

Ugh! Mahn she's on her menstruation... It'll get messy!!!

I slapped myself lightly and tore her shirt... Button's fell on bed and floor and her white milky boobs are visible but not clear as her white bra is still there... I kissed her and loved her... I marked her mine...

"Shivaayyyy..." she moaned as i kissed her one boob... She's turning me on more!!!

I enjoyed kissing and sucking her tasty bossoms... They were hard and red now... Body covered with marks which i gave her... I marked her!!! Marked her mine...

I can't stop now...! I held her waist and I'm going to unbutton her jeans... She looked at me or at my back? with shock...


To Be Continued...

I'm sorry guys for such a late update but i promise I'll update next soon. As you all know that wattpad is fucked up and chapters keep vanishing... so there's also a glitch not letting us publish the chapters... Hope you understand but Little mistake is from my side too as i was busy in celebrating...
GOD BLESSED US WITH A SISTER. ❤So was busy because of it too.

Hope this chapter is worth your wait?
Tell in comment's...
And also suggest a nick name of koel!!!

And yeah uhh voters do comment too 🙅

Thanks for votes and comments buddy's 💋

Love ~ Annie...

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